Jungle Fever

Episode 12: Rise of the Jungle Queen

Seeing the metal fire pellet launchers aimed towards your sister and her friend was already bad enough of a situation for Chris to be in, but to be hunted like prey only further strengthened Chris's resolve to defeat these Umbrella soldiers the only way he knew how.

Brute force.


Beating his chest like a wild animal, Chris lunged forth towards the beachfront, on all fours as he sped towards his targets, though they could see him coming, like a speeding out of control train the impact was unavoidable, Chris sending one of the soldiers flying off into the sky with one brute force shoulder shove, his momentum cancelled out before turning to his next target, swinging his fists wildly in the vicinity of all who carried the metallic weapons he had seen in his last encounter with the Umbrella soldiers.

However unlike last time, the area was far too open and Chris himself was outnumbered. A factor that Birkin knew well to show the wild nude man the folly of his berserker attack.

The two Umbrella Soldiers beside him fired off their guns, the bullets grazing his arm as though to deter him from further action.

All too ready to throw caution to the wind and refuse surrender of any sort, Chris shook off his injuries ready to pounce upon the soldiers that maimed him, only stopped by the frightened words of his little sister.

"Chris STOP!" Claire begged, keeping her nerves steady, hoping that her brother would listen to reason for the time being, keeping the faith that Becca being of a more scientific mind would think up a plan that would outfox these soldiers that held the three of them captive.

As much as he didn't like the circumstances, Chris chose to relent, shoved in line with Leon and Claire with his hands behind his head, knelt down whilst Billy Birkin smirked smugly, satisfied that finally things were going to plan, unlike all of Wesker's schemes.

Far off in the distance however, the situation became grim. Becca peering through the trees and seeing her friends held hostage up on the beach front, the heavy hitters with Claire, Leon and Chris now all taken out leaving Becca all the more uncertain about her chances. Sure she was smart, but Chris was one of the strongest guys she ever knew. Claire and Leon likewise were fast on their feet and knew how to kick some ass when things came down to it... But Becca?

She hated to admit to herself, but she was kinda a scardy cat... Even Jill was at least brave enough to stand up to Sheva despite her not being the most combat oriented of the Nakeds.

Paralyzed by fear, she curled up into the fetal position, remaining in her hiding place behind the tree obscured by the shrubbery that she used to remain out of sight, left to agonize over the knowledge that with her friends captured and Jill lost in the caverns below. Becca was all alone and no one was coming to save her. Even now it was only a matter of time before one of those soldiers found her and god knows what would happen once they were all caught.

The very thought made her cry. Despair claiming the nude girl to such a degree she made no effort to muffle her weeping cries. Inevitability would be her doom.

(XD Well dang that was more depressing than I thought... Now onto a more hopeful tone)

"Dad?" Jill spoke softly, unable to believe her own eyes that the man who brought her into the world of the living was now standing before her right on the very beach whose shores she first set foot upon all those months ago.

"Yes Jill its me" Dick replied, speaking warmly to his dear daughter with pride filling his soul knowing that he was granted the honor of seeing his little girl all grown up into a beautiful strong woman whom he always believed would become as such in the days he lived as a human.

"Are you... From the present?" Jill asked, wondering if this visage of her father was merely a memory or a similar effect to how she affected the past with Trish.

"Indeed. I don't understand it all myself, but from what I can gather we're in a nexus between life and death. Even if its the only time we have to speak I want you to know how proud I am of you and all you've done for your friends on this island" Dick explained, only really relaying what he could fathom from the vastly ethereal knowledge the spiritual realm had given him. Although even he had to admit that such knowledge was lost to a man of a more grounded reality since he had seldom been able to recall his consciousness besides the brief moments he was able to witness his daughter through concentrated efforts to see his beloved daughter once again.

Rushing in for a hug, determined to hold onto this fragment of her father's being, Jill tightly clung to him, barely able to hold back her emotions as she let him embrace her in a warm cuddle.

"I tried my best Dad... But I'm so scared... I don't know if I'll ever be good enough to protect them" Jill whispered through shallow breaths, holding her nerve lest she burst into tears over her own insecurities eating her up inside.

