The Royal Blood

(A Be My Princess Fan Fiction)

Fan Fiction by : Animedaisuki

Chapter 9 : The Royals and I

"Father...?", Arcel and I stated.

Our father, the king, his Royal Majesty, was walking towards us with his butler and doctor following close behind. He greeted us with a smile. The king looked similar to Prince Arcel, but the king had his royal crown worn. Both my mother and brother bowed down lightly in greeting, I followed suit. I guess that's how they really greet the person with the higher position.

"Shall we? The ceremony would be starting in 15 minutes.", King Aston stated.

"Father, I thought you were ill?", Arcel queried.

The king nodded, "I am, but this is something I must oversee. I am able to walk, but I mustn't tire myself out. I'll be heading back to my quarters after this ceremony, I won't be attending the banquet that will come afterwards."

"Wait, father. I don't really know what I should do.", I admitted.

The king smiled, "Well, the ceremony will start with us walking down the aisle. Then, by standards, the king and queen sit at the two chairs in the middle, the prince would be sitting on my right, and the princess would be sitting on the queen's left. When the Duchess arrives, she will be kneeling in front the entire period until the crown is placed on her. As a princess, your duty is to transfer the cape from Queen Emerald to Duchess Emilia, that's about it."

"T-Thank you, Sire.", I bowed in thanks.

We then proceeded to the throne room. As the doors were opened, guests turned their heads towards our direction, some with joyous gaze, some with not so joyous gaze. I caught the eyes of the princes, and they all smiled at me in encouragement. The royal herald preceded the ceremony.

"Your Majesties, Your Highnesses, My Lords, My Ladies, it is my greatest honor to present to you the royal family of Raven Kingdom.", the Herald announced.

The guests gave an applause as we walked down the aisle. Arcel and I walked together towards our seats, then mother followed, before she reached her seat, Arcel and I bowed to her in respect, then the king. The three of us bowed to him, and when he sat down, we followed suit.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate and give honor to the coronation of Emilia de Altan Miller to Queenship. My dear guests, nobles, and royals, we are all here to witness the successor's vows and oaths as she takes on the responsibilities as the Queen of Raven Kinodom. Please welcome the Duchess of Northern Raven, Emilia de Altan Miller."

The Duchess entered the room, all eyes were on her. She wore a pure white A-Line gown with a lace bateau neckline and lace bell sleeves. No accessories, but her hair was tied in a medium bun. For once, she actually looked pure. She stopped five feet away from the thrones, and turned around to the audience and greeted them with a bow, then, she turned towards us and bowed.

"The Ceremony of Coronation shall commence.", the Herald announced.

The Duchess knelt in a seiza kind of position, and then, the ceremony began. It was boring, honestly, it's as if I'm watching a live documentary on who the Queen is, what she does, list of her benefits and what she's prohibited from doing, and so on. It was quite long and boring, and I admired the Duchess, just at this point, for she kept her kneeling position all throughout the ceremonial documentary.

"The Cape of Leadership and The Sash of Service will now be placed.", the Herald announced.

Our mother, Queen Emerald, stood up a few feet in front of the kneeling Duchess as Arcel and I took off her sash and cape. Arcel took the sash, while I held the cape. When our mother was back in her seat, the Herald asked the Duchess to stand. Arcel wrapped the sash around the Duchess, and when that was done, I, hesitantly, draped the cape over her shoulders. After that, she went back to her kneeling position. Then, another length of blabber came along. The Herald asked Emilia to recite her oath and vows as her proof of pledge that she is, in fact, worthy of the crown. Then, the finale came: Queen Emerald stood from where she was sitting and walked towards Emilia, who was still kneeling.

"I, Queen Emerald Miller, in the name of our great nation, Raven Kingdom, entrust to you the Crown of Queenship. Wear it with dignity, wear it with humility and with pureness of heart. Let no harm befall upon your position as you set out to bring life and honor to our beloved land."

She removed the crown from her head, slowly, and ever so gently, she placed it carefully on Emilia's head.

King Aston stood up, as Arcel and I followed, then the king said, "Rise and serve your nation, Emilia de Altan Miller, Queen of Raven Kingdom."

