Hello readers, I hope you will enjoy this story of mine and leave comments at the end, please enjoy and let me know about it. This crossover takes place after ME2 and in season 6 of SG-1 after episode 6 the Abyss, just to clarify where everything is in the universe.

July, 26 2185

Galactic Core

Normandy SR-2

It took a while, but Shepard manage to do the impossible. He recruited an impressive team traveled through the Omega 4 Relay and launched an attack against the Collectors. Now all he had to do next was out run the radiation pulse that would kill all the Collectors, but leave the technology intact for Cerberus.

As the pulse continued to expand from the base and closer to the Normandy, Joker activated the FTL engine, but unknown to anyone was that the radiation pulse combine with the black hole sent the Normandy and the entire crew to another universe.

Unknown System

In the quietness of space the Normandy dropped out of FTL violently as if going through a magnetic storm...

Normandy SR-2


On the bridge of the Normandy sparks were flying, the holographic displays were on the frits. Joker and Shepard were getting up from the floor, after the shockwave knocked them down coming out of FTL. "What the hell was that?" asked Joker as he got back into his seat still feeling the pain of a broken bone.

Shepard was standing behind Joker and was wondering the exact same thing. "Don't know, EDI?" asked Shepard turning to the ships AI for answers.

EDI appeared as the holographic blue sphere. "Unknown, but I believe the turbulence we felt may have been caused by the radiation pulse in a close proximity to the black hole."

Shepard nodded his head. "How bad is the damage?"

EDI began processing. "We have multiple hull breaches on deck five, I have already put up kinetic barriers to prevent the air from escaping."

Shepard nodded his head. "I'm going to talk to the Illusive Man." As Shepard was walking away, EDI stopped him.

"Shepard the QEC is no longer in direct contact with the Illusive Man." said EDI

Shepard turned around with shock in his eyes. "Is it a malfunction or damaged from the turbulence."

"No, I have already done a diagnostic on it and found nothing at all." replied EDI

Shepard began thinking wondering if he should focus on the QEC or get the crew to focus on repairing the Normandy, but before he could make a decision, Joker interrupted his train of thought. "Shepard, we have another problem."

Shepard walked up behind Joker. "Hit me Joker! It can't get any worse than this."

Oh it was going to get worse alright thought Joker. "Were not in the Sahrabarik system."

Shepard was confused and was wondering what the hell was going on. "How can we not be in the Sahrabarik system, where are we then?"

Joker turned around and shrugged. "Constellations don't match any known star charts in are computers."

Shepard pinched the top of his nose between his eyes overwhelm by this information. "Alright, get the crew to focus on repairing the hull damages and systems, I want the Normandy back up to a hundred percent." Shepard then walked away to gather his team together.

Conference Room

Shepard gathered his entire team in the conference room to tell them what's been going on. The Conference room itself was still badly damage from attacking the Collectors. "So that's everything. We don't know where we are or how to get back."

The entire team took a moment to process this, Miranda then spoke. "What about the Mass Relay, is there not one in the system or another."

Shepard shake his head. "Are sensors are still down, so we won't know if there is a Mass Relay at all and if there is one, it might take a while to find it if we are really in an uncharted system as the Relay may not be activated."

The team became silent again and all thought of what to do next, but before anyone could say a thing, EDI asked for Shepard to appear on the bridge.


Shepard along with Miranda walked on the bridge. "What's the situation?" asked Shepard

EDI appeared next to Joker. "We manage to get sensors online and detected an unusual energy signature."

Shepard raised his eyebrow wondering about this energy signature. "How unusual?"

"I cannot determine at this time as our sensor capablities are below fifty percent, we would need to approach closer and investigate."

Shepard turned to Miranda for advice. "What do you think?"

Miranda thought it over before responding. "This could be a strange anomaly or we could be dealing with a first contact situation, I recommend extreme caution."

Shepard nodded his head. "Joker is our stealth systems operational?"

"First thing the crew repaired was the stealth systems, let's just hope they can't detect us." replied Joker

Unknown planet

On this uninhabited planet were four individuals walking away from a circular device known as the stargate, these four were very famous and considered the luckiest team in stargate command. SG-1 were about a few yards away from the gate exploring the planet for anything useful to help them in their fight against the Goa'uld, but so far they found nothing.

"Carter, I think this is a bust like always, we should just head back to the gate and go home." said Colonel O'Neill the leader of this flagship team.

"Sir if I'm right about this planet and system, then we are close to the galactic core. It could give scientist on Earth new found information about the core." said Major Samantha Carter the team's expert scientist.

"Well why aren't they here instead of us?" asked O'Neill still frustrated by all this.

"We must first insure this planet is safe to travel to O'Neill, before anyone else can come." replied Teal'c the teams Jaffa companion.

"Who knows Colonel, we might actually find something if we explore further." Said Jonas the team's newest Alien companion to join SG-1.

Unknown planet


When the Normandy appeared in orbit of the planet they immediately launched the shuttle to the location where the strange energy signature, EDI detected. Shepard, Mordin, and Garrus traveled to the planet together to investigate once they knew it was an uninhabited garden world, at least what they could detect from the damaged sensors.

