Hey I know its been a lomg time for waiting on a chapter. but i have an explination for it. I adopted this story so i had to have to time to think on were i wanted to take the story and then write it. After writting chapter 4 i didnt like it so I scrapped it and started over. after I rewrote it and was beta reading I took a vacation to florida for a week. when we returned my little brother asked if he could play on my computer. i told him yes and 2 hours later he comes in crying blabbering apollogies, confusing me until I saw it. he hahad spilled A full glass of water on tge computer, killing it. that incident made me loss the rewritten chapter 4 and chapter 14 for Prophecy of the Eons. so A friend lent mea laptop a few hoirs a day to write until i order a new computer. i have now order a new mobile HP laptop wich will arive on the weekend so you can expect chapter 4 will be up soon.

Lessons learned:

1. dont let your clumsey brother use your computer that has important stuff on it.

2. write in google docs.

3. I have hortible luck.