AN: Right… Got the next episode already. I wasn't able to upload before the past week ended, since I realized several Fairy Tail story arcs happen one after another before a lull occurs where I can set the next chapter of this story. So I had to write the background mentions of all that and it took me away a little from the main episode reaction.

Also Fate GO has taken my time as usual since we are in the middle of another event! (Yes, this game has a lot of events one after the other, and most of them pretty grindy) Onigashima re-run, and just yesterday I managed to complete the entire prize ladder. That 6,000,000 hp Raikou filled it really fast, even more so since it usually only took me 2 turns to kill her thanks to buffing my main DPS (Kuro, A.K.A. female archer Emiya) like an idiot with the help of my Caster Gilgamesh and Elizabeth Lancer, and a borrowed Waver a support. The damage was stupid, 3,000,000 half her HP gone with a single Noble Phantasm and thanks to Waver's other two support skils that charge the NP bar and Kuro's own self-charge, I had another Noble Phantasm ready to finish her off in the second turn. It was insane but very efficient. I'm so going for a 5* caster in during the anniversary paid banner.

I want a Waver of my own, I know Merlin right now is the meta but my main DPS is an arts servant, so his Buster buff doesn't do much for me. Yes, I ran an Arts team, but I'm considering changing to Quick next year when Skadi is released since I already have a Meltrilys. Still I would not mind if I get him, but I would need to pull off a Musashi in September to make good use of him if I do.

IN any case. Here you have the next chapter. Meanwhile, I will go back to the grind to empty the event store out of all its' ascension materials.

BTW that Ishtar/Quetz banner that I wanted to try. I spent all of my tickets and all I got for my troubles was being spooked by OG Artoria. Which is useless for me because I've had Morded since last years anniversary. Still I will level her up nevertheless.

Disclaimer: I own nothing everything belongs to their respective owners.

Right… before we begin. Better start dating my chapters.

This chapter was upload the 11/06/2019




After letting Happy drown his sorrows in fried fish, Natsu decided to cheer him up by engaging in their recently discovered favorite pastime, invade Lucy's room.

"KYAAAAAAAAH!" Lucy exclaimed as she entered her room only to find a shirtless and sweaty Natsu doing crunches in the floor while Happy lifted a dumb-bell, her eyes bugged out both in surprise and embarrassment.

"Welcome back…" It was the blasé greeting of the salamander as he continued doing his repetitions.

Obviously, Lucy wasn't thrilled to have a sweaty man stinking her room and let Natsu know it by jumping into his stomach and smashing the pointy ends of her high heels into him before attempting to throw him out of her room.

Unsurprisingly, she failed, and began to moan at her misfortune.

Natsu ignored her complaints and revealed the true reason why he had come looking for her. "I've made my decision. We'll do an S-class mission, Lucy!" He declared before Happy revealed the quest contract he had swiped from the notice board without anyone being the wiser this morning.

"How did you get that!?"


After an exciting adventure in a remote island where they were joined by Gray and Erza and the Ice mage got the opportunity to finally take revenge upon the Demon Delora that had destroyed his hometown and killed his teacher back during his childhood; a blood-pumping business full of hot-blooded battles and hair-splitting near-calls (which we won't delve fully since that is not the point of this story) Our favorite team of rowdy mages make it back into the guild, covered in victory and glory.

Only to find it destroyed, with dozens of Iron poles sticking out from the ruins like a pincushion.

This was an attack made by a rival guild named Phantom Lord, wishing to destroy Fairy Tail once and for all. The destruction of their guildhouse being the declaration of war that would bring them into a fateful confrontation with the Fairies.

Only for it to ultimate fail too and the Fairies eradicating Phantom Lord for good. Again, we won't delve too fully into this business since it isn't important for the story. Suffice to say the fairies kicked ass and took names and had a much easier time dealing with their enemies thanks to the diverse range of techniques they have learned watching Death Battle. That and the fact that since Mirajane had already recovered the ability to use her demon possession magic, she beat the shit out of any idiot enemy mage the moment they appeared wanting to cause trouble.

