Chapter 1

One afternoon in a forest, Poppy, Branch and the rest of the troll gang were having a little walk.

Branch groaned, "Poppy can we stop walking?!" "I'm tired."

Poppy replied, "No we are walking till hugtime."

Then Poppy spotted a cliff. "Ooh, a cliff. Let's watch the sun go down."

DJ, Satin, Chenille, Biggie, Cooper, and Guy Diamond said in excitement, "Yeah"

Branch disagreed, "No, because the cliff is rickety, unstable, and dangerous."

"Why not ?" Poppy asked "Are you scared?"

Branch replied "No, it's just that you might fall"

"We won't fall Branch". Branch agreed, "Fine, but be careful."

"Ok Branch" Poppy replied

But, once they all walked on the cliff. They heard a crack under their feet.

The cliff broke then they fell

All of them screamed, "Aaah" Then Poppy's hair interlocked with Branch. But he tripped on a rock, and then they all fell.