My True Self


I do not own Sailor Moon so sniff PLEASE don't sue me. I have nothing. oO and please give me all the comments you can, ideas are also welcome :P.

'' thinking
" " speaking
change of scene
POV point of view

My True Self
Chapter One Friends? Are they for real?

'Everytime that I turn around, I feel so lonely. I could be surrounded by people and feel as lonely as if I were the only one on earth left, without him. My soul feels sad, I could cry a river and yet my heart tells me that he is near. I couldn't live without him, yet I must because I can't find him. I don't want to runaway, but I don't understand. I don't want to cry anymore, but my tears flow freely, streaming down my cheek.

I can't take it anymore, I need him, and I know he needs me. Being who I am can be not only confusing, but also heart wrenching, and everytime that I try to do right I am told I did wrong. The love of my life no longer looks at me with adoring eyes, much rather with the eyes of sadness, sadness at being tied down to me.'

Usagi slowly move toward the Arcade, but voices stopped her in her track. Familiar, yet what they were saying tore Usagi's heart in two. She could have never imagined, or believed that they could do this to her. Laughing, they were seated inside the Arcade, yet the sweet blonde strained to hear the cruel words that they spoke about her. She listened from outside the Arcade; as she didn't want the chance of being seen.
"She is so clumsy, I've tried to teach her but it doesn't seem to sink in." Rei looked frustrated as she turned to Ami. "She is meant to be perfect, but she has so many faults it is completely unbelievable! We have to do something about her, we can't have a klutz for a princess."

"I completely understand." Stated Ami with a matter-of-fact tone. "She is meant to be our Princess and is to rule the world one day, and she doesn't even study! I don't particularly want to take sides, but if she doesn't start to study she won't ever be taken seriously, our Princess should be smart. Honestly, she only got a seventy-two on our last exam!"

Makoto sat in deep thought. "I must admit, she could improve. She needs to cut down on the food that she eats though, it does take time to make it all. And if she keeps eating the way she does, she'll end up twice the size she is now, and we can't have an overweight Princess." She sipped at her milkshake and sighed.

Usa stood in shock, she couldn't believe they could do this to her. Usagi- chan had thought they were her friends, yet they went behind her back and talked cruelly about her. She leaned closer to hear what cruel words her best friend Mina was to say, yet what she did say shocked Usagi.

"I can't believe you guys! She's our friend and our Princess, I will not sit here and listen to you putting her down!" Mina was furious, her face red as a rose. The Scouts couldn't believe Mina's reaction and sat with their mouths wide open, Mina scowled one last time and stood about to leave the group but turned to say something. "And about yesterday, if you want Usagi to leave the Scouts then so will I. I will not abandon my friend, she's like a sister to me. Do you want us to leave? If you say yes, I know Usagi would agree with me in saying that if you say yes, then we go for good." Mina stood with hand on hip and waited for a response, tapping her foot.

Rei scowled. "We were telling the truth, but now that you mention it - yes, we want her to leave! I don't even think she is the real princess, I've never thought it. And when we find the real princess, you will be stuck with plain little Usagi." Rei practically spat the last few words, as though they were poison.

Usagi stood smiling; Mina was a true friend. The young blonde contemplated the words Rei had said, "plain little Usagi", and frowned. 'Was I really plain? No, I was Mina's friend and the Moon Princess - I was not plain!'

Mina knew that Usagi was the real princess and grinned. "As you will it Rei, Usagi and I shall leave. And don't come crawling back, it would be embarrassing." Mina turned on her heal and sped out the door, leaving a pale Ami, confused Makoto and furious Rei behind.