Here is the second installment of The Purrrfect Photo! I am sorry it has come so late, I have been really sick and stressed and overworked, but finally my teachers gave me a break. (so happy)

Due to it being my big 17th yesterday, I figured I could celebrate today with this upload! Yay!

I really hope you enjoy it! 3

The bell rang. Adrien frowned slightly. Where is she? He thought. The designer-in-training had yet to arrive at the school. He turned around to face Ayla. "Hey, Alya, where's Marinette?" He whispered across to her.

Alya looked up from her phone and shook her head. "She's coming, she overslept. Something about not getting to sleep till three am."

Adrien nodded and turned back to the front. He hoped it wasn't his visit that made her miss her sleep wave. The teacher frowned slightly at his and he sat up straighter, willing his brain to concentrate on the lecture.

45 minutes later and Adrien was starting to worry. A whole period had passed, Marinette was never this late. He wondered briefly if there was an akuma and then dismissed the notion. Alya was still here. If there was an akuma, she would be gone with her phone, ready to film whatever Hawkmoth had created.

He spun quickly around as footsteps were heard. He smiled as a flustered Marinette raced around the corner. Alya greeted her and the two girls hugged. He over heard Alya asking her why she was so late, and the reply of, "I was just so tired, I only got about 4 hours of sleep."

He grimaced. Yep, that was definitely because of him. Marinette looked across at him. She started violently, as if she was afraid. This isn't a good start. Adrien thought, as he moved to walk towards her. A sudden doubt crossed his mind. What if she doesn't want to know who Chat Noir is? He shook his head. He knew anyway. All there was to it was him knowing that she was Ladybug and telling her. The damage was done. He smiled as he reached the girls.

"Hi Marinette." He said, looking down at her. She smiled shakily back.

"H-hi Adrien." Internally she was screaming. This is Chat Noir! No, just talk to him normally, the way you would talk to Chat. He's a normal human being. Except he's ADRIEN FREAKING AGRESTE WHO'S ALSO A SUPERHERO! Just a normal person. Deep breaths Marinette, deep breaths. Breathe. That's right. Wait, what is he saying? Listen!

" is that okay?"

She smiled guiltily. "Sorry, I didn't catch that Ch-Adrien... ahaha, sorry, could you say it again?"

He laughed softly. "No, it's fine, I was just wondering if I could steal you for a quick word in private?" Marinette frowned slightly. Why would Chat, no, Adrien want to speak to me in private?

"Umm, sure? Now?" She managed. The bell rang as Adrien shook his head.

"No, not now, I was thinking at the beginning of lunch." She nodded as they filed back into class.

"Sure, I -I guess." She slid into her seat. Alya grinned broadly at her as the teacher started talking.

"Girl, this is big!" She whispered. "He could confess his undying love for you!" Marinette looked down and blushed.

"No, we've only really known each other for...a while now."

Alya shook her head. "No, girl. You've been friends for over six months! And, plus, you knew him before that for almost a year. It's definitely a possibility! Why don't yo-"

"Ahem." Ayla guiltily looked up at the frowning teacher. "Alya. Is there something you wanted to share with the class?" Ayla shook her head.

"No Ma'am. Sorry." Alya waited till the teacher turned away and then scribbled something on the corner of her paper. Marinette glanced over and read it.

You have to tell me what he says, okay? She looked up into Alya's eager gaze and nodded, smiling.

The next hour and a half passed in a blur, filled with excited whispers and speculations. Finally, finally, the bell rang for lunch. Alya dashed out of the classroom before Marinette could even open her mouth. "Bye guys, I'll be in the cafeteria! Come on Nino!" Adrien stood up and smiled.

"You ready?" He asked.

Marinette nodded. "I'm good to go." She stood up and followed him out of the classroom. "So, where are we going?" She asked, walking quickly to keep up with his long strides. He smiled at her again.

"I was thinking the park. But, not the big park, the little one, beside it."

Marinette nodded. "Oh, yeah, I know. It has the fountain in the middle?"

"Yep, that's the one."

Silently, they made their way to the park and Adrien sat down on a stone wall. He patted the spot next to him, indicating where Marinette should sit. She swung her bag off her back and jumped up, hoisting herself onto the spot next to him and starting to swing her legs. "So, what did you want to see me about?" She asked, trying to get the ball rolling. Adrien looked at her. His green eyes met hers and his hair flowed so perfectly in the wind-no! Focus Marinette!

He took a deep breath. "Well, Mari, last night I actually discovered something about you that I'd been sort of suspecting for a couple of weeks now. Actually, about two months, I think." Marinette frowned. She was starting to not like where this was going. "and, I just wanted to let you know that I knew, you see. Hahaha, kind of silly. I guess." He flushed and rubbed the back of his neck. She looked at him. Could she say he looked slightly...nervous? No, this was Adrien. Adrien didn't get nervous. So, why was he looking so worried? She nodded, prompting him to continue. He laughed again.

"Hahaha, it's actually kind of not super important, maybe I shouldn't tell you." Inside he was yelling. Adrien!You are so stupid! You are the stupidest person to live. You can't tell Ladybug you know she's Ladybug! That's weird! And you can't tell her you are Chat, not when she's tried to keep our identities a secret for so long. You didn't think this through! Did you listen to your gut feeling? No! You just went for it!'re a complete and utter idiot.

He snapped back to reality as Marinette took a deep breath. "Well, A-Adrien...there was actually something I wanted to tell you as well. And...I'm a little nervous to say it. No! You're not a little nervous, you almost fainted from fright walking here! But, you have to tell him you know he's Chat. So, I don't know, we could say it together?"

