A/Ns: And finally, the last part is complete. I wanted to have this up earlier in the week, but my week was busier than normal, between two different vet visits for two rats for two completely different problems (all over my tumblr for anyone curious, the damn pets...), and then Rakan and Xayah got released on League and... Yeah, I've been playing a lot of League of Legends again lately because Rakan is love. Anyway...

This chapter was harder to write than the others. Partly due to the fact that I have trouble writing Laxus (this is why I write so much of Bickslow, because he's just so damn easy for me to write now), and partly because of how this chapter didn't really go the way I'd originally planned. Though as far as 'plans' go, most of this story was just vague ideas and scenes that I needed to figure out how to pull together anyway.

There'll be a few more notes at the end for this one, just because it's the end and I promised I'd share the prompt at the end. ;)

In the three weeks that Laxus had been at the castle as the royal pet caretaker, he'd come to learn a few things.

Firstly, he was allergic to cats. Thankfully, not deathly so, but enough to drive him insane from having a stuffy nose, watery eyes, and having to sneeze every fucking ten minutes. Of course, the court physician – the evil old hag Porlyusica – had concocted a simple draught for him that reduced his suffering, although she hadn't done so without complaint and every time Laxus went to visit her at the end of the week for a new bottle, he had to listen to her mutter and complain under her breath about how busy she was and how she didn't have time to make silly little antidotes for cat allergies.

Secondly, Laxus came to learn that he really fucking loved having a roof over his head, somewhere dry and warm to sleep each and every night, and being able to eat hot meals three times a day. He couldn't remember ever having had the luxury of all of those at the same time, and by god, did Laxus love it.

And thirdly, it was that the princess and her damn cats were equally as fucking strange as each other. Actually, that was a lie. The princess was far stranger. And so far, there hadn't been a single day where Laxus hadn't been left utterly speechless by something the woman had said or done. The weirdest thing Laxus had witnessed so far was Lucy climbing the cherry blossom tree in the conservatory to get one of her cats down – Maya, the ridiculously huge Maine Coon – from one of the top branches. Of course, Lucy had gotten herself stuck in the tree as well, and Laxus had been the one to get her down. And as it turned out, Maya had been capable of getting herself out of the tree anyway, because while Laxus had been too busy getting the flailing and panicking princess out of the tree, the damn cat had climbed down and landed gracefully in the garden. Maya just hadn't wanted to leave the tree.

But, the last thing Laxus had come to realise, and although he wouldn't admit it to anyone – not willingly, at least – was that he liked his new job. And he liked the weird princess, too. The cats were annoying as all hell sometimes (or most of the time, really, because they seemed to fucking love crawling all over him all the damn time), but his job was easy, and that was what he liked about it. Turns out, cats didn't really need much looking after – at least not by him.

The arrangement he had with Lucy was that she still did most of it herself, but for all intents and purposes, Laxus did everything. You know, for when the king's dog came to check on the precious princess in the middle of the day to make sure that she wasn't still spending too much time with her cats. And since most of Laxus' time was actually spent in the princess' quarters, the conservatory, or the 'kitty play-room' with Lucy, whenever there was a knock on any of the doors, they'd each quickly get into position so Lahar would be none-the-wiser when he walked in. Lucy would be sitting and reading or just looking pretty like she was so good at doing, and Laxus would be feeding the cats treats or something.

Honestly, fucking with Lahar was pretty entertaining, too. In the few weeks Laxus had known the king's royal guard dog, it had become pretty obvious to Laxus that the guy had a massive stick up his ass. And being able to deceive Lahar of all people on a near daily basis was incredibly thrilling – especially so to Lucy.

But, still, Laxus didn't do much. And he was perfectly okay with that. All he really did was watch them to make sure they didn't get into too much mischief, take them for walks outside in the sun since Lucy couldn't do it herself (although taking them for a walk was really just wandering around the courtyard and the Queen's Garden and letting the cats follow him since they'd annoyingly taken a liking to him), and help Lucy feed and groom them. It wasn't by any means a difficult job, being the royal pet caretaker – though Laxus supposed that his job would've been much more annoying had the princess not been quite so stubborn.

