Author's Note:

This story evolved as an as I went thing with no real end in mind. It was more of a character exploration of "what would happen if..." So enjoy this bitter exploration into hurt, healing and hope.

Be warned, since I haven't followed the series closely in years or seen the Final Act, I'm pretty sure some things won't fit into cannon.

Of Pride and Power
Chapter 34: Bound

Kagome's heart drummed steadily like the warbling gong from Nanami's shrine, alarming her to the presence of the daiyoukai beyond the door behind her, the vivid memory of their parting consuming her every thought. Earlier that morning Sesshomaru had pushed her down the well and by nightfall, three hundred years had passed. In the very moment Kagome thought of the evils he committed, she instantly recalled his battered and bloodied form at her rescue. Sesshomaru was both valiant and a villain, and Kagome was at a loss in how to engage him. Mrs. Higurashi approached with her hands clasped before her, pausing several steps from her daughter. Sensing her mother's calm, Kagome felt uneasy.

"You knew, didn't you." Kagome stated quietly, her attention lowering to her mother's feet. It wasn't a question but rather an observance. Her mother was too composed for the truth to be otherwise.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded, her eyes softening as she spoke. "The last time you went through the well, he came to us. Gave your poor grandfather a good scare. Sesshomaru confessed what he did, explaining that it was his fault that you'd be gone for so long. From then on he's supported our family as much as he could to make up for what he did to you."

"He bought you?" Kagome accused acidly with knitted brows.

"If you were him, how would you say sorry?" her mother questioned. "What would you do?"

At that Kagome was without an answer. "I don't know..."

A soft sigh passed from her mother's lips as she came closer to rest a hand on Kagome's shoulder. "I know you two have had your differences and what he did was wrong. I'd never say otherwise. However, he does seem truly sorry. At the very least, give him a chance to speak."

Quietly, Kagome nodded in uneasy agreement. After all, it wasn't that she didn't want to see him, hours prior she didn't even want to leave him. However this was the present and what happened now was permanent. There was no well she could fall into to escape him or the bittersweet past they shared. With a sigh of her own, Kagome put her hand to the doorknob and opened it. The chilled autumn evening greeted her, the grounds relatively quiet despite being in the city. Sesshomaru sat upon the steps, his back to her, the silver strands of his hair lifting ever so slightly in the breeze. With a shaken breath, Kagome took her seat beside him, saying nothing or rather, not knowing what to say. For a while they sat in the still twilight, watching the foliage tumble from the trees in the wind. Kagome trembled as the cool air brushed against her and seeing her discomfort, Sesshomaru's mokomoko moved to curl around her shoulders and legs.

"Thanks." she breathed softly, inching closer to his side. At first, Kagome felt him stiffen but he soon relaxed, his arm moving to curl around her hip to pull her close to his side. "It grew back." she noted softly, observing the thumb that now drew lazy circles at her side.

"Hn." he affirmed his tone equally low.

The sense of the familiar eclipsed her anxiety and feeling more at ease, Kagome laid her head against his shoulder. "You're not supposed to be here." she remarked softly, thinking the idea of his presence in the present absurd. By all accounts, Sesshomaru should've been nothing more than a myth or a legend; a relic forgotten by time.

"Did you doubt my strength?"

"I did." she admitted, amused despite herself.

"That is unwise."

"I guess so." she shrugged softly, her fingers fiddling with the warm fur bunched atop her lap. "How'd you know I'd arrive at this time?"

At her question, Sesshomaru turned his face towards her speaking against her hair. "You did not arrive in any other time."

"You waited?"

"Do you think me a liar?"

Lifting her chin to face him, Kagome pouted. "A simple yes or no works too you know."

Looking to her, an imperceptible gleam of humor twinkled within his golden eyes. "When have I ever spoken plainly?" he countered.

"You're a piece of work, you know that?" she snorted, resting her head against his shoulder once more, her fingers moving to fiddle with the beads still hanging from her neck. Her fingers found the tassel from his armor and remembering it, Kagome untied it. "I suppose I should give this back to you."

Sesshomaru took the tassel in hand and prodded it with his thumb. "It hasn't changed." he noted before looking to her. "You haven't changed."

"That's right..." Kagome breathed, remembering his actions from that morning. "What gave you the right to just throw me out of that era mister?"

"I was under the assumption you desired to return to your family." He answered with a raised brow.

"You couldn't have possibly known I'd show up here." she refuted.

Sesshomaru eyed her wearily, a soft breath passing through his nose. "What does it matter Kagome?" he asked. "Are you truly upset to be reunited with your family?"

"No, but–what if..."

"I can only act upon known realities, not unknown possibilities." he informed patiently. It was evident he was in no mood to argue. Besides, he was right. Dwelling on hypothetical outcomes was useless.

"I suppose that's fair." she sighed, her gaze lowering to eye the reunited tassel adorning his armor. "I never did say thank you for rescuing me."

At her admission, Sesshomaru sniffed arrogantly and turned his nose to the air. "I have no desire for your gratitude woman."

"Excuse me?"

"I do not make a habit of repeating myself." he continued stonily.

"Hey mister, I'm trying to be nice." she huffed.

Looking to her sharply, Sesshomaru's tone steeled "You have already shown this Sesshomaru more kindness than is deserved." he proclaimed, his irritation evident. "I do not require your graces."

"I know but..." Kagome wasn't sure how to end her sentence and an uneasy silence settled between them.

"Hear me clearly Kagome." he warned. "I do not enjoy being indebted to humans. For that reason, I intend to atone for the suffering this one inflicted and repay your kindness with interest."

