Hello world this is my first about the punctuation errors if there are any, and all I hope is that you enjoy. :)

And overwatch fanfic maybe this to rewrite since I messed up the first one.


One year has passed passed since HADES was destroyed. Aloy sat next to Elisabet Sobeck - the non-clone her which she likes to think is her mother- while she sat there. It was fun to come here, and talk to Elisabet even though she passed away a long time ago. Sometimes Aloy would think that she was crazy, just talking to the dead woman.

Aloy held the small artifact Elisabet had in her hands. The artifact was a mini-globe necklace. She came here every once every two weeks when she had the time.

HADES was dead, what now?, She thought to herself.

After a moment of thinking she noticed that the sun was coming down.

Better get back home before the path is blocked by more machines., She thought.

She stood up, and put the mini-globe back in her pouch.

"Bye Elisabeth, I'll see you again ", She said.

She walked out the gate, and hopped on her strider mount, but before she went her way she gave the old place one more look as if it was gonna disappear in front of her, then she rode away.

She managed get back to Nora lands before the path was overrun by more machines. She took a short walk to one of the trading to get some food. She ate only a piece of meat since the Final Battlewith the Eclipse. She can't even remember when she ate before that.

After her quick bite she then trekked back to the house on the mountain where she was raised by Rost.

She got in closed the door, jumped onto the bed, and instantly dozed of. Since the massacre at the Proving she was only able to catch a few hours of sleep.

300 miles north from the Sacred land is a subterranean complex which blast proof doors never opened, and insides completely untouched for about a thousand years .

Inside the bunker is a cryo pod, but unlike the hundreds of similar cryo pods this one cryo pod was still intact and fully functioning. Inside the pod was a man not just any man. This man was asleep in this pod for over a millenia.

The main power generator of the facility was beginning to fail, so the main computer initiated an emergency protocol to open the only functioning cryo pod.

A man steps out of the cryo pod-clearly freezing-and tries to stand up. He failed a few times but eventually got up. He looked around and realized where he was then began searching the room for any supplies.

He found some clothes, and a put the clothes on and took a flashlight he found on a table nearby. Before he left he searched the room some, and found a Focus device in a small box.

This'll help me around here, He placed the small triangular device on his right temple. After searching he left the room. The focus helped him open the doors around the parts of the facility, and access data terminals.

"Where the hell is everybody?", He said to himself.

The place was dead empty. Everything was where it should be though.

The halls were dim, and the only things illuminating it is the holographic lights emitting from the walls.

He stumbled upon a cryo tube similar to the one he came out of, but the glass was covered in cold mist. He walked closer and rubbed of the mist from the glass, and saw a human skeleton. Startled he jumped back, but leaned back in, and looked at the skeleton for a moment, then at the data pad.

Error:Cryo sequence malfunction, is what it said.

"What the hell happened to this place?"

He left the area and started looking for the main control eventually found it and started looking for anything he can take information from.

Later he found a datapoint, and scanned it with his Focus. It showed him a log about putting the facility on total lockdown, keep the subjects in cryo, and keep the facility in complete radio silence to prevent the Swarm from detecting and destroying the facility.

"The swarm caused everyone to leave?", He said to checked the datapoint for the date, but the rest of the data was corrupted."I need to get out of here." He said.

He then looked at a map of the facility, and left.A minute later he arrived at the armory where he started picking out his gear. He took a black shirt, black cargo pants, black boots, dark green winter jacket with a hood, black tactical gloves, and a dark grey beanie .He also took a heavy caliber assault rifle, a pistol, and rucksack which he filled with extra ammo, medical stuff, survival gear for all terrain, a bunch of different types of explosives, and a small device to help override computers, and machines.

He took a holo-map, and holo-projector, then set the coordinates for the nearest populated area.

"Right where should I go now," The map loaded." Then."

He put the bag on his back, and headed for the blast doors. He arrived at the gate, and looked for the access panel. A minute of searching, he found nothing, when he rubbed the dust of the wall he managed to find it. He pulled the panel from the wall, and input the access codes.

Lights and alarms started to come to life, and the blast door slowly it opened. A gust of cold air rushed into the facility, and the outside was revealed. Once the door fully opened he walked, and saw a sun which he hasn't seen in awhile. The rays shined down on him, and it felt good really good.

He took a deep breath, and started had a long way to walk.

This chapter has been updated since I saw a lot of errors.

And the man's gear is the survivalist gear from Tom Clancy's The Division except I changed a few things.

Anyway thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy. :)