Even Levy managed to save herself from a gruesome fate when she and her team were ambushed by the Steel Dragon slayer Gajeel by quickly coming with an idea before writing the word Jetpack and use it to get out of dodge quickly and save her friends in the process who were getting their asses kicked by the Black Panthom mage to buy her time to escape.

She gave thanks to the gods for Bobba Feet and promised never to think badly of him or have a single unkind thought towards the Mandalorian despite his tendency of falling into the Sarlaac pit with disturbing regularity.

Gajeel could only look stumped as the fairies escaped atop flying words that were leaving a trail of smoke in the sky at break-necking speeds and clicked his teeth in annoyance.

Anyway, after the battle and having to deal with the inquiries of the Magic council and their army of rune knights. The mages of Fairy Tail can finally happily go through the wreckage of their guildhouse.

"Hey, the TV screen seems to be intact!" Joey fullborn declared as he used his great physical strength to lift some debris from the corner where the entertainment equipment had been installed and found it to be pretty much untouched by the wide-spread destruction that had befallen to the rest of the guild.

"It is such a stroke of luck that by placing the screen and the blu-ray in the corner it was able to weather the destruction of the guild pretty much intact since most of the damage happened to its walls and the center when the roof caved in." Wakaba said in amazement as he blinked, cigar in mouth.

"A pleasant surprise yes… But what about the box set with the discs?" Reedus Jonah interjected, a mild worry seeping into his features. "If they got damaged it would not matter whether the screen and player are intact, we would still be unable to keep watching the next episodes!" He declared at the verge of a mild panic.

"Oh? Don't worry about that, the disc box set is safe." Mirajane simply said as if she were talking about the weather.

"What? How do you know that Mirajane?" Macao asked in confusion, furrowing his brows.

"Knowing how valuable and fragile the discs are, I always make sure to store them safely every night after I close inside a a secret stash compartment that's in a trapdoor under the bar…" The pretty lilac-haired bartender said with a shrug.

"You have a secret stash, Mirajane!?" Warren Rocko inquired, suddenly pretty intrigued.

"It's where I keep the good stuff for special occasions… You know the really strong alcohol that Gildarts likes and that I have to hide by orders of the Guildmaster since it makes all of you much rowdier than usual…" She explained as she approached the remains of her bar and started kicking the broken pieces of debris in her way, so she could get behind it.

"Ah, yes… Good times…" Macao said with a shameless smile.

"Right… And it is always me who ends up having to pay for all the aftermarth of your good times…" Makarov commented in a less than pleased tone, making Macao to let out a nervous chuckle as result.

"Found it!" Mirajane declared as she set the box set atop the dusty surface of the bar.

"Alright! We can keep watching the death battle episodes!" Natsu declared happily.

"First we have to clean up all this mess and rebuild the guild!" Makarov ordered, not wanting for the Salamander to find an excuse to skip vital work since that would only prompt the others to ditch it too. "We can watch some episodes at the end of the day if you work diligently. We'll just install the equipment somewhere since it can be moved easily thanks to working on solar batteries…"

"Yes, guildmaster!" It was the general response from the mages.


As promised, at the end of the day, the fairies had gotten rid of enough of the debris to sit comfortably on a cleared space in the middle of the foundations of their guildhouse, grabbing whatever still intact chairs and tables lying around as seats.

For ease and lack of potions, Mirajane simply installed the screen and disc player atop the bar where everyone could watch without much trouble.

"So, whose turn is it to pick an episode, anyway…!?" Wakaba called out loud, letting out a thick cloud of smoke from his lips.

"Just play something and let's get on with it… Please Mirajane…" Makarov said, not wishing for the mages to start another inane fight.

"Alright, I'll play whichever episode is next in the standard order…" She said as she turned on the screen and pushed play in the remote.

An add for something called Squarespace was mentioned and then the intro began to be played. Images of dinosaurs dominated the screen. lots of them.

Happy and Natsu were obviously excited. Natsu, having been raised by a dragon, was naturally amenable of Dinasours since they reminded him of Dragons, only without the abilities to fly or breath fire. The rest of the fairies were either equally excited or ambivalent at the presence of Dinosaurs.

(*Cue Invader — Jim Johnston*)

Boomstick: Who doesn't like dinosaurs?

Knowing boomstick, this was clearly a rethoric question, and thus the answer seemed pretty obvious.