Once the shuttle landed across from the stargate, Shepard and his squad got out of the shuttle and cautiously walked up to the circular device. "Anyone know what it is?" asked Shepard

Garrus had no clue, Mordin began scanning the ring with his Omni-tool and was immediately wide eyed. "Material on this ring is unlike anything known to the galaxy. Much more durable then the materials on the Mass Relay. And very super dense. Possess super conducting properties." Mordin took a deep breath from his high speed talking. "Only conclusion is this device for whatever purpose must be some form of alien technology."

As Shepard was looking at the ring and trying to understand what would be the purpose of this device, Garrus yelled out to the two to come over to where he is. "I think I found the controls for this thing."

Shepard and Mordin walked up to Garrus and saw a large, pedestal-shaped device with the same symbols as the one on the ring itself, Mordin began scanning and was still amazed, telling Shepard of an extremely advance cold fusion reactor core for a power source and some kind of wireless link that connects to the ring.

But as the group was trying to learn about the gate, four individuals were watching them.

Few yards away

SG-1 were behind a hill watching with binoculars at the three individuals near the gate. "Okay! Anybody want to tell me who are those guys?" asked O'Neill

Carter, Jonas, and Teal'c were wondering the same thing. "Teal'c have you ever seen any of those aliens before." asked Carter looking at Garrus and Mordin.

Teal'c looked at the two aliens and shook his head. "I have not Major Carter, but whoever they are, a human is with them."

Jonas then join the conversation. "Well whoever they are, they seem to be studying the gate, like they never seen it before."

"Well whoever these guys are, their blocking our way." said O'Neill. "Any suggestions?"

"We could go down there, sir and introduce ourselves." said Carter. "There obviously advance from looking at their equipment."

While O'Neill was thinking about what to do, unknown to them was the Normandy in orbit able to detect their radio signals.


While Shepard and his squad continued studying the ring like device, EDI came on the radio. "Shepard, I have detected four individuals a few yards away from your position. Three are human and the fourth is an unknown."

Shepard walked up to Garrus and Mordin acting as if nothing was wrong. "Heads up guys, we have company."

Garrus and Mordin looked at Shepard with a calm expression. "Are you sure?" asked Garrus

Shepard nodded his head. "EDI detects four people a few yards away from us over the hill. Three are human and the other is an unknown, but if three are human that's a good sign."

Mordin began thinking of possible scenarios of what might happen. "Three Humans and unknown alien life form. Could possibly be science team studying new life? No would have made contact with us when saw shuttle. Possibly a mercenary group here illegally capturing new specimen."

"Whoever they are, we need to find out, but take precaution at the same time." Shepard then turned around and was about to make a signal, but EDI came on the radio again.

"Shepard! I have done another analysis and have matched their radio signals from them, it would be possible to make a connection and communicate over the radio."

Shepard then looked at his squad, happy to hear this. "Good makes are job easier. Patch me through EDI."


SG-1 were still looking at their unexpected guests. "Alright I've had enough of sitting around, Teal'c your with me, were going to get to the bottom of this." said O'Neill

But as Teal'c and O'Neill were about to leave their cover an unknown voice came out of their radio. "This is Commander Shepard, of the Normandy. To the four individuals hiding behind the hill please respond."

Everyone looked at each other surprised by this turn of events. "Well that's new." said Jack as he activated his radio. "This is Colonel Jack O'Neill of SG-1, to the person calling himself Commander Shepard, I'm assuming you're the one near the stargate communicating to us?"

"Did he say Normandy? As in Normandy France?" asked Carter

It was a moment before Shepard responded back. "If you're talking about the ring, then yes I am. My crew and I dropped out of FTL in this system by accident and we detected an unknown energy reading, we require assistance if you can provide any."

O'Neill thought it over. "Give me a minute." said O'Neill in his radio. "What do you guys think about this?"

"Well Sir from the looks and sound of it, they are an advance race that seem to have kept their existence a secret from the Goa'uld, they may be willing to trade in technology if we helped them or gain an ally." said Carter

"Yeah I was thinking that too, but what's up with the two aliens?" asked O'Neill

"Maybe it's a coalition." said Jonas, everyone now turning to him. "Well from the looks of it, they're people could be allies and share technology and allow they're soldiers to serve on the same ship."

As SG-1 continued to think, O'Neill got back on the radio. "I think we need to meet face to face, are you willing to let us come over and introduce ourselves?"

After a few seconds, Shepard told them yes.


When SG-1 walked up to Shepard and his squad, O'Neill started off. "Howdy folks nice to finally meet you all."

Shepard's first impression seeing SG-1 was of confusion. Looking at them he saw weapons that were in museums back on Earth that were used back two hundred years ago. And then there was their uniforms, they were wearing old Earth BDU's instead of armor. "Hello." Said Shepard still taken aback by all this. "This may seem strange for asking, but why do you have old equipment that hasn't been used in the last two hundred years?"

SG-1 looked at little confused. "I'm sorry?" asked O'Neill. "Old equipment?"

Shepard nodded his head. "Yeah old!" said Shepard "Are you with the Alliance?"

