Disclaimer: I don't own Miraculous Ladybug

Jealous Bug

"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir just their usual fistbump after having just beaten another akuma.

"You were great, Chat Noir." Ladybug complimented her partner who sighed.

"Thanks, Bugaboo. I just can't believe I had to wear high heels again." he groaned and she giggled.

Today's akuma had been a worker from a shoe store who got akumatized by Chloé like most akumas.

This time the blonde brat had wanted shoes but the ones she liked weren't in her size and instead of accepting that and moving on, she had thrown a fit and threatened the owner of the store that her father would have it closed down unless the poor worker was fired, despite having done nothing wrong.

It ended with an akuma that used shoes as weapons and as a result poor Chat ended up wearing pink high-heeled shoes that didn't come off and while they were really pretty, they were also obviously hard to walk in, let alone fight in but the male hero had somehow managed.

"Ladybug! Chat Noir!" a voice yelled and turning around the heroes saw a group of reporters and other civilians running towards them.

"Here we go again." Ladybug sighed before fixing a pleasant smile on her face, ready to pose for pictures and sign autographs.

Soon all the civilians reached them and the heroes were pulled away from each other by their own fans.

Ladybug resisted the urge to sigh as she drew a little ladybug on a paper for some boy her own age.

She loved Paris and its people and she honestly felt flattered that so many admired her but it got pretty tiring sometimes.

At times like these she wished she had as much energy as Chat Noir did.

She wondered how her good partner was doing with his own fans and turned to look at where we was standing.

She wasn't expecting what she got to see.

Sure, she knew her kitty had fans, even if not as much as her, but she didn't expect to see Chat Noir surrounded by at least seven girls their age, all of them giggling excitedly as they took turns taking selfies with the boy in the catsuit.

Ladybug frowned upon seeing how close each girl was clinging to her partner.

Each of them would shamelessly hug Chat close as if he was their best friend or even boyfriend, pressing themselves up against him and leaving no space in between.

They weren't just average fans who admired him like most people, they were actual complete fangirls with huge crushes on him and took whatever chance they could to get close and try to get his attention, not caring if watever they did was decent or not,

Of course Chat didn't pull away from them.

While Ladybug often tended to leave or tell off people such as Chloé or extreme fanboys that tried to touch her without permission, Chat Noir always stayed much more polite and was more willing to put up with crap like that.

Still, Ladybug didn't put up with behavior like those girls were showing, especially when one leaned into Chat's face, ignoring how the boy tried to lean away.

With that the girl started walking towards them and cleared her throat.

"Oh! Hello, My Lady!" Chat cheerfully greeted her, the fangirls pouting when his attention wasn't on them anymore.

"Hey, Kitty! Time to go. We'll be runing out of time soon." she replied smoothly and smiled when he nodded.

"Sorry, ladies. This cat should join his lady." he told the girls and winked at his partner.

"Are you sure you can't stay?" one of the fangirls whined as she grabbed Chat's arm and pulled it closer so her chest was pressed against it.

Ladybug was disgusted that the display and ready to tell to girl to stop when Chat cleared his throat and gently pulled his arm back.

"I'm really sorry but Ladybug is right. We should get going now. Purr-haps we'll see you next time." he smiled charmingly, making the girls swoon.

With that the heoes shared and nod and jumped away from the scene, only stopping a few roofs further.

"You don't have to put up with perverted fans like that, you know." was the first thing Ladybug said.

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry because I'll make sure to say something next time, though I'll make sure to stay polite." Chat nodded with a small smirk.

"Why do I get the feeling you're implying something?" Ladybug crossed her arms.

"No offence but you can be pretty rude sometimes, LB." he answered.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" she cried out, feeling insulted.

"Hey, no need to get angry! It's just that you tend to snap at people when you're annoyed! You're doing it whenever you're telling Chloé or someone else to back off. You don't act as polite as you usually do." he quickly explained himself while holding his hands up as if to protect himself against her temper.

Ladybug huffed at that, knowing he had a point.

"Still, I don't regret it even if I'm rude. I don't like it when some brat or a bunch of perverted boys are touching me and I also don't like it when some desperate and also perverted fangirls goand touch me partner." she raised her chin up to try and act cool but then she realised what she said in her rant.

Judging by Chat Noir's grin he heard it too.

"My Lady, you don't like other girls being near this cat? Are you getting posesive?" he teasingly leaned closer.

"W-what?! Of course not!" she shoved him away as she felt herself blush, much to her annoyance and his amusement.

"It's purr-pectly fine for you to get a little jealous, bug. You don't have to worry though. You are the only woman for mew." the boy's grin was big and all Ladybug wanted to do was slap it off.

"I'm not jealous!" she nearly screamed.

"Rrrrrrrrealy?" he purposly stretched the 'R'.

"Yes! Why would I be jealous of some random fangirls of yours?"

"Because you finally became aware of my dashing good looks?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ugh! Just shut up! I'm not jealous!" and with she grabbed her yoyo and took off.

She knew he was wrong.

She was just trying to be a good partner and respect him while trying to get the point across to the public that they should respect him too.

She didn't take Chat Noir away from his fangirls for any other reason.

She. Was. Not. Jealous.