Boomstick: No one, 'cause they're awesome?

"You betcha'!" Natsu declared, pumping out a fist.

"Of course, you are excited to see dinosaurs. Only you would find something interesting in a bunch of overgrown lizards…" Gray commented with a huff.

"Shut up you Ice-face!"

"Don't start, Gray, Natsu…" Makarov warned.

Wiz: Like Yoshi, Mario's happy-go-lucky steed...

Boomstick:... And Riptor, the Dino Warrior with a Killer Instinct.

Wiz: I'm Wizard and he's Boomstick and it's our job to analyse their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.

A happy and calm music began to play as the first combatant was introduced, making most of the most easy-going mages to smile at all the cheerfullness. A green dinosaur that upon closer inspection is seen wearing brown shoes, has orange, bumpy spikes sticking out the back of his head, a saddle like shell on his back, a white underbelly, large eyes, and a big bulbous nose. His cute appearance causes the likes of Levy and Lucy to sqeal and make affectionate noises at how adorable he looks, while others like Gray or Wakaba found him pretty damn weird and silly looking, though they can see why the girls would think he looks cute. He doesn't look like any dinosaur they have ever seen in quests and missions. The funny dinosaur also comes in a variety of colors which excites some of the fairies.


(*cues Yoshi's Island— Flower Garden Theme*)

Wiz: Yoshi is a cheerful and friendly dinosaur whose race happens to be Bowser's most hated enemies. Why?

The mages began to wonder why such an evil, reptilian tyrant would hate something as cute and innocent as these guys.

"Because they look so happy…?" Levy suggested hesitantly, unsure in her answer.

Boomstick: 'Cause they're so goddamn happy all the time!

"Levy, you got it right!" Happy declared with his ususal enthusiasm.

Everybody chuckled at that. A simple positive trait is enough to make a tyrant burn with hatred, how typical of villians.


Bowser's First Nemesis

High, Strong Jumps

Can Resist Knock-Back (Joey & Mukuni Shin were impressed)

Naturally Skilled in Basic Combat and Speed (Erza, Mickey & Jet approved)

Constantly Followed by Incredibly Happy Music (Lucy & Levy found it cute)

Wiz: Yoshi is considered one of the fastest characters in the Mario universe and has a higher and stronger jump than Mario.

The name of Mario has been mentioned in previous episodes, the fairies wonder if he would be a future combatant. He sounds interesting.

Wiz: Despite his cute and cheery demeanor, Yoshi's powerful enough to put down this goliath single handedly.

The mages watch Yoshi throw a projectile that looks like an egg at what looks like a giant Bowser, but as a baby, and defeats him. They also notice that Yoshi is carrying a baby wearing a red cap. What's up with that?

Wiz: He's able to keep up with experienced fighters, like Solid Snake, Link, and even previous Death Battle champion, Samus Aran.

The mages were surprised and impressed at discovering the green dino being able to go toe-to-toe with other fighters that sound impressive and even Samus, whom they already can kick lots of ass on her lonesome.

"How is that even possible…?" Gray asked with a glabbergasted expression.

Macao shrugged. "Who knows… Magic?"

"We need to investigate and conduct some experiments!" Laki declared, jumping atop a table and pointing up at he sky dramatically. She was duly ignored.

Boomstick: And either he doesn't have any ears or he's really freakin' patient, 'cause he somehow put up with that whiny-ass Baby Mario.

Yoshi bumps into a red hooded creature wearing a white mask and Baby Mario is knocked off Yoshi's back, (somehow) getting trapped inside a bubble, and is now making annoying cries that the fairies have to seriously ask themselves how Yoshi can deal with this kind of mind-numbing annoyance?

Wakaba winced. "Yes… Babies due tend to cry a lot, and sometimes it is annoying…"

"My ears! I'm going deaf!" Happy exclaimed in alarm.

Macao snickered. "This reminds me of when - was of that age…" He said with a fond smile.

Boomstick: If it were me, someone would have found him in a dumpster on the next level!

The mages were left stunned, some with their jaws hanging open in shock at how Boomstick could be so neglecful towards newborns. Leaving babies inside dumpsters is some serious messed up shit.