SG-1 still looked confused. "Ahh! What Alliance would that be?" asked Jonas

Shepard looked at Garrus and Mordin all three seem confused. "I'm talking about the Earth Systems Alliance."

When SG-1 heard Earth they all looked at each other. Colonel O'Neill then stepped in. "Okay hold on! Who are you people?" asked O'Neill trying to make sense of this.

"I'm Commander Shepard, this is Garrus Vakarian and Mordin Solus, and they're a part of my team on board my ship the Normandy."

Carter then stepped in to give an explanation. "Sir, I think I know what's going on here." O'Neill and everyone turned to Carter for answers. "We may be dealing with another alternate universe encounter."

"Alternate universe?" asked Shepard

Mordin then joined in the conversation, but because SG-1 didn't have any translators they couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Mind telling us what your friend said." Asked O'Neill

Shepard looked at O'Neill. "He was explaining to me about the theories of alternate universes and how it's impossible to travel too."

"Actually we have encounter at least two alternate universes, but in both cases these alternate universes were an opposite of our own universe." Said Carter

Shepard looked at his own team and backed at SG-1 "Then where do we go from here?"

Sol System



Briefing room

At Stargate Command SG-1 returned immediately from P2X-429 to report to General Hammond on the discovery they made. "So that's about it General, these people need our help and they have pretty impressive looking weapons." said O'Neill

Hammond turn to Major Carter for more details. "You believe they come from an alternate reality like the previous encounters we've had in the past."

Carter put her hands on the table and leaned closer. "Not exactly sir, from my brief conversation with Commander Shepard, their two-hundred years ahead of us and they don't seem to know anything about the Stargates at all, they have these things called Mass Relays that allow them to travel across the galaxy."

Hammond nodded his head. "What about these aliens you mentioned? What can you tell me about them?"

This is where Jonas stepped in. "Not much general as we could not understand the Aliens at all, Shepard had to translate for us, one of them called Garrus is a Turian. The other Mordin, I think that's what his name was is a Salarian."

Hammond took this in and looked at Carter. "What can you tell me about their technology?"

"We'll sir, I didn't have much time studying it as I would like, but from what I saw, they have some pretty interesting technology, if given the chance I would really like to take a look at it."

Hammond nodded his head. "Is Commander Shepard willing to come to the SGC and talk to us?"

Carter nodded her head. "We offered to help him in anyway, he said to come back in two hours to hear his decision."



Normandy-SR 2

Conference Room

After SG-1 went back to their Earth through the ring now known to Shepard as a Stargate capable of creating an artificial wormhole that allows you to travel to other worlds instead of relying on ships for transportation, immediately returned to the Normandy by shuttle to tell his team of the news. Many could hardly believe they were in an alternate universe, Mordin began explaining the theoretical part of a multiverse.

Most of the team couldn't believe a multiverse existing let alone being able to travel to one.

"Let's for a minute believe in this theory of a multiverse and that we somehow manage to travel to one." said Jacob still shocked about this news. "How do we get back?"

Mordin stepped to the plate. "Hmm. Unknown at this time. Need more data before we can proceed to fine solution."

"In the mean time we were fortunate enough to meet Humans from Earth, who want to help us." said Shepard

Miranda stepped in to voice her concern. "Are you sure that's a wise decision, Shepard. From what you learned about them, their Earth is in the early 21st century. No space worthy ships, countries are still divided in nation states. The only reason they want to help is so they can have access to our technology."

Mordin agreed. "Miranda's logic has point, Shepard. Best be cautious when dealing with primitive cultures. Must remind you of Salarian interference with Krogan which led to Krogan rebellions."

"I haven't made a decision yet and our new friends from Earth are going to come back in a few minutes, so here's our problem." Said Shepard trying to make the right call and not repeat history.

Shepard activated the table's hologram. "We still have damages to the Normandy that needs repairs and without resources or a dry dock from Cerberus or the Citadel we have limited options. Now I know your concerns about trading technology, but we don't have to give them any weapons."

Shepard looked at Miranda. "What if we gave them medical technology for the time being, the cures Humanity in our own universe have made could really benefit them here."

Miranda thought it over. "I guess that couldn't do any harm and it will satisfy them."

Shepard look to his team for any opposition and got none. "Alright let's go meet them."

As the team began leaving, Shepard asked Mordin to stay.

Mordin walked up to Shepard with curiosity. "How can I help, Shepard?"

Shepard walked over to the table and brought up a hologram of the Collector base. "Mordin when we activated the radiation pulse to destroy the Collectors, do you think it had anything to do with us traveling here?"

Mordin thought about before giving an answer. "Like I said before, need more data to give answer?"

"Just humor me, if it was the pulse, do you think the Collector base travelled with us?" asked Shepard

Mordin began thinking everything he knew about multiverse theory and walked up to the table. "If Collector base did travelled with us to this universe, then it would be in the same place it was in our own universe, but we would need to travel to the galactic core to be sure."

Shepard nodded his head and left to go meet SG-1.


As SG-1 waited for Commander Shepard to arrive they wondered about how this whole meeting would play out, Colonel O'Neill was having doubts about the meeting. "Does anybody think this is all BS and were just wasting our time?"

