parents just went out of town, Nikki texted. decided to go camping or something.

So ur home alone the whole weekend? Jonesy asked.

yep. and i'm in desperate need of company.

Say no more baby, I'm coming over. Should I bring a overnite bag?

yeah. yeah you should.

I can't believe were finally gonna fuck omg, he typed, punctuating his sentence with emojis that represented splashes of water. Before he could respond, he sent another message. Its gonna be fire baby

Just to tease him, she wrote, who said anything about fucking?


we have all the emojis in the world, and yet you /still/ use :(

Bc nothing can replace the emotion of :( babe, he replied. So were really not gonna do it? :(

i'm just joking around, dummy. ofc we're gonna fuck. i'm ready. now come rearrange my guts lol

I'm omw!

Nikki regarded virginity as fake, something she knew to be true. She used tampons and got fingered on a regular, whether by herself or by her boyfriend. Society's fibs couldn't fool her. For a girl's so-called "virginity" to be taken by a very specific appendage, and for everything else shoved up there to leave it intact, neither of those things made sense to her.

That being said, she still wanted tonight to go well. After all, both of their pleasures were at stake. Fingering and eating out brought her satisfaction. Handjobs and blowjobs gave him satisfaction. If sex—actual, penatrative sex—didn't involve pleasure for both parties, there would seriously be a problem. (Of course, she didn't expect to come the first time around. It didn't seem practical.)

Now that sex would finally enter the picture, though, she hoped none of their previous activities would get swept aside for it, now that they would be having the "real thing."

After all, she loved curling against his touch and writhing against his tongue. She came alive when he loved all over her. She also grew accustomed to stroking him so slowly he could hardly stand it, then—just when he couldn't take anymore teasing—working him faster and faster until he spilled over. She liked tantalizing him with her tongue and testing how far her mouth could take him. These acts made her feel good, scandalous, and desired, too.

She hoped he wouldn't forgo them for sex. (Then again, with his libido, all their activities might remain on the table.)

Upon hearing the doorbell chime, she checked her current state.

Breath? Fresh. (Soon to be panting.)

Outfit? Easy access. (Soon to be gone.)

Hair? Smooth. (Soon to be disheveled.)

Makeup? Minimal. (Soon to be smudged.)

Abdomen? Infested with butterflies. (No matter how many times she'd rationalized sex, her humanity got the better of her. After all, she'd be partaking in a new experience tonight.)

As she left her bedroom and walked down the steps, the doorbell chimed again.

"Coming!" she yelled while approaching.

"Aww, without me?" he asked before letting out his obnoxious laugh, muffled by the front door.

Once she undid the locks and opened it—with brisk, spring air hitting her—she said, "Don't make me send you home."

"C'mon, baby, I'll behave," he pleaded with his overnight bag slung over his shoulder.

"Good boy."

"Woof. And speaking of woof: Damn, you're fine," he said as he scanned her up and down.

Though she wore a t-shirt and some boy shorts, she knew he envisioned the skin beneath.

"So, are you gonna keep ogling me, or are you coming in? It's chilly out here," she said.

"Oh, right," he replied, opting to walk inside the small foyer.

She closed the door behind him, locking it once more.

"So, you wearing a bra or nah?" he playfully asked, noting how her nipples poked through her oversized tee.

She rolled her eyes, then smirked as she grabbed her shirt's hem, lifting it up and flashing him, giving him a glimpse of her recent bellybutton piercing in the process. "What do you think?"

His jaw dropped, even as she returned her baggy shirt to its normal position. "I think you're the best girlfriend ever."

She walked up a few steps, then turned around to face him. "I think you should follow me to my room, or I'll start without you."

"Fuck," he mumbled before chasing her up.

Upon entering her bedroom, she strolled towards her bed and sat down, watching him close the door and set his small duffle bag on the ground. He unzipped his hoodie and tossed it onto his bag. Afterwards, he kicked off his tennis shoes, pushing them next to his belongings.

She met his eyes. "So."

"So," he replied, walking towards her.

He sat beside her and pulled her into a fervent kiss, slipping his tongue between her lips. Both of them made soft, amorous sounds. She breathed him deeply, recognizing his subtle, smoky cologne. Shit, he became a thousand times more attractive whenever he smelled that nice. He hoped he felt the same about the lavender perfume she wore.

Once she stopped musing on their scents, he parted.

