Chapter 1:

Lux skipped excitedly towards the reception desk in the main building of her new college. It was Lux's first day as a college student; she had chosen to attend the same school her older brother Garen and her friends had chosen. She stood at the front desk, resting her elbows on it and smiled widely at the lady working on the computer.

"It's my first day and I'm here to find out where my dorm is."

"Your name?" The woman looked tired, Lux was probably one of hundreds of students who started today, asking her the same questions over and over.

"Luxanna Crownguard." She beamed. The receptionist quickly tapped away at her keyboard, reading what came up on her screen.

"You're staying in the dorm by the Physics Building, dorm room 405." The woman said before circling the building on the map for Lux and handing her a key.

"Have a nice day!" Lux smiled at her again before skipping out the front door. Lux grabbed the bags she had left outside the main building and began heading to where the receptionist had pointed out on the map. The campus was much larger than she had imagined, though Lux wasn't sure what she should have expected from such an expensive university. Her eyes had almost bulged out of her face when she received the bill for her upcoming first semester.

Lux joined the hundreds of other students making awkward shuffles with their belongings into the dorm halls around campus, eventually, after getting lost a few times, she found the building she was looking for. A big four storey orange brick building stood in front of her as she double checked the map before heading inside. She confirmed with a woman wearing a t-shirt saying she was a guide that this was the building she was looking for before asking which floor her room was on.

"The first number is the floor; the second two are the room number." Lux nodded and smiled before she headed for the stairs, not bothering to join the line of people waiting for the one elevator.

She walked around on the fourth floor, trying to make sense of which way the numbers went before she found room 405, fishing the keys out of the pocket of her jeans. She unlocked the door and headed inside.

"Hello?" Lux called out. She knew she was meant to have a roommate, though she couldn't get in contact with her before the semester started to sort out who would bring what. Lux figured she must have just been given a wrong email address. When she received no answer, Lux began to look around the dorm. It was a small apartment; she had decided to pay extra for the apartment over the single room with two beds. This way she could at least have her own room even if she had to share the apartment itself. She brought her bags to one of the rooms, opening the door. Inside the room was a redheaded woman, half naked from the waist up.

"Oh my god!" Lux exclaimed before she clamped one of her hands over her eyes.

"What the fuck!" The redhead exclaimed back, obviously surprised by Lux's intrusion on her changing clothes.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd already arrived." Lux stammered out before trying to back away from the door. The redhead grabbed the door handle forced it closed, slamming it in Lux's face and causing the blonde to jump slightly. Lux began moving her stuff to the other room, blushing hard at the first impression she gave to her roommate as someone who doesn't know how to knock.

The room that ended up being Lux's had a single bed to the right of the door and a desk on the left side. It was smaller than the other room but her roommate had gotten here first, she sighed slightly and placed her things on the bed when she heard footsteps behind her. Lux turned to see the redhead standing behind her wearing a leather crop-top, a leather jacket and tight leather pants. Leather on leather on leather. Lux blushed slightly when the redhead caught her staring at the tattoo on the right side of her midriff.

"Learn to knock." The redhead said aggressively. Lux laughed nervously before extending her hand out.

"I'm sorry about that! I'm Luxanna Crownguard, but you can call me Lux." The redhead looked at Lux's hand, refusing to shake it, instead folding her arms across her chest.

"I'm Katarina. Keep out of my way and we'll be fine." She said before exiting Lux's room, heading out of the apartment. Lux frowned, thinking her interruption may have been the cause of Katarina's foul mood. She tapped her finger against her lips, thinking of a way to apologise when she had an idea. She could cook dinner for the redhead; they did have a small kitchenette after all.

Later that evening, Lux made a spaghetti dish, expecting Katarina to return home any minute and leaving it to simmer on the stove. After a while, Lux gave up, Katarina hadn't returned and didn't seem like she would be back any time soon. She ate her own dinner and left enough for Katarina if she wanted some. Lux sat on her laptop, mindlessly looking through her social media when she heard the frantic twist of keys in the front door. Lux looked out of her room into the small hallway between her and Katarina's room, seeing Katarina pushing another woman into her room, kissing her aggressively. Lux blushed brightly at seeing the pair before closing her own bedroom door.

A few minutes later Lux could hear loud moans from the room next door, she pulled out her headphones and listened to some music hoping to drown out the sounds of her roommate having sex. Unfortunately, it didn't work, even at the highest setting she could still hear the moans and screams of the woman Katarina had brought back to their dorm. Lux sighed; she hoped that this wasn't going to be a regular thing.