I have pulled myself from the abyss of laziness to bring you all this story. I AM BACK!

Law sat cross legged on the floor of his room, his eyes were closed and sweat was dripping down his face. It was Saturday, at least he thought it was Saturday. He lost track after what he figured was hour fifteen of this training he was doing. Surrounding him was a room, not a large one, just large enough to completely envelope him. It was his desire to see exactly how long he was able to maintain one of his rooms, and he was now reaching his limits.

The edges of his room began to shrink inwards towards him before finally disappearing. Opening his eyes Law took in a deep breath and fell backwards, he laid still for several minutes before looking up at the clack on his table. "Twenty nine hours, I guess that's acceptable." He said to himself before rolling over onto his stomach and forcing himself to his feet, he stumbled a bit before making it to the door and grabbing his sword which he used as a crutch. He was weak and exhausted, he needed to get some food before going to sleep.

Walking down the hallway he ignored the students that he passed even the ones who greeted him. The walk to the mess hall took far longer than usual but halfway there he was able to regain enough energy to be able to walk without leaning on his blade. He grabbed a tray and quickly filled it up with high calorie foods to help him regain his energy, and several bottles of water. Sitting down at a empty table he began digging in to the food. "Hey, what's up Doc?" He heard from behind him, he didn't need to look back to recognize the voice.

"Yang he's a teacher, address him with some respect." Weiss chastised the blonde as the group of four took seats around and across from him at the table.

Law sighed to himself, he was far to tired to deal with this. "Hey professor, you don't look so good." Ruby spoke up as she set her tray down.

Law looked up at her with a raised eyebrow. "What gave it away, the bags under my eyes or the facts that I practically hobbled here?" He spoke sarcastically.

"I'd say the way you're scarfing down your food is a give away as well." Yang laughed at her own joke. "So you sick?"

Law sighed again. "No, I just finished an intense training session. Twenty nine hours straight appears to be my limit." Law was about to take another bite when he heard choking from next to him, he looked at Weiss who was now wiping her mouth.

"Twenty nine hours?! That inhuman!" Ruby nearly shouted.

Law winced at the volume of her voice. "Not really, it's actually less than what I had hoped." He said opening a bottle of water and downing half of it. "I once met a man named Jinbe who fought against a man named Ace for five days straight without stopping. Actually before you found me in the alley way I had been fighting alongside Ace's younger brother. I doubt I'll ever have the stamina of monsters like them though." Law spoke with looking up from his food.

"Ace, Jinbe, and Luffy. I've never heard of any huntsmen by those names." Blake spoke for the first time since she sat down.

"That's because they aren't huntsmen, neither was I before coming to Beacon." He shrugged.

"What else could they be if not huntsmen, it's next to impossible to become anywhere near that formidable without huntsmen training?" Weiss asked curiously.

"Same as me, their pirates." He gave the heiress a smirk.

"You were a pirate, that's so cool! Where's your parrot and eye patch? Oh what about you hook hand and peg leg?" Ruby was almost bouncing with excitement, Weiss, Blake, and Yang were less enthused however.

"You're a criminal?" Yang asked.

"Yep, where I come from I was actually pretty famous, they call me the Surgeon of Death." He held up his fingers displaying the tattoos that spelled out death. He could tell the three older girls were growing less and less comfortable being so close to him, which he was fine with if it meant he might get to enjoy his lunch in peace. "Had a hefty bounty on my head to, though I'm not quite sure how that would translate into Lien." He shrugged again.

"Why did you do it?" Ruby asked resting her chin on her hand, a smile still on her face.

"Become a pirate? Well I guess it was the best way to survive at the time, later it was to kill my brothers murderer." Law explained simply.

"Why not report him to the authorities rather than taking the law into your own hands?" Weiss asked with narrowed eyes?

Law couldn't help but chuckle at this. "Doflamingo was in a position of power and had protection from the government, he was untouchable. He committed countless atrocities and everyone knew about it. So I formed an alliance with Straw Hat and went to kill him. You saw how that ended up when you found me in that alley."

"So you weren't a bad pirate, you wanted to stop an evil man and had to break the law to do it?" Ruby asked like she was listening to a fairy tale.

"Ruby, there's no such thing as a good pirate." Weiss snapped.

"That's where you're wrong actually." Law spoke again. "While I wouldn't say that I'm by any stretch of the imagination a good pirate, Straw Hat Luffy is." Law said finishing his meal. "He was stupid as all hell, rash acting and completely insane. But I've never met a better man in my life. He put his life on the line to save complete strangers, fought with everything he had for what he believed was right, and never once did he expect to be repaid for what he did. I asked him to help me with a job that anyone else would have called suicide, but because he saw me as a friend, even though I didn't at the time, he gave me one of his stupid smiles and agreed. That man would happily lay down his life for his friends, and even though Doflamingo beat me and left me in the state you found me in, I have absolutely no doubt that Straw Hat beat him in the end." Standing up Law grabbed his tray and sword and left the four girls with his words, he didn't know why he'd decided to say all that about Luffy, but he really did believe every word.

