"Oh really? It's 35 weeks and I haven't even been put on bed rest? Because these kids could actually, literally wait until up to 2 weeks past their due date? I could actually be pregnant that much longer? At this point? With everything I planned and everything we figured would happen and, clearly, there is some kind of God and he's a giant fucking asshole because I was SO pregnant and sick SO early on, but now these two are just DYING to take their time in coming out?" She winced as she felt a contraction again, thrilled to know they could happen for days- sure, they were infrequent and short, but between that and the girls playing soccer in her uterus... "Oh, and of course, God is a he- because NO woman on the planet would have dreamt up this nightmare scenario."

"Well, Ace, maybe you are a particularly hospitable hostess."

"But I'm not! I've thrown, like, two parties in my entire life. I'm not a good hostess! Emily Gilmore will be the first person to tell you that no one should ever ask me to host anyone; I had to call her three times when I hosted the DAR at her home- and I ended up with lettuce in my pockets! I don't know the difference between a guest towel and a normal towel- we didn't have that when I was growing up. I know my mom suggested, that time you stayed over, for Spring Fling, that we had guest towels, but we didn't- I can only pray she meant it when she said they were clean. You understand, it's possible she just febreezed and then threw in the dryer? I'm not a good hostess! What are these little shits doing still inside of me?"

"Did you just call my beautiful baby girls little shits?"

"Yeah, well, right now, with the way that at least one of them is using my ribcage the same way Lane plays drums during a Guns n Roses cover? Yeah, I'm going with little shit." His look was so full of amusement at the way she was speaking, how she couldn't keep the frustration, annoyance and anger off her face. And there Logan was, smirking.

"Fine! I'll make you a deal, you can gestate our next set of twins while I sit there and look smug, making obnoxious comments about how darling they are and how much I can't wait for them to come shooting out of your body; how you feel once an orifice of yours has dilated more than 10 times its normal size…"

"Ace, you can't-"

"Ah-hah! You winced."


"Oh you winced, my friend. You are horrified by the whole concept of expelling not just one, but two things out of your body that are ridiculously oversized for any exit space you have… You don't appreciate what I'm going to have to- OH FUCK" She had to lean in over a chair as she clutched her stomach, that one really hurt. She was just standing up and about to double down on her diatribe against his misogyny, trying to figure out how to spin it into a lecture on the Patriarchy when his face went white at the sound of something hitting the floor.

"Ace, what in the hell?" And yet, that sound… and the understanding that whatever it was that just splashed on his shoes, he wasn't about to look, was most likely her water breaking.

She looked up at him- one second ago she had been furious, angry, worked up and indignant over what was happening. And now? She looked like she was going to faint. And now he had to be- well, he had to be a dad. He had to be calm and breathe deep and get them all through this because he was the rock of the family at the moment. Dammit, they were going to be a family.

It was time for him to man up and do what needed to be done. He had always known this was coming, but as he ran his hand through his hair and tried to remember that breathing meant air going in and out from the lungs, it felt so sudden. Which- snapped him back into reality. Ok. Rory. Daughters. Labor. Hospital. That's what he had to do. 60 seconds at a time, he could do it. He could do this. He needed to do this; he was about to have not just his Ace to deal with, but two tiny baby girls who would depend on him for absolutely everything in their lives.

"Alright, hey, Ace, come on- that's just your water breaking. You're going to be fine. This is normal; it's good- it means our girls are coming." He breathed in and out, he could do this, right? He wasn't freaked out. This would work. But then, she was Rory.

"No, Logan, it's way too soon! It's only 35 weeks, they can't come yet! We aren't ready!" Her eyes were huge, she was pleading with him, tears pooling- it was too soon and she was scared! Ok, this was a change in tune from about 15 minutes ago, but not necessarily one Logan could do anything about at this point- he had asked Paris and once the water broke, that was show time. There was no halting the process, this was happening. Three weeks ago he had stashed her "go bag" in the hall closet by the entry- everything she would need for 2 nights in the hospital, including outfits for the babies, pacifiers and all kinds of other things he didn't understand. (Weren't they awfully young to need so many toys?)

"Ace, I understand, you're freaking out, you're nervous, but this is it. I'm going to grab your bag and a towel for the seat. I'll call Paris when we get in the car, but she told me if it happened sooner than 37 weeks, we want to get you to the hospital." He noticed how still she was, still in shock. "I'm sorry, I can double check with Paris and Dr. Glantz, but I don't think there is a way around this. I'm pretty sure we're stuck bringing these girls home with us." Normally she found him reassuring, his tone of voice calmed her when she panicked, he wasn't grossed out by anything that was happening and was thrilled to bring their babies home.

Apparently, the pain of labor, mixed with a lot of anxiety over what was about to come, made her less interested in being comforted.

"I swear to fucking God, Logan, I will never forgive you for doing this to me! You will literally never touch me again."

He closed his eyes briefly, trying to ignore her; he had been warned she would say all kinds of things throughout the process, this was probably the mildest he'd hear until labor was over. It was normal, she was in pain and stressed out, this was awful, he knew that- he'd read every book out there, hell- he'd watched the videos! He didn't like to think about her dealing with this, but this was how they'd get their babies; it was normal, and it would be worth it. But Doyle had warned him not to bother saying a thing. Man up, take it all, and if she breaks your hand before actually kicking you out of the delivery room, be grateful and in awe that you were allowed to be there at all.

He didn't think it was going to be that bad- but the two times he tried to say that, Doyle and Honor glared at until he gave up the fight.

By the time they made it to Georgetown Hospital and checked in, Rory was in considerable pain and it was making him crazy. On the way in he had called Paris who had said at least 4 condescending things about the head of obstetrics she had managed to finagle for her best friend's doctor until she could make it down- it was early enough she could catch the Acela train and be there in a little over 3 hours- which weirdly made him feel better; Paris Gellar wouldn't let anything bad happen to her best friend. Now it was time to call Lorelai.

"Gilmore's Gigolos Gigantes! We grow 'em, they show 'em, you'll know 'em!"


"Logan? Holy crap, sorry, I thought it was Rory!"

"I know, I used her phone. Fuck, mine is at home. How did I leave my phone at home?"

"Wait, where are you? Is Rory-?"

"We just got to Georgetown Hospital. Her water broke about 20 minutes ago, but contractions are still somewhat inconsistent 13 minutes apart. Paris is on her way down, she's grabbing the Acela. However, if you can drive to the New York Post's HQ, I'll text you the address, the Huntzberger helicopter will get you here in a little over 90 minutes. Just do me a favor and tell Paris that you were already on your way for a girls' weekend?"


"No, seriously, my dad and I worked this out months ago, it's done. Rory and I want you here. Well, obviously, not in the room-" He crossed his fingers, hoping Rory had already broken that news to her mom- Lorelai would meet her grandbabies after they were clean and rosy and examined. "Also, if Luke or Chris can make it, there is room for one of them, but not both, sorry about that. We would have loved to have the jet ready, but we knew that with the last minute nature of things, it probably wouldn't work out so well- but we can bring down Emily and Chris and anyone else in the next day, I'll work on that as soon as I have a list of who needs to come down."


"Yeah, Lorelai?" He was sweating, they were ready to start wheeling Rory back.

"Thank you. I know this might be the wrong time to say it, but you have my blessing."

"I'm sorry, they're taking us back- what did you say?"

"You're the guy, Logan. I didn't see it back then, but I get it now. You're the one for my daughter and I'm completely on board. Now, go with my girl and let her break every bone in your hand, because that's what dads do, and for the record, it's all your fault she's in this situation in the first place."