"You don't believe these people accidentally travelled to another universe?" asked Jonas

"No, I believe that part all too well, it's the whole hoping they trade technology thing, I don't buy it." replied O'Neill remembering all the times other advance cultures refused to trade.

"Even if they don't trade any advance technology O'Neill, we could have potential allies against our war with the Goa'uld." said Teal'c

But before anyone could say anything else, they saw the shuttle descending down in the atmosphere and landing a few feet away from the stargate.

The shuttle door opened and out came, Commander Shepard wearing his Cerberus dress uniform, following right behind was Jacob Taylor and Miranda Lawson.

SG-1 moved up to greet their guests. "Commander, nice to see you again." Said O'Neill. "I see you brought new guests to this party."

Commander Shepard nodded his head. "I figured it be best to bring Humans instead of aliens, your Earth hasn't had much contact with Aliens I assume."

"Actually Commander, SG-1 has made contact with other alien civilizations." Said Jonas "In fact me and Teal'c aren't from Earth."

Shepard, Miranda, and Jacob all looked at each other confused, but before they could ask a question, Samantha Carter stepped in. "Perhaps it be best to discuss everything back at the SGC."

Shepard agreed and watched as Major Carter walked up to the DHD and began punching in Earth's address. While this was happening, Miranda activated her Omni-tool and began taking scans of the Stargate while it was dialing and when it finally activated, Jacob and Miranda step back a bit, shocked to see the unstable vortex shoot out from the gate.

"Well let's get to it." said Shepard as Miranda, Jacob were guided by SG-1 to the wormhole, they hesitated at first when they got up to the event horizon, but stepped right in after Teal'c and Jonas went first.

Sol System



Gate Room

General Hammond was waiting in the gate room for SG-1 to return with Commander Shepard. When the gate activated and the GDO signal was sent to lower the iris, Jonas and Teal'c came through first following them right after were Shepard, Miranda, and Jacob in the middle and last was Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter

"Welcome to Earth." said Hammond as he always does with new arrivals "I'm General Hammond."

Shepard felt odd being welcomed to his home planet. "Feels weird being welcomed back to my home planet, but thanks for inviting us. I'm Commander Shepard of the Normandy, this is Jacob Taylor my weapons officer and Miranda Lawson my second in Command."

"Welcome." said Hammond to both Jacob and Miranda. "I understand this is a strange situation for all of you, let's take this to the conference room."

"Lead the way General." said Shepard


Conference Room

In the Conference room SG-1 took the seats opposite of Commander Shepard and his two companions, while General Hammond sat at the head of the table in between both.

Hammond took the lead. "First off I like to thank you for coming here and talking with us, it must be difficult for you."

Shepard put on a smile. "Not at all, General. This isn't the first crazy thing my crew and I have experience, but were here now and need help."

The General nodded his head. "What can we do to help you with?" asked Hammond

Shepard began by activating his Omni-tool, the guards in the conference room pulled out their guns and pointed at Shepard when they saw this, but lowered their weapons when Hammond signaled with his hand to stop them.

Shepard continued. "Our ship has suffered damage and could use resources as well as a supply of food."

"We can help with those, but from what SG-1 told me when they first met you, you had actual aliens, is any of our food even edible for them."

Miranda stepped in. "Only two of our crew members require special dietary requirements, we have enough food for them for two-four months, but we will need to go and find it elsewhere."

Shepard soon took over. "We were hoping to use your Stargate to travel to worlds known to us that may help."

"Not to sound rude, but you have a ship, can't you use it to travel to these planets?" asked Carter

Shepard shook his head. "Even if we repair our ship, were still limited by FTL, without Mass Relays we can't really leave that system."

Carter was surprised by this, she wasn't expecting an inferior FTL drive with what she saw they had.

But before she could ask how it operates, Hammond took back the conversation in his direction. "Before we discuss anything else, I like to ask what you would be willing to trade for our help."

Miranda knew this was coming. "Getting straight to the point are we now."

Shepard looked at Miranda with a glare in his eyes, unhappy with her attitude.

"Well that's how it works when someone helps another person." Said O'Neill looking at Miranda with a questioning look.

Shepard then stepped in. "Of course Colonel, but I must tell you we are not willing to trade in weapons technology, instead we have some medical advancements that will benefit your people."

"What are we talking about?" asked Hammond curious at what they were going to get.

Shepard explained. "In our universe, Humanity has made great advancements in riding most disease that plagued Humans on Earth."

Hammond knew it wasn't what he wanted, but it was better than nothing. "We thank you for this, Commander and you can expect the supplies you need in a matter of hours."

Shepard appreciated it. "Now let's move on to other things." Shepard took out two data pads and gave it to the General. "In these data pads are information about our universe and our Earth and its history, we thought it be best for you to understand where we come from."

Hammond gave the data pads to Major Carter and Jonas Quin. "This is much appreciated Commander, is there anything you want to know from us."

Miranda then stepped in and looked at Jonas. "When we first met, you mentioned about you and your friend not being from Earth, can you explain?" asked Miranda

Jonas looked at Hammond who nodded for him to explain. "Well where do, I begin. I guess it be best to tell you about the Goa'uld."

