Hey kid, my name's Justin I'm Jordan's older brother. I don't play when it comes to my little sister but since you make her happy I'll give you a chance but first let's go over a few things.

1. You follow my rules.

You've heard this from my dad about him making the rules along with his team. They're right. You will follows all sets of rules. Don't like it? Don't date Jordan.

2. Dress Appropriately.

When you come to pick Jordan up, if I see your clothes baggy or sagging in a way I'll help you fix that with my father's nail gun.

3. I don't mind going back to jail

As I said before Jordan is my little sister and a job I take very seriously is to protect her. If I ever hear or catch you hurting my sister in any kind of way, well I won't mind going back to jail.

4. Make her cry, you will cry.

Since you make Jordan happy you may continue to go out with her make her cry once by the time I get finished with you, you'll be crying for a very long time.

5. Don't lie.

You lie just know I'll always find out.

6. Understand we don't like you.

You may make my sister happy and that's great but I don't like you, I will never like you. I will however tolerate you for the time.

Still with us? Good we're almost done.

7. We are not friends.

Just because you are with Jordan doesn't make us friends, buddies, brothers, any of it. We will never be friends.

8. Get home on time.

Every teenager has a curfew, you will bring Jordan back at exactly 10 pm, if you are even a minute late I will come looking for you.

9. I'm everywhere.

You may never know it but I''ll be watching. Everywhere you go I will see you. You may not see me but I'll always see you.

10. Be afraid.

This is the most important rule we have, be afraid. You may not know me very well but I know everything about you. I know all. If you do anything to hurt Jordan or pressure her into anything that she isn't comfortable with, I will disfigure you and turn you into a jigsaw puzzle.

11. Keep body parts to yourself

My father may have allowed you to hold hands with Jordan but let me make one thing perfectly clear, if you're hands wander to another part of her body I will break both your hands. If you can't keep all your body I will break every bone in your body.

12 If these were unclear please refer back to rule #1.

Great. Now that's out of the way you do seem like a very nice boy to be dating my little sister, just one more thing don't make me not like you because if that happens I will not be a very happy brother.