"A fear I know all too well. But I've been watching from afar. You're stronger than you think you are Jill. When you fought against that Tribal girl who threatened your friends. Your willingness to look for Rebecca when she went missing. Your bravery in the face of certain death and wandering through the caverns and finding my body. Anyone else would've given up hope but you continued on and on top of that you helped an old spirit find peace in her life. Very few women could've done what you've done. And for that I know that no matter how scary the situation, you will be able to overcome these challenges with the certainty that you've helped those you love" Dick spoke encouragingly, gently brushing his daughter's hair with his strong hands, comforting her with the knowledge that even if he couldn't be there in the flesh he knew full well that she was a woman who didn't know just how integral she was to her friends' lives. Helping them in ways Jill never knew.

"How do you do it? How the hell are you supposed to be brave when everything is just too much to take?" Jill asked, admitting her deepest fears keeping her locked inside her isolated mental cell.

"Honestly it was the hopes that everything I did was in service to helping the people I loved and keeping them safe. Even if I couldn't help my team or what happened to you and your mother. I can rest easy knowing that in the wake of my death you carried with you our family's spirit to keep on fighting for those we love until the end" Dick answered, speaking from personal experience whether it be police assignments that took him to his absolute limits or trying times where even his own teammates were suffering and he being the captain had to hold them all together as a tightly knit unit.

Jill remained frozen for a brief moment. Thinking back to all the moments she experienced, her thoughts dwelling upon the day she first set foot upon the island and all the adventures since then. Sure she had her moments of being a prissy little princess. But watching Claire and Leon compete in their little sports competitions, smiling when she saw Becca getting excited whenever Jill accompanied her on her little voyages across the island to collect herbs with her, all the while explaining their value to her. And most precious of all the moments she spent alone with Chris, Jill felt a weight that had previously held a tight lock upon her heart begin to dissipate.

Jill knew she had much left to improve on. But all of that felt so much less of a burden when the rewards reaped by the simple co-existence with those around her who valued her as much as she valued them made Jill feel so much more than a mere princess of the modern world who had otherwise felt maladjusted to the ways of the jungle.

A sudden warmth made Jill feel discomfort, the girl shifting her skirt and tube top as though the very garments she wore were now the burdens she wore more than the mental trauma she suffered previously, the Valentine girl knew who she was and was at last prepared to accept the totality of her circumstances ready to make the transition into her next phase of life.

"I'm ready... I'll see you on the other side Dad" Jill remarked after taking a deep breath. A smile gracing her lips as at long last her demons were slain.

"I'm proud of you Jill. I love you" Dick stated solemnly, feeling his spiritual essence beginning to fade away, his consciousness leaving him in high spirits now that his daughter had found her spark again. New found confidence that he knew would lead her to conquering her fears and truly growing into the beautiful woman he always knew she would become.

"I love you too Dad" Jill replied happily, the two departing as the world faded to white, Jill leaving her father with a smile as if to let him know that she would continue to make him proud. Now fully dedicating herself into a plan to help her friends given the predicament they found themselves in shortly after Jill fell into the caverns.

All she needed was a little help from a ghost lady.

"Hey Trish. Before you go can I ask you for one last favor? Something that would mean the world to me in helping my friends out of a dangerous situation?" Jill inquired, finding herself back inside the deep dark pit illuminated by the heavenly golden glow of Trish's nude presence.

"Of course. It would be the least I could do to help" Trish replied, accepting Jill's plea for help with graceful accord. Offering her hand towards Jill. Trusting in the Valentine girl who had already formulated a plan to help her friends with the aid of Jill's power given her memories of the 'sky goddess' she saw in the cave paintings back when she was looking for Becca before the skirmish with Sheva.

(XD And now back with Becca)

Looming darkness fell upon the naked girl as Becca saw the armored patrolman beam down upon her with vengeful eyes. His weapon posed upon her as Becca saw the end in sight. The girl whimpering in fear not to be destroyed by the bullets that lain within the chamber of his firearm stopped by the sounds of a familiar noise Becca had made sure to remember from more than a while ago.

"OOOH! OOH! AAAAH! AAAAH!" Came the screeching sound of a jungle creature Becca had held fondly in her memory as the Umbrella soldier had been hit by the solid THUNK of a coconut that was able to hit hard enough beyond the hit rate of a normal impact and reverberate inside his helmet to the point of knocking him out and thus leaving himself unconscious upon the floor, revealing to Rebecca that her savior came in the form of an old friend.