"Okay, we should probably get a little more comfortable, if you know what I mean," he explained.

"It couldn't be any more clear what you mean."

She stood up and removed her shirt, tossing it onto the carpet. Her boy shorts went next. Then her socks.

Luckily, instead of standing around and staring at her like before, he removed his clothes, too. Upon undressing, they both gaped at each other, running their eyes over each other's flesh before returning to each other's faces.

Moments later, they romped and roamed and teased and touched each other on the bed.

He nestled his head into her neck, kissing the intersection between the start of her jawline and her neck, causing her to moan.

"Mmm, I'm impressed," she confessed.

He chuckled, warm breath caressing her skin. "How so?"

"Foreplay. I half-expected you to just stick it in by now."

He raised up to look at her. "I mean, do you want me to? 'Cause I can totally arrange that."

She playfully rolled her eyes. "Thanks, but no thanks. I don't wanna rush anything."

"Perfect, 'cause I don't mind us taking our time and shit. Besides, making out naked is actually hella fun. We should do this more often."


She placed her hand on the back of his head, pushing him towards her face so they could keep kissing.

One of his hands absentmindedly ran over her thighs while the other stroked the side of her abdomen. She splayed her hands onto his back.

A few more minutes of soft moaning and mild breathing passed before he parted from her again.

"Should I turn on some music, or do you like it quiet?" he asked.

"Quiet. Only thing I wanna hear is us."

"Oh, that's hot."

She giggled.

"Mmm, lemme hear you sing for me, baby," he flirted before moving his mouth to one of her nipples, making her feel divine.

She clutched her head and instinctively rose her chest to better accommodate him.

"Ooh." Fuck, more than just her stomach fluttered with him. She buzzed with excitement and the need for stimulation. "Touch me."

After his licking and sucking subsided, he said, "I can do something even better."

With his signature smirk, he sank in between her legs, pressing his tongue against her.

"Fuck," she said in a breathy manner.

His grip on her thighs set her alight. She burned and fluttered. Oh, she fucking adored him. Oh, damn, his mouth amazed her. To her delight, other acts wouldn't leave the table after all.

If sexual energy and rampant teenage hormones became tangible objects, the room would be overrun by both of those things.

Upon remembering that her parents weren't home, she encouraged herself to get louder if she pleased. She didn't want to subdue herself if she didn't have to.

His consistency and passion pushed her over the edge. After a few minutes of a sensation climbing and climbing and climbing, she trembled beneath him.

As she recovered from coming, he vacated from the bed, grabbing his jeans from the floor and retrieving something from the back pocket.

She sat upright. She watched him climb back onto the bed with a wrapper in hand.

"Okay, I really wanna do it with you now," he said, sitting on his calves. "I can't take this shit anymore."

She scooted towards him, taking the packet out of his hands and opening it, making sure not to tear too close to the condom itself.

She chuckled.

"What?" he asked.

She recognized the packet as one of those free condoms the school nurse always handed out, something that got handed out more frequently after someone in their grade got pregnant. "Gotta love Nurse Hapley," she deadpanned.

"Yeah, she's a real one."

She unraveled the condom and leaned over, helping him put it on. He moaned at her touch. She grinned, then looked into his eyes.

"You know you're my best friend, right?" he asked when he had her undivided attention.

A warmth spread across her chest. She nodded. "You're mine, too."

He smiled. "Okay, cool. I just don't want you thinking I'm tryna pull a fast one on you, y'know?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't wanna make it seem like I'm just using you to get laid."

"Well, it doesn't feel like that at all." She averted her eyes and flushed. "But it is nice to know you even think about my feelings like that."

"Oh, I think about you a lot. And not just naked either," he said, earning a laugh from her. "Like, I think about how your day's going and if you're okay and shit like that."

"I think about you too, Jones."

However, lately, she'd been thinking of them fully naked, with her riding on top of him, him grinding top of her, and her being on all fours in front of him. Both of them taking each other in every possible way consumed her.

She could be as bad as him when it wanted to be. Or maybe she wanted Jonesy badly. Either way, her mind came alive with provocative thoughts of him.

"And, now, I'm thinking about how much I want you," she admitted.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" he asked in a soft, soothing voice. "Because the Jonesmeister can put it down."

"How do you know?" she replied in a similar tone. She stroked his cheek. Her gaze flickered between his eyes and his upturned lips. "You've never had sex before."

