Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

A/N: I now have a new poll that will end by the 1st Friday of August due to being near ending my YJ story and at the moment haven't heard if season 4 has been delayed or if it will still come out later this year. The new poll is if you want a new story if we do not hear any news/it gets delayed/delayed but no date on when it'll come out.

There are 3 choices 1, yes if no news/gets delayed. No, wait until you finish a story, or 3 doesn't matter to me but would give the new story a read if that's what you do.

Again, it'll go down on the 1st Friday of Aug, or if we get a confirmation if it's still coming out later this year or if it's delayed.

Beta: Jebest4781, and Chaos-PSD.

Chapter XXXVIII: Who Do You Trust?

Last Time.

"Yeah, that's because I don't like you."

"I give you all my love and that's what I get in return?"

"I want you on the team," Tony said, breaking the two blondes up. "Join the Avengers."

"I-I don't know what to say."

"How about yes?"

Ms. Marvel nodded before coming to Mar-Vel's cell. "I had convinced the Supreme Intelligence that Earth was a scientific anomaly that needed to be studied… But now… You're a threat. Because of what you've done, the Kree will come in full force."

"And we'll be waiting," Naruto said before walking away as Kang looked at him from his cell.

Unknown Location.

Captain America walked in a warehouse before pulling out a communication device from a box. "We must move up our time table." He said before turning into the green alien that tried to take Naruto's place on Earth. "The Kree are coming."


New York, Naruto's Penthouse Morning.

"Jan look, Hank needs to work this out himself," Naruto said over his cell phone as he sat at the kitchen island. "Yes, I know you miss him there but…" Naruto stopped as Naruto got a chime on his phone. "Hold on a second." Naruto brought his phone down and saw that Hank sent a text about how a man named Scott Lang stole his costume to rob a bank to save his daughter before giving him the suit.

"Look, Janet, talk to Hank, he just had to help someone get their daughter and he gave the man his suit." Naruto hung the phone up before running his hand through his hair and closed his eyes.


Opening his eyes, he saw Amora in a green tank top and black leggings before speaking. "Janet venting about Hank quitting."

"She's still on that?"

"Well, the person she loves left a group she loves being a part of."

"I guess I can see that," Amora said, walking beside Naruto and bent down at him flashing her cleavage.

"Something on your mind?"

"Why do you think that?"

"Because Rachel and Felicia do the same flashing me their cleavage when they want a favor… Usually money for something."

"I could use the money for something but there is something else." She said having him look at her before blinking as she straddled him. "I would like in on your harem."

"I don't really call it a harem as it's just Rachel and Felicia."

"Well, with me I think it could be a harem," Amora said, draping her arms on his shoulders.

"OK, this is unexpected."

"Why is that?"

"Because you've been hung up on Thor if what he said was true," Naruto said as she smiled.

"I think I was projecting those locked up feelings for you on him."

"What the hell are you doing?"

They both looked to see both Felicia and Rachel walking in the penthouse.

"What's it look like? I'm joining the family~!" Amora said, pressing Naruto into her cleavage.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Heli-Carrier, Night.

Maria was sleeping as it rained outside before lightning cracked. She woke to see Mockingbird before she silenced Maria and held her up as Fury was sitting in a chair.

"Maria… Relax." He said as Mockingbird kept her mouth covered.

He warns her that the Earth is in danger, he gives a disc that contains the information of all that he knows. He explains that she cannot trust S.H.I.E.L.D. and the government and that A.I.M., Hydra, and the superheroes have been Infiltrated. Maria reached for her gun as Fury escaped with Mockingbird with a flash bomb. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents came to check on the director and Maria looked at the disc.

New York City, Pizzeria.

The Avengers minus Hulk and Panther are in their civilian clothes celebrating Carol joining the team.

"I like to officially welcome Ms. Marvel to the Avengers," Tony said, holding his cup up as the table had empty plates with half a pizza in the middle. "Been with us two weeks now and already saved the world twice. So we'll take you off probationary status."