"LAZ! OH MY SQUASH! It's you!" Becca squealed happily as she embraced the Lemur tightly in a hug, surprised that the lemur that she saved long ago would return the favor in such a pivotal moment.

"Oh wow! Thank you so much for saving me!" Becca thanked, giving her gratitude to a creature that shouldn't have been able to understand English. However due to it being a sentient creature it was able to recognize gratitude despite the language barrier that divided humans and animals through small chirps of its own.

However then of course returned Becca to her small problem. With Chris now taken hostage and Claire and Leon also taken hostage by Umbrella's forces and Jill lost beneath the caverns the task fell on her alone to save the day... But how?

Witnessing the unconscious Umbrella soldier on the floor, Becca soon recognized that in order to save her friends she would have to do something she swore she would never do the moment she took to the life of nudity once she saw Leon partaking in its joyful existence in being naked.



"OH for the love of all that's sacred what the hell is taking those patrols so long?" Billy Birkin questioned to himself as he examined his watch for the time, certain that there was one more Naked yet escaping his grasp knowing that once he had her within his firm tightly locked grip Umbrella's victory would be certain and finally he could prove to Wesker once and for all that HIS way was the best and he should shut the hell up and listen to REASON once in a while rather than whatever convoluted scheme he cooked up in his head that morning after drinking too much coffee.

As if to answer his prayers Birkin witnessed one of his patrolling Umbrella soldiers returning to his location.

"Report. Where is the last of these Naked people?" Billy asked in an authoritative tone of voice, speaking personally to the soldier whom was very feminine in nature despite the clunky armor she had worn in disguise.

"Well ya see, *AHEM* I mean SIR! I could not find anybody in the jungle SIR!" Affirmed the "SOLDIER" in a very manly tone of voice even though her lack of a deep voice all but betrayed the idea that the one who delivered that statement was a man.

Skeptical of the soldier before him, Billy felt it fair to at least give the soldier a sporting chance to prove themselves by asking a simple question.

"Really?" Billy inquired, curious to see if the Umbrella soldier would continue to follow his orders or propose a query of his own in exchange for the lives that were being threatened at his present time. Or if instead the soldier would attempt to assert his dominance like all men do because they're chauvinistic pigs who can't determine the fact that women are simply better than them.

"YES SIR! In fact I have recently received orders from our superior that you should let the Nakeds go" The Soldier ordered in a very fake manly tone of voice given that there was a distinct lack of deep vocal tones in 'his' voice.

"Then tell me soldier. What is our superior's name?" Billy asked skeptically.

At this query, the 'soldier was at a loss for words.

"Seize her!" Birkin ordered, the Umbrella troops holding the 'soldier' by the arms and removing the mask revealing the Umbrella Soldier to be Rebecca Chambers in disguise all along.

"RAAAAGH! EAT MY COCONUT BOOBIES YOU BIG MEANIE!" Becca roared angrily as she shook her arms free and unzipped her combat fatigues before throwing two coconuts at Billy, the two shots missing as her coconuts landed in the ocean. The girl finding herself doing little more than being able to struggle against her restraints in the men holding her. Shaking off her vest and pants in the effort to get naked again despite finding herself trapped like Chris Claire and Leon among the other Umbrella soldiers holding them all prisoner. Happy that she would at least be naked despite the harrowing circumstances that befell her and the other Nakeds.

"Did you really think I'd be that fucking stupid that a little girl could fool me into thinking she was one of our troops" Birkin queried sarcastically. Becca leaping back in fear behind the two naked males of her friends knowing that they could shield her from the scary scientist that hounded her. However realizing that in this situation unless Jill had pulled some sort of miraculous stunt they would all be totally screwed.

"Swear!" Sherry exclaimed. The Nakeds taking notice of this as they too had caught the little blonde girl sneaking glances at them for their nudity all throughout this endeavor.

Sudden thunder and lightning crackled in the sky before a beam of lightning had shot down upon the sandy beach in front of Billy Birkin. The figure within illuminated by a golden hue. The woman herself revealed to be wearing a blue tube top and black miniskirt. Her expression confident and ready for whatever came her way. A deadly combination in and of itself, let alone knowing that a dozen guns were trained upon her.

