They were reborn again. Again. This was just ridiculous. They were sure that the last life should have been their last. The strain of being stuffed into another body was hardly a pleasant experience. The amount of space at their disposal to keep track of everything was shrinking. They'd rather choose being gutted inside out. Sensations were better than the feeling of being compressed into something that of lesser extent.

Weakness should not have been an option in their case. They've had this drilled into them since their first life.

'Cadet, you may have field experience but if there's one thing you should never do, in front of them, is to show weakness. '

They were told that the same day they went overboard and nearly pushed themselves beyond repair. The same day they saw that. For a second time.

'Those things will get you if you do something as little as blow a raspberry.'

They hated those words. They hated them because they were a memory.

But they hated it more. It threw them into this mess and when they find it, they'll have it's organs lying in the dirt.

They'll just have to wait.

Be born, live your life in a more or less human manner and then die under stupendous circumstances. They've done it almost a hundred times. Or maybe more - they stopped counting at fifty. They're happy that they've stopped counting. Numbering terrible events was never healthy.

Besides, this was probably going to be one of those calm family lives. They haven't had one of those in centuries. The heartwarming drama of it would be refreshing.

They felt rather cold at the moment. Whatever nurse was supposed to be caring for him was doing a terrible job. Babies are supposed to be kept warm, especially newborns.

" This boy is Yukio. And the boy with the blue flames is Rin. "

. . . . Wait a minute. They've heard this line somewhere before. From a friend of a previous life. They had been overly obsessed with a series to the point of health concerns. The only problem being them having to hear all of the headcannons, theories and character studies with over glorified fanatical rambling. Had it been criticized speech they would have enjoyed listening to it, but at some point they managed to slightly slip into their form -their second pair of eyes opened as a sign of discomfort when they had forgotten their morning coffee. The result was an extreme amount of freaking out, yelling and an existential crisis from their friend. Hah, that was funny. A small smile made it's way up their new face.

"That baby just smiled at me and I'm supposed to kill it." How about no, mistery man. They want to have some peace for a few years, after dying from asphyxiation in his previous life.

"Well then, their mother is taken care of. I bet you'd want to do the honor. "

"No. I won't. I'm going to raise these two." Ah yes, the blissful dilemma of morals and innocence. Truly a stupid, yet helpful thing.

It's been three years and Rin is less than thrilled about living with the specs of dust demons and hog goblins around Tokyo, with the eventual demon possessed humans.

This world hadn't been something that was popular among his kind, despite similarities between themselves and the demons. They lived as a concept and had egos just like them, but only about five or so of his kind visited the world. It was nice to know that there would be less of his kind, but living with those things flying around it could get annoying. Especially since they now live in a church. A church. Their kind was proof of gods not existing yet now he was stuck worshipping something that didn't even exist.

Going out during the night in his full form was also hard. With their current guardian being unbelievably protective and going out of the body was much more difficult in this life. Wards were also annoying. But at least they had a brother.

His brother stuck to him like glitter on clothing. Not that he minded. His brother had the ability to see the demons, so there was no confusion.

It's also the first time in centuries that they've had a sibling in a life. As much as they enjoy peace and quiet, they need their daily dose of human contact as much as any other abomination. They knew that Lovecraft had gained a hobby of gardening because of a human friend of his, and probably had stolen a good chunk of earth to care for. So having a human friend is good.

The only thing that he had absolutely loathed was every damn priests' inability to cook like a pair of decent human beings. He learned from a fire in the kitchen at the age of two that he was going to be the cook if he wanted to eat something that doesn't look like it was cremated in the pits of hell.

He'd have to wait until he was six to do that, though. From what he remembers, or rather their friends' rambling told them, he was now one of those "main character" type, which meant exceptional granny hairs at the age of twenty five. If he could even get that far this time. He and his brother were children of a powerful demon - Satan. Well, at least their bodies were. Rin has heard of things like these from other of his kind, but a body made from an abomination, housing one? Rin knows this will end badly.

They also have demonic half-siblings! How wonderful! More people who will no doubt call the cops if he starts eating cereal with his second mouth! And a whole eight of them, maybe more.

But the biggest problem was the relationship between them that they'll have. He tried watching the show with his friend from the other life on Netflix and realised that this was going to be a heartwrenching story about two illegitimate children trying to fit into a family, each member of which was more disfunctional than the last. Or that's what he thought. He fell asleep ten minutes into the first episode back then and had no legitimate understanding of the plot. Oh well, he'll deal with that later.

But right now. Right now he wants peace. Or his cats at the very least.

Today was a particularly shitty day and the third day.

After careful watching, their legal guardian (or actual father? He couldn't tell but he and Yukio tended to be very alike sometimes. And Yukio was only three) seemed to finally go to sleep from two in the morning being the earliest and three being the latest. So everything after three o'clock was fair game.

