Chapter 11
I Give Myself To You

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Authors Note: Okay. So I wasn't ever going to update again. Why? Because I was on HP strike with this story. I had to make this into an AU, and I wasn't looking forward to it at all. I will stand firm that Sirius will remain alive, the OotP will not exist, and I am going to stick to the old HP cannon and the characters will not change from what I had written them because of Book 5. I only have up to chapter 16 written, and after I punch all of that out on the keyboard, I'll make my decision whether or not I'm going to continue to write Harry's Fate. I sort of feel as if I've grown apart from the story, but I've had so many positive remarks and requests that I couldn't leave you hanging like I did, so consider this my Christmas gift to you all. I hope you enjoyed it. -Kat

Harry ran down the hallway to Dumbledore's office. He quickly said the password ("Every Flavor Beans") and ran up to spiraling staircase. He then took a breath and knocked on the large oak door.

"Nice of you to come, Harry. I was beginning to to think you had forgotten...a year will do that, I suppose." His blue eyes twinkled at the panting Harry. "Oh my, you did forget!"

"Sir, with everything going on...Sirius reminded me! I can't believe it. It's tomorrow! Is everything set?" He plopped down in the chair and sighed.

"Yes. The Midnight Tower is expecting you at 7:30 P.M. Everything is set. What time do you suppose you will be back?" He smiled at Harry knowingly.

"No clue, sir." Harry began to blush slightly.

"Her robes will be on the bed when she returns from class. We will have the Port Key ready at 7:15 P.M. to make it's way to London. Is that all that needs to be done?" He knew it was. This was the eighth time they went over this. He felt Harry was like a son to him, and he made sure everything was safe for them to leave tonight. He had made special arrangements like this before, but somehow this time seemed to be different.

"Of course. You've been so much help."

"Of course, Harry."

"Again, thank you for everything. I'm sure my professors are wondering where I literally ran off too." He smiled mischievously, "Siri--Professor Black is probably having kittens right now..." His radiant green eyes met aged blue eyes as he stood up to leave. "Thank you."

"Again, Mr. Potter, the pleasure was all mine. I am very sure Virginia will love this very much."

"I could give her a paper bag and she would think it was the greatest thing in the world." He smiled at the professor and left.


Harry was pacing back and forth in his bathroom. He was waiting for Ginny to get back from Herbology. Tonight he was taking her to Midnight Tower -- a very classy resaurant in London. Just as Harry was sure that he would pace a hold in the stone floor, he heard the portrait hole to the Head dorm opening.

"Harry, I'm home~" She giggled as she ran into the bedroom. "Harry?

"Hmm. What's this?" Harry heard as he leaned against the bathroom door. Then she shrieked. "He remembered!"

Harry slowly and quietly exited the bathroom and watched her. She grabbed the note attatched to the pachage and read.

Happy Anniversary, Gin.
Open the pachage and be ready by 7pm sharp!!!!
I love you,


The package was silver and large. Very large. She ripped into it. When she opened it, she gasped. "Oh my! They're beautiful." She held the fabric as it flowed like silver liquid over her hands and arms. Just as she held up the robes to look at them more, she felt strong hands wrap around her waist. "Harry...The robes are did you know I wanted these robes?"

"I have a very happy Molly Weasley helping me out." He hugged her tight and turned her to face him. He cupped her face with his hands. "I love you very, very much." He glanced at the clock. 2pm. Hmm, he thought. Harry tilted her chin and lowed his lips to hers. Soft, gentle kisses soon became passionate ones. "I love you," he whispered against her lips.

The feeling of his warm breath on her neck made Ginny want nothing more than Harry.. He kissed her neck and becan taking her robes off. She did the same to him slowly, tentively. She wanted nothing more than to make this moment last forever. Harry casted a quick locking charm, a contreceptive charm, and then a silencing charm. Harry started kissing her again.

"I love you, Harry," said Ginny just as he laid her down onto the canopy bed.


Harry awoke from his peaceful slumber to find himself being stared at with chocolate brown eyes. He smiled, recalling every little detail of the passionate afternoon. She giggled at him. He looked up at her quizically.

"Ya know, Gin. After you make love to someone, giggling is not usually the smartest thing to do. What time is it?" He reached for his glasses on the nightstand.

"Nearly 5..." She looked at him quickly. "5!? My, I only have a few hours to get ready!" Harry groaned. "Big baby! You can cuddle tonight. Right now I need to shower."

"Hey! Me first! I'm quicker. You take an hour and a half!" He narrowed his eyes dangerously, daring to be fought.

"How 'bout we both take one --- together?" She wiggled her eyebrows, barely containing her laughter.

"Not a good idea, Miss Weasley. At the rate we're going, we'll never make it to our destination!"

"Oh, darn."

"Come on, let me up. I'll be fifteen minutes." He heard her sigh. "Oh, give up." He kissed her before getting up and moving towards the door.

"Harry, dear..." Ginny sang.

"What now, Gin?"

"You're forgetting something," she laughed at the expression on Harry's face when he realized what he had forgotten.

"Thank you, Ginnny." He grabbed his black silk boxers out of his wardrobe, along with other things she couldn't see due to her fits of laughter after her comment on the boxers ("oh my, my favourite ones!").


Harry paced the head Common Room. He looked at his watch ("6:55"). He groaned. Girls took forever to get ready. Never enough time. He finged the silver box in his robes. He glanced at the mirror. Harry looked quite smashing (the magical mirror told him so.) He was tan, toned from Quidditch training, and smelled faintly of spices. He was wearing the crimson red dress robes he bought at Madam Malkins Robes For All Occasions., and was quite tall, standing at 6"1'. Just as he looked up, he saw Hermione exit her room and smile down at him. She descended from the loft, giggling.

"Harry. You look lovely," she smiled approvingly. "Gin will be down in a second. I can't wait to see your face."

"Just as she got the words out of her mouth, he glanced up to the loft to see a glowing Ginny Weasley walking towards the stairs.


Author's Note: *sigh* There's ch. 11. How'd I do after not writing for months and months? -Kat

Princess Sarah *G/D: Thank you for your positive review.

katc Thank you. Sorry I never updated. I hope my explaination is a worthy excuse. Sirius is the main reasion why I stopped writing Harry's Fate, and I think I got sorta bored with it as well.

Dustin-Coons: Thanks. Sorry for the wait.

Lilia3: *wince* I went so JKR on you. Sorry 'bout that.

SummerRaven: Your wish is my command.

cancan227: Since you're such a dedicated's one chapter for the time being to hold you over! :)