"You're right, baby." He leaned into her. "Only one way to find out."

The two of them exchanged messy, feverish kisses. They approached the point of no return. She couldn't unfuck him after this, but it didn't concern her. Not anymore.

Upon parting, he urged, "You should get on top of me."

"Any particular reason?"

"I heard it's better if the girl's on top the first time." He made eyes at her. "Plus, I wanna see your pretty ass riding me."

"So charming," she deadpanned.

"I know," he said while falling onto his back, watching her climb on top of him afterwards.

She rolled her eyes, then remembered she actually needed to do something with the condom-adorned appendage protruding from him. She gave it a once-over, gently grabbed it, and took a deep breath as she took him inside.

She knew he enjoyed the first few moments. With his eyes shut tight, he probably regarded her as surreal. After all, heaven only knew how much he used his right hand as a substitute for her. He opened his mouth, groaning with satisfaction.

Conversely, despite the foreplay, she felt uneasy. She'd never experienced anything like this before, and it showed on her face.

When he opened his eyes, he caught her wincing.

His eyebrows knit with concern. "You okay?"

She tried to compose herself. "I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me, babe. I'm hurting you, aren't I?" His hand ghosted against her arm. "I don't wanna hurt you."

"Okay, fine, I'm in pain." As his face contorted into concern, she added, "But it's dull. It'll probably go away if we just stay still for a few."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I just need to get used to you, that's all," she said, offering him a tiny grin.

He smirked. "I guess that's the downside of being kinda big, huh?"

"Makes the first time a little more challenging, that's for sure."

"But what about every time after that?" He winked.

She paused to think about it. "A joyride."

He boasted, "That's more like it," before she leaned over, silencing him with a deep kiss. He placed one hand on the small of her back and the other on the flesh of her rear, rubbing her behind up and down while she frenched him.

Her hands crept onto his shoulders, broad and steady, a place of comfort for her palms whenever she lay atop him. This moment with him put her at ease, took her pain away. She felt numb, but in the right way. The longer their bodies remained still as they tongue-kissed each other, the more she felt the urge to roll her hips against his. Once the dull throbbing had subsided and her body stopped tensing where they met, she wanted to take him places.

She broke their kiss, sitting upright and rocking her hips. Her breath shuddered. His voice moaned.

"You— You good, babe?" he asked.

"Better than ever," she crooned in an uneven voice.

He held her hips while she grinded on him, the two of them working to establish a nice, slow rhythm.

She gazed down at him, noting the absolute bliss on his face. He gazed at her through half-lidded eyes. He looked engrossed in the best moment of his life. (Knowing him, he considered it to be just that.)

She wanted to tell him how electric he made her feel and how much she utterly adored him, but only a pleasured sigh slipped from her lips. Words failed her at the moment, but she didn't mind. They'd bantered enough already. Finally, all their teasing and flirting and learning culminated in something. (Shit, she didn't take the birth-control shot for nothing.)

Her eyes closed as she leaned over and planted a kiss on his lips, arguably the most fervent kiss the two had ever shared. They were no strangers to exchanging hot kisses—the ones that made her lips swollen, breath ragged, and tongue brush against his—but this one blew her mind. They moaned in each other's mouths, their tongues pressed against each other's, and their hearts damn near pounded through their chests.

His breathing intensified. When they stopped kissing, he panted, "Babe, I'm gonna— Fuck—"

He groaned as his hips bucked, losing his grip on reality. His body stilled afterwards, prompting her to stop moving.

She dismounted him and rested beside him. Though she didn't ride him for long, she felt a gentle burn in her knees and thighs.

"Whoa," he murmured before assessing the situation and averting his eyes. "Don't tell anyone I only lasted for, like, two minutes, okay?"

"Why?" She chuckled and circled her hand on his chest. "Afraid of people finding out you didn't 'put it down' like you said you would?"

"It was my first time, baby. I couldn't help busting so quick, especially with a girl like you."

Her eyes rolled. "Sure, Casanova."

"So, are you mad?"

Her brows knitted together. "Mad about what?"

"That, y'know, I came fast."

Her expression softened. "Of course not, Jones. We're new to this. You're not supposed to last for hours, and I'm not used to something bigger than your fingers. We're not fucking pornstars."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm glad we're not."

She snorted. "And here I thought you'd lament me not being Alexis Texas."