"Wait, w–what?"

"Should you accept my offer, I will take it upon myself to see that your every need is fulfilled within reason. Regardless of your acceptance, financial provisions will be provided just as–"

"I accept." Kagome blurted, her heart speaking before her thoughts. Realizing her haste, Kagome's cheeks flushed and her attention averted to her fidgeting fingers. "I mean, it's kinda like how it was in the mountains...I really liked that...being with you then...uh..." Kagome hesitated, not wholly sure where she was going with her ramble, but somehow knowing she was making everything worse.

Sesshomaru paused, his parted lips the only indication of his surprise. Taking her cheek into his palm, he guided her face to look at him. "You would accept this Sesshomaru? You would accept care from the murderer of your lover and friends?"

"I mean, yeah. It wouldn't be the first time." Kagome said in a solemn hush, her cheeks red from either embarrassment or shame; Kagome wasn't sure which was to blame. "Did you expect me to say no?"

Sesshomaru made a soft grunt, his attention absently drifting to the door that she'd slammed in his face only minutes before. Chuckling sheepishly, she patted his shoulder. "Sorry, it's just a lot has happened since... when you did...that." Pausing, Kagome softly shook the horrid nightmare from her mind. "I'm still upset, but I don't hate you...not anymore..." a frown darkened her expression as she recalled her rescue and his hard headed approach that nearly got him killed. "You were a real idiot– I mean, did you have to charge in to Goro's fortress guns blazing? Seriously. Yeah, let's go and worry me half to death." she added with sarcasm. "That sounds like a great idea. I mean, you saw that Goro was ready for war and still! Ugh!I swear you can be worse than Inu–"

Kagome's tirade was cut short by Sesshomaru's tender kiss. His hand lovingly cradled her cheek even as his arm pulled her closer to his side. Kagome melted against him, surrendering completely to his care just as she said she would. When he did eventually permit her air, Kagome could only imagine that she looked as dazed as she felt.

"It seems I have found an effective means to end your prattling." he observed smugly.

At his dig, her senses returned to his obvious amusement. "If you think you can just do that to shut me up then–" to her regret, as his thumb brushed across her lips, she found herself silenced once more.

"I see your point." he acknowledged with a subtle nod. "I will be sure to thoroughly test my theory to conclude if my thoughts are indeed true." he calculated with an air of humor.

Flustered, Kagome merely turned her cheek from him. "Yeah whatever." she dismissed, unable to hide the amused grin that warmed her cheeks. "Just don't worry me like that again, got it?"

Beside her, Sesshomaru went quiet. Dropping his hand from her cheek, he leaned back against it, his chin lifting to eye the rising moon. "My agreement to your request is conditional." he proposed carefully.

"What, really? Are you serious?" she blinked in surprise. "I didn't take you as the reckless type to go look for ways to get yourself hurt."

Sesshomaru's brow twitched in irritation, the fingers at her side moving to pinch her hip. "Clearly you misunderstand my intentions." he informed.


Slowly he nodded, his attention returning to the sky. "Kagome, how can I provide assurance of my well-being as to not worry you?" he posed carefully.

"Well, you can actually use that brain of yours and not throw yourself into danger." she remarked, poking his temple. "Though, I'm not sure if that'll be as big of a problem now as it was back then, but still. No danger."

Sparing her a glance from the corner of his eye, Sesshomaru continued. "I could do such things without informing you. What then?" he challenged. "You have no authority to influence me to do otherwise."

"Then I'll just have to put a leash on you." she answered informatively, lifting the Beads of Subjugation hanging at her neck. "These worked for Inuyasha–"

"But they will not work for me." he reminded. Kagome's nose scrunched as she acknowledged his point. "However..." Sesshomaru paused, the thumb circling her side coming to a stop, his concentration wholly focused in his thoughts. "...if your intention is to bind this one to yourself, I believe you humans have a more suitable custom."

Kagome paused, everything in her stilling in the face of his suggestion. Surely he couldn't mean...

His hand moved to take her chin, forcing her to stare into the depths of his gold hued eyes."I will not be bound by beads or any magic, but I am bound by my honor. Should an oath be taken that binds you to this one and this one to you, I will dutifully fulfil my word..." Then, to remove all question of his intent, Sesshomaru leaned forward, pressing his brow against hers before breathing the words,"... til death do us part."

Kagome swallowed hard, her heart feeling constricted within the confines of her chest. This was real, this was happening... "Well, if that's the only leash available, I'll take it." she murmured softly. It was then that Sesshomaru's expression softened as he held her even closer, his fur moving to bind her to him. Kagome basked in his warmth and tenderness. Never in a million years would she ever think him capable of such things, but here she was, wrapped in his arms...and committed to him?

"So is that it?" she asked hesitantly, hoping he'd provide some clarity for what just happened. "Does that mean we're serious or...uh...engaged? Did you just propose?"

His answer was the swift, tender press of his lips against her own. Contentedly he rested his brow against hers, breathing deeply, "Must you even ask?" he breathed.

Kagome smiled and shook her head with a wrinkled nose. "I hate you, you know that right?"

"I know." he answered quietly.

"But..." she paused lifting her chin to look at him squarely. "I love you, you know that right?"

It was then Sesshomaru smiled. It wasn't a beaming grin and most wouldn't recognize it as a smile. Yet there it was, his lips ever so slightly upturned, his gaze softened and his expression warm. With a gentle kiss to her brow, he answered:

"I do."