Alec had woken up many times with Magnus, and while they weren't usually so painful, he still smiled at the sight of his beautiful warlock on his chest.

He lifted a heavy hand to brush the loops of curls from the man's eyes, frowning at how hard it was to move. He was exhausted and he'd only just woken up, where was the logic in that?

Magnus stirred at Alec's touch and gasped, sitting awake and taking Alec's face in his hands.

"Alexander, you're awake! Oh, I've never been so happy to see those beautiful eyes of yours. We almost lost you."

Alec pressed his cheek to the warlock's palm and gave him an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry. What happened?"

Magnus opened his mouth to explain when a yell came from the other room.

"What happened?! I'll tell you what happened!"

Magnus gave Alec his own apologetic look and whispered as he crawled off the bed.

"Jace is very mad at you. I tried to calm him down but his anger has been building up for the three days you've been asleep and I don't think I can stop him."

Alec looked suddenly afraid as Magnus stood beside his bed and held his hand. Jace stormed in, face flushed with anger as he stared at his Parabatai.

"I'm glad you're finally awake because I have a few things to say to you. Firstly, what happened was YOU'RE AN IDIOT!"

Alec flinched as Jace came closer to the bed, hands shaking with fury as he launched into the speech he'd been practicing for days.

"You went on a hunt by yourself, after over using your stamina runes, and you ended up with half your blood supply in a vampire! I found you half dead in that alley, Alec. You stopped breathing."

Alec looked at Magnus, whose face was full of worry and grief. It must have been bad.

"I'm sorry, Jace but I-"

"What? You couldn't call me? You couldn't take a night off to sleep?"

Alec sighed, feeling so guilty for what he must have put everyone through. And apparently, he'd been out for three days. Jace's anger had been simmering for all that time and now it was finally boiling over.

"You were going through a lot, I didn't want to bother you."

Jace made a face, annoyed and offended.

"Don't give me that crap, Alec. I would have been there in a heartbeat and you now that! I have always been by your side and I always will be. I stood by you when you said you were going to marry a GIRL because you asked me to. Why would you ever do something so stupid without me there with you? I thought we were best friends, Alec, brothers."

"We are."

"Then why didn't you talk to me?!"

Jace's anger was giving way to hurt now and Magnus sensed it was time to take his leave. He patted Alec on the shoulder and left the two to talk. Jace came and sat next to his Parabatai, letting Alec explain.

"I'm sorry, Jace. I wanted to give you some time after everything that happened, but you're right, I shouldn't have gone on that hunt alone."

Jace nodded, crossing his arms. "You're damn right. That was the stupidest thing you've ever done, and I'm including the time you proposed to Lydia."

Alec raised his eyebrows as Jace squinted at him, and he sighed internally because he knew what was coming next. Everyone knew Alec was protective but when it came to mother-henning, Jace was the pro.

Jace pointed a finger at him. "You're grounded."


Jace stood and shook his head, eyebrows raised like a mother hearing talk-back from her unruly children.

"No, you did something stupid and you need to learn your lesson. You are not leaving this bed until you get better, and after that you'll be on close watch so that you don't do something so stupid again."

Alec wanted to argue but Jace was smoothing his blankets and plumping his pillows and Alec knew he was just worried. He relented and sat back in the pillows. He sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Yes, Mom."

Jace narrowed his eyes at him.

"Don't sass me, Alexander."

Alec held his laughter in until Jace left to get him lunch, before allowing himself a chuckle. It was so hard to take Jace seriously when he was so grumpily taking care of him.

Magnus came back in as the blonde left and fluttered his hands over his boyfriend, checking to make sure he was okay.

"You all right? How do you feel? Jace gave you a lot of his strength so you should be feeling a little better."

Alec nodded and pulled Magnus down onto the bed for a cuddle.

"I'm okay, love. Thanks for taking care of me."

Magnus happily curled up on Alec's chest, resting his head on his shoulder as Alec's arms came around him. He had missed it, and smiled into Alec's chest.

"Anything for you, angel. I heard Jace call you Alexander, is that bad? Have I been using it wrong this whole time?"

Alec laughed a little and kissed Magnus' temple.

"No, you're perfect. It does mean he's angry but it would be worse if he used my full name."