"I don't want a pornstar." He ran his fingers through her messy purple hair. "Nikki, I just want you."

Moments like this made her temperature spike. She wanted to melt into his arms. Her gaze wandered over his tousled hair, his honest eyes, his long nose, and his soft lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He pressed a kiss against her lips, then sat upright. "Okay, lemme take this fucking condom off before we do anything else."

She giggled. "Yeah, I was wondering when you'd handle that."

As he left the bed and walked to the wastebin near her dresser, he said, "Oh, I'mma handle this now. Then I'm handling you next."

She propped herself up and hit him with a seductive look. "Is that a promise?"

"Oh, definitely." He plopped back into bed and climbed atop her. His nose ghosted hers. "I want you so fucking bad."

She tilted her head slightly, brushing her lips against his. She murmured, "You already have me, so what do you want to do to me?"

He pressed a gentle kiss against her lips, then confessed, "For starters, I wanna have sex with you again… y'know, when my dick gets hard again."

"You're too much." Her nose crinkled and her lips upturned as she emitted a laugh. His crass humor always amused her.

"Hey, just being honest here."

"And I admire that, but what else do you want to do, beyond doing me?"

She knew what she wanted him to do: use his words and dig deeper.

He took a moment to consider. "I mean, I wanna do the things that I know turn you on. And I wanna make you all speechless when I do some new shit to you. And I wanna drive you crazy, 'cause you do the same thing to me." His desire took over as he rambled, "But I really want you to throw that ass back on me, babe. Let me lick you up and down and fuck you 'til you can't stop coming. Let me prove how much I fucking love you, Nik."

Her eyes widened, but in an awestruck way. His eyes did the same, but it appeared that he realized what he'd just divulged.

Just as he opened his mouth, before he could explain himself, she stopped him with a searing kiss. A spell of arousal dizzied her. Even though he often put his foot in his mouth, joked around too much, and let his ego speak for him, she loved this stupid boy more than she could convey.

She caught his passion like a fever.

Her legs wrapped around his waist, more than ready to take him and be taken herself.

"You make me so happy," she panted between kisses.

"Same here, babe."

He parted, positioned himself better, and put his hand between her legs.

Her face flushed with pale pink as he worked his fingers. By now, he knew her thighs inside and out. He used the pace and motions she loved. She crooned for him while he swirled his fingertips around and 'round and 'round-round.

Though he could be oblivious and self-absorbed, he possessed a sharp sense of detail when it came to intimacy. He sought to learn her and, dammit, he'd become an expert. She still couldn't believe she lost her (fake-ass) virginity to him.

Warm blood pooled in her cheeks. Her eyes went starry as her back arched.

When the starriness subsided, she reached out for him and pulled him into a kiss.

As soon as they parted, he smirked and said, "Lemme get another condom. After that, I want your gorgeous ass riding in my lap."

She grinned at him. "I think I can arrange that."

He left in search of another condom in his bag, but quickly came back.

After hopping in bed again, he positioned himself so his back rested against the pillows and headboard.

She climbed onto his lap, giving him copious kisses in the process. He broke their lip contact to place his mouth around one of her nipples, running his tongue over it and gently sucking it.

With a satisfied whimper, her head lolled back. She had never felt pleasure this intensely for this long, seeing that most of their sexual encounters never lasted beyond making out, groping, and stimulating each other below the waist. Going from making out, to getting head, to having sex, to being touched between her legs, to his mouth being on her breasts—it all made her dizzy with satisfaction.

He parted from her chest, refocusing his attention on her lips, hungry for her kisses.

As one hand splayed across her back and the other grabbed at her ass, her body ached for him—not in a painful way, but in a need-to-be-joined-with-him way.

She couldn't resist grinding in his lap. Her hips couldn't remain patient any longer, not when he imbued her with so much energy.

"Baby," he said with a husky voice, moving his other hand to her ass, coaxing her to keep her pace. He surprised her with a slap on the behind, causing her to whimper in a divine way.

"Fuck me," she implored, her tone bordering on desperation. She… She didn't expect any of this, but she welcomed it with open arms.

The next few minutes blurred together. One moment, they tongued each other down while blood pooled within him. The next moment, she sucked on his neck as he fumbled to open the condom. The next thing she knew, she took him to the hilt and didn't look back.

"Fuck, I really made you this wet, huh?" he asked, looking overwhelmed yet right at home.

