Hey Guys sorry it took so long to update. I hope you all enjoy this chapter more will be posted before the end of the month

Chapter 11

Deaton stared up at the high ceiling and counted the number of cracks. The vet was currently stretched out upon the dark grey sofa that was directly facing the bed that was occupied by two sleeping werewolves. In the past few hours, he had silently observed the newly bonded pair as they had finally calmed each other and eventually drifted off into fitful slumber. They were now nestled in the middle of the large bed facing one another; Stiles had instinctively wrapped himself around his older mate, protecting him from the world that surrounded them.

The vet couldn't help the small smile that crossed his lips; he hadn't seen this sort of behaviour in the werewolves since Talia had ruled the packs. He felt a sharp twinge in his chest at the thought of the woman he had secretly loved. He remembered back to how happy she had been when she had discovered she was pregnant with Derek. The whole pack had rejoiced the coming of a second child to the Alpha and her mate. Oh, how he had failed not only her but all her children as well.

Alan slowly moved into a sitting position; he took a quick glance at the sleeping wolves, happily noting that they had not moved an inch. He then reached under the cushion that he had been leaning against and pulled out his notebook. Again he was faced with the word that would change everything.

How the hell it was possible was beyond him and he had given up looking for an explanation. Nothing in the supernatural world should surprise him anymore. The big problem now was revealing this to Stiles and Derek. Both of them had been through hell and back, now they were going to be dragged through it again. Alan had no idea how the boys would react to the news that Derek was pregnant, the most that he could predict was that Stiles would be overcome by further guilt and Derek would blame himself. But Deaton understood that they had to know sooner rather than later.

The silence was loudly interrupted by the ringing of a cell phone. The vet rushed over to the dark grey jacket that was discarded on the floor by the sofa, reaching into the pocket he pulled out Stiles' cell and saw that the Sheriff was phoning. He quickly glanced at the bed and saw that Stiles was looking at him but Derek was still asleep. The teen gave a quick nod of approval for Alan to answer the phone. With a small smile, the vet tapped the screen and raised the phone.

"Sheriff this is Deaton"

"Deaton? Where is my son? Don't tell me he's in trouble again!" Noah sounded severely panicked.

"Calm down Sheriff your son is ok. He had to deal with some Alpha issues but he is fine. He is going to be a while yet, I will get him to call you as soon as he can and explain" The vet tried to sound his usual self. There was a loud sigh on the other end of the phone before the Sheriff spoke again.

"Fine but I want a full explanation; tell him I'm stress eating burgers and fries with extra mayo!"

Deaton chuckled at the Sheriff's attempt at humour that the man's teen son would no doubt take seriously. "I will Sheriff, take care"

Once he had hung up, Alan walked back into the loft. He was expecting to see Stiles staring at him with a scowl on his face but the Alpha teen had just flopped himself over a lightly snoring Derek and was flat out once again. A warm smile crept up onto the man's lips; these boys had a very strong mate bond. They had been together all for a few hours and had been through so much in such a short amount of time, yet their bond was so obvious. He now felt a small glimmer of hope that these boys could get through this.

A few more hours passed until Derek finally began to stir. He was overcome by the warm feeling that surrounded him, he felt drawn to move closer to the source of the warmth. As he opened his green eyes he was greeted with the adorable image of sleeping Stiles, mouth open and a slim line of drool on his chin. A smile tugged at his lips, it was nice that he had this chance to see the normally hyperactive teen finally relaxed and calm.

Even in this messed up situation, Stiles had once again put others before himself. The teen always put himself at risk for the sake of the people he cares about and Derek had never thought he was one of those people. A pang of guilt tightened in his chest when he thought about how Stiles was now tied to him for the rest of his life.

Derek didn't know much about the mating bond between werewolves, other than once the bond was made nothing could break it not even death. The more he thought about it he also had no idea about how throwing the soul bite into the mix would affect them either. The older werewolf suddenly felt nauseous, his stomach clenched painfully he couldn't hold in the groan that came from his throat.

Instantly Stiles was awake and alert, he sat up straight and was scanning the room for threats. When there seemed to be no imminent danger the teen looked back to his mate. Derek was laid on his side, legs tucked up to his chest and holding his stomach. The teen immediately shouted for Deaton and then used his heightened sense of smell to try to determine what was hurting his mate.

"Der talk to me, what's wrong?"