And yet... She smiled at the result. As if confident that no matter what happened she would win.

Wesker himself even smiling at this knowing from experience that The Naked's were not to be underestimated.

"And now we reach endgame" Wesker commented slyly to himself, willing to let the events play out knowing that soon it would lead to him being back in control once more.

"What the? This isn't possible!" Birkin exclaimed, unable to process what the flying fuck he was seeing.

"Its not much. Just a little help from the world beyond. Now let my friends go and if its not too much trouble NEVER COME BACK" Jill replied smugly, feeling the energy coursing through her body thanks to Trish's influence, enhancing her body with her spiritual energy, allowing Jill to perform such godly acts, flaunting her borrowed powers by making thunder roar whilst lightning crackled across the sky. The Valentine girl smiling while she did it.

"Don't be foolish. We've got guns trained on you AND your friends. There's no way you're getting out of this without somebody getting killed" Billy reasoned, motioning his men to train their weapons squarely on Jill given the power she wielded.

The Valentine girl gripping her knife left firmly inside her boot. With a sharply drawn motion the Valentine girl slashed at her black miniskirt, carving through her panties and even her flesh leaving a trail of blood running down only to further showcase that thanks to her powers the flesh had in fact healed instantly and the clothes that once veiled her vagina now sauntered down upon the sand alongside a blue S.T.A.R.S beret, leaving the bottom half of her body completely expose.

"With powers like this do you really think your bullets can do a damn thing to me?" Jill inquired with a certain confidence to her tone that both to Billy and to her friends was otherwise alien to them. The girl holding her knife towards Billy's throat with the same poise that one would expect from a fencer.

"No. But that doesn't mean that we couldn't kill off one of your friends" Birkin retorted, having his men point their guns towards Chris, recognizing that besides Jill and her sudden goddess powers he would be the biggest threat to their existence given the raw strength he displayed beforehand.

Smiling cockily, letting her knife drop into the sand as it stabbed into the ground, Jill's hands reached into her tube top before the girl forcefully ripped the clothing material in two and took hold of her father's Beretta nested inside her cleavage, aiming the gun squarely at Billy's forehead.

Fully naked and a force of unstoppable proportions. Jill felt better than she'd ever felt in her entire life now that she was able to flaunt not only her body, but her true dominance as a woman knowing that she had outgunned and outsmarted the suffocating crowd of men that had guns trained on her the one she loved most.

"And without their boss giving them orders and their PAYCHECKS at the end of the week, are you sure that they'd be willing to carry out your orders once you were 'past tense' shall we say?" Jill asked slyly, remembering the movie marathons she and her father would have of Steven Seagal and Sylvester Stallone movies to give her a vast repertoire of cheesy one liners to use should the situation arise in the effort to keep her nerve, knowing full well that her gamble could easily go wrong should Birkin start getting trigger happy.

Despite the fact that they were employed by Umbrella, even the soldiers had to admit that Jill was exactly right. They only really did what they did because they were paid to do it. They had lives, families and hobbies same as anyone else. And without Birkin giving em their paycheck then what the hell were they even doing there? They could've easily become cops or Security Guards had it not been for Umbrella's generous salaries with benefits such as good medical and dental insurance plans.

At this revelation the soldiers had ceased their activities and drew their guns away from The Nakeds.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Birkin asked, exacerbated by the fact that this girl was able to talk down a platoon of soldiers when by all accounts he should've been the one in control.

"Do not be so foolish Billy Birkin. You have been checkmated. Now accept defeat like the little bitch you are" Wesker commented, slyly grinning with the foreknowledge that his gamble had been a successful one.

"SWEAR! But Mr Sunglasses is right Daddy. That naked lady wants you to stop being a meanie and will let you go if you just say you're sorry and be more nicer to them" Sherry explained. The girl chastising Wesker for his swear word but in turn through her childish perspective trying to explain why her father should know when to fold his cards and accept defeat.

It sickened Billy to his stomach, but he knew that if even Sherry could point out when he was defeated that there would be no other alternative... He needed to accept his fate.

"Fine. I can't guarantee that we'll leave you alone forever. But for the time being you've won... But tell me? How the hell did you get so strong?" Billy inquired, at least wanting an answer before he had to face the consequences of his failure to his Umbrella Employers.