She let out a breathy laugh as she threw her arms over his shoulders and rolled her hips steadily. "If I say yes, will you shut up?"

"Uh huh."

"Then yes a thousand times."

He shot her a mischievous grin before grabbing her hips, guiding them into a faster rhythm. Her purple comforter ruffled beneath them as they moved. His heavy breathing filled her ears.

After years of them aimlessly flirting and eventually hooking up, she finally had him at her mercy. She sought to toy with him.

"Am I good?" she asked between deep breaths, entranced by his smoky cologne.

He groaned. "Baby, you're perfect."

She bounced in his lap, encouraged by his praise to continue.

When they got into the swing of things, they couldn't be stopped.

All the cliché shit she had heard about sex—about two people becoming united as one—maybe it held an ounce of truth. Granted she didn't feel like the two of them had become one sweaty, barebacked person, but she felt tethered to him. They lived on the same wavelength, erratic breathing and satisfied sounds and longing looks and all.

The sex didn't blow her mind or shatter the earth or revolutionize her life, but it brought her warmth and tenderness and excitement. She wanted nothing more than to dip and sway her body against his. She revelled in this new sensation.

"Damn, you're hitting spots I didn't know I had," she teased.

"Oh, hell yeah."

He nestled his right thumb between her legs, massaging the pad of his finger against her, causing her to coo and lose what remained of her composure.

"Say my name, baby," he said in a velvety voice.


"Say it."

"Mmm, say mine first."

He smirked. "Nicole."

"You're so lucky that—oh—you're the only one who can say that."

"Well, I'm gonna say it again and again and again, Nicole."

She crooned because of his touch. Otherwise, she would have teased and taunted him in return.

"You're so fine, Nicole."

A welcome sensation mounted within her.

"I think I'm— I'm—" she started.

"Coming, Nicole?"

"Uh huh." She felt too good to tell him to shut up. He possessed a relentless thumb. He wouldn't let up on her. She didn't want him to. Not when— "Jonesy."

Shit, she loved his dumbass and how he made her feel and— and—

"Oh," she said, her voice breathy and rising an octave.

She held onto him as a wild feeling ripped through her. As she succumbed to satisfaction, she heard his husky groans against her ear. He jolted beneath her, but she couldn't process anything while her own motor system went haywire. Too preoccupied.

She didn't feel like moving after her body settled down. She focused on her breathing and what just occurred. Since she'd nuzzled her head into his neck, she lavished it with slow kisses.

"Oh, damn, baby," he panted. "Now that… That was fire."

She retreated from his neck and faced him. "It was, wasn't it?"

"Uh huh." He pulled her into a brief but invigorating kiss. "Damn, you're amazing."

"You're not too bad yourself." She smiled, then averted her eyes. "I'm glad that—you know—you were my first."

He caressed her cheek, gaining her undivided attention again. "I'm glad you were mine too, Nik."

She threw her arms on his shoulders, tilted her head slightly, and leaned in for a kiss. She slid her tongue into his mouth, reveling in the wet heat they shared. Never did she think about being intimate with someone like this before. While she knew sex would enter her life at some point, she figured it wouldn't come with this much warmth, this much humor, this much rapport.

…And this was only the first time. (Technically, the first two times… with some pleasurable interludes.) A vast sex life revealed itself to them today. They had yet to explore different settings and turn-ons and emotions and positions. Spanking. Choking. Handcuffs. Rough sex. Angry sex. Sad sex. Make-up sex. Bored sex. Making love. On the floor. On the couch in the Khaki Barn's backroom. Against the wall of a changing room. Poolside in his backyard. Anywhere they felt inspired to take each other.

She knew his dangerously horny ass welcomed all of life's possibilities.

Then again, she did, too. Otherwise, she wouldn't even be considering them.

When they parted, he gave her a delirious, lovestruck look. His brown eyes sat half-lidded, and his lips curled into a goofy grin (that she wanted to kiss some more). "So," he asked, "what now?"

She smirked. "Hmm… Let's take a shower together."

A whole new world had opened up to them.

A/N: The amount of time that I've taken to finish "Touch Pass" is lowkey embarrassing, but life happens. Perhaps it was meant to happen this way, because I'm completely satisfied with how I wrote parts four and five. Y'all know it's rare for me to be content with my own work, right? Lmao.

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this little one-shot series. :)