The Daiyokai Teacher


A/N: This is something that'd been rolling in the head for a moth or so, and finally today I pulled out some of it and put it on paper. Now i'm no expert on Inyuasha by comparison to my other works but I like experimenting with ideas and this was born. I hope you guys find the idea... interesting at least and i'm not screwing up Kagome and Sesshomaru

This was it, finally she was back to leading a normal life! No more shikon jewel, no more Naraku, it was all over finally she could be in her own time and be normal.

And she was flopping, her first day back and she was already loaded down with homework she couldn't do. Books she hadn't read, and friends that barely recognized her. Some of her classmates were still afraid of her being infectious, no doubt her grandpa's doing. Though her close friends were there to pick her up, and Hojo was trying to put a smile on her face.

She released a heavy sigh, her bookbag was crammed with notes that she'd have to copy first thing when she got home… After she got out of study club, and then she visited the required tutors for students with low grades. On top of all of that, then she had clean the shrine and run it for the evening.

"At least I'm not in danger, no demons chasing me around, no worrying about Miroku grouping my but, or finding a comfortable place to sleep." Kagome was trying to pep herself up, but back in the feudal era she had things slightly easier.

"Miss Higurashi, study club starts in five minutes you had better get going before you are marked tardy." Her teacher foreign exchange French teacher Mr. Chappieu chided her. The abroad American instructor had been letting her skate by with a C barely letting her GPA tread above passing.

"Merci, Mr Chappieu." She said with a smile, the slightly rounded man smiled and nodded. He was only forty, a slight three o'clock shadow showing around his chin the thinning brown hair atop his head.

"Ne le mentionnez pas, maintenant dépêchez-vous."

His words made Kagome blank as she pieced together his words.

"Don't be late thinking Kagome." He chuckled and she blushed a bit embarrassed. "You're a good student, you've just had a rough year. Just put your head in it and you'll be fine."

She smiled though she felt a little saddened by his words. Because it wasn't like she was really sick, just in a different time. "I'll try" She sighed, with a shake of her head.

"Do Kagome, because you can. I believe that you can." He said patting her shoulder as she made her way out.

She didn't feel like she could, Kagome just sighed again as she carried her extra heavy bookbag down the hall. This was her normal life… the way things were supposed to be. No more Inyuasha, Sango, Shippo, Miroku, and Kirara or any of friends she had from the feudal era. She had to come back to her own time and go back to her life.

Yet she just felt bored, tired, and wanting to go back. But she couldn't do that, she had to grow up and move away from the past that a week ago, was the most real struggle where she almost died, the high point of her life and come and gone. She was back to Kagome the student.

No longer was she the Miko capable of purifying the sacred jewel and stopping Naraku. No all of that was over, her journey was over, but why didn't she feel happy?

"Kagome, will you be joining us?" The voice behind her snapped her from her thoughts. She turned on her head to see her Study Club Teacher waiting at the door. His arms crossed over his chest, another foreign instructor, the exchange program a quite popular one in Japan and her school just happened to be at the forefront of it.

"Sorry, just thinking Mr. Write." How many times had she said that since coming back to school, it sounded automated. Her fake apology, because she wasn't really sorry. She was a little depressed, and the more she thought about the worse she felt.

The blonde haired thirty-year-old smiled and shook his head, "Don't waste your thoughts out here. We've just started my favorite subject in history with your class. This should be your chance to get your grades up above a D Kagome." He enjoyed addressing students by their name, the whole Mr. Miss thing just felt less humane as some teachers did. "Don't forget about the extra credit project I put out today, it can bump up your grade to a C+ if you do it."

"The famous soldier?" She asked briefly recalling him talking about it.

"Of course, you know I was a soldier before I was discharged," He chuckled. "The paper is on my desk, take a copy and brainstorm some ideas once you sit down." He held the door for her as she walked inside, the click behind her as she made her way inside about half the desks were full and most of them were in the back.