As far as Lucy herself went… Well, Laxus had to admit he didn't quite know much about her. Not really, at least. He'd come to learn that she could be a little spacey at times – usually in the mornings – and that she could go from running her mouth off at a million miles an hour, talking about everything and anything that seemed to enter that brain of hers, to giving one word answers and barely even looking up from the floor or her hands in the space of just a few moments. But he spent practically every single day with her, and aside from knowing she had some pretty damn strange mood swings, he knew nothing. And for some reason, that annoyed Laxus.

There had to be a whole lot more to the woman than her title – and hell, hadn't Lucy kind of made a point of that herself by agreeing with him when he'd blurted out it was stupid that she wasn't supposed to look after her own pets?

Granted, Lucy didn't know much of anything about Laxus either, but Laxus didn't really think there was anything worth knowing about him anyway. Plus, he wasn't exactly there to socialise with the princess and become best friends with her, even if that was what had happened. Sort of.

Still, he wanted to know more about her. And Laxus thought there was no better time to ask than right then, where he only sat against the mosaic window, looking between the courtyard through the clear panels and Lucy on the floor with the cats and a ball of twine. "You know…" Laxus began, idly rubbing Zyra's (the nine year-old Bengal) ears on his lap. Ever since he'd been introduced to all of Lucy's cats, Zyra was the one that had taken a liking to him and decided that he was to be her new human, not Lucy. And honestly, Laxus didn't mind Zyra that much. She was the grumpy cat, and her hair was short so she didn't make him sneeze as much as the others did. "When I took up the job as the royal pet caretaker, I didn't exactly expect to be taking care of literally ten cats. Well, sort of taking care of them, I guess."

Lucy let out a nervous laugh. "I suppose it is a bit strange at first…"

"Why do you even have so many?!"

That, Lucy stopped laughing at. And she stopped playing with the twine and the cats, and just let the calico kitten that had still yet to be named something other than 'her little prince', and let him paw it away from her hands to continue playing with himself.

No one had ever really bothered asking her why she had so many cats. People had commented on it, told her that it was excessive and that no one respectable should have so many damn pets (or pests, as her father liked to call them). She'd heard some of the castle staff say things behind her back over the years, too – her handmaiden before Evergreen had been the worst as far as snide comments went. Every opportunity she had, she was off with one of the stable hands and laughing about the poor, stupid princess. And she hadn't cared if Lucy overheard at all, which she had, on multiple occasions. Thankfully, it hadn't taken long for Lucy to have that handmaiden sent away, and then Evergreen had come along, and Evergreen really was lovely.

For the most part, at least.

Still, no matter how much people talked about the fact she had ten cats, no one asked the reason why. But Laxus was asking, and… Lucy admittedly didn't really know how to answer it. It wasn't because she didn't know the answer, though, because she did. It was more of a case that she just wasn't sure how much of an answer she should actually give Laxus, because he didn't really want yet another person to laugh at her or ridicule her for something that she'd honestly had no way of avoiding.

Laxus noticed how quickly Lucy fell silent though, and how she seemed to be silently considering even answering his question. He had thought it was a fair question… but maybe not. Not if it was making her get all quiet and shy again.

"I mean, I guess you don't have to tell me—"

"No, it's just…" Lucy bit her lip when she interrupted him. She sat up just enough to crawl over to the stone wall next to where Laxus sat on the windowsill, and brought her knees up to her chest. Laxus watched the way her fingers drummed a repetitive rhythm on her shins over her dress before she finally continued softly, "I just don't want you to laugh at me…"

He cocked an eyebrow at the quite admission and tried not to scoff. "Laugh at you? Why the hell would I laugh at you for having ten—wait, never mind. Now I see it…" It honestly was pretty damn funny if he thought about it, because as far as he could see, no one in their right mind would or should have ten cats.

But for the most part, Laxus personally didn't laugh much. So he very much doubted that whatever it was Lucy could say would make him want to laugh. Even Bickslow had a hard time making him laugh, ever since they'd met each other when they'd been kids, and the guy had grown up to get paid to make people laugh. Laxus just didn't laugh, and sure, he could see the comedic value in the princess having so many damn pets, but he still wasn't going to laugh. To him, it was just more strange than anything.

"See?" Lucy murmured.

Laxus sighed. "Come on, I won't laugh at you," he promised. Damn it, he wanted to know the answer now. He was too curious for his own good. "Tell me."

She looked up at him and just studied him for a moment. And as far as Lucy could tell, she could trust Laxus right then not to laugh at her – or at least Lucy hoped she could. She'd really come to enjoy having the caretaker around in the last few weeks.

