Hey my comets! So, I'm pretty sure that you guys are filled with questions about the last chapter. Well, I'm tying this story into Portal Madness; A Monster Mashup. This will not come until I finish Portal Madness; Same Song, Reverse Verse so you had all better get used to not having this until sometime later this month? Next month? I'm not sure, but I hope that you guys liked this story and I hope that you will check out my other story (ies) in the near future! Ciao for now!

(Please do not spam me with flame PMs, they will only be used to bake delicious muffins and pies.)

(Please tell me ideas for what to do in Portal Madness; A Monster Mashup because this story has killed my muse... no wait, Bill did that. Darn it Bill! But seriously, give me ideas here.)