20 February 2003

Disclaimer applies to everything, except Cody and Wheyern Rye, Vincent Thorpe, and the idea for this story.

Chapter 1 The Play Begins

Squall gingerly rubbed his temples. Last night was a complete waste in his opinion... of course Rinoa didn't think so. She loved the party so much that he had to stay with her until four. Squall sat at the edge of his bed for a moment to collect his thoughts. He remembered the mound of paperwork on his desk on the third floor and his heart grew heavy. Cid was still Headmaster, but Squall was Commander of SeeDs. Actually Balamb's SeeDs, but SeeDs from other Gardens regarded him as their leader too. That gave him a headache. He still wasn't used to this leader thingy, but he didn't mind the paperwork. It gave him something to do other than milling around.

Three years. He couldn't believe that time flew so fast. In the space of three years, Galbadia Garden has resumed operation and Trabia Garden has been rebuilt, thanks to funding from Balamb and Eshtar (He had to pull a little string). Being Commander to the most established Garden, Squall had to negotiate a lot of things between the Gardens; leaving him with little time to be with his friends. Not that he was complaining; he respected Cid's trust in him, and knew the old man couldn't handle much any more anyway. He sneaked a peek at his bedside clock. Nearly five a.m. The others should be asleep now, not to mention him... but he couldn't sleep. Heck, he's been tossing like a pancake and still sleep didn't come.

Getting up, he wondered whether it was safe to go outside even at this hour - these days, he was being mobbed by almost the whole population of Balamb Garden. Make it female population. It was like Quistis with her Trepies. It's like all the sudden he's some hotshot. He himself wasn't surprised to know that some crazed cadet had set up a Squall fan club... calling themselves Squallies. Squallies, he shook his head in amazement. Even though they knew he was going out with Rinoa... well... he blanched at the incident a week ago in the cafeteria - A Squallie had come up to him for an autograph, something which made Rinoa frown with disapproval. Squall wasn't keen to sign, but he did so hurriedly and handed it back - a little too roughly, because his hand knocked against her abdomen, making her squeal and blush. Of course, Rinoa got on the wrong side of things and started Angel Winging in the cafeteria, throwing random spells in every direction. The gang had junctioned GF's (They always had GF's wherever they went) so they protected themselves without much thinking, but the others - well, Dr. Kadowaki had her hands full attending to students who got hit by Confuse and Blind spells and hurt themselves.

Feeling restless, he decided to try a couple of rounds in the Training Center with his Lion Heart, so armed with that decision he walked out of his room, careful not to tread on the pile of cards that were scattered in front of his door. Rinoa would normally dispose them off. He almost smiled. This Squallie thing was about the most threatening thing that came by ever since Ultemecia's defeat.

He walked into the Training Center, only to find that he wasn't the only one restless. Beyond the thick foliage, he heard the familiar distinct swish of a whip, and a howl as a Grat tumbled to the ground.
Quistis Trepe smiled in satisfaction as the Grat fell, and then she gathered the Sleeping Powder that got left behind. It may seem like a bully... after all, she had help defeat the most evil sorceress... what's a Grat to her? Honestly, she could take it down with her eyes closed.

She was about to retreat when there was a roar, and a T-Rexaur appeared out of nowhere. Quistis winced. Urgh... she hated fighting these... they had such foul breath... but compared to a Marlboro, she'd rather be fighting these. With a roar the T-Rexaur charged at her, and she readied her Save the Queen - only to find a figure leaping out in front of her and slashing the creature clean across the throat. "Haha. Show-off." She laughed sarcastically. 'What do you think you're doing?"

Squall examined the T-Rexaur. "Making your life easier. You weren't good with it from the start anyway."

"Don't tell me what I'm good at." Quistis hit him on the shoulder with her whip. 'Geez. Don't you know when to sleep?"

"Look who's talking."

"That's a lot, coming from you." Quistis shot back. She had to admit he was right though. Being an Instructor again was hard... especially now that the duty of SeeDs have gone up. After what happened, they realized that if anything like that happened again, SeeDs would be called in. Who wants to send a bunch of improperly trained mercenaries? To Quistis it wasn't that big a deal - she was a workaholic and would be horrified if no work was given that day. Quistis had been working her butt off, that's why she came here... to let off steam. "By the way, where's your jacket?" She inquired politely. The Commander was never seen without it... of course, she had seen him with less. The countless times she had to tend to his wounds... Any Squallie would give their right eye for that privilege.

Squall stood up and handed her a Dino Bone - courtesy of his efforts. "Why didn't you join us?"

'Ah? Quistis arched a perfectly formed eyebrow. "Am I missing something here? If I'm not wrong, you don't like large parties."

"Still don't" He said gruffly as he wiped his Lion Heart. "But I couldn't leave."

"Oh, come on, Squall..." Quistis said in amusement. "Do you really think that Rinoa would get abducted again? She's a SeeD now, and a sorceress to boot. Stop being so protective." She slapped his shoulder again. Squall made no move to counter that, since he and Quistis went back a long way. Even though they are of the same age, Quistis was his instructor, and his only friend at Balamb Garden before he met Zell and the rest. Friend? He thought ironically. Funny how things turned out. Now he's the Commander of Balamb Garden, and because of the team's reputation, Balamb Garden's SeeDs were prized highly for their extraordinary skills. Everybody overlooked the fact that Selphie came from Trabia and Irvine was Galbadian.Being his Instructor, Quistis's Instructor's license was reinstated and she's now Second in command, next to Squall.

"It's almost six. you should be getting back," Quistis checked her watch. "I have a feeling if you walk out any later, your shirt will disappear next."

Squall almost smiled at her reference to the Squallies. "You too. Don't fall sick, or your Trepies will be after my blood."

"Yeah. I'll be gone for a week. wonder what they'll do once I get back," She remembered. Squall frowned. "You're going on a mission? I wasn't aware of it."

"Well. this one came directly from Edea. guess I have been working too hard. Sent me to Dollet this time."

She knew Squall was momentarily annoyed that this mission wasn't referred to him, but he cooled down quickly. Quistis had fought alongside him for a long time, and he knew, whatever it was, she would make it without mussing up her perfect blonde hair. "Be quick, okay? Rinoa was going on about having a celebration. though I'm not sure for what."

"Probably of her being a SeeD." She noticed Squall's frown. "You should be more happy. She did it for you, you know."

Squall didn't answer. There was trouble in his eyes, and Quistis knew it, but knowing Squall better than anyone else, she left it alone. If Squall wanted to deal with it, he'd come around.