Emilia stood, smiling, and faced the crowd who was gladly giving her their blessings of applause. I wasn't too happy about her becoming queen, and I can sense that my family and some others feel the same. King Aston bid farewell after a few moments, just as what he said earlier. The guests were escorted out to the royal gardens, where the banquet would be held. The new queen was assisted by her maids back to her quarters to remove the cape and sash. Arcel and I were approached by the princes.

"Congratulations.", Wilfred said in greeting.

"Thank you, but I don't think this is something to celebrate.", Arcel snorted.

Roberto followed up, observing mine and Arcel's attire, "You two look like you're getting married."

"You look great though.", Joshua slipped up. "Uh-I mean-"

Joshua and I blushed.

"Thank you.", I muttered.

Joshua shrugged off his blush and covered up his embarrassment, "Don't flatter yourself."

The other princes laughed.

Keith placed an arm around Joshua and said, "We get it, smart ass, you like her."

"I-I didn't—", Joshua stuttered, blushing furiously.

Arcel laughed, "Don't worry, my sister cannot comprehend. She's not really that smart."

"What?!", I yelled, kicking Arcel in the shin.


As Arcel and I were bickering, the princes had their share of conversation.

"You know, Josh, it won't hurt admitting to her how you truly feel. You're not the only guy out there, and there are others who might take her away from you.", Glenn whispered.

"What do you mean?", Joshua querried.

Edward added, "Racel is special, Joshua. She's…different."

"Are you saying you like her?", Joshua continued.

"I like her, but not in the sense you are thinking though.", Edward smiled charmingly.

Keith sighed, "It's not hard to fall in love with her, Joshua…"

"I'm not saying that loving someone is easy, but she's someone you'd fall for all over again, in your second life, third, fourth, and so on, it feels like she'll still be the one you'll choose.", Wilfred added.

Joshua's eyebrow twitched, "Just admit it, what are you guys trying to say?"

Roberto laughed, "What we're trying to say is if you don't make a move soon, we might take her away from you. I mean, we're not in that stage yet, but we're already starting to see how special Racel is, so if you take too long, other than having us support you two, all of us might just be rivals."

Glenn pinched the bridge of his nose, "The way he said it just scares me."

"So all of you are starting to fall for her?", Joshua pressed on.

Keith scratched the side if his head, smiling playfully, "Well, assessing my own feelings, I think I might have a crush on her."

"True…", Roberto added.

Joshua raised an eyebrow, "How are you saying these feelings so easily? Whatever, even if one of you ask for my support involving you and her, I'll never give it. I won't just hand her over to anyone, not even you guys."

"Hand over who?", I asked.

Joshua tensed up, blushing madly, "No one! Mind your own business!"

I tilted my head in curiosity, but I decided to shrug it off, "Anyway, we should be heading out."

Roberto was the first to agree and walk out, screaming how hungry he was. Joshua and I trailed behind the group.

"It's weird.", Joshua muttered.


"You're actually a princess…"

"And you're a prince."

Joshua woke from his trance, "Yeah, and so?"

I laughed, "Nothing. You were dozing off."

"I wasn't."

"Gee, why don't you just tell me how you truly feel."

Joshua looked away, but I knew it wasn't just me when I saw a faint flush on his cheeks.

"Are you—", I started.

"I'm not blushing!", Joshua defended.

I snorted, "I was gonna ask if you're okay, you've been acting a bit weird lately."

Joshua blushed even further, "I'm—I should shut up…I'm gonna shut up."

When we got to the royal garden, guests were mingling amongst each other. Kings and Queens gathered, nobles and aristocrats talked.

"Racel, come here for a second.", mom called out.

"I'll be back.", I told Joshua.

"You better be."

"Yes, mom? Oh! Uncle Mike! Or should I say, Grandpa Mike."

Nobel Michael smiled, "Hello, child. I just called to ask how you were, it looks like you're doing well, yes?"

I laughed, "Indeed."

"That's good to hear. Ah, come with me, I have some people to introduce to you."

I followed Nobel Michael towards a group of noble-looking people, and when they saw Nobel Michael, they greeted him, smiling.