Ever since his newest discovery, he's been roam the town in his semi-full yet unstable form. Having a glowing melted metal-like form that shimmers and has thousands of glowing eyes with mouths, that only glow brighter in the depths of it, was not exactly "subtle". So he'd have settle for knife legs and three pairs of arms, eyes and mouths and annoying cramps in the morning.

That and he's already adopted five cats from the alley way in Fukuoka street and three from the back of the club on the same street. So eight cats are now his and there is nothing anybody can do now.

Not even the old lady who is now dead from "accidentally" falling off her balcony two days ago. He sympathetised with animals. Not humans. Well, except for special humans.

So now, Rin ("phosphorus" and "tiger", he muses. A pretty name.) is sitting on a construction site far off the city with his snuggly horde of eight cats with another one that he's found in a trash can on his way here. Oh well, the cat is his now. He'll call him Junkie. Junkie the cat will now live with the pride of the quatruplets Soba, Mochi, Tako and Yaki, Glitter the cosmetics horder, Dirt-kun and Trash-chan the dumpster duo and Rum, who he found carrying an empty whiskey bottle.

Carbonara the dove and his twelve pigeon family will not be pleased, but a truce will surely be made.

He also stopped by a gas station, the employee of which had generously offered him a free slushy and nine ham sandwiches. With the help of hypnosis and messing with the security cameras.

So now he was slurping his drink, looking over the barely filed streets of Tokyo while his cats were munching on their meats and sandwich stuffing, his pigeonseating the leftover bread and sauces. And he clearly was not noticing the very loud clunk of high heels slowly getting louder.

'Nope I'm not looking at the suicidal mortal who thought it would be a good idea to walk at a construction site on high heels at this unholy hour. No. It's me-night. Me-night is me-night. '

The clanking stopped after a few minutes.

"Well, this Please do tell why one of your kind is here?" Ah, so the suicidal mortal does not know manners.

"Enjoying the scenery, feeding my cats and pigeons. Y'know, the usual." Dear God, their voice was beyond squeaky, even if they're speaking with their second mouth. He could feel the person behind him flinching.

"You don't plan on causing mass havoc here, do you? This is quite a desolate place amongst your kind."

"That's because one of us has been "born" here. If you understand that term that is. Nobody wants to be rude and intrude, especially when it is able to "erase"."

"That so? Please do speak." Ah, a manipulative mother fucker , this person is! It was true though. There was one of his kind in this world and it was powerful. With demons being something sort of pieces and chuncks of its evergrowing soul. Its resonance can be felt through every human that was possessed by a demon. This one wasn't an idol, god, mutant or curse. It was an actual dimension. He had a friend, who also was a dimension and when he found his core, he showered him with compliments and praises on how wonderful, beautiful and complex yet balanced he made his creation. He swore he saw him blush. It was true though, creating life for his kind was beyond hard.

Even his body felt a great surge of its soul inside of him. And it felt warm, comforting yet trying to reach out, come back, let me see you, child-

But that was a problem. A very shitty problem. Having a vessel made with a soul of his kind meant that he was supposed to have a soul to match. But right now he had a body made from that and a soul that was not of the same element. Two different elements will either join and become one or contradict and repel each other. The later version resulting in a black hole and their total death. Which, technically, wouldn't be bad but then he'd be dying for as long as the black hole will be open. So a painfully slow and starving death is the last thing that he wants. A death, yes, but something quick and hopefully painless.

One of his cats moved to rub his mayonnaise covered face against his shorts. Ah, he was getting depressed again. And another cat with ham on his chin was getting the same idea and moving in on him with a ketchup covered one joining him.

"AHEM. "

"I'm not telling you shit."

"Rude." Oh, we're sassy now, is it?

"If you're thinking that I'll want to destroy the world you have here. Our kind is fascinated by creatures who create life."

Rin is five and the cat horde is becoming a problem.

Especially since he has about ten cats following him from school back to the church every day. Sometimes it's fifteen. Sometimes twenty. It's getting out of hand but screw it.

The problem being not why he was followed by cats, but how was he being followed by cats. They didn't need the cat's reasons but his. By the knowledge of his legal guardian, Father Fujimoto, he shouldn't have about twenty adopted cats. So him coming back from kindergarten with that many to the church with several rubbing themselves against his and his brother's legs raised a lot of brows. This probably grated their nerves because just yesterday they were caught taking care of the mountain dog puppy they found a week ago. And for once, it was Yukio's idea. While Yukio loved fishes and dogs, Rin preferred birds and cats. But sometimes Rin will be wondering if they could smuggle a Welsh corgi and a Norwegian forest cat into the church.

"Rin, Yukio, where did you find those cats?"

"I pet them a lot. They're fuzzy."

"I dunno. Can we keep them?"

"Can we? Please!"

"Please! Let's keep them! I already have names picked out."

"Lord up in Heaven, give me strength. First the mountain dog, now this..."