Jonas then explained in detail about the Goa'uld and how they enslaved the humans of Earth and posed as gods from Earths history and began transporting humans across worlds through the Stargate.

"These Goa'uld sound worse than Batarians." Said Miranda. "But I am curious how you've managed to survive this long against them without any ships to defend Earth with?"

"We thank the good old Asgard for that, our gray little friends keep us safe." Said O'Neill with a smug look.

Shepard and his team all looked confused. "I assume these Asgard are advance aliens powerful enough to keep these Goa'uld from attacking."

Hammond stepped in to explain. "Yes! The Asgard are our allies and they've been helping us ever since we made contact."

Jacob then put in his own two cents. "If they're so advance why haven't they helped you in building ships or gave you the means to fight back at the Goa'uld instead of using inferior weapons. No offense!" said Jacob

"Offense taken." said O'Neill not happy about another advance group of people looking down at him and his team for using weapons that seem like a stick compared to what they use.

"The reason the Asgard don't help us, is because they can't." said Hammond. "The only reason the Goa'uld haven't attacked is because of the protected planets treaty Earth is a part of, which states the Asgard cannot advance any human planet technologically that could threaten the Goa'uld."

Miranda couldn't understand any of this treaty, while it does protect them from attacks, it doesn't solve the problem. "Then why don't they just destroy the Goa'uld instead of making this treaty, they are obviously powerful enough to force them to agree to it?"

Hammond and SG-1 all looked at each other knowing the answer, but wasn't going to reveal it just yet. "I'm afraid it's complicated, but the Asgard aren't our only allies against the Goa'uld."

"There is another group called the Tok'ra that oppose the Goa'uld, they are an off shoot of the Goa'uld, but they don't take hosts by force, they look for volunteers." said Carter

Shepard thoughts was of surprise and concern. He now had a big problem, these Goa'uld are a dangerous threat and if what Hammond and SG-1 said was true about them. They are technologically advance, on the other hand there is an amount of new technology that could help them in their fight against the Reapers, if they can return home with said technology.

"General, I appreciate you telling me all this and would like to ask that you refrain from telling anyone about us being here in this universe." said Shepard

Hammond and SG-1 were surprised by this request. "May I ask why?"

"From what you told me about the Goa'uld, if they knew about us, they would attack immediately." said Shepard

"I understand that part, but our allies can be trusted with keeping your secret." said Hammond

"Sorry General, but were knew to this universe trust takes time, so I'd like to keep my ship and crew's safety." said Shepard determined to keep his existence a secret.

General Hammond knew all too well about keeping the people under your command safe and had to respect, Shepard's request. "Very well Commander, I hope you will still continue contact with us."

Shepard wasn't going to abandon this Earth or any Earth that was being threaten from an alien threat like the Goa'uld. "You won't have to worry about that, General, as long as you keep sending someone to the planet we will be there, also another thing I would like."

"And what would that be?" asked Hammond

"Any and all information you have on the Goa'uld, I would like a copy and delivered to my ship." said Shepard, wanting to know this new enemy he has to deal with.

After everything was said and done, Shepard and his team were escorted back to the gate room and back to the Normandy.

1 week later

Sol system




After, Commander Shepard left, Jonas Quinn got to work on the data pads and was presenting what he learned to General Hammond and his team. "Okay, from the data pads, Commander Shepard left for us. Contained information about his universe and the many different alien races that live there."

"And what contained in the data pads about these Aliens?" asked Hammond

Jonas Quinn was happy to say this. "It contained everything about them, their culture, religion and form of government." Said Jonas excited about learning new cultures.

"And what have you learned?" asked Hammond

"General there is a lot of history about these Aliens that go back to thousands of years in their universe and they all work together for a better future." said Jonas

Jonas then brought up images of each alien and explained in detail about them, the Asari were the biggest surprise. He then talked about Humanity and the Systems Alliance and how their Earths early history is exactly the same as theirs.

"Thank you Mr. Quinn for this." Said Hammond, he then looked at the rest of SG-1. "Now people where do we go from here?" Asked Hammond

Dr. Frasier the SGC's chief medical officer began. "Well General I can tell you the cures and medical advancements, Commander Shepard sent to us has proven incredible, we have cures to the most dangerous disease and medical equipment that will help our people."

Hammond nodded his head happy about the deal, but the pentagon and joint chiefs were pushing Hammond to try and make a deal with, Shepard to gain access to his weapons technology. "That's good to know doctor, but I'm afraid it's not enough."

O'Neill looked at Hammond with curiosity. "Mind explaining General."

"The pentagon wants access to weapons technology, Commander Shepard possess, I told them it would take time, but their getting restless especially with the growing threat of Anubis and his rise to power amongst the System Lords."

"Sir with all due respect, I doubt Commander Shepard would give us any of his weapons unless we have something to offer him in exchange." said Major Carter

"Which is why you will be delivering the next shipment of supplies to the Commander and get to know his people a lot better to form some kind of bridge. Dis Miss SG-1." said Hammond



Normandy SR-2

Conference Room

On board the Normandy's conference room, Shepard with, EDI were looking over information the SGC was grateful enough to loan them. It was about the Goa'uld in much more detailed.