Derek remained hunched when he tried to speak his voice stuck in his throat as an intense stab of agony tore through his gut. Tears started to pool into the corners of his eyes, even when he had been on the receiving end of Kali's beating he had never felt pain like this. The world around him was starting to fade and blur into nothing but pain, in the distance he could hear Stiles shouting his name but in a matter of seconds, everything went black.

"Derek! Talk to me! Wake up!"

Stiles continued to yell as he watched his mate cry in agony until he eventually passed out. The Alpha felt himself starting to panic, he had never seen anyone in this much pain. He had tears in his eyes, he felt so helpless what the hell was taking Deaton so long?! Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder. As the teen looked up he saw that the vet had a sad look on his face and was holding a syringe filled with a strange green liquid. As he opened his lips to speak the vet gave him the signal to remain quiet.

"This will help him, I wasn't expecting this to happen so soon but I guess he is just like his mother"

Deaton carefully moved Derek's right arm so that he could access his inner elbow with the injection. Once he was done he threw the syringe into the waste bin that was by the side of the bed. He watched the pregnant werewolf as his body slowly relaxed and the pain eased, the vet lets out a small sigh of relief and thanked the spirits that he had remembered the herbs. Now he had to turn his attention to the panicking Alpha teen that looked like he was on the verge of a coronary.

The teen in question was still looming over his mate with a look of pure helplessness etched across his features. He kept reaching out to touch Derek's unconscious form but would pull away at the last second in fear of causing further pain. Deaton felt his heart clench at the sight, earlier he had hoped that all would be fine but now he felt foolish for being so optimistic. Once again he gently touched Stiles' shoulder and gestured for him to follow, when the teen refused to move the vet spoke in a hushed voice.

"Stiles you need to give him time, we will only be on the sofa where you can watch him and be over in a second if he needs you. Plus I have something I need to discuss with you"

Stiles gave the vet an unsure expression but followed. As both men reached the couch the teen never removed his gaze from his unconscious mate. He completely missed the vet pulling out a file of papers along with a fairly large book. Stiles couldn't work out what had happened, he clearly remembered Derek falling asleep in his arms fully content and pain-free, but the sounds of agony that came from him, the teen felt sick as the sounds echoed in his mind. Before his mind could go over it again he was instantly distracted by a sharp dig into his side. The teen turned and glared at Deaton who was still pointing the pen that had just stabbed him.

"Good I finally have your attention! Stiles, I really need you to focus, Derek will be fine I know exactly what is wrong with him and the injection I gave him will help. But we have to discuss something very important"

The teen took another glance towards the bed and listened to Derek's heartbeat that was now steady and calm; he relaxed a little knowing his mate was safe and pain-free. He finally turned his full attention back to Deaton.

"Ok let's just get this over with"

Deaton rolled his eyes at the Alpha's sudden change of attitude. Stiles would always hide his anxiousness under sarcasm and humour, but what he was about to learn couldn't be hidden from. The vet felt conflicted about what he was about to reveal, there was some relief that he wasn't going to be hiding this, yet he knew that the moment Stiles became aware of Derek's pregnancy that the teens already upside-down world would be sent spinning uncontrollably.

He just had to hope that the Alpha would be able to keep it together for the sake of his mate and child. Not knowing how to approach the subject vocally Deaton just pulled out the most important piece of paper and silently handed it to Stiles.

Stiles gave a confused look for a moment before he turned his eye to the paper. At the top in capital letters was DEREK HALE BLOOD RESULTS. The teen quirked a brow at the vet unsure why he had given him this but at the man's insistent look he carried on reading. The page contained the results of every possible blood test that could be done, from platelet levels to kidney function. Next to each result was the average for adult males, all seemed to be in order, except for one. The HCG hormone was extremely high, was this the cause of Derek's agony, a hormone?

The teen looked to Deaton for an explanation but the man was looking through the rest of his papers. Stiles spotted his cell on the table next to the sofa, he picked it up and went straight to his favourite search engine and typed in HCG hormone and waited for the results. When the first explanation appeared on the small screen Stiles went pale. HCG the Pregnancy hormone, that couldn't be right. He looked back up at the vet waiting for him to burst out laughing. Deaton simply looked at the cell and then nodded his head.

Derek was pregnant. Derek a male werewolf was pregnant. Derek the male werewolf that was mated to him and had been claimed by him was pregnant. With his baby. Was it a baby or a pup. The 'how was it possible' question he didn't even bother to ask since that question became irrelevant the moment his best friend became a werewolf.

This was going to be interesting.