"Thanks, guys. Really, this means a lot to me. But is there anyone at the mansion in case of evil attacking?"

"Hulk and Panther," Naruto said, taking a slice of pizza.

Central Park.

In Central Park, a Caucasian woman with short back hair in a purple tracksuit ran under a bridge before stopping to tie her shoes. She also has gold metal on her hands and black and gold armor on her neck.

Suddenly, a creature stopped by her.

"I've been looking for you, Mr. Horton." She said as the creature stepped into the moonlight.

He has a human-like appearance with distinctive features of different kinds of animal parts. His face resembles a lion, with a yellow mane and red eyes. He's wearing a red suit with a golden belt. He has clawed fingers and toes. He also has two orange wings and a reptilian tail.

"You probably can't understand me, but I need your help. I need you to do something for me." She said, raising her hands as the ground shook. "But the only way you'll help is if I give you the worst headache of your life, sorry!"


In the pizzeria, Carol explains her college years and her times in the army until Griffin attacks the city nearby and they go after him, except Tony who is waiting for his armor. And Naruto needs to go get his costume as well.

"Hey, unlike you all I can't summon it, or keep it under my clothes, I'll only be a second," Naruto said before looking to the front and stopping.

The waitress of the pizzeria gives Tony the check and tells her to take another ten boxes of pizza. "You're not going anywhere."

Tony looks up and sees Black Widow and is knocked unconscious by her. She reports that she has Tony Stark and Naruto.

Unknown Location.

Naruto looked at Fury, Mockingbird, Black Widow, and Quake as Tony woke up demanding to know what was going on.

Tony notices Fury and asks what is happening. Nick Fury tells they are his personal safe house where S.H.I.E.L.D. does not know about it. Fury leads Tony and Naruto to the back room and shows the Madame Viper Skrull. Nick Fury explains that they found the Madame Viper Skrull when Hawkeye invaded Hydra island along with Mockingbird, Black Panther, and Captain America.

And after destroying the dome, Mockingbird went after Viper and knocked her unconscious and changed into a Skrull. She kept it quiet and gave her to Fury.

"That's what they're called?" Naruto asked, looking at the dead alien. "One tried to take my place but I killed it."

"How do we know you're the real deal?" Fury asked as Naruto looked at him.

"You don't but it's smart not to trust anyone at the moment… Especially if they can use the powers of the people they replace, you wouldn't be able to tell who's who."

Tony wonders how they know it is a Skrull. Fury shows a communication device. They tracked the source locations of the communications, they were in the Heli-Carrier and in the Avengers, which shocks Tony.


In the city, Captain America riding on his motorcycle brings Griffin to the sky. The rest of the team goes after him in the sky and attack him. Griffin shakes off their attacks and goes after Ms. Marvel and lands in a park. The team motivates Ms. Marvel to do this on her own in a hazing/joking way.

"OK, funny guys!" Marvel said as she wrestled with Griffin.


In the safe house, Mockingbird continues to explain that when Hawkeye and Mockingbird were taken hostage and about to be executed by Baron Strucker, Madame Viper suggested keeping Hawkeye alive, since he could be useful and they suspect Hawkeye to be a Skrull.

"It could be you though," Naruto said to Mockingbird. "She could have just said Hawkeye so we wouldn't suspect you. Or that could just be a part of their plan. Divide us so we're weaker then they start their plan." Naruto said before leaving with Tony following.

"You think there could be one of them on the team?" Tony asked the ninja who looked back at him.

"I don't know. They could 100% like the person they took that I couldn't feel any negative emotion from them."

Later Avengers Mansion.

In the Avengers Mansion, Iron Man watches the return of the Avengers who were fighting against Griffin. The Hulk sees they returned and he wanted to join the fight, Black Panther notices that Iron Man was hiding and he shows himself. As well as Shinobi.

"What's up?"