One of these information's was the many ships they used and specifications they had on them. Shepard was trying to learn as much as possible in case he ever encountered one.

"EDI what can you tell me about these ships the Goa'uld use?" asked Shepard

EDI appeared in her avatar form as a blue sphere. "The one you see before you is called a Tel'tak or commonly known as a cargo ship. It is a transportation vessel used by the Goa'uld, they are equipped with a Hyperdrive, transportation rings, and escape pods, but the one outstanding aspect of a Tel'tak is its cloaking capability."

Shepard read about the Goa'uld's capable of cloaking their ships, but never thought possible in his universe, if he could get his hands on one of those, the Normandy would definitely be a stealth ship. "Alright move on."

The next ship to appear on the hologram was another pyramid shape ship. "This is called an Al'kesh, it is a powerful Goa'uld medium-range bomber and troop carrier used to attack fortified positions on planetary surfaces, serving a support role during invasions, it also possess cloaking capabilities and possess shields."

"What can you tell me about the Goa'uld's shields, are they the same as ours?" asked Shepard

"No! The Goa'uld possess energy shields, they can block both kinetic and plasma based weapons."

Shepard didn't like the sound of that. If these Goa'uld's shields can block both kinetic and plasma, then his ship maybe in danger of being destroyed. "EDI! Can the Normandy's armor withstand a direct hit from the Goa'uld's weapons?"

"Unknown at this time, but from what SGC reports said about Goa'uld's weapons it is unlikely the Normandy would survive a direct hit." answered EDI with little optimistic tone in her voice.

Shepard tried not to think about that and continued moving on. "Alright what's next?"

"A Goa'uld mother ship." said EDI as the hologram switched from the Al'kesh to the Hat'ak. "These ships are the mainstay of their fleet. It serves a dual role as a mother ship and a heavy attack vessel. They possess far more firepower than an Al'kesh and have stronger shields."

EDI went on about Goa'uld tactics when attacking a planet, their armies and what they are equipped with.

"Thank you EDI, that will be all for now." said Shepard

EDI then left to monitor the repairs to the Normandy.

Shepard placed his hand on his face, tired of learning everything there is to know about the Goa'uld, the worst part in all this is they don't use eezo in their ships or weapons, but a substance known as naquadah an element that doesn't exist in their universe.

As Shepard was contemplating on what to do next Joker came on the intercom. "Shepard! The Kodiak shuttle is on its way from the planet with the next supplies from Earth."

"Alright Joker, anything else I should know?"

"We have guests coming."

Normandy SR-2

Cargo Hold

When the shuttle docked on board the Normandy it dropped off the supplies and SG-1. They were immediately greeted by Commander Shepard and Miranda Lawson.

"Colonel O'Neill what are you doing here?" asked Shepard

O'Neill just walked up to the Commander with his team. "Oh! We just thought to come by and check up on you folks. See how you're doing. Settling in just fine?" asked O'Neill

Shepard and Miranda looked at each other before responding. "Were doing just fine. And we thank you for sending supplies to us." Said Shepard

"But I am curious as to why you're really here." Said Miranda crossing her arms.

O'Neill decided to just come out and say. "Since we've gotten to know each other a little bit and you know what are situation is when it comes to the defense of Earth, we were hoping you be willing to trade weapons technology."

Miranda and Shepard looked at each other before responding. "Colonel! I'm afraid we cannot trade any weapons we have to you. Our own history has shown us how dangerous it is in giving any advance technology into the hands of…" before Miranda could say anything else, Shepard stepped in.

"Actually Miranda I'm reconsidering my stance on trading weapons technology."

Both SG-1 and Miranda were shocked to hear this. SG-1 was happy to hear they would finally get the technologies they so desperately needed in their fight against the Goa'uld. While Miranda was furious at the Commander for even reconsidering in giving them weapons especially after what happen to the Krogan when the Salarians gave them weapons and especially not consulting her on the decision or the crews.

Shepard then explained himself. "After reading and reviewing everything you had on the Goa'uld, it would be foolish of me not to aid you in your fight and defense for Earth, but I have a few conditions."

O'Neill wasn't surprised by this. In any decent trade in technology there was always a catch. "And that would be."

"First anything of value you find through the Stargate technology or resources must be equally shared, I think that is fare comparing to everything were willing to trade with you."

O'Neill looked at his team before responding. "Have to run it through Hammond first before agreeing to anything. And the second thing would be."

"Any weapons we trade with you must never be used on other nations on Earth." Said Shepard making sure anything he gives them can't be misused.

"No problem with that one. Right guys." Said O'Neill looking back at his team.

"Alright then, now there's something I need to show you."

Normandy SR-2

Conference Room

Inside the Conference room was Shepard, Miranda, and SG-1 around the table looking at the holographic representation of the Collector base. Shepard then went into detail about his mission against the Collectors and their greatest enemy the Reapers. If SG-1 didn't have any experience with dealing with alternate realities they have a hard time in believing it themselves.

"So that's the whole story, we believe the radiation pulse may have brought us here and we think the Collector base came with us as well."

