A/N: So I'm back with a new story! Firstly massive thanks to mel-loves-all for helping me with the title, and for laurabelle2930 for supporting and encouraging me constantly, especially to share this with you guys. SO this is very loosely based on The Vow, with no Green Arrow etc but it's got a variety of twists and turns and this is going to be ANGSTY, full warning from the start this wont be all sunshine and roses, there will be happy moments of course, but if you don't want angst this isn't for you. NOW I hope you enjoy.

The voices sound distant and dulled as he felt an ache deep in his skull. He took a deep breath trying to ease the pain, when he suddenly became acutely aware of the pain in his chest. His breath released staggered. He slipped his eyes open briefly, closing them as the harsh lights burnt. His eyes fluttered for awhile as he watched an array of people rushing around him.

"Oliver, Oliver..." The woman's voice beckoned as he mumbled, still unable to fully open his eyes.

"Too bright," he uttered, his sore throat making him sound unrecognisable to his own ears.

"Dull the lights," the woman ushered out.

Oliver opened his eyes, easily focusing on the strange people before him. He frowned glancing around. "Drink?" he whispered and instantly a red headed lady wearing a nurses uniform helped him take a sip from a glass.

"Better?" she asked with a warm smile and he nodded.

"Oliver, can you tell me your full name please?" a lady in a white coat, who he presumed was a doctor, asked.

"Oliver Jonas Queen," he replied without a thought.

"Do you know where you are, Oliver?"

"I'm presuming a hospital."

"Yes, Star City General," she replied with a warm smile. "Do you remember what happened?"

"No," he whispered, "no I don't... I can't... my head hurts, and my chest."

"That's okay, you were in a car accident."

Oliver blinked rapidly trying to process the information. "What happened?" he stuttered out.

"You were hit from behind by a truck, that sent you hurtling into a post," she answered. "You hit the steering column, and the windshield."

"But... the airbag? The seat belt?" he asked, unable to stop the confused expression.

"The airbag didn't deploy, and the seat belt failed to hold the tension."

"Was there anyone else involved?"

"No. The driver of the truck managed to get away with a few scratches and bruising. You however weren't so lucky." She gave him a sad smile.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"You have a lot of bruising, so your whole body probably aches. You have several fractured ribs so you need to be careful, plus bruising on your sternum and you have a head injury."

"Okay," he whispered leaning back into the pillows slightly.

"You hit the windshield pretty hard, and with the swelling on the brain too, you've been in a coma for 3 weeks."

"3 weeks!" he exclaimed wide eyed trying to sit up.

"Oliver, relax, you need to take it easy for me."

"I've been in a coma for 3 weeks?" he whispered in disbelief.

"Yes, due to the swelling on the brain we decided it best to keep it that way, so no more damage could incur."

"But I'm okay? My head and everything?" he asked still a little startled.

"Well you need to stay in a little while longer so we can observe you but the fact you can remember-"

"I can't the accident."

"That's normal," she reassured him. "But you're responsive and talking, and my guess, in a little discomfort."

"Yes," he replied his hand rubbing his sides gingerly.

"Okay, well I'll just go request some painkillers and get some more tests ordered, but it's good to have you back, Oliver," she added with a warm smile before walking away.

Oliver watched as she gently touched the arm of the blonde at the foot of his bed. She had remained silent for the whole exchange. Her hair was pulled up messily, and her eyes looked red and puffy. She looked tired as stared at him with clear concern, her teeth chewing on her bottom lip.

"Do you perhaps know where my girlfriend is?" he asked staring at her and she frowned crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's not funny Oliver," she replied giving him a slight glare as she edged closer.

He frowned at her not understanding. "I wasn't trying to be," he answered still looking at her as she walked even closer taking his hand in her own.

"Hahaha," she replied sarcastically before he pulled his hand from hers. He looked up at her as she stared down at him in disbelief. "You do know who I am right?" she asked.

"My doctor," he replied with a tiny shrug. Instantly he watched her expression fall, a sadness and pain spreading across her whole being as her shoulders slumped and without a beat passing, the doctor rushed back over.

"Oliver, do you not remember this woman?" she asked.

"No, but you said that was normal," he responded looking between the two. The doctor gave the blonde a half hearted smile. "Where's my family? Where's Laurel?" The blonde's face fell further, and a part of him wanted to reach out and comfort her, but he didn't understand why as he frowned up at her.

"Oliver what's the last thing you remember?" the doctor asked pulling his eyes from the woman.

"I... errrmmm... I dropped out of another college, mom and dad want me to start shadowing at the company."

The doctor only nodded slowly before looking in the blonde's direction. "Felicity?" she said softly. The name sound familiar as Oliver tried to place it in his groggy, muddled thoughts. He glanced towards her, her back was turned away as he could hear the distinct sounds of someone trying to control their sobs. He once again wanted to reach out for her, but he did not know this woman. "Mrs Queen," the doctor said forcibly. Olivers head snapped back looking for his mother, until Felicity spoke.