Looking back down to her bare feet with a single nod to herself, Lucy took a small breath before softly admitting, "I… I don't really have any friends. That's… That's why I have cats. Because I wanted… friends…"

So she's lonely. Honestly, it made sense.

"We don't visit other kingdoms very often, and… other royal families don't visit us, either," Lucy continued just as quietly. "The only people I know are the ones who work in the castle or the grounds, and… And I can't exactly talk to them."

"Right, because you're the princess and we're just the hired help. Got it," Laxus mumbled bitterly.

"No! That's… That's not what I meant!" Lucy tried to quickly explain. That wasn't what she'd meant at all, and she hated that that was all Laxus thought of her – that she was nothing more than spoilt, arrogant princess that she should be.

"Then what?" Although Laxus didn't think he wanted to know what she meant. He supposed that was what he got for being curious, though – reminded that he was nothing more than the fucking cat caretaker.

Lucy, on the other hand, needed to explain it. Laxus could judge her all he wanted afterwards (although she hoped he wouldn't, because she really had come to like him). But until then, it wasn't fair for him to just assume the worst of her. "They just… They don't like me," she said. "And they talk about me. I hear them. I hear them laugh at me, because of my cats, and… And I can't talk to them…"

"Bullshit," Laxus scoffed. "No one says anything about you."

"You haven't been here for very long," Lucy pointed out. "And Evergreen says you don't really talk to anyone else anyway."

Laxus shifted uncomfortable on the sill. "Wait, you talk about me with her?"

An embarrassed flush caressed her cheeks as she gave the man a shy smile. "Well, you're not exactly the most talkative of people, and I wanted to know who was going to be taking care of my babies."

Damn it, Ever… He made a mental note to deal with the wench later before crossing his arms across his chest and shrugged indifferently. "This ain't about me, Blondie. Don't turn this around."

"Blondie? You're one to talk…" she mumbled. "But fine. You still don't hear them. I do, though. And the staff here… I've heard how they laugh at me. They're not the kind of people I want to talk to…"

"Well, I didn't laugh, did I?"


"And my friends don't laugh." Or at least Laxus didn't think they did. They were good people, Evergreen and Freed and Bickslow. None of them were the most sociable, of course – just like him – but they weren't assholes. Well, for the most part, at least.

"Well, I know Ever doesn't," she murmured.

Laxus shrugged again. "Well, there you go then. You've got me and Ever at least." No one really needed dozens of friends. As far as Laxus was concerned, you only really needed one or two really great friends. It was quality over quantity with friendship, at least the way he saw it.

Lucy looked back up to him with renewed heat on her cheeks. She'd considered Evergreen her friend for a long time now, and she knew that Evergreen didn't hate her back. But Laxus… Was he saying what she thought he was? "Do you mean you… That I'm… That I'm your… friend?" she whispered.

"W-Well…" He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away sheepishly. Well sure, Lucy probably was close enough to being his friend, now that he thought about it. They spent enough time together, and it wasn't like Laxus minded spending so much time with her – he enjoyed it if anything. So hell, maybe Lucy really was his friend. Although Laxus really never did think he'd come to see the day where he was friends with the fucking princess. "I guess so… Sure…"

She felt so warm and happy and giddy all of a sudden that she couldn't keep her smile from growing wider. An actual, real, human friend. And one that Lucy really was glad to exist… Even if he had started to slowly steal her cats from her, one by one.

"Is it cold outside today?"

Laxus blinked at the princess's question and looked up from where he crouched down on the ground, untying his boots, with an eyebrow raised. "Eh?"

"Is it cold outside?" Lucy repeated.

Laxus made a face. "It's snowing. What do you think? It's warm and toasty outside? Of course it's cold outside," he grumbled. It was particularly cold outside that day in fact. But it was the dead of winter, and Fiore was known for its long and cold winters…

"Oh… I see…" Lucy stepped away from the window and wrapped her shawl back around her shoulders. The fire in her chambers took almost all of the chill out of the air, and the last time she'd even set foot outside it had been summer. The best Lucy had been able to do was find a window that opened and stick her hand out, just to try and catch some of the falling snowflakes.

