Author's Note: Yes, it's another Snowbert story. Guys, this is how it's going to be from now on- especially during this month break as I come to terms with Caitlin's new identity.

There are no real spoilers for 3x18 (wow, except that one. Nice going, Write-To-You), so go ahead and read even if you haven't watched. You just need to know who Julian is.

They were on their way to Starling City, and Julian was driving.

Barry had offered to flash them there, but Julian threw up every time he he got ran anywhere, and he didn't want to do that- especially in the presence of Team Arrow. Not a great first impression.

Not wanting him to be lonely, Caitlin agreed to hop in the car with him. There wasn't much she could do to help with Team Arrow's Prometheus problem, anyway. She and Felicity would probably spend most of the time catching up and talking about boys, a frequent thing they did in the short amounts of time they got with each other.

Caitlin kind of wished the car ride with Julian had come after the boy talk with Felicity. She could have used some advice on what to say... not that Felicity was really the best example of how you should talk to boys you like. But still. The silence, only covered up by the quite radio music, was starting to get sweltering.

"So." Caitlin bit her lip, playing with her fingers on her lap. "Are you excited to meet Team Arrow?"

"Oh, yes." Julian grinned. "Much more excited then I was to meet the Flash, anyway."

Caitlin paused. "Um... you know that Barry's one of my best friends, right?"

"Huh?" Julian glanced over, before returning his eyes to the road. "Oh, I didn't mean it like that. It's just- you guys talk about Team Arrow so much that it's hard not to be excited to meet them. They must be pretty darn amazing."

Caitlin shrugged. "There methods are a little bit ruthless, in my opinion."

Julian smirked. "I think that every superhero fighting team's methods are more ruthless then Team Flash's."

She chose not to take offense. "You've never met Team Supergirl, then."

"Team who?" Julian peered in her direction. She just shook her head, smiling. He certainly had a lot to catch up on. Julian shrugged, letting it go for now, and turned his full attention back to his driving.

Once again, silence fell. Caitlin held back a frustrated sigh. Things had never been exactly... awkward between her and Julian. There had always been a relatively well contained "Sexual Tension" (as Cisco called it), but their conversation had flowed smoothly, and their caught stares were met simply with smiles. Why did today, of all days, have to be an off one?

Julian his fingernails on the steering wheel, and glanced at the radio. "Oh, I love this song." He reached for the volume, jacking it up to 17.

For Caitlin, even listening to the radio when she drove was strange. She tended not to take her beaten down old car anywhere, preferring the bus, but even when she did, that music stayed off. Now the song blasted out of the car's speakers:

Whenever I think we're making progress/you turn around and you prove me wrong/You can never make this easy on me/but now it's dragged out for too long/You never change/something about you always stays the same/ whenever I think we've taken our first step/ you fall back/ to square 1.

(A.N: Whoa whoa whoa. I just need to pause anyone who is about to scold me for breaking the rule of putting song lyrics into a fanfiction. Guess what, guys? I wrote this song. My rights. And, hey, you guys can use them, too. Just give credit where credit it due, please, even though the song's not published. Yet. :)

Caitlin raised and eyebrow and Julian bopped his head to the base in the back of the tune. "I didn't see you as a poppy guy."

"What'd you see me as, then?" Julian asked, honestly curious.

"Classical." Caitlin said, a teasing smile playing around her lips. She glanced up at the road, and scream ripped itself from her lips. "Julian- look out-!"

He glanced away from her face and swerved, but it was too late. A rash 18 wheeler had attempted to make a turn into the lane they were in. Julian, not completely focused on the road, hadn't seem the stupid move, and hadn't slowed down.

Their car jolted violently as it crashed into the truck. Caitlin's scream caught in her throat as her seat belt tightened and held her in place. Julian, beside her, jolted foreword and whacked his head on the steering wheel. Their car, off balance from Julian's desperate turn, tilted onto it's side and fell with a crash.

Air bags popped into Caitlin's face as the windshield shattered. She pushed them out of the way, struggling for air and with her seat belt.