"THaT SiCK FuCk! I'lL ROasT HIm LiKe THe pIG He iS FoR tHAt!" Mirajane declared, going full demon at Boomstick's cavalier comment as a miasma of dread fell upon the guild so thick that it began to choke her fellow fairies.

"Si-sister! Pl-eas-e, sto.. STOP!" Elfman cried in despair as he tried to pacify his elder sibling and failing miserable at that.

Makarov had to intervene by elongating his arm and smashing Mirajane down into the ground with a giant hand as if she were an insect. It was such an over-the-top response, but it sucesfully managed to yank the silver-haired bartender out of her frenzy. "Calm down, Mirajane! I know it was a horrible thing for him to say, but you don't have to destroy what little we have managed to rebuild of the guild a second because of it!"

"S-Sorry, guildmaster…" Mirajane said as her head and arms popped out from under Makarov's palm, her face sporting some scraps and bruises.

Even though Mirajane had freaked her out greatly to the point she needed a few moments for her racing heart to simmer down, Lucy managed to show some support for the bartender. "Even though I consider her reaction to have been a little too extreme, I can agree with Mirajane's sentiment. That was such a callous and horrible thing to say about a baby…" She said, raising a finger for emphasis.

"We know Lucy, we know…" Erza said with a very stern and scary expression on her face.

Boomstick: Also, while Young Yoshi's are dumb enough to run off cliffs, (Many of the fairies sighed or facepalmed at Yoshi's stupidity) They learn quickly over time, eventually driving go-karts, playing sports, and surviving the greatest death trap ever created: Mario Party!

"What can be so bad about this Mario Party as to be considered a death trap?" Droy asked, flabbergasted. Several scenes are then showed of Yoshi playing a great variety of challenges against other contestants, one of them being playing jump rope with a rope made of fire. "Oh... I see..." It was the lame response that the plant controller could give.

"It looks fun!" Natsu said with a wide smile.

"Yeah!" Happy agreed.

Gray smacked his face with his palm. "But of course, … Only a real dumbass could consider that kind of crazy dangerous games to be fun…"

"Say that to my face Ice Cube!" Natsu threatened with a flaming fist.


Maneuverable Projectiles


Can Carry up to 6

Different Eggs Create Different Effects (Lucy wondered how was this possible, Laki was intrigued)

Made from the Souls of Devoured Victims (This really disturbed the mages, Chico C Hammit who can control the souls of the departed in Magnolia was especially taken aback by this.)

Wiz: Yoshi has a large arsenal of eggs to use as light-weight projectiles and can even create a giant eggshell to use as an all-encompassing shield.

The mages were surprised by this. Many in the guild posses or have seen many a strange ability for magic to manifest itself, but they have never heard of eggs used as weapons, let alone dinosaur eggs. Based on the analysis, Yoshi appears to have incredible aiming skills and he must be really powerful in order to hurl them at tough looking enemies to cause damage.

Boomstick: What is it with the creatures from the Mario universe using their babies as weapons?

The fairies are now disturbed once more and begin to reconsider their previous assesment.

Boomstick: Is it that effective? I'm gonna have to test this out. Maybe some sort of Baby Launcher…

Most of the females mages are outraged by that comment, even Cana finds it in poor taste. Mirajane is on the verge of losing her shit again, if the burning currents of demonic energy blowing around her person was any indication.

Wiz: Boomstick! That's a terrible Idea!

"At least Wiz is showing some sense!" Bisca said with a sigh, finally someone responsible will bring an end to all this idiocy.

Wiz: Anytime you want to reload, you would have to wait 9 months.

The gun enthusiast facepalmed. "God fucking dammit!"

Wiz: Anyway, Yoshi's greatest asset is his stomach.


Long, Stretchy Tongue

Can Eat Almost Anything (Natsu approves)

Can Get Special Abilities or Produce Eggs

Can Trap Enemies in Eggs (Once more, the mages are freaked out)

Has Trouble Swallowing Koopa Shells

Boomstick: Yeah, Yoshi's got a bad eating problem, and devours everything in sight with his long, stretchy tongue. He can swallow almost anything, even fire.

Natsu was static. "Just like me! Could it be that Yoshi is secretely a baby dragon!?" He asked in fascination.