Just then, a roar came from the other room, and this time it wasn't Jace.

"WHERE IS HE? Tell me right now Jace or I swear by the angel I'll cut off your di-"

"OKAY! He's in there. God, Izzy, chill."

Magnus, once again, slid off the bed while Alec prepared himself for the full force of his little sister.

Izzy hadn't been doing well with her withdrawals but she was almost through them and now that Alec was injured, he had her full attention.

She sprinted in his bedroom and flung herself towards him, Alec barely having enough time to raise his arms before he was pummelled by her.

"Alec, you're okay!"

He grunted in pain as she slammed into him, burying her face in his neck as he hugged her back.

"Yes, I'm fine. Jace and Magnus healed me. How are you? How's the withdrawals going? You should be in bed."

Izzy pulled back and sat on the bed, frowning at her big brother.

"Me? What about you? You should be sleeping, or maybe you should eat something to get your strength up."

Alec started protesting, telling Izzy that she should take his blanket and Magnus rolled his eyes. They were trying to mother hen each other at the same time. Jace came storming back into the room with a frown and started pulling at the covers.

"Shut up, both of you. Izzy get in bed. I'm making lunch, so you two just sit there and behave."

He shoved Izzy into the bed beside Alec, with more care than his tone gave, while the girl rolled her eyes.

"Yes Mom."

Alec laughed and helped tuck Izzy in. "I already used that one."

Izzy laughed too but Jace was less amused.

"Izzy, don't talk to Alec, he's grounded. And Magnus, don't give him any kisses he doesn't deserve them."

Alec whined while Izzy laughed at him.

"What? That's not fair!"

"Ha, ha, shame."

Jace tucked Izzy's blankets up to her chin and kissed her forehead.

"Izzy, don't tease."

Alec complained that Izzy was getting affection while he was being punished but all Jace had to say was: "Izzy dizzy is sick, you're an asshole that refuses to do as he's told. She gets nice Jace, you don't."

Alec grumbled as Jace left to get lunch but Magnus couldn't stop laughing.

He had never seen Jace this way and no one had ever been able to tell Alec off as well as his siblings. It was rather funny, despite the upsetting circumstances that caused it.

He leant down and snuck a kiss from Alec while Jace was out of the room, and promised to bring tea.

Alec may not have been happy about being so severely reprimanded but in truth he was glad Jace was making such a fuss. It meant he still cared, too much actually. Alec had a tendency to be petty and salty as all hell when mad at someone, but Jace preferred to talk to people. And since Jace had already given his speech, this punishment and mother hen routine meant that he was on his way to forgiving Alec.

Izzy was happy enough to sit beside her big brother and lean on his shoulder as she turned on the T.V and picked a channel.

Alec whined as she landed on a medical documentary about the new discoveries and techniques of autopsies.

"Do you have to watch that? It's disgusting, Iz."

She smacked his arm lightly and turned the T.V up, ignoring his complaint.

"It's interesting and I like it. I'm not watching your dumb shows."

Jace came back with trays of food, smacking Alec's hand when he tried to take the remote from Izzy, and handing the two their soup and crackers. Magnus came and sat with them, carrying tea for everyone.

Alec was having trouble eating his soup while the T.V blared on about rib spreaders, and made a face at Jace who was talking animatedly with Magnus about how to properly clean blood from leather jackets.

"Jace, stop stealing my boyfriend."

Jace sighed and throws his hands up, glaring at his brother.

"By the angel, shut UP Alec. You're still in time out, just eat your damn crackers, would you?"

Alec pushed his plate away and screwed up his nose as the corpse's ribs on screen were split open.

"I can't eat with that on, it's disgusting."

Jace frowned, while Izzy reiterated, again, how the show was interesting and how, as a forensic pathologist, it was very useful to her. Alec complained some more until Jace came over and pushed his soup back towards him.

"I don't want it, Jace."

Jace's hands flew to his hips and he used his best impression of their mother to tell Alec off.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, I did not drag you back from the brink of death to see you waste away just because you refuse to do as your told. Eat your soup and let your sister watch her show."

Alec groaned, loudly and with force as he picked up his spoon.

"Jesus, you're annoying when you're worried."

Jace smiled and smacked his hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Yeah, I love you too, brother."