Author's Note-after some kind words and after struggling through a hard time, I decided not to end writing my stories and this one instead I hope is kind of a catching up story to let the readers know where the characters currently stand. But I didn't want to not publish this one and I do hope you enjoy…..thank you for your support!


Chapter 8-Godric

it was strange and yet comforting to be back on this plane of existence. Not everyone was so fortunate to life as long as he had been able to and to return from the true death, was nothing short of a miracle. A one time only magic had allowed this to happen and gone was the melancholy he had felt on that morning when he had elected to meet the sun. he was revived, renewed with being with his new, unusual family and he had come to be thankful for this second chance. That he was able to see his lone remaining progeny not only thriving, but that he had changed for the better…that was also something miraculous to see. And as he stood out in the backyard of his recently completed manor house that was in the small community he lived in with his closest kin-a community of all of four lavish and massive houses-he walked through the gardens that Sookie herself had wanted to have put in, to remind him of the beauty of life and he knew she meant it as being something to remind him that life was certainly not anything to be taken for granted. Walking around the high rose bushes and the hedges that made a small if not simple maze, he looked up at the sky. Perfectly clear and star studded, the moon shone as brightly as the stars around it. The air was a little humid as it typically was this time of year. But it didn't bother him and though he didn't need to breathe, he inhaled the sweet smelling air around him and let out a sigh, marveling at the second chance afforded to not only him but those he loved and would die to protect. A fiercer, more close knit family he felt was not possible. And yet, there was a tinge of pain, of regret, at the fact he hadn't had the chance, the opportunity to see his other progeny again. They had parted centuries ago and he had thought that their paths would cross again. But he had followed her life closely, always being aware of what Nora had been up to even from a great distance away. And he had been proud of her, even when he had passed on. But as he saw her fall into darkness, he had come to his other progeny, hoping that Eric could bring her back to her senses. Though he had feared that Eric too had fallen under the influence of Lilith, Godric had known he was stronger than that and was relieved when he had snapped out of it quickly, becoming able to rescue Nora from the precipice of darkness. He had been proud of the both of them after the debacle of Lilith had ended and when he had seen her from the spirit realm as she was captured and given what would be a fatal injection, his heart broke for her and he held out hope that a miracle could be found for her. And he watched as his oldest progeny tried everything to save her, only to have her dissolve in his arms. Godric had heard Eric praying, asking for his help and yet he could do nothing. He was allowed to do nothing. Fate had dictated this to happen and so it must have remained. Fate could be cruel as well as kind, that balance needed for things to exist in that balance that was so necessary. There could not be too much pain nor too much peace. And this, unfortunately, fate had had to take Nora to her true death. That loss was something he nor anyone else who had known her would ever recover from and if she could be here now, being with their reunited family and seeing the relative peace that they had all found….he supposed she was as he had been out there watching over them and would come to him in time. For now, knowing that there were in fact spirits and that she was out there somewhere, it was a comfort for not only him, but he hoped for those who had also loved her and cared for her. Though their family was a hodge podge of humans, vamps, faeries and even a were, Godric knew that they were all as close and as loving as any "regular" human family. And that, he knew was nothing short of a great miracle, a blessing.

Chapter 8-Sookie & The End (?)

Everything was replaying in her mind, the past, present and what could possibly be in store for the future. As she thought about the things she and those she loved had been through over the years, that more of them hadn't met bitter ends, she supposed she counted that as a blessing. She certainly regretted how they had lost so many of their friends over the years-Tara and Alcide to single out a couple of names. But yet she knew they were incredibly lucky. That fate had allowed some happiness into their lives was something none of them were taking for granted. And as she stood on her balcony overlooking their sprawling lawn, she saw, with her acute sight, a figure was standing out in his own vast lawn, amongst the shrubbery and blooming flowers. Using her super speed from her vamp side, she made it in no time. Made it up and over the fancy iron and stone fence that divided the yards, forgoing the wooden door she could have gone through instead. All the yards' fences had the doors to allow access to each others yards. It was a feature that was often enjoyed by all those in the small community and yet they were all polite enough to check in with one another first before heading over. Lest there be another unfortunate embarrassing incident like one that had happened a short time back when Willa had come by to drop something off for Sookie. Entering the backyard, she had wandered to a willow tree where she had found her sister in law and maker in a clothing-less activity that, if she could have, would have made her blush. And though she knew they had known she had seen, them, Willa had nevertheless speeded away to allow them privacy, knowing that certainly there was no modesty worries when it came to her maker, that he was perfectly happy doing whatever, whenever wherever he wanted. And surely Sookie too had had no mind and was kind enough to not mention the bit of embarrassment she had felt and knew Willa had felt upon walking in on them under the canopy of that tree. Smiling to herself at that memory, she arrived in the backyard of Godric and found he was standing there, standing, staring at the sky. But he was not alone. They had all decided to meet here at this time and place and subtle sounds of feet walking on the ground and landing from a shot flight revealed that the circle of people that had vowed to meet on this evening. A night that had been set aside for reflection and serene celebration. Not that there was to be balloons or any loud music. But this was a celebration of that which they had survived. That they were together, reunited and that the bond between them all was stronger than ever.

"Beautiful night for this little get together." Sookie said as she stood beside her loved ones, all looking at the starry night. She snuck her hand into the hand of the figure that had landed beside her with hardly a noise. She kept looking up at the sky but felt a hand pull her close, running a hand through her silky hair. She sighed contentedly, finally looking up to her left where he too was staring up at the night. "You look deep in thought." she finally said as she glanced around at the others. Then she saw a stranger with Willa and noted the furtive look Eric had. "Oh….she met someone, hasn't she?"

It's been going on for a few weeks….and he's one of us…." he replied slowly. "His name is Patrick and he is a few centuries old. And he is a frequent visitor to the bar…..and it happened so fast, they hit it off and….she looks happy. Said is moving in with him. After I make sure they have a place of their own here. I think Pam wouldn't mind having the house to herself to be honest. But as for Willa….after what I took from her, the pain I have caused her….she deserves to be happy."

Looking from her beau to where Willa was standing, holding hands with Patrick, to Pam and Godric, she turned back to the clearly troubled Viking. "We can't live in the past anymore. I stopped doing that and I felt all the more better for it. And you….even with as long of a past as you have, you need to stop living there too. Everyone here has forgiven one another for the stuff in the past and you can't forget the others that aren't here tonight. Those dead and gone and those who are out and about living their loves out there. We needed this night for just us….just…don't forget the power of forgiveness and that there are so many of us counting on you…we count on each other. And I couldn't ask for a better support system. Whether it be you guys or Arlene….Jason and Lafayette. We are all blessed on more ways than we have realized and this night of reflection….we need this."

He looked down at her and she saw something so rarely seen….a single blood tear in his eye. "I know how lucky I am and don't plan on taking anything or anyone for granted again. He pulled her close and surveyed their partial family, knowing there was still more who cared for and loved them outside of this little sanctuary of theirs,

There was a silence as the faerie-vamp stepped forward, standing in front of them all and with a demonstration of her mighty faerie light, sent shafts of light racing across the heavens, giving off the appearance of shooting stars. And she smiled to herself as she stood back and kept the show going for several more minutes, wanting to hold on to this night, not wanting the peace to end. But she knew it wouldn't and she also knew that together, they were prepared for anything that was in store for them. Because, she reasoned, what else could they possibly all go through? Nothing was set in stone and the unknown was not longer something she would fear, but would embrace, with her loved ones at her side, ready to fight for their lives. And each other.