"We are being invaded by aliens that can shapeshift," Naruto said to the others. "And we just got reports from Nick Fury that alien signals have been going off from the mansion for a while," Naruto said as Iron Man tells the story that Fury explained to him.

Hawkeye suspects that Fury also suspected someone and Iron Man tells it was him who he suspects. "The aliens have the memories and possibly powers of the person they replace. I have noticed weird things some people have been doing lately." Naruto said before looking at Wasp. "Maybe Hank-!"

"No Way!" Wasp said before Naruto glared.

"Think the reason Hank quit was that the aliens knew we would be weak without him or his tech? Maybe that's the real reason that this Hank quit and took his tech with him?"

Hawkeye tries to convince the team that he is not the mole, Ms. Marvel wants to check on Hawkeye in the Damocles, but the latter rejects it. "Hawkeye, you should go," Naruto said as the archer looked to him. "Not going will just justify what Fury said. If you go and at least get a blood test, that'll clear things up one way or the other."

Wasp tries to stop everyone from fighting each other, but Iron Man interrupts them and distrusts Hawkeye as well. The Hulk interrupts as well and supports Hawkeye.

"Stop! We're the Avengers! We're supposed to be better than this." Wasp said as Naruto sighed.

"I killed the alien who tried replacing me so I know the shape-shifters are real. Not trusting anyone in this kind of situation is normal. T'Challa, I think you should go to Wakanda and see if anything is wrong there. The rest of us should go and do our own thing until we figure who's who."

"Especially Marvel since S.W.O.R.D could have something that could detect them. I know that if either of you is Skrulls I'll just send you where you would want to go, But I can get to you if necessary. I have ways of getting around."

Ms. Marvel and Black Panther leave and the remaining members also want to leave, except Wasp and Captain America who stops them and should remain as a team. Hawkeye and Hulk accept it and Wasp thanks him. "Then I'll be watching all of you as well," Naruto said, not moving from his spot.

"You don't trust me?" Wasp said to Naruto who looked at her.

"I don't trust anyone at the moment. As I said I saw with my own eyes aliens are replacing people, they tried with me… And you all wanting to stay here could just be you want to give secrets out to them. Actually, I'm hurt you don't trust me." Naruto said before walking out the door.

Across the street, Nick Fury and Quake are watching the Avengers. "Iron Man and Shinobi have put the Skrull in a position where it can mess up and reveal itself... Now we wait until the Skrull makes a wrong move."


Black Panther dons a cape and sits on his throne. "Prepare Wakanda for an invasion." He said to two women who walked up to him.


Ms. Marvel is looking out at the Earth before a S.W.O.R.D. agent approaches asking for a report. She tells him that there is no report.

Stark Industries.

Tony is sitting in his office looking at his helmet and angrily throws it at the wall.


In a warehouse, Captain America walks in.

"How did it play out?"

"Exactly like you predicted. Soon Earth will be ours" America said as Mockingbird comes out of the shadows revealing her to be a Skrull with black hair.

America turned into his Skrull form, knelt, and kissed her hand. "As it is written, my Queen."

"As it is written." She said with a smile.

To Be Continued.

A/N: Thanks for reading and let me know of any mistakes.

Beta: Jebest4781 and Chaos-PSD.

To those that celebrate it, I hope you had a safe and happy 4th of July.

I now have a new poll that will end by the 1st Friday of August due to being near ending my YJ story and at the moment haven't heard if season 4 has been delayed or if it will still come out later this year. The new poll is if you want a new story if we do not hear any news/it gets delayed/delayed but no date on when it'll come out.

There will be 3 choices 1, yes if no news/gets delayed. No, wait until you finish a story, or 3 doesn't matter to me but would give the new story a read if that's what you do.

Again, it'll go down on the 1st Friday of Aug, or if we get a confirmation if it's still coming out later this year or if it's delayed.

Nothing else to say.

Talk To You Later,

Lone Wolf Out