After Saturdays season 3 final episode, I started thinking about reunions that they may have had before International Rescue. This Scott moment was one of those thoughts... Using the FabFiveFeb Prompt - Scott & A Dream.

World: TAG

Title: Reunion

…The white gate swung open, a large bag hung effortlessly over his shoulder as he strode confidently through…

He'd missed his family: His dad's long talks, Alan's infectious smile. Gordon's laughter. John's soothing voice. The sound of Virgil's piano filling a room. Grandma's warm hugs - even her cooking. Although, he was well aware that he would most likely get sick pretty quickly if he were to indulge.

…A small rock was lifted, a smile at the key hidden underneath…

Yes, he had enjoyed the freedom of being away and the thrill that came with his deployment. Nevertheless, it had been too long.

…Soundlessly he turned the key, then opened the door…

A beaming smile immediately lit his face – He had dreamt of this moment: The aroma of burnt cookies, mixing with the warmth of his father's famous roast dinner.

…Swiftly he crept inside, and slipped into the gap underneath the stairs…

Animated chatter from Gordon and Alan in the lounge. His dads booming laugh. Grandmas commanding voice calling them all into the dining room. John's light footsteps when he made his way downstairs, followed by the louder heavier footed sound of his other brother Virgil.

…He tiptoed out of his hideout…

It was thanksgiving. He had missed the last two years, and as far as they were aware he would be missing this one too.

…Softly he stepped towards the open doorway…

Their voices exuberantly filled the air. Each recounting an accomplishment, a happy moment from that year, an aspiration for the future, and a special wish that he was safe and would return home soon.

…He strode through the doorway…

"I hope there is enough food for me?"

A succession of "Scott!" reverberated through the ranch, followed with buoyant cheers and sobs of joy as he was held close and looked at and talked too.

…After explanations given, eventually he was allowed to sit down, and with a bright smile deliver his own thanks…

And he was grateful… Grateful that he had been given an opportunity to save the lives of others, even though at times he was scared for his own. Appreciative for the good he had seen, although there were things he would like to forget. He had grown, from a boy who was curious about everything into a man. Stronger. Wiser. Eyes more open to the world. However, this moment, right now, eclipsed every life changing event he had experienced, and he now knew that whatever the future may hold it would be surrounded with his family.