"That's incredible!" Said Major Carter fascinated by a safe zone in the galactic core where ships can survive. She then turned to O'Neill. "Sir if we can get to that base, not only would we have advance technology, but a strategic advantage against the Goa'uld."

"I was thinking the same thing, Major." Said O'Neill unable to keep his smile from showing about all the big honking space guns that could be aboard that station. "But how do we get to it?"

"We can't!" Said Miranda. "It required the Omega four relay to travel to the core."

"Well we don't have one of those." Said O'Neill

"Does this vessel not have the ability to travel to the galactic core by means of FTL?" asked Teal'c now stepping into the conversation.

EDI then appeared on the table startling SG-1, Shepard calmed them down before they became startled by her sudden appearance. "Relax! It's just EDI our ships AI."

"AI! As in Artificial Intelligence?" asked Carter

"Yes!" said Miranda. "EDI is the Enhance Defense Intelligence aboard the Normandy, she monitors the cyber warfare suites. Why do you ask?" asked Miranda curious by Carter's response

"We've had some trouble AI's in the past." Said Sam

"I wouldn't call them trouble! More like an insect problem." Said O'Neill

Shepard was surprised by this, with all their differences in their universes there was one thing that still stay the same. "Glad to see were not so different after all, but EDI's different she won't harm you."

"I have no intentions of harming you or anyone aboard this ship." Said EDI trying her best to calm SG-1.

"Okay!" said O'Neill keeping his guard up. "So did you stop by to say hi or scare the crap out of us?"

"I am here to explain about the ship." Said EDI. "The ship does have FTL capabilities, but insufficient energy to make it to the core, we would be destroyed by the black hole or an exploding sun before we reached the safe zone."

"What kind of power source does your ship run on?" asked Carter

"Power for the Normandy's drive core and electrical systems is provided by a nuclear fusion plant. Helium-fuel cells provide auxiliary power in case the main reactor is shut down."

"So you don't use Element Zero when travelling through FTL?" asked Carter

"No! Eezo is not consumed when travelling in FTL." Said EDI

Miranda then stepped in. "Why are you asking these questions?"

Major Carter then explained. "In our universe we have this mineral called Naquadah."

Shepard remember reading about it. "I read about it in the information you gave us on the Goa'uld. Most of their technology is relied upon it, much in the same way we rely on Element Zero."

Carter nodded her head, happy that Shepard read the information the SGC provided. "We made contact with a group of Humans called the Orbanians that managed to create a generator using Naquadah, they shared how they made it with us and now we possess that technology."

"Where are you going with this?" asked Miranda tired of the history lesson.

"Our generators are advanced reactor units that produce tremendous amounts of clean energy from small amounts of Naquadah. Equipped it to the Normandy and you might just have the energy requirements to make it to the core."

"EDI?" said Shepard turning to his AI to do the calculations.

EDI began processing the idea. "It might be possible once we are able to integrate the generator to Normandy's drive core. We would require Major Carter's technical assistance in installing the generator."

"But will the Normandy be safe?" asked Miranda

"We would need to test it first. It would be best to install it on the shuttle as it is also capable of FTL."

SG-1 was surprised by this information, they didn't think the shuttle they arrived on the Normandy was capable of FTL.

Shepard thought it over and made a decision. "How long would it be for you to bring back one of your generators?"

Carter looked at O'Neill. "Ah... Well we would first need to request it from Hammond as our Generators are very important to us, but we should be able to come back."

"Take all the time you need. My engineers need to review the data on naquadah to understand how to install it on the shuttle and the Normandy." Said Shepard

"Okay then, will be going now, but will be back." Said O'Neill. "Try not to go anywhere, this isn't a safe neighborhood to travel around."

"I'll try to keep Joker from making a pit stop at a Goa'uld dry dock." Said Shepard returning the humor back at O'Neill.

O'Neill was surprised by this, but also happy that he finally found someone with some sense of humor. SG-1 then returned to the shuttle to head back to the stargate.

Normandy SR-2

Deck 5

Cargo Bay

It didn't take long to convince Hammond the potential of obtaining a space station of advance technology inside the galactic core. SG-1 returned in an hour and brought back with them a naquadah generator.

Inside the cargo bay, Tali, Kenneth Donnelly, Gabriella Daniels, and Major Samantha Carter were all working on trying to install the generator to the shuttle.

Carter was just amazed by the level of technology and engineering in the shuttle alone, she couldn't wait to check out the whole ship. "Donnelly how's it coming with rerouting the power circuits to the generator."

Kenneth Donnelly was an impressive engineer, that's why Cerberus recruited him for the mission to stop the Collectors, but he had one problem. Trying to focus on his job instead of looking at Major Carter. "Oh... Ah... We're having a problem making sure the power transfer from your Generator doesn't overload the circuits."

Gabriella Daniels saw the real problem and called it out on him. "Yeah right Kenneth! The only thing that's about to overload is your eyes if you keep staring at the Major like that."

"Dammit woman! Why must you always do that?" Said Donnelly

Tali commented a few things on Donnelly's performance comparing how well he does checking out women when he doesn't do so well checking out the engine of the Normandy.