"Take a seat up front," He said tapping the desk just off to the side of his desk, posters and flags of foreign nations decorated his room. Some were older, of different times and dates in history. Atop his desk a large poster showing the faces of the most decorated but unknown soldiers throughout history. His morning read through as he introduced someone that they didn't know but sacrificed so much and yet no one knew about them. They were forgotten to history, but he did not want his students to do that. He pulled out his answer key along with his glasses as he pulled out his leather rolling chair and next to desk he gestured to. "I can look over your history work. The second world war I know by photographic memory."

"S-Sure." Kagome said, openly knowing she hadn't even been able to get started. Algebra had taken her time in lunch and her science was killing her too.

As she got to work, Mr. Write checking over shoulder as she worked, guiding her along before sliding around the room to go to other students. Her eyes drifted to the clock, only thirty more minutes to go, then I have tutoring.



Kagome blinked as she realized it was her turn to go inside. The older woman checking off names with a clipboard as ten students were waiting outside.

"Kagome Higurashi," She said tired.

The woman looked to her and back to her clipboard… "Oh yes, you're the one with medical issues I remember hearing about you, the flu, swollen ankles, and gastric troubles. You are looking well." She smirked almost knowing they were fake excuses.

"Yes." She said looking away from the older woman who scrutinized her.

"Stay right here, I'll get your tutor." Without waiting for a reply, she walked away from Kagome going to the director's office.

She remained there getting a few strange looks from the other students who heard the older woman's comments. Some laughed, others shrugged probably having done the same.

She kicked her shoes into the tile a bit as she readjusted her backpack.

"Apologies Miss Higurashi, your tutor isn't here. He seems to have gone home sick. You can leave." She said with a dismiss of her pen before looking to the next student. Much to Kagome's relief, she could go home early and have a brief rest. She tightened the straps of her bag and walked out and headed down the hallway, the sun slightly dropping as Kagome looked to her phone and saw it almost half past five.

Her head saw something flicker from the side of the window, Kagome's eyes turned as she stared at the face of a red Youkai, his mouth full of serrated teeth, bat wings extended out from his sides. His twisted grin looking directly at her. "Kill the Miko, for the master, for all Youkai!" He cawed, his three-clawed hand smashing through the window, she was caught off guard as she was thrown from the third floor of the school. Her body floated for several moments until she felt the wind rush beneath her. She didn't even scream, her eyes only watched as the building grew taller and she expected herself to crash into the parking lot below, to feel concrete smash her bones.

Something slid around her chest and down around her waist in a coil like a snake, her head falling back into a pillow or as it felt as she made contact with what she expected to be the ground. She was shaking as her eyes looked towards the Youkai who roared but did not move. Fear was in the demon's face, but it wasn't from her. "Forgive this Shesshomaru for not catching this vermin sooner." A voice spoke that made her blink, her eyes darted to see the white mokomoko wrapped around her body. The voice and this tail belonged to only one person, she had her back pressed against his chest, but she did not look at what he wore but his golden amber eyes that looked down at her, not a whit of emotion showing as he inspected her quickly.

His eyes moved carefully over her seeing that she was not injured he released her, he had believed he had sensed the presence of a Youkai, but here in such a public location. It was a brazen invasion of his territory and they had attempted to harm the Miko that traveled with his brother.

"Woman, is everything well." He asked slowly removing his overcoat tossing it on the hood of the car, he would not sully his coat with the blood of a mongrel.

She was surprised that he remembered her, after all she was back in her time, and it wasn't as if she was on perfectly normal speaking terms with Inyuasha's brother. The cold emotionless Daiyokai had changed a bit, since her first meeting when helping Inuyasha claim the Tessagia. "I'm, okay but what are you doing here Sesshomaru? Why is there a full youkai here?"

"This one shall explain later, stay here Miko. Do not get more involved." He said walking forwards removing the braid holding back his silver mane of hair, the long ends soon fell down around his back. Sesshomaru could not recall the last time he had a fight, it had been well over a decade, but this weak demon would prove no challenge.

There was another problem that would limit his chance to remove some of his frustration He did not wish to draw more attention to himself and this demon, human eyes and ears were everywhere. This fight would have to be ended quickly and without further incident.