"He dropped out of college when he was 22." He frowned not understanding, why she was responding to Mrs Queen? Why she was talking about him in the past tense? "He's lost the memories of the last 5 years, he's lost the memory of me..." she choked holding back the tears. "The memory of us."

"So I can go home?" Oliver asked as he stood beside his bed.

"We have been observing you and running tests for two weeks now Mr Queen, and absolutely everything has come back okay," the doctor answered.

"But..." Felicity went to speak from her position in the chair, her eyes glancing at Oliver before he turned to her with a puzzled expression. "It doesn't matter," she mumbled her eyes dropping to the ground.

"But what about my memories?" he asked for her, clearly knowing what she wanted to ask. She slowly lifted her head whilst Oliver looked back at the doctor.

"Mr Queen, we can see no permanent damage on any scan. You have a little swelling which could be causing the memory loss but as the neurologist explained-"

"The brain's complex," he interrupted and instantly she nodded with a smile.

"See you're retaining memories easily now."

"But the last 5 years, they're gone."

"Yes, and sadly that could be permanent, or it might not. It's why we'll do some follow up appointments and I'll get you numbers for the top therapists in the city, who help with these sort of things."

"Do you think I'll ever remember?" he asked and Felicity felt her heart beating wildly in her chest.

"Sadly, we don't know, and only time will tell," she answered giving her a sympathetic smile.

"Okay, and thank you Dr. Jones," Oliver replied.

"My pleasure Mr. Queen, now let me just go sort this paperwork and you'll be good to go." She smiled as she walked out.

The room fell into silence once more, one that gradually, Felicity had been getting used to these last 2 weeks. Oliver hadn't always been the biggest talker in the world, but he had always shared his thoughts with her. But now he was stood there, barely moving and not even glancing in her direction. She couldn't help the nervous energy that buzzed throughout her body. Finally she stood up and walked towards the window trying desperately to get her mind back on track.

"So..." Olivers voice broke through. She didn't turn to face him as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"So?" she replied back.

"How do we do this?" he asked his voice sounding slightly hesitant. "I mean, I'm 27, but I feel like I'm 22... and I'm married..."

She quickly turned around to face him. He held the thick silver band between his finger and thumb, like it was something foreign to him, which Felicity quickly realised it was. She stepped towards him tentatively, before wrapping her hand around the band and his fingers. Instantly his head snapped up to hers, his eyes full of wonder as he took her in.

"We take this one day at time," she reassured him. "And forget about this." She plucked the ring from his fingers before reaching around to undo the chain around her neck. She easily slipped the band on letting it fall back into place beside her heart. "I'll keep it, until you're ready."

He gave her nod of understanding. "Okay."

She watched his shoulders ease, some of the tension and pressure easing. "Hi I'm Felicity Smoak," she said sticking her hand out.

She watched as he frowned clearly not understanding before it dawned on him. "Oliver Queen," he answered taking her hand with an easy smile. One that Felicity knew all too well as his charismatic grin that didn't really reach his eyes. "I hope this will be the start of something wonderful," he whispered not letting her hand go as he winked at her. She couldn't help the blush that crept up her cheeks as her own husband flirted with her. But he didn't feel like her husband right now.

"Ollie!" A woman's voice broke the moment. She glanced toward the door at the same time as he did. Oliver let her hand go as he stared at the young woman before him.

"Speedy?" he asked with a frown, and Felicity stepped back to give them room.

"The one and only," she replied with a mock bow.

"God... you look so different," he whispered as he engulfed her in his arms.

"Well considering you probably think I'm 17... yep," she mumbled into his chest before pulling back.

"Your hairs shorter," he replied staring at her before he frowned deeply. "But how do you know I think you're 17?"

"Felicity told me of course." She nodded in her direction and Felicity gave a small smile in return. "She's been keeping me in the loop on your progress since the accident. I mean I've been here with her until you woke up because I had a work thing," she said brushing it off. "But I'm here now."

"You're working?" he asked staring at her.

"Of course I am, I'm 22 Ollie."

"Sorry, it just doesn't feel like that," he murmured.

"Hey, that's okay," she replied smiling. "You're still my big brother, and I'm your baby sister," she added playfully. Felicity watched as he embraced her once more like he was holding onto for dear life.

"I love you Speedy," he mumbled into her hair, and Felicity's heart sank as she longed to hear him say those 3 words to her.

"I love you too," Thea whispered back, "but we gotta share the love," she added pulling away from him and turning towards Felicity. She could feel the unshed tears stinging her eyes as Thea wrapped her arms around her.

Felicity embraced her back, wishing that she could do the same to Oliver but knowing right now she couldn't. "I'm sorry I wasn't here," Thea whispered into her ear.

"It's okay," Felicity replied pulling back, trying to muster up a smile. Thea frowned not letting going of her, but Felicity could see Oliver stood there awkwardly, his hands in his jeans pockets glancing at the pair looking like a lost little boy.

"OH, my baby boy."