Admittedly, Laxus had forgotten that Lucy wasn't allowed outside anymore – although why that was, he'd never actually asked, and he found himself curious about it. Shooing Sprinkles away from his boots, and shivering from how fucking cold the stone floors were (and wondering just how the fuck the princess was completely fine with walking around barefoot in the middle of fucking winter) once both shoes were off, Laxus picked up Zyra from the top of the armoire next to him and then made to sit on one of the chairs by the fireplace.

"Why aren't you allowed outside?"

Lucy turned to see Laxus looking at her expectantly, Zyra on his lap and getting her ears stroked as always. For some reason, Lucy hadn't quite expected him to ask her that, not then, at least. He'd been there four months. If anything, Lucy had expected Laxus to ask why she couldn't go outside herself when she'd tasked him with taking her cats outside to the gardens every day, right when he'd first started as the caretaker. But now here he was, asking after four months of seeing her each and every day of the week, spending hours with her each morning and afternoon…

Sighing as she made her way over to the chair beside him, only picking up the fluffy feline on it to sit herself down, she answered, "Because Father forbids it."

Laxus rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I figured that much out," he mumbled. "But why?"

"I… don't really know, to be honest." Lucy shrugged. She knew what she'd done to supposedly deserve being banned from going outside again. She'd just never really figured out why the king had punished her so harshly for it, though. What she'd done hadn't been that bad in her eyes…

"Well, what'd you do?"

She couldn't help but smile at the memory though. She might not have thought she deserved to be put on castle arrest for it, but she did think it was just a little stupid. In hindsight, at least. "I got covered in mud."

"You… huh?"

"I was outside, in the rain, searching in every little nook and cranny outside that I could find, and got completely covered in mud in the process," Lucy giggled. "I even ruined my favourite dress."

Laxus was almost at a loss for words. Although the mental image of the princess covered in mud and drenched was entertaining to say the list. Sill, without any kind of context, Laxus was more than a little confused. Because without it, he was just thinking Lucy was crazier than he'd originally thought – though there was a good chance she was absolutely batshit crazy anyway.

"Alright Blondie, now you have me curious. Why the fuck were you outside in the rain and ruining your favourite dress?" Laxus demanded, only getting another giggle from the princess and an almost mischievous smirk.

"Did I ever tell you how I got my little prince?" she asked in turn.

"Uh, no?"

"Well, the jester – Bickslow, right?" Lucy continued. "He brought him to me."

"He did?"

Lucy nodded. "He said he found him outside, and he didn't want to just leave him outside in the cold since he was so small, so he brought him to me since he knew I liked cats," she explained. "So he came and found me, completely drenched, and gave me this tiny, little ball of fur, all covered in mud and shivering, and asked me to take care of him."

"Huh…" Now Laxus knew why Bickslow had been so secretive about that one time he'd actually talked to the princess. Because he'd given the woman a damn kitten. "So how does that lead to you not being allowed outside?"

"Well, after the jester brought me him, I wanted to make sure that he had no siblings hiding outside, too…" The cat in question decided to jump up onto her lap then and meowed up at her – his way of saying 'give me attention, Mother' – and Lucy only giggled and lifted him up to her chest to cuddle him. "So then," she continued, hugging her little prince (whose name had actually become her Little Prince after so long of not being able to come up with one), "I went out there, in the rain, and looked everywhere that I could think of. And got covered in mud in the process."

Laxus could only gawk at the woman. "You're crazy. You know that, right?"

"Since it's coming from you, I'm going to take that as a compliment," Lucy grinned. Had it been from anyone else, then she might've been offended, but… With Laxus? With Laxus, she could own her weird, because she knew Laxus didn't mind it.

Later, Laxus found himself cursing under his breath and wandering the halls of the castle. He was on his way to the princess's chambers, and honestly, he was trying to talk himself out of the stupid act he was about to do.

All night, since he'd said good night to her and gone to eat with the rest of the castle stuff, he'd been thinking about how long it had been since she'd even gone outside. He'd been there for four months, which meant that it had at least been that long since she'd stepped outside herself – although he guessed it was closer to six, with how old the Little Prince was. Himself, Laxus knew he would've gone insane if he'd been cooped up for that long, so for Lucy to have been able to stay sane (or, somewhat, at least), he was honestly amazed.