Adrien sighed. "Yeah, that's a good idea. On three?" Marinette looked around. There was no one else in the park, no one to hear them as she told her crush the biggest secret she had ever kept.

"Yeah, on three."

"Okay, okay. One."



"I know you're Chat Noir."

"I know you're Ladybug."



Adrien shook his head. "No, you first. How do you know?"

Marinette bit her lip, feeling light headed. She actually felt a little better, knowing that he knew. Having it off her chest. Having someone else help her carry the load of her secret identity.

"I found out last night. It was kind of funny, a photo app identified you as Adrien when you were dressed as Chat, and I realised it was right."

Adrien's mouth dropped open. "What?! That's the exact same way I figured it out too! As in, I knew that you could be Ladybug and I suspected it, but, yeah, last night after I visited you as Chat, I loaded the picture onto my computer and it asked me if you were Ladybug! That's so weird and cool at the same time!" He grinned broadly at her and then stopped, seeing her downcast face.

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "Was that the only reason you started getting to know me as Marinette? Because you thought I could be Ladybug?" She asked.

Adrien looked at her, shocked. "Mari, I..No, no! You have it all mixed up! No, Mari, look at me, please. I see how you got there, but it's the opposite way around! I started thinking you could be Ladybug because I could see Ladybug in you when I was visiting you as Chat! See? You are as amazing as Ladybug and even more amazing as Marinette! I mean, I can't even stand up to Chloe like you can! You're incredible Marinette, and you should know that." He lifted her chin up gently, so she was looking at him. "You are Ladybug and Ladybug is you."

Marinette nodded."Thank you Adrien." She sniffed and wiped her eyes on her sleeve. She smiled and 'booped' his nose. "I know who I'll go to when I need a pep talk then Kitty!"

Adrien reeled back. This was messing up his brain. Marinette acting like Ladybug, out of the suit? This was doing funny things to his insides. She looked at him. "Are you okay?" she asked, concern written on her face.

He smiled at her gently, a surge of love for this sweet, thoughtful, brave, self-sacrificing girl rising up in his chest. He opened his arms and crushed her to himself, hugging her for all she was worth. She gasped and then her arms went around him, hugging him back. She nuzzled into his warm jacket, her nose filling with the smell that was very much him. Comforting, loving, gentle, kind and full of compassion. Suddenly a thought hit her. She pulled away from him a little.

"If you didn't visit me because you thought I was Ladybug, then why did you visit me?"

Adrien grinned sheepishly and he nervously scratched his neck. "Well, ahh, I just thought you were a really great person. Well, originally, I came to check up on you after the Evilillustrator incident, but then you showed side of you that I never saw in school, so I kept coming back. And, then, you know, you were really nice and sweet and nice and kind was great to find someone who accepted me for me." His voice dropped to almost a whisper. "And, then, well, when I fell for you, it was almost impossible not to come every night."

Marinette's eyes grew wide at the last sentence. He had fallen for her? Does that mean he liked her?

Adrien continued, his gaze dropping to her hands that rested gently in his. "But, I still felt like I was betraying Ladybug. It was awful. I felt awful. But then I started thinking. I thought of all the times I had talked to you as Marinette and all the times I had spoken to Ladybug. And, then, you both sort of merged. And I realised that there was a big possibility of you both being the same person. And I was right. Marinette, Ladybug, when I first met you, I loved what you did. But, as I got to I know you, I realised I not only loved what you did, I loved the person inside. And, knowing your identity just amplifies that. I don't know if it could really be possible Marinette, but, do you feel the same about me?"

Marinette gasped. Is this really happening? Is he serious? He likes me? He loves me?! She looked at him, blushing. "Adrien, when I first met you, I thought you were just some guy in a leather cat suit. And, then later when I met you as Adrien, I thought you were just trying to get me in trouble. But, I have been in love with you since the day you gave me that umbrella. I rejected Chat Noir because I loved you as Adrien. So, when I fell for a silly tom cat who came in my window every night, I rejected the idea. I threw it into a dark corner and never allowed myself to think about it. But now, everything's perfect. I love both sides of you. And I always will."

Adrien looked into her eyes. "So, what does this mean then? Will you be my girlfriend?"

Marinette smiled warmly. "Do you even have to ask?"

Adrien smiled as wide as he could and threw his arms around her. He gently kissed the top of her hair and she smiled, her heart bursting with happiness. He drew away after a few moments and looked at his watch. "We should probably get to class, it starts in 4 minutes." Marinette nodded and jumped down from the wall. She landed with the a agility and grace of Ladybug and Adrien couldn't believe he hadn't guessed before.

"So, Adrien, are you coming?" She asked, holding out her hand. "I promised to tell Ayla what you said, and if I don't tell her before class, she'll pester me all through the lesson." Adrien grinned and jumped down next to her.

"Are you really going to tell her all of it?" He asked as they walked back to the school.

Marinette shook her head. "Not all of it, I don't think that would be the best idea in the world." Adrien laughed merrily and grasped her hand.

"No, I don't think it would."

The two teenagers walked up the steps to the school, looking very much like an ordinary couple in love. Little did Paris know, these two teenagers held the fate of Paris in their intertwined hands. And, Adrien and Marinette were going to keep it that way. One person knowing was most certainly enough.

And there we have it! I could possibly make this a three-shot, there is room for more, but, I might leave it at this. I love writing it and I hope you love reading it!

Reviews make my heart so happy! 3

Love you all! -missdragongirl xx