Gabriella laughed about it and Donnelly just grunted. The only one who didn't understood was Carter, because she didn't have a translator. They continued working on the shuttle.

Normandy SR-2

Deck: 2 CIC

On board the CIC SG-1 along with Commander Shepard, Miranda, and Tali were standing around the holographic interface where the Galaxy map usually popped up, but was showing the video connection of the shuttle.

SG-1 was looking around the CIC amazed by the level of technology on board the ship, Carter couldn't wait to examine every system.

"Tali! Is everything ready?" asked Shepard

Tali began twiddling her fingers in a nervous way. "We were able to connect the generator to the shuttles FTL engine, but we're unsure if it will work."

"EDI! Where are we in testing the shuttle?" asked Miranda interested in seeing how effective this naquadah was.

"I am going to begin the test now." Said EDI and just like that the shuttle went into FTL in a blink of an eye.

As SG-1 and the crew were waiting on the shuttle to drop out of FTL, Colonel O'Neill began tapping on his watch and looking at everyone. "Not very fast is it."

But before anyone could respond the Shuttle dropped out of FTL at the edge of the system. "EDI?" said Shepard

"I have successfully analyzed the effectiveness of the naquadah generator to the shuttles FTL drive." Said EDI

"And what have you learned?" asked Miranda

"The Generator has increased the drives output by double the normal rate." Said EDI

Everyone had a smile on their face, especially the engineering team.

Shepard then took control of the situation. "Alright people! Before we can celebrate let's do the actual testing, EDI direct the shuttle to coordinates in the Normandy's nav computer."

"At once, Shepard." Responded EDI as she uploaded the coordinates to the Collector base. The shuttle then traveled to the core.

The entire crew of the Normandy and SG-1 were waiting to see if the Shuttle survived. After a few minutes a video feed from the shuttle showed the debris field the Normandy was attacked in and in the horizon was the Collector base as if it wasn't affected at all by the transition from one universe to another.

Everyone cheered on the Normandy in excitement for the success. "Alright then, when do we begin packing?" Said O'Neill

Shepard turned to SG-1. "First, before we begin setting up the Stargate down on the planet into the base, I want my team to go through the base first."

O'Neill wasn't happy about that, but had little choice if he wants to get the SGC the technology they needed to defend Earth from the Goa'uld. "If you need any help, will be on the ship." Was all O'Neill said as he and SG-1 headed down to the cargo bay?

Shepard then turned to the rest of his crew. "Alright people let's get ready to make ourselves at home."

Galactic Core

The Normandy dropped out of FTL and headed straight for the Collector base. As the Normandy was passing the Tartarus debris field, SG-1 got a good look at the many ships that got transported here. The Normandy soon got up close to the collector base. After EDI did an initial scan to see if the base was transmitting the Indoctrination signal, she discover it wasn't and after doing multiple scanning on, Shepard's orders along with different types of scanning, EDI found nothing and confirmed it was safe to enter the base.

Normandy SR-2


As Joker pulled the Normandy right beside the Collector base's hangar where the Collector cruiser departed from to face the Normandy in its second engagement and its defeat. EDI began hacking the base's controls and opened the hangar allowing the Normandy to dock in the base.

Collector Base

Shepard got his entire team to disembark from the Normandy and out into the base, securing the area. SG-1 wanted to accompany the Commander, but was forced to stay on the ship. "EDI! Can you direct me to the command center?"

"Of Course Shepard. Once there, you must make a connection from the command center's computers to the Normandy so I may have direct control of the entire base."

Shepard took Mordin and Grunt with him to find the command center and along the way they began remembering the fight they had a week ago with the Collectors and came out victorious.

Collector Base

Command Center

Shepard, Mordin, and Grunt walked in the command center of the Collector base with their guns ready for anything. But thankfully there was nothing here. Mordin soon put away his pistol and walked up to the center of the room where many consoles were and began poking around in the system. "Hmm! Impressive technological capabilities. Tremendous amounts of information. Information that could hold leaps in our own technology." said Mordin

Shepard walked up to the console and activated his Omni-tool. "Let's take this one step at a time Mordin." He then open a link to this console and the Normandy. And after a few seconds EDI appeared in the middle of the console as her holographic blue sphere.

"I have full control of the station Shepard." Said EDI

"Good! EDI I want you to block all access to the Collector database for now and any other sensitive material." said Shepard

"At once Commander." replied EDI

Mordin then looked at Shepard with questioning look. Shepard explained. "I said I would share our technology with them, not the Collectors technology."

"Hmm! Deceitful. Trickery. Necessary. Reaper technology too dangerous for those who are considered still primitive. But Shepard won't they pressure you. Make demands."

"They can demand all they want, but I won't let them have access to the information in this base. They can however use the base. Now let's go set up the stargate in a secure location." said Shepard.

Shepard, Mordin, and Grunt soon walked out of the command center to make preparations. As Shepard walks away from the consoles, he could only imagine what his actions could bring to the rest of this galaxy and universe.

If you enjoyed this story be on the look out for other crossovers, I have in store besides this one. Again leave any comments on the story and what you thought about it, thanks.