Still, for six months, all she'd been able to do was look out through windows or stand right on the precipice of what separated the outside from the inside. Six long months. Laxus couldn't help but feel bad for her. She'd been cooped up for all of Autumn – his favourite season – and that in itself was plain wrong. No one should miss the chance to be able to sit under a nice tree and watch all the leaves slowly fall to the ground. Hell, no one should miss the chance to jump in a massive fucking leaf pile, either – although that was admittedly Laxus' guilty pleasure, so he didn't really expect anyone else to actually enjoy that.

But, he'd been thinking about it all night, and after laying awake for far too long, he'd pulled his boots on, wrapped himself up in practically all the clothes he owned, and decided to go pay the princess a visit in the middle of the night. Because he wanted to take her outside, because she deserved that.

And honestly, had the princess been anyone else – had she been pretentious, a brat, or everything like a princess should be – then Laxus wouldn't be bothering right then. But she was Lucy. And sure, she was the goddamn princess of Fiore and heir to the throne, but for the most part, she was only Lucy to him. A lot of the time, he almost forgot that Lucy wasn't just a normal person, just like him.

But more importantly, Lucy was his friend. And sure, he wanted to kick himself for letting it happen, but at the end of the day, he still kind of cared about her. And he felt bad for her. And he hated that he did.

She had a big heart – a good heart – as Laxus had come to learn. And that was probably what he liked the most about her. And it was why he wanted to try and make her happy too, even if it would just be for a little while, and even if he would get in a whole lot of trouble for it. He figured the worst that could happen was that he'd lose his job, and even that wouldn't be the end of the world – although he would be just a little disappointed. The upside to getting fired would be that he wouldn't have to spend his day surrounded by cats or going to see Porlyusica every week for his medicine to stop him from sneezing.

By the time he was reaching Lucy's chambers, it was late enough that the guards that patrolled the castle (supposedly) were on the other side of the complex, leaving Laxus free to stand outside the princess's doors and have a conversation with himself about whether he was actually going to barge in there in the middle of the night and drag her outside.

He was, apparently.

So carefully, he pushed open one of the heavy doors and crept into the quiet room, only stopping once he reached the side of the large four-post bed that had one hell of a furry blanket on top of it. He crouched down beside it, and peered in the dim light at the mountain of cats in front of him, before tenderly reaching out to nudge what he was sure was the princess's shoulder – the hair sprawled out on the pillow behind her gave her away.

"Lucy," he said softly. Oscar, the grumpy Ragdoll shifted where he laid on top of his master's head, and stretched himself out while digging his front claws into the pillow. Laxus nudged the princess again then. "Lucy, wake up."

Groaning, Lucy slowly became aware of how she was being nudged awake. And only after her brain actually kicked into gear did she actually register it, and then she flinched and moved away so quickly that she almost crushed two of her cats in the process.

"Hey, calm down! I didn't mean to scare you," Laxus said. Scaring her wasn't what he'd wanted to do – but then again, so far he hadn't been punched in the face, and that was what Evergreen had done to him once when he'd tried getting her out of bed.

Lucy rubbed her eyes. She could just make out the scar across his right eye with the small amount of light offered from the oil lamp. "Laxus?" she mumbled tiredly. One by one the cats left to go curl up somewhere else as she pulled herself up. "What are you… What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to…" He paused. Admittedly, he hadn't figured out just what he was going to say once Lucy was awake, so he quickly racked his brain for an answer before he finally continued, "To take you on an adventure." Yeah, that works. It was going to be an adventure of sorts anyway. It'd be fun and there'd be danger involved – well, more so for him, at least.

There was just enough light that Laxus could make out the less than pleased look that fell on the princess' face. "An adventure," she repeated. "You woke me up to take me on an adventure."

It was quickly becoming obvious to Laxus that Lucy wasn't exactly in the best of moods – not that he blamed her, of course. But he was just a little frightened right then. "Well, sheesh," he mumbled, shuffling uncomfortable on his feet where he remained crouching down at the side of the bed. He was vaguely aware of the pawing he felt at his ankles which was probably just Sprinkles trying to eat his boots. "You don't have to come if you don't want to…"

"Well, I'm already awake and you have me curious. What kind of adventure are we talking about exactly?"

That much, Laxus didn't want to explain. Not yet. But Lucy being curious was a good thing. Instead, he only asked, "Do you trust me?"

Lucy didn't hesitate to give her answer. "Of course I do," she whispered.