"Could be… That creature looks weird enough for it to be true and it would not surprise me…" Wakaba said with a puff of smoke.

Wiz: That's right, Boomstick, Yoshi has the strangest digestive system I ever come across. Certain meals can grant him special abilities

The mages watch Yoshi as he somehow sprouts angel like wings from his back while shooting fireballs from his mouth. How can this be possible? And what would happen if he were to eat elemental lacrimas? Nothing good most likely, though it would prove interesting to watch without a doubt.

"Awesome!" Both Happy and Natsu exclaim.

"How come food can gives him powers!? That's stupid!" Gray declared with a disbelieving expression.

"You're stupid Gray!" It was Natsu's oh so witty response.

"I would like a Yoshi for my research!" Laki declared in excitement.

"Hell no! That's a terrible idea, plus I don't want for the guild to be acussed of enabling animal abuse… I have enough already with all the sues about collateral damage that I have to deal with thanks to the lot of you!" Makarov said, putting his foot down much to Laki's disappointment.


Wiz: Otherwise, after consuming a foe or item, Yoshi… uh… ejects an egg spawned from the subject. The egg may have special properties from said object containing the victim within.

The fairires are oficially baffled. So, Yoshi eats an item or a foe, swallows it, and either it gives him superpowers, or he ejects an egg? That's ridiculous! And even more so, for it to happen to entire living beings. Yoshi is one weird dinosaur.

"How in the fuck…!" Droy said with a wtf! Expression.

"That's not possible…" Lucy stated with a thrown face of her own.

Boomstick: Wait, that's how he makes eggs?! Are there any female Yoshis?

"Oh? Yes, I want to know this! Are there any female Yoshis!?" Laki Olietta cried out loud, with no small degree of interest.

"I don't think that's a question we would like the answer for…" Max Allors commented.

Wiz: I… Don't think they're male or female. Yoshis may be assexual.

"Fascinating…" Laki declared with actual honest excitement.

"And here I thought this weird ass dinosaur could not get any more bizarre…" Wakaba said with a puff of smoke coming out of his mouth. He can barely get the idea of how such a creature could exist in the first place, let alone for it ot be a dinosaur to boot.

"What's asexual…?" Natsu asked in his usual ignorant blunt manner. It earned him weird looks from his fellow fairies.

Cana just stared at him pointedly, as if weighting the entire situation in her mind before a wicked smirk graced her lips and proceeded to open her mouth.

But she was interrupted by Makarov before any sound could escape her throath. "Cana…!"

"I wasn't going to say anything, honest!" She was quick to plead. Makarov just gave her a suspicious stare.

Boomstick: That poor miserable creature.

Yoshi: "Oh ho ho, Yoshi got right Stuff!"

"Oh my god… That's disgusting…" Lucy said, her face suddenly turning green.

Cana began to laugh at that. "Exactly what is that you were thinking, Lucy…? I didn't know you had such a dirty mind for it to go there as your first thought…" She said with a shameless grin.

Lucy began to blush strongly. "N-no… That's not it!"

Yoshi may be adorable but he's also weird for his abilities and and more so for his absurd reproduction. So absurd, that they can't help but feel freaked out a little when they swell too much over the subject. Happy is really excited at the idea of using eggs as weapons, and hungry... Mostly hungry but still it sounds like a great idea to him. The rest of the fairies are more bemused at the thought more than anything.

Laki, unsurprisingly, is much more interested in the little saur's digestive system and biology and really wished she could have a Yoshi of her own. She even wondered about the effects that he may develop if she were to feed him Lacrimas. Lucy in the other hand, was much more unsure at the idea. Natsu, however, really liked the little green dino as he reminds him of dragons and thinks his abilities to be pretty cool.

Regardless, the next contestant was about to be shown.

What the mages now see is another dinosaur, a raptor to be precise. But one that looks particularly different from the common popular image of how a raptor should look like. To start, his scales are reddish brown with a yellow underbelly. He has a raptor head filled with sharp teeth, sharp claws on both his hands and feet, including the famous raptor toe claw, and a long whip-like tail. The oddest feature is that his torso looks really muscular with a somewhat human shape. Very peculiar.