"The fact of the matter is that I'm a woman. And if you even dare think about trying to hurt the people I love then believe me, you will HEAR ME ROAR!" Jill emphasized, coming to find a battle cry of her own much like Chris and Claire, even going as far as to beat her chest in a similar vein to Chris whenever he protected her making the nude Redfield man proud that Jill had not only accepted her nudity but in turn the way of the Jungle like he had done so many years ago.

Commanding his troops to withdraw from the island, including one naked soldier whom had shamefully retrieved his armor from Becca. The Umbrella personnel left the island with their tails between their legs. Billy frustrated by the whole incident knowing what this would mean for him.

Sherry however noticed a smug grin gracing the lips of one Albert Wesker.

"You knew that Daddy wasn't going to win today didn't you Mr Sunglasses?" Sherry inquired, Wesker opting to answer the little girl's query.

"Well of course. You see Young Birkin unlike your dear daddy I knew not to underestimate that nudist group after my last encounter. I have grown stronger whilst your father remains ignorant. That my dear girl is what separates the common MAN from GENIUSES like myself. Study acutely Young Birkin and I may indeed fashion you into a GENIUS like myself" Wesker answered confidently, bizarrely so as he came to resemble his actual canon counterpart from the actual Resident Evil games as though a temporal nexus had taken place thus resulting in his true character to shine through in that one brief moment. However in due time normalcy was restored and he was still that wacky scientist we all knew and loved.

Billy Birkin however dreaded the trip back to base... Knowing that he would have to talk to his darling wife over the failure he had endured, especially given that after such a long stretch of time The Fortune seemed further and further away, doubly so given that those Nakeds seemed to be guarding the island with much higher fortitude than ever before.

(XD And now back to the Island now that YES! JILL IS FINALLY NAKED! XDDDD YAY! ^^ Lets see the Naked's reactions!)

The bright shining light dissipated into the clouds as the faint visage of a blonde haired woman vanished as she left Jill's body. The Valentine girl giving a small smile of appreciation towards the ghost lady for all her help in saving her friends from certain death.

"WOW! Like OH MY SQUASH! IS THIS REAL? TELL ME I'M NOT DREAMING IS THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!?" Becca exclaimed loudly, unable to believe her eyes as the very sight before her eyes was of a Jill Valentine completely uninhibited by clothes. In other words COMPLETELY NAKED!

"No Becca. This is real. Jill... You have accepted it!" Chris remarked excitedly, immediately going in for a big hug as he embraced the newly naked Jill with open arms, pleasantly surprised to see that she had instinctively done the same to him, wrapping her arms around his body, nuzzling her head into his burly chest.

"Any other day and I'd probably be lusting after you but considering how today ended up I've gotta say Jill that you were a total badass!" Leon complimented with great cheer to his voice, his admiration not born out of lust as it typically would've been in the moment of seeing her naked. Instead stemming from his admiration of how elegantly and proficiently she was able to deal with armed soldiers in a way that felt appropriately cool but also ladylike in a way that Leon had known Jill to be like for years given the friendship they had sparked.

"Hell yeah! You lived like an animal but you totally fought like a girl! Speaking as a Jungle Huntress you've earned my respect Jill. You're amazing" Claire praised. Her tone filled to the brim with the utmost happiness that Jill was finally nude like her, and on top of that able to do all that the other Naked's could not.

While they had always accepted her as one of their own. today Jill had proven to herself that she could fight with as much intensity and passion as any of them could in a way that they never expected.

'All of you... Thank you" Jill spoke softly, tears of happiness threatening to spill from her eyes as she processed the praise they were speaking unto her. The Valentine girl so held back by her own self doubt that once she let their words sink in fully they were like a wave of emotion hitting her at full force.

"I don't know why you're thanking us. I mean we all got our asses handed to us on a silver platter dude. If it wasn't for you we would've all been totally screwed" Leon replied, bolstering Jill's self confidence enough that she did something that surprised the group even further.

Brushing the hair that shadowed her face, Jill proudly let the scar that donned the left side of her face completely free, the Valentine girl confidently letting herself feel free now that she was able to let the faded scar shine brightly. once the symbol of her weakness now turned a symbol of her experience and dominance.