"Caitlin?" Julian first concern was always her. He turned in his chair, crushed, twisted metal pocking out dangerously in all directions.

She finally got out of her seat belt, and it snapped back into place. Caitlin fell to the side a little, gravity pulling her towards the ground. "Sorry." She muttered as she half smushed Julian in the seat. From her awkward position, she checked out his temple. "Julian you're bleeding. You might have a concussion."

"I'm fine." He insisted, squirming as he tried to fix his own seat belt. "Or I will be, anyway, if we can get out of here.

Caitlin glanced around. The roof was crushed in, preventing their escape via the backseat. The windshield was a mess of broken and splintering glass shards, and Julian's door was pressed into the ground.

"If we can get out my door..." Caitlin struggled to reach the handle. She pulled, but it was stuck. "I can't- quite-"

Her flying elbow struck the window, and the already splintering glass shattered, sending shard flying down on them. Caitlin shrieked, holding up on hand to cover her face.

"That's not going to work." Julian muttered. "Look, if we don't get out of here soon, the engine's going to explode."

"How do you know?" Caitlin wrinkled her nose. "Have you been in a car crash before?"

"No, but it's simple mechanics. The coolant will leak into-" Julian pulled up short. "I'll tell you later- we don't have time for this right now."

Outside, strangely muffled, they heard sirens. Caitlin breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness."

Julian grabbed her arm awkwardly. "They're not going to get her in time. You smell that?" She sniffed. Smoke was beginning to pour into their small, cramped space. "It's going to blow up." He gripped her arm harder. "Caitlin... you have to freeze it."

The full meaning of his words hit her harder then their crash. She shook her head hard. "No- No, Julian, I can't. there are people around! I might lose control-"

"If you don't, we're going to die." Julian looked really scared. Smoke was pouring fast now into the front seat. Caitlin choked on it, eyes burning. "I believe in you." Julian whispered, voice horse. "Please Caitlin. I know you can do this."

Caitlin hesitated, one hand lying gently on her necklace. She glanced behind her, at the completely totaled car, then back at Julian's face. A trickle of blood leaked from the cut at his temple, the hair around the cut turning reddish in color.

Reaching awkwardly around her neck, Caitlin unhooked the necklace clasp. Immediately, she felt cold rush into her blood. She struggled with herself for a second, fighting her inner demons. Frost swirled around her hands.

Julian placed one hand on her now-cold cheek. He looked deep into her eyes, which were steadily losing their warm brown color, and he smiled. "I believe in you." He repeated in a low voice. "Just freeze the engine. It'll be ok."

Caitlin took a deep, steadying breath and twisted in her seat, hands extended at an uncomfortable angle to reach through the back of the car. She let cold flow through her veins, toward her hands. More frost poured out, freezing the back seat and fogging up the back windows. "I- can't- reach it!"

"Just stretch a little further!" Julian encouraged. He coughed again, his voice even more horse then before.

Caitlin squeezed her torso through the back of the car, wincing as the glass stuck into the leather of her seat cut into her shirt and to her skin. She wormed a little bit further, and tried again.

This time, the entire back wall of the car completely iced over. The engine spluttered, and the smoke pouring out came to a slow stop. Caitlin relaxed, relieved.

"You did it!" Julian cried, patting her awkwardly on the only part he could reach, which happened to be the back of her thigh. "Uh, sorry."

She only laughed, adrenaline still flooding through her system like her cold powers. Gently, she pushed herself back into her destroyed seat, pulling on her necklace as an ambulance pulled up beside them. Her eyes turned back to brown, and she turned and squeezed Julian's hand. "We did it."

"Yes we did." He grinned, relieved to be alive. For a second they just watched each other, and then he leaned foreword, very slowly. Caitlin was about to kiss him when her door was ripped off it's hinges.

"Is everyone alright here?" A burly Jaws of Life worker asked.

Caitlin just sighed. "Yep. Everyone's just fine."

Author's Note: I'm also hoping, with the original 5+1 idea line, that I will also have a 5 times they almost kissed and 1 time they actually did. That kind of thing.