(cue Riptor's theme from Killer Instinct)


Height: 7'0"

Weight: 700 lbs.

Genetically Engineered (Laki's science sense was tingling again)

Designed to be Smart and Vicious, but Backfired (The mages were curious over how so)

Only 4 years old, so has Little Combat Training (This was very surprising to the fairies)

Wiz: Riptor was genetically engineered by UltraTech to be the perfect combination of human intelligence and animal brutality.

The fairies were surprised at Riptor's appearance and the fact that he is pretty a child, though they have to remember that he is an artificial creation, thus he might be much more dangerous than what one might first think. Only one way to find out…


Tooth, Claw, and Tail

Fiery Acid Projectile

Rushes Opponents with Combos

Boomstick: His tools of death are his teeth, claws and an impaling tail, and he knows how to use them well, pulling off insanely bloody combos. And when he's not fighting up close, he can spit a fiery acid.

Well that's a nasty surprise for a dinosaur to have. Who thought it to be a good idea to give a dinosaur the ability to spit acid!? Lucy thought. Just thinking about getting hit by that stuff and having it melt your skin, flesh, organs and even your bones was enough to give the young blonde nightmares.

"Whoever thought of giving that skill to an overgrown lizard, must be bonkers!" Gray said with great disapproval.

"I know what you mean…" Macao commented in agreement.

Wiz: Riptor is only 4 years old and yet, already, he's a nearly unstoppable killing machine.

"Not surprising, considering he's an artificial creation..." Wakaba said, puffing out smoke.

"Still, it is noteworthy for such a young creature to be that dangerous at that age…" Mirajane said.

Boomstick: That's one ass kicking toddler.

"And scary…" Levy piped in with a shudder.

Wiz: He has reached a point where his human emotions and reasoning clash with his predatory instincts. Often confusing him to the point of blind rage and aggression.

"Yup, that's what happens when you try to play god and mess with the forces of nature." Makarov said with a nod. Everyone else agreed. Many of the fairies have fought against the creations of mages who thought better and decided to muck around with the laws of nature. It never ends well…

Boomstick: Riptor may look, sound and act like a Velociraptor, but he's really something else entirely. He's twice as big and twice as slow. And I don't think Velociraptors can shoot acid, they were awesome enough without it!

The mages agreed. Acid is really terrible enough and the raptors don't even need such a thing when hunting.


Brutal and Cunning

First Incapacitates Victims

Hunted in Packs


Alone, they Rushed and Overpowered Opponents

Boomstick: With a limited amount of combat training, Riptor relies on his raptor instincts in a fight. Raptors were pack hunters, preferring to flank their victims with stealth, speed and secrecy, though, they were no pushovers by themselves. On their own, they usually just rushed their opponent and overpower them with ultra combos, and if "Jurassic Park" has taught us anything, is that raptors are clever sons' of bitches.

After watching those scenes, the mages were left gobsmacked. They know pack predators can be vicious creatures, but none exhibited the level of cunning that a raptor seems to posses. They truly are dangerousm whether in great numbers or alone.

Wiz: *Impressed* Wow Boomstick, I didn't know you knew so much about dinosaurs.

"Yes... It is such an unexpected surprise…" Levy said in a nondescript tone, not knowing if she should show some respect since this was Boomstick in the first place. The man who usually show himself to be nothing more but an ignorant perverted idiot, but it seems even him can store some surprises under his sleeve.

Boomstick: Yeah, I always wanted me a pet raptor. I was gonna call him Barney after I found out what irony was.

The image of a big Purple pudgy dinosaur that looked like a stuffed animal was shown for a few seconds as he sang an utterly corny song that sounded something like, I love you, You love me… Totally silly. It made all the fairies chuckle at the cheesiness.

"Awww… That's cute!" Lucy said with a giggle.

"Too childish for my tastes…" Gray simply said with a shake of his head.

Announcer: Supreme Victory!

Riptor roars in victory and eats the remains of his prey.

Wiz: Alright the combatants are set let's end this debate once and for all.

Boomstick: First I need to get some money to convert my Kitten Cannon into a Baby Launcher.

The female mages felt like facepalming at this. Boomstick is really not letting up with his over-the-top ideas that are as crazy as they are ridiculous and stupid.