"Lord of West? Lord of nothing!" The red demon cawed again as Kagome was released and Sesshomaru stepped around her. "Protect Mikos? You are demon, you do not!" He roared jumping up to the sky, he could not best the lord of the west. No single demon could possibly fight against the Daiyokai except their master.

"This Sesshomaru does not allow vagrants in his land." His raised up his hand, a loose fitting white dress shirt, and slick black dress pants as his wrists bulged snapping the buttons on the cuffs of his shirt and several top buttons atop his silk shirt. "You shall be made an example."

Kagome blinked as the Dayokai leapt into the air faster than she had ever seen before, tackling the demon, his clawed fingers showing as his unbound silver hair flowed behind him. The slash was heard as the red bat demon lost an arm, but he did not care, the lord had left his target alone. Releasing a breath of foul miasma from its mouth putting just enough distance between him and Sesshomaru it pulled back and threw a large one of its claws from its severed hand towards Kagome. His head was smashed from behind as he left himself open not able to even view the attack, but then again neither could it be stopped by his opponent.

Sesshomaru wasn't able to move to stop the blow, he had melted the demon's skull with his poison from his claws before moving, but then it was too late for him to intervene. His opponent had sacrificed his life to get the perfect shot at the Miko. His amber eyes watching as the young priestess saw the oncoming blow.

She threw up her hands, on instinct. Her holy powers quickly manifesting themselves to create a protective barrier. The pink aura came shielding her from the piercing blow, but not the force as her barrier broke and she was knocked backwards off her feet and into the air. Kagome's head smacking off the ground as very quickly the world spun and went black.


The commotion barely lasted two minutes and quickly others were rushing to see what had happened. The broken glass in the hallway was already causing a stir as several faculty members and the principal came outside to investigate. "Sir-! Hey what happened?" came the yell of Mr. Chappieu, his body sweating as he had seen someone laying on the ground with another person kneeling beside them and he bolted down the stairs. He spotted Kagome laying face down just from where the window was shattered and immediately he feared the worst but a silver haired stranger knelt just beside her. "Kagome? My god's…" He gasped as two other members came upon the scene fearing the worst.

"The woman is unharmed, I caught her before she hit the ground." Sesshomaru stood up having moved the unconscious Kagome into a safe position and into a believable one for his next tale to be believed. Human's did not need to know that a feral demon attacked a human, not that they would believe him even if he spoke truthfully.

"Thank you, sir." The principal said wiping his brow of sweat as he saw Kagome breathing and no visible injuries. "Mr. Mioga please call the nurse and ambulance," he said looking to one of his fellow faculty who nodded his head and quickly jogged back inside.

The lord of the west said nothing as they inspected Kagome, aside from the bump on her head she was fine. He had already checked her injuries but they couldn't know that. "Did she jump? What happened?"

His amber eyes looked towards them without emotion, he had no real desire to deal with normal humans but it was his own lapse that had caused this incident. "She was pushed, she did not jump."

The principal paled at that notion. "Did you see who it was? God's if another student did this, the public would be in a rage."

"No, I merely heard voices." He stated disinterested fixing his shirt and coat. His mokomoko concealed once again. He had seen her flying and it had been the safest way of catching her without fear of injury but only for this Miko, he would not give a human the right to be touched by his tail.

The principal wiped his forehead as he heard the far-off sirens coming his way. He watched as the stranger looked ready to leave, "Sir what is your name, I would like to offer you my sincerest thanks."

"It is not needed," He said holding up a hand to dismiss his thanks, he did not require such an act. Though as he looked to the Miko he let a scowl escape his lips for a moment before looking to the principal. "Lord Sesshomaru…" The voice of his daughter Rin played in his mind softly. He shook his head in defeat, perhaps he could… it wouldn't burden this Sesshomaru too badly. He cleared his throat before addressing the humans.

"Do you know the name Sesshomaru Taisho?"

A/N: So? How'd I do? I'm not sure myself.