Hey guys... so I know it's been a long freaking time since I updated this. And I totally broke my promise to update during the summer...last...year... yeahhh I'm sorry. Anyway, please enjoy the new chapter!

The Gronkle scoops up a pile of rocks and swallows them back.

The teens gather on the far side of the ring

GOBBER: Those shields are good for another thing. Noise. Make lots of it to throw off a dragons aim.

The kids scoop up weapons and begin hammering on their shields. The Gronkle shakes its head at the clatter.

GRONKLE'S P.O.V.- The teens become blurry and scrambled.

Hiccup sent an apology to the Gronkle, 'I'm so sorry' the Gronkle simply sent out a grumble of reassurance.

Meanwhile, the Vikings were fascinated at how the dragons saw, maybe they could use this to their advantage.

GOBBER (CONT'D): All dragons have a limited number of shots. How many does a Gronkle have?


FISHLEGS: No, six!

GOBBER: Correct, six. that's one for each of ya!

Fishlegs raised his shield as if to say something.

BAM! Fishlegs shield was blasted out of his hands.

GOBBER: Fishlegs, out.

Fishlegs runs out yelling.

Snotlout and the twins laugh at him

Gobber spots Hiccup hiding from the Gronkles blasts.

GOBBER (CONT'D): Hiccup, get in there!

Hiccup jumps back behind the large sheet of wood to avoid getting blasted.

ON ASTRID bouncing on her heels, ready to dodge anything coming her way. Snotlout appears, trying to hit on her.

SNOTLOUT: So anyway, I'm moving into my parents basement. You should come by sometime to workout. You look like you work out-

Astrid glares at him, "What?" Snotlout asks, "You know you can't resist this." He strikes a body builder pose. Astrid just deadpan stares at him before giving him a swift kick in the leg. "OW!" Snotlout yells, "What was that for?" Astrid just shrugs.

She cartwheels out of the way, allowing a shot to shoot past her and hit Snotlout's shield. He's blasted onto his back.

GOBBER: Snotlout! Yer done!

"I still can't believe Hiccup lasted longer than me!" Snotlout grumbles, "To be fair," Hiccup says "A wild boar could last longer than you." The teens burst into laughter, Snotlout grumbled and sank further into his chair.

Astrid rolls to a stop beside Hiccup, who stirs awkwardly.

HICCUP (VOICE BREAKING): So, I guess it's just you and me, huh?

ASTRID: No just you. Astrid rolls away

"Y'know Astrid," Fishlegs says "You just said that Hiccup would survive longer than you." "Wait, no... you know what I meant!" Astrid splutters. The group of teens snicker at her.

A split second later, a lava slug knock Hiccup's shield off his arm. He's completely exposed.

Gobber: One shot left!

"Hey Gobber?" Hiccup calls across the room, "Yeh?" The blacksmith hollers back, "How come I wasn't out?" Gobber doesn't say anything for a second, "Ya know laddie, I have no idea." Hiccup just shakes his head.

Hiccup panics and chases after his shield as it rolls across the ring. The sudden movement catches the Gronckles attention. The dragon chases after him, leaving Astrid in the clear.


The Gronckle dives straight toward Hiccup, pinning him to the wall. It opens its mouth, ready to fire.

"Hiccup!" Stoicks concerned yell echoed through the cavern. Hiccup raises his eyebrows, 'Huh, didn't think dad cared that much.' He thought to himself. He frowned, he could feel Toothless getting angry at the Gronckle, 'Hey bud?' 'Yes?' 'Don't blame her, she was trapped and confused. You would have done the same thing.' '...yes.' Hiccup smiles 'Thanks bud.'

Gobber lunges in and hooks the Gronckles mouth at the last second, causing its head to jerk back and fire at the wall just above Hiccup's head.

The tension that had just risen, dissipated.


Gobber wrestles the irritated Gronkle back into her pen.

GOBBER (CONT'D): Go back to bed, ya overgrown sausage! You'll get another chance, don't you worry.

"Another chance to what? Eat us?" Snotlout exclaimed. Gobber just fixed him with a look.

GOBBER: Remember. A dragon will always... always go for the kill.

Hiccup just laughs, "Only if you try to kill them."

Hiccup looks at the burn mark above his head with a troubled look on his face.

Scene opens on the place where Hiccup let the Nightfury go. Hiccup holds a bola in his hand, bouncing it up and down.

HICCUP (quietly): So why didn't you?

Most of the vikings were wondering the same thing, why did the "blood- thirsty killing machine" let Hiccup go? "Cause they're not?" Night's voice floated through the room, scaring a few of the vikings.

He follows the faint trench to a crevasse. He climbs through, looking around.

HICCUP (down): Well this was stupid.

Snotlout was about to say something rude in response, but a glare from Astrid shut him up pretty quick.

Hiccup looks down and spots a small black scale. He picks it up and examines it.

Suddenly, a shadow leaps up, and the distinct shape of a Night fury comes into view. It scrambles, trying to find a hold on the rock, but loses balance and falls, landing on the ground.

The Vikings jump out of their chairs when Toothless appears on screen.

Hiccup watches the Nightfury for a moment before taking out his sketch book and quickly sketches the dragon.

"Since when could you draw?" Snotlout exclaimed. Hiccup looked at him, "Well, what else was I supposed to do after you all shunned and bullied me from the age of seven?" The twins, Fishlegs, and Astrid had the decency to look a little ashamed but Snotlout looked proud of himself.

The Nightfury flaps awkwardly around the cove before falling and crushing a few young trees, and landing by the lake's edge. He spots a fish in the shallows and snaps at it, but misses. He pulls back, looking weakened.

A few of the Vikings looked sympathetic.

HICCUP (MUTTERED): Why don't you just... fly away?

Hiccup looks down in shame, knowing exactly why Toothless couldn't just fly away. Toothless nudged his arm 'Don't worry about it, you know that I don't regret you shooting me down.' "I know bud."

Hiccup spots the problem, and carefully erases half of the Nightfury's tail on his drawing.

The Vikings shared a look, they knew that a downed dragon was a dead dragon. Stoick was alreadyplanning a way to get the Nightfury.

Hiccup drops his charcoal pencil. It rolls off the rock and bounces into the cove. TINK. TINK. TINK.

Stoick and Gobber freeze in their seats, scared for Hiccup's life

The Nightfury raised his head, spotting Hiccup. They both freeze, staring into each others eyes.

Hiccup laid his hand on Toothless' head, "Thanks bud." The black dragon purred in response.

Alrighty guys, here's another chapter up. I'm really, really sorry that it took so long to put it up.

Read and review! I'll see ya next time