Wiz: You've got to be kidding me.

"Yeah, I know how you feel." Macao said.

Boomstick: from Squarespace, who doesn't necessarily has Baby Launchers.

The mages are undecided about who will win. Yoshi sems friendly and lovable, but Riptor is an unmerciful violent predator that looks all kinds of dangerous. Though Yoshi seems to have a more versatile set of skills, but they doubt they would be very effective against the Raptor, despite Yoshi being said to have put down that giant size baby Bowser. They can only hope for Yoshi's death not to be too gruesome or brutal...

Boomstick: Right now, It's time for a Death Battle…ahem.

Out in a beautiful valley with lots of colors and swirls, there stands Yoshi who appears to be dancing at some pretty happy tune. (Super Mario World Theme)

"That place looks so cheery! No wonder Yoshi is always happy!" Levy said with a giggle.

Right next to the pudgy dino is a bright green pipe, it doesn't tke a genius to know who's gonna pop out of there.

Out of the pipe came Riptor, roaring in challenge. Yoshi screams in terror and cowers at Riptor, who is ready to slaughter the poor little guy. The fairies begin to suspect that Yoshi might not stand a chance against Riptor. Some like Lucy and Levy feel like biting their nails in trepidation.


(cue Yoshi's Island Theme from Super Smash Brothers Melee)

Before anyone can even blink, Riptor immediately lunges at Yoshi and starts attacking him relentlessly with both tooth and claw, drawing lots of blood. Everybody starts to dread that Yoshi might not win this.

Riptor finishes his assault with a tailwhip that sends Yoshi hurtling across the field, bouncing around until skiding to a stop.


"Dayyum! That will hurt like a bitch in the morning…" Alzack said with a wince.

Yoshi gets up and sees Riptor approaching, all swag as you please. Yoshi throws three eggs at the raptor but the eggs do little to no damage, Riptor doesn't even flinch. The fairies shake their heads and feel sorry for poor Yoshi.

Yoshi has a shocked look on his face and decides to pull out the bigger guns. He lays a bigger egg at least as big as himself.

Yoshi: Yoshi!

Yoshi throws the giant egg and manages to make Riptor flinch at that. Riptor looks down and sees a baby Yoshi that came from egg, sitting there without a care.

Baby Yoshi: Yoshi!

"Awww, he's so cute!" Levy gushes in affection.

Riptor attacks the newborn with a few combos and chomps its head off. Lavy let out a horrified and pained wail at what happened to the poor newborn.

Mirajane frowns and glares smoulderingly at the screen. "YosHI! yOU iDIoT!"

Yoshi screams in terror and decides to retreat. After creating a good distance, Yoshi spots a Koopa. He grabs it with his tongue, put it in his mouth, and spits it back at Riptor who counters the green projectile with a tail swipe and sends it back. Yoshi shields himself into his own egg-shield, blocking the koopa shell. Riptor starts attacking the egg shield with another fierce barrage, for amoment it appears that the egg-shield is able to withstand Riptor's attacks, but the furious offensive proves to be too much and inevitably the shell breaks and Yoshi suffers another brutal combo that makes him bleed again.

Things look pretty grim for Yoshi.

But suddenly, Yoshi starts fighting back.

Yoshi breaks the combo with his tail and knocks Riptor on his back as result.

Announcer: C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker.

Yoshi uses his scuttle jump to get above his opponent and unleashes his ground pound on him, which doesn't seem to have any kind of discernable result on the raptor. Riptor rolls back onto his feet and spits his acid at Yoshi. The green dino unexpectedly EATS the acid, traps it in an egg, and throws it back into Riptors face.

Acid from the egg splashes all over the raptor's head and starts burning him, blinding him as he screams in pain. A general Ouch! Is exclaimed by the fairies at seeing such unexpected turn of the tables.

"Oh, ho, ho! I did not expect that!" Wakaba said with actual surprise on his face.

Riptor tries to attack despite his blindness but Yoshi simply engulfs the raptor into his mouth, swallows him (with a bit of a struggle) and lays the egg with Riptor inside it. The egg is launched out of Yoshi towards a cliff behind him. Riptor manages to break free but it's too late. Riptor falls down the cliff and lands onto a pink car with flames decorated on its sides. The genetically engineered weapon just lays there in the wreckage unmoving, his legs sticking out of the engine chasis.