"Then come with me." He extended his hand to her, and for a moment, Lucy just stared at it in the dim light before finally accepting it and letting him pull her out of the warm confines of her bed.

When he left to go wait outside her chambers after telling her to find the warmest clothes she could, Lucy felt her heart begin to race. There she was, awake in the middle of the night and about to go off with her damn cat caretaker to god knows where. But she wasn't the least bit scared or worried, because it was Laxus, and she'd been slowly getting to know him over the last four month, and she'd meant it when she said she trusted him. Lucy was only excited to see exactly what Laxus' plans for adventure involved, and when she met him outside her chambers a few moments later, all rugged up, and he took her hand and began leading her through the dark corridors or the castle, she grew even more excited.

He didn't tell her anything until they were outside, and she felt the almost forgotten crunch of snow under her boots. And when it clicked that the adventure Laxus had planned was about her sneaking out of the castle, just to be outside for once after so long, Lucy couldn't keep the grin off her face. Neither could Laxus when it was Lucy then dragging him around, with her hand still in his.

By the time the sun began to rise though, and the snow that had fallen the day before began to melt with the first rays, Lucy was exhausted, and she knew it was time to head back to the castle before the king or the guards or anyone else found out that she'd spent most of her night playing in the snow and sitting in the Queen's Garden with the animal caretaker.

Honestly, it had been one of her best nights of her entire life, and in reality, it had only been a few hours. Of course, she couldn't quite tell if the reason she'd had such a good time was because it had felt so damn thrilling to be doing something she wasn't supposed to do, or if it was because Laxus' face after she'd hit the side of his face with a snowball had been absolutely priceless – she suspected it was the latter, to be honest. Still, the night had to come to an end, and Lucy wasn't really that sad about it.

"I guess I should get back to my chambers before anyone notices I'm not there," she said softly as she picked her head up from the man's shoulder.

"I suppose so," Laxus agreed. He knew that the guards would be starting their morning rounds shortly anyway, and although they wouldn't go into Lucy's chambers, it would sure be suspicious if they found her wandering the halls at the crack of dawn.

Lucy turned again just in time to see Laxus rising from the bench under the gazebo, and stepped forward just to place her hands on his shoulders and push him back down before he could stand. She smiled softly before answering his silent question with, "I don't want you getting in trouble if I do get caught, so it'll be best if you wait here for a little while."

"Oh… Are you sure? I mean—"

"I'm sure," Lucy interrupted him sweetly. Really, it would be a shame if Laxus were to get punished for what he'd done. Lucy didn't want that.

He nodded to himself as he mumbled, "Right, okay…"

For the first time that night though, Lucy found herself just a little nervous and embarrassed. She hadn't even been that embarrassed when Laxus had woken her up and seen her in her bedclothes – though to be fair, he had seen her in them before, when Evergreen had introduced him to her on his first day. But right then, she was, and it was mostly just because she didn't know how she was supposed to say thank you to the man for sneaking her out of the castle, all in an attempt to make her happy. And sure, he hadn't explicitly said that (though Lucy had definitely tried getting it out of him several times, despite how awkward and defensive he'd get each time she brought it up), but she knew that's what it had been.

Just saying it didn't feel like enough though. Not for Laxus. Because Laxus was… Well, Laxus was special. And special people got special thank yous. So Lucy did the only thing she could think of – which also happened to be something she'd found herself wanting to do more than once over the course of the night – and leant forward quickly just to softly press her lips to his cheek.

"Thank you for the adventure, Laxus."

And all Laxus could do was stare at the princess with wide eyes as she turned back around and skipped down the snow-covered path in the garden towards the castle. Suddenly, his face didn't feel so cold.

A/Ns: And there it is. Finished. Done. Complete. I can cross this one off my list now (although really, my WIP list has already grown again, so I'm not sure why I bother trying to finish any of my projects. My list is always going to be massive.)

Anyway, as given by the wonderful Empress six months ago, this was the prompt that inspired this strange AU: "When I took up the job as Royal Pet Caretaker I didn't expect to be taking care of literally 10 cats. Why do you have so many?!" And naturally, I couldn't just write this as a drabble. I knew when I first saw it that it was going to be a long one.

So here's hoping you all enjoyed it. I'll admit, as difficult as it was, it was kind of fun to write. Now I need to get back to my BixLu babies because I miss writing my favourite dorks.

Reviews are always appreciate.

Until next time...