Ok I am redoing Kagome: A new adventure and will work on the story chapters as well as the plot to make it better this story will be called

Kagome: Fate's Desire

Again, everyone please do not be mad, I just didn't like the way the story was going and so it's time to get it right and back on track with fixing the error's and what not's.

Reviews are loved very very much

I even might change the pairings! Let me know what you think!

OH! I don't own any of the characters or places!

Chapter 1: The fallen

The sky cracked open with a thunderous clap, causing birds to croak and scurry away from the impending storm that would wash the land in a wave of water. But there was something different with this storm, the skies had been the bluest of blues that known of the people had seen before. A cloudless sky and a bright hot sun that warmed the bones of nature and man. It soon turned a section of the sky a nasty dark gray with washes of pink and purple swirling there slightly, lightening dancing just beyond the formation another loud crack of thunder that shook the ground something fell from the sky. To those with normal vision, it seemed like nothing more than a bird that had gotten caught in the approaching storm. But to those that could see far beyond the normal, they would see the wisps of black hair as it lashed out in all directions, a body of a battered woman twisting and fighting to grasp on to anything that could break the fall from the heavens. A weapon was clutched in her hands, knuckles turning white from the sheer force of holding on to it. Eyes locking on to the tear in the sky as something began to follow the female out of it, her body rigid as angry amber orbs locked onto her form, claws extended out as if to swipe the life from the woman, hand already coated in blood.


The yell echoed out as another roll of thunder came, deafening the female as she released the giant boomerang object towards the threat, the bone starting to spark with pink before it was fully engulfed in the flame. Sailing straight towards the creature that wished her harm, blue clashed with gold in a few seconds before impact there was something shared between them in that instant before the projectile made contact with his body, there was no escaping the weapon or the pink flames that began to eat away his skin. "I'll see you again, BITCH" The bones return path came faster than the girl could muster the energy it took to stop it fully, hand snatching the strap but it jerked her body further back and towards the ground. Her body weak from over exerting herself as well as blood loss. Grip loosening up and soon the bone weapon was sailing down to the ground without its owner.

Before those blue eyes closed for good the blurry images of masks came to her as her body suddenly stopped its free falling decent, hushed voices rang overhead but in her state, she couldn't fight anymore and soon darkness began to close in around her vision before everything became nothing. This was not how everything was supposed to go, this was not the happily ever after that was supposed to happen. A deep pain in her chest caused her lungs to freeze in action, it burned so damn badly as her throat constricted painfully making her gag slightly and struggle for any air. It was like her body was shutting itself down as she tried to stay awake, her body being held by what she assumed to be a male with a mask covering his face, it was stark white with green and red markings almost catish in nature. But the blood loss was making her vision hazed by the second and soon she became limp in the male's arms. A warm lilac pink glow began up between the woman's chest causing the ANBU member's too tense up and prepare for something horrific to happen, but as the light faded nothing came, the warm light faded as fast as it came and sitting upon the woman's chest was a small jewel that swam with pink and lilac colors, twisting around each other as if there was a moving current inside of it. What and who was this strange woman who fell out of the sky and what did it mean for Konoha and the shinobi inside.