The mages just sit there in complete silence in disbelief with their jaws hitting the floor at everything that just happened so fast.

Except Natsu and Happy who were grinning and cheering like idiots.

"A bloodthirsty man-made monster… Lost to a cute looking dinosaur." Droy said with a face that told he didn't know how to take this development.

"Yes, Yoshi! That's how you do it!" Natsu exclaimed out loud as he and Happy stood up and began to wave their arms.

The rest of the fairies just rmained in their seats looking lost and let the salamder and flying cat continue their celebration until they got tired and calmed down as result. There was nothing to do but to listen to the results.

Boomstick: Nooo, my car!

Everyone laughed at that. Some like Mirajane took a particular nasty pleasure at his misfortune, believing he had it well deserved for his inconsiderate comment about babies.

Wiz: Yoshi couldn't compete with Riptor's tough and brutal vicousness, but his varied arsenal ultimately produced a winning move.

"So, versatility wins the day, huh? Not bad…" Bisca Mulan said.

Boomstick: Riptor's a freakin' beast in a fist fight, but while Yoshi looks all cute and stuff, he's actually a deadly, devouring machine, like my ex-wife!

Most of the women rolled their eyes at the comment, only Wakaba and Makarov seemed to find the joke truly humurous.

Wiz: That raptor mind of Riptor's may be cunning and clever, but tooth and claw can only accomplish so much.

"True... In the end a beast, no matter how smart and vicious, is only like any other animal and thus incapable of thinking about other avenues of attack that don't revolve around his natural weapons he was born with." Nab Lasaro said in a sagely voice, since he has great experience regarding big predators thanks to his animal possession.

Wiz: Yoshi's bizarre digestive system rebounded the acid spit, blinding Riptor and leaving him vulverable.

"Yeah… That was fucking bizarre, isn't it…?" Warren Rocko said with a flabbergasted expression.

Boomstick: Riptor may be smart, but Yoshi can drive cars. Show me another dinosaur who can do that.

Everyone laughed. It's weird watching a dinosaur drive a moving vehicle.

Wiz: Even with a Velociraptor's strong sense of hearing and smell, Riptor's confused and vengeful mind wasn't able to process the change of tactics fast enough. Even so, he was already finished.

Boomstick: Even if that conveniently placed cliff hadn't been there, Riptor would've lost his whole face pretty quick to the acid.

Thank the gods his actual death wasn't something like that. It would have been something pretty disturbing and agonizing to watch. No thanks…

Boomstick: He just didn't have the stomach for this dino— mite, Dino— fight.

Many of the fairies booed or shook their heads at such lame pun. Even Happy was dissapointed

Wiz: *unamused* What?

Boomstick: I'm clever!

"No, he is not…" Cana said with a shake of her head.

Wiz: The winner is Yoshi.

Everyone cheered for Yoshi.

"Okay… So, we keep watching as it is or has someone already decided who will take a turn next?" Reedus Jonah said, turning to his fellow fairies.

"I say we should let Levy chose the next episodes…" Wakaba spoke up, talking between puffs of smoke. She and her team were the first to be attacked when this mess with Phantom Lord began and only managed to save themselves by the skin of their teeth. I can see she is still pretty unnerved by her experience…"

"M-me..!" Levy squeaked in surprise, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. "N-no, no, no, no, I really couldn't…"

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea. Let us allow Levy to pick the next episodes!" Macao said in support.

"GO, LEVY!" Happy exclaimed in his usual loud self.

"Go for it, girl!" Cana nudged.

"Al—Allright…" Levy ultimately relented, lowering her head in defeat.

Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle.

Well, it's Levy's turn. Though to tell the truth I have no idea which episodes will fit to her tastes. Maybe Luke skywalker vs Harry Potter? Though I'm drawing a blank what to choose after that… So far, the only character in DB that I know comes from a series of books is Potter himself…

In any case, as always leave a review, tell me what you think, recommend this story to your friends and check out my p- at-r .eon and I'll see you all next time.