"Without all of you guys giving me the encouragement to keep on going. I doubt I would've ever gotten naked in the first place... Speaking of which OH MY GOD! I wish I tried this sooner, THIS IS AMAZING!" Jill exclaimed fan-girlishly, for the first time feeling the calming breeze against her body, running her hands across her exposed flesh for the first time now that the aggravating heat of the Jungle no longer bothered her, the psychological freedom she felt no longer making her feel self conscious about being naked in a world that would sooner judge her for it and the fact that she could at last fit in with her fellow Nakeds by finally becoming that of their namesake.

"See Jilly Bean? I told ya that being naked is THE BESTEST THING EVER!" Becca exclaimed happily, giving the girl a hug now that she accepted the naked, Jill finding the contact welcoming knowing that her friends were tempting her to this path for ages until she was finally strong enough to give it a try.

"Absolutely. Although I hope you guys don't mind if I keep one small piece of clothing on me" Jill replied, picking up her father's blue S.T.A.R.S Beret and placing it atop her head, fully naked on her body, but wishing to maintain a piece of her past by wearing her Dad's prided beret with full honors to both her past and as a symbol of strength that would lead her into a brighter future.

"I think that is fair" Chris remarked, giving his blessing to Jill's choice of clothing since it did not inhibit her body anymore and in turn allowed her to respect the past which Chris had come to realize was important to her.

"This does indeed call for a celebration" Chris added, wrapping his arm around Jill's shoulder, desiring to keep her close to him from this point forth given how he had recognized how strong his feelings were for her. Hoping that she was thinking what he was thinking.

"Well since I'm actually naked now, maybe we could have a traditional Jungle Party" Jill suggested, Claire and Chris's eyes lighting up as they already knew exactly how to celebrate, a roaring fire, the beat of the Jungle Drums and sharing their passions with the people they loved.

Needless to say The Nakeds all agreed to this with ceremonious applause. The group walking off into the distance towards their huts with Leon opting to ask a very prevalent question.

"There is one thing I do wanna know Jill. How the hell did you get those Goddess like powers?" Leon inquired knowing for a goddamn fact that Jill wasn't able to summon lightning.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you Leon. But if you guys are willing to listen it was the strangest thing... Ya see..." Jill began, explaining her long story which you guys have pretty much already seen which in this case I won't bore you with the details, but ya know ^^ You guys have seen it already.

The fires roaring, Becca on Jungle Drums and Leon and Claire's dancing competition going well on into the night. It was only natural that the more relaxed Jungle duo of Chris and Jill were watching on happily into each other's company, Chris content now that the woman he loved was in the nude and Jill herself feeling so much closer to her loved one now that she could be like him completely naked.

No matter what came her way, she was confident that through nudity and passion she could overcome any obstacle that was thrown her way.


^^ You've seen it here folks Jill is finally NAKED! XDDDDDD AAAAAAH! FANGIRLS LOTS!* X3333333333

X333 Well I mean like yeah it might've involved some DMC inspired stuff but I do hope that you guys feel as HYPED! to see Jill at last get nude as I am cuz while the build up might've been slow to some people considering that its been two years since I started this, its been a hell of a ride trying to craft a decent story in making Jill nude ya know? XD

^^ For those of you wondering I don't plan on stopping this story since there's lots I've got left to resolve. But for now I'm going to leave this story as 'Completed' if all you wanted was Jill to be nude X3 Which I totally get since it took a while for me to make this story over the years. X3 But for now I've also got other stories in the works and until I get more inspiration for Jungle Fever then I'll work on those other stories since there's also a lot of ideas for this story that I gotta refine through time ya know?

X3 So for the time being you've got your conclusion-ish thingie but when I start writing the next 'series' you'll get a little teaser thingie that's kinda similar to the post credits thingies you get in movies nowadays that gives you a reason to see the next series soooo like in this case you'll be getting a certain girl that I've wanted to include for AGES! XD ya know?

^^ Buuuuut I've rambled on for long enough SO I hope you guys and Girls have read this in the nude and also enjoyed reading this story as much as I've LOVED writing it X3 so in that case I guess I'll say...

^^ See ya Next Time Naked Readers XDDDDDDDD