Instantly Thea tensed in Felicity's arms as she groaned beside her. "I had no idea she followed me," she whispered into her ear before turning. Moira was hugging her son awkwardly, as he glanced down at her whilst Robert walked casually into the room. Felicity could feel Thea's eyes on her, as she stayed beside her.

"Son," Robert said placing his hand on his shoulder before Moira pulled back.

"Mom, dad... what are you doing here? Felicity said you were on a business trip," Oliver asked.

"Well Miss Smoak-"

"Mrs Queen," Thea jumped in, and instantly Moira glared at her, making a shiver run down even Felicity's spine.

"As I was saying, she should know we would never pass up the opportunity to take our boy home."

"Home?" Felicity asked.

"Yes, our son is coming home with us," Robert answered with no room for argument. Felicity could feel the anger oozing from Thea as her body trembled.

"The doctors said that I should go home with Felicity, to help my memory," Oliver answered, his confused frown making him appear even more boyish and lost.

"No, you should come home with us, to the mansion, where you know the best," Moira insisted, staring at him and seemingly ignoring the two women.

"Yes, cause he should totally ignore the trained medical professional," Thea answered rolling her eyes.

"Don't take that tone with your mother," Robert shot back.

"I'm not a child, you don't get to tell me what to do," she replied standing taller, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Thea, leave your father alone," Moira jumped in.

"Oh please..." she answered shaking her head as Felicity could tell that Oliver was confused with the clear animosity between them all.

"You will listen to me-" Robert started.

"I haven't in years, not about college, not about moving out and certainly not about my upcoming wedding and just because Oliver's lost his memory doesn't mean I have," she snapped.

"Wait you're getting married?" Oliver asked stunned, causing everyone to look at him.

"Yes Ollie, in a couple of months, you're giving me away."

"I am?" he asked, his whole face scrunching up in confusion.

"Now's not the time for this," Moira jumped in. "Oliver, you're best chance at recovery is coming home with us." She gestured between herself and Robert.

"But the doctor-"

"She is nothing on our private physicians," Robert added. "We'll get you fixed up son." Felicity watched with her heart hammering in her chest as everything she feared started to come true.

"I... I..." Oliver stared at the pair before his eyes glanced at Felicity.

"If you want to go home to your parents, if you want to be the man you were back then," she gestured at them, "then I can't stop you-"

"Felicity!" Thea said grasping her arm.

"No, it's okay Thea," she answered giving her a soft smile before turning back to him. "Honestly Oliver, I will support every decision you make but if you want to remember being the man I married, to recognise the man you have become now then I would recommend coming home with me." Oliver stared at her, his eyes searching her face just liked he did when they first moved in together.

"Oh Oliver, don't be so silly," Moira said. "You don't even know her."

"I think you'll find she was the one there when you turned your backs on him."

"Thea!" Moira scolded.

"So Mr Queen I have your- oh I didn't realise everyone had come to see you," Dr Jones said stepping into the room.

"Robert Queen." He stuck his hand out and she took it straight away.

"Hi, I'm Dr Jones. I've been taking care of your son."

"We can take it from here," Moira answered stepping forward.

"Well actually I've discharged Oliver into Felicity's care." She gestured towards her. "And hello again Thea."

"Hello," Thea responded with a smile.

"Well we know what's best for our son," Robert added timely.

"Actually, your sons 27-"

"But thinks he's 22. We will get him seen by professionals."

"Mother!" Oliver snapped. "Dr. Jones has taken great care over me, she has gone above and beyond for my recovery. I don't need you to throw money at it to make it all better, this is something I have to do. So I'm going to go back with Felicity." Instantly a breath escaped Felicity that she hadn't even realised she was holding. She looked up to see Moira's scowl as she straightened her spine. "I think the doctors right, I need to try to remember something from the last 5 years but I hope you'll still be apart of it all, that I can still rely on you, both."

"Of course," Moira answered.

"Anything you need son," Robert added.

"But I guess we should leave you to settle then."

"You don't have to go mom."

"No we should be heading back," Robert replied glancing at his watch. "Can't leave the company for too long."

"Well thanks for coming, bye."

"Goodbye Oliver," Moira replied placing a kiss to his cheek.

"See you, son," Robert added before the pair walked out.

"So as I was saying, I have the numbers for several therapists, and your discharge notes. There are several numbers incase you need to get back in touch, and we'll be sending info for follow ups, okay?"

"Sure," Oliver answered.

"We'll sort it," Felicity replied stepping forward and taking the paperwork. She knew she needed to take charge now, to help them both, to try to help him recover.

"Plus you always have me to help too," Thea added with a smile.

"Thank you," Oliver whispered. "All of you, for everything."

"It's what I'm paid to do Mr Queen. So good luck with your recovery." She stuck her hand out and he shook it with an easy smile. Felicity watched as her heart clenched in her chest wondering how on earth they'd make it work, how she'd be able to help him gain his memories. She was so lost in thought she never heard the doctor leave, never noticed the siblings talking until Oliver spoke.

"I guess we should be going then."

"Yes, let's go home."