Days Later

Law yawned as he finished drawing a diagram of the human heart on the chalk board, the morning light was just shining through the windows. Setting the chalk down he walked over to his desk and sat down before grabbing a stack of papers, they were the tests he had only half finished grading and was suppose to give back that morning.

As he began looking over the papers he heard a knock at the door, likely a student wanting to get some help with something. "It's open." He called just loud enough to be heard on the other side of the door. Law didn't bother looking up as he started marking the paper in front of him. "What do you want?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Just a few minutes of you time Trafalgar Law." Law stopped his work and slowly looked up at the man standing in front of his desk, he wore a white suit and a white top hat. This was the very same man who he'd run into during his mission to save those students, the man from the grand line. The man grinned, Law notice he was hold a large metal suit case.

Law stared at him for nearly a minute before grabbing a blank sheet of paper and scribbling something on it and tearing off a piece of tape. Standing he walked over to his door and opened it before sticking it to the outside and closing and locking it. Turning back to the man he walked back to his desk. "So you know who I am, but I still don't know you."

The man nodded. "The last time we met I told you that you didn't need to know who I was, now things have changed. My name is Rob Lucci, former leader of CP9. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Law could suppress the look of surprise from appearing on his face. "CP9, the assassination unit. Last I heard about you was after Straw Hatya kicked your asses at Enies Lobby."

Lucci grunted losing his smile. "Indeed, I lost to him, just as I'm sure you would if you fought him. But I didn't come here to talk about the past, instead I've been asked to make you an offer."

"What sort of offer?" Law raised an eyebrow.

"A very simple a lucrative one." Lucci lifted the brief case and set it down on Law's desk before opening it and spinning it around. Inside was a very large amount of money and a scroll. "This is ten million Lien. My employer would like to hire you for an extremely easy job, periodically this scroll will receive a message requesting information about Beacon, it's staff, and possibly it's students. All you need to do is provide said information."

Law picked up the scroll and looked it over, it looked rather ordinary as far as the devices go other than it was a dark gray color rather than white. "And why do you think I'd be willing to sell out secrets to you about Beacon?"

"Because you are only staying at this academy until you have a foot hold here on Remnant. We're offering you that foot hold in exchange for information on people you don't care about. What's your answer Trafalgar Law?" Rob asked looking down at the pirate.

Law was silent for several minutes as he thought over his options. "You have no problems working with a pirate?"

"As far as I can tell you're not a pirate anymore, and I don't work for the World Government anymore either." He replied evenly.

Law nodded before standing up. "Tell you employer they've got a deal Lucci."


Qrow sipped at his drink in the booth he'd taken over in the local tavern of the small village about fifty miles outside Vale, in his other hand was his scroll with a message from Ozpin. "There's been a large rise in dust theft by the White Fang in Vale, Oz thinks it might be connected to our targets." Qrow thought aloud.

"The White Fang, that's that faunus group of terrorists right?" An extremely large man with a cigar in his mouth asked from the seat across from him. It had been over a week since Qrow had found the man half dead in the forest and about six days since the two had decided to start a partnership. Normally Qrow was completely against working with others but the man had proven extremely competent, as well as powerful. It had only take two days for him to fully recover from his injuries. He hadn't really been all that interested in working together either at first but had realized that he knew absolutely nothing about Remnant quickly after recovering from his injuries.

Qrow wasn't sure how the man had survived without knowing anything about the world but the two soon realized the other had something they wanted, Qrow had information and the large man had power. "Yeah that's them. They usually only hit discriminatory businesses but lately they've been hitting anyone with a pinch of dust to their name." Qrow shrugged earning a grunt in response from the smoking man. That was another thing the two liked about each other, neither was a fan of meaningless chatter.

"So does this mean I finally get to see this Vale you always talk about?" The man took out his cigar to ash it before taking a swing of his own drink.

"Maybe, I wouldn't be surprised if he recalled me sooner than later. It's hard to tell with hi-" Qrow was cut off as a terrified looking man burst into the tavern.

"GRIMM AT THE WALLS!" He shouted causing the villagers inside to begin to panic.

Qrow sighed before grabbing his drink and downing the remaining alcohol in one gulp. "So much for a relaxing drink." He stood up and grabbed his blade which had been leaning on their table. "You coming Croc?"

The massive man took one more long drag from his cigar before dropping it into his half finished glass. "Eh, why not? Better than sitting in this shit hole bar." He said also standing to his feet, he took a moment to look over the giant golden hook that replaced his left hand before following Qrow out of the bar.

Sorry for such a long wait everyone but for a while I completely lost my inspiration to write this story, but recently I've been getting back into One Piece and hopefully will get this shit back on track. Leave me a review and tell me what you all think. Until next time.