"Racel, is it?", one asked.

"Yes, my lady. A pleasure."

Nobel Michael huffed, "I'll leave her with you for a moment. The old man's gonna get some punch."

With my grandfather gone off to the punch table, I'm left alone with some nobles who don't seem to like me as much. They began to ask me irrelevant questions concerning my past.

"Aren't you Prince Joshua's ex-fiancee? Is there still something going on between you?"

"No, nothing at all.", I replied with my spine shivering.

"Any plans after coronation?"

"I don't really know if I must be crowned, your honors."

"Then you must quickly be married off to some prince or noble."

I tensed, "I don't have any plans on marriage just yet."

The nobles sneered in distaste. Duchess Emilia—I mean, Queen Emilia, made her way towards us, dressed in her coronation gown minus the cape and sash. Behind her were two men, one adult, and one young adult who seemed to be my age.

"My Queen.", the nobles greeted. I, in turn, smiled vaguely. Emilia turned towards me and the two men.

"Racel, dear, I would like to introduce to you the Grand Duke Harold Andrews, and his eldest son, Austin Andrews."

I curtsied like the polite princess I am, and smiled, "It's an honor, my Lords."

"Likewise, your highness.", Austin bowed, kissing my knuckles softly.

"It's been so long, my dear. I have heard everything about your story.", Harold greeted.

"Indeed, Grand Duke. So I guess we'll be hearing wedding bells soon, I suppose?", Emilia stated, glancing at the direction of my mother, who in turn, was not so far away, glaring at Emilia.

"Let's not be haste, Emilia. The children must first get to know each other, and if Racel's coronation goes well, I don't see why not."

Austin and I caught each other's eyes. I saw something like disagreement in him, like the feeling of being mutual with mine. I smiled slightly, so as not to catch the adults' attention.

Meanwhile with the other guests

"Look, it's the Grand Duke, Lord Harold."

"Is that his son?"

"His eldest, actually, Master Austin."

"That's Austin Andrews, Racel's soon to be…fiancée.", Arcel muttered, sipping cautiously at his glass of wine, looking ahead to the distance.

Joshua looked on silently, gripping his glass tighter than usual.

"Is he…okay for a guy?", Glenn queried unconsciously.

Arcel shrugged, smiling, "He's a great person, just…"

"Just…?", Keith pressed on, leaning over Arcel's shoulder.

Before Arcel could continue, I arrived, just in time to answer the question for him.

"Obedient. A little too much actually."

"Racel!", Roberto squealed in delight, casually declining the wine he was offering.

"No, he's not. He's more of a brat, but like, he's leaning on the side of being ignorant, and being perceptive.", Arcel described.

"Wow, exquisite description, such sophistication, dear brother. But he's really unexplainable."

"Do you like him?", Joshua intervened. "Not that I—well, uhm…"

"I don't. It was mutual."

Keith snorted, "Really? You wouldn't know that."

"I'm not saying I do, I just assumed, you know, 'cause like I had that feeling, when we caught each other's gaze, that he doesn't like what's going on. Honestly, my life has gotten a lot confusing."

"Excuse me, Racel…?"

I turned around, almost knocking out the wine glass of the person, who in turn was none other than Austin.

I smiled, "Austin."

Austin smiled, he's so handsome to be honest, he's more of a prince than the others, and he's damn right charming, a bit of a brat, but then again I could ignore that, because he seems kind, gentle, and—

"Racel? Are you okay?", Austin asked in concern.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. What is it?"

Austin sighed in relief and is back to his usual gorgeous, handsome, and prince-like self, "I wanted to talk to you."


Noticing the look the princes were giving us, Austin smiled politely and said, "In private if that's fine."

I nodded enthusiastically, missing to see the sour look on the princes and the wide grin on my brother.

I took Austin towards the gazebo under a tree, with just the proper distance from the ongoing party.

"So…?", I started, almost sounding like a squeal.

Austin brushed his hair off his eyes, leaned back, and cleared his throat, "I don't like you."

My smile was replaced with a raised brow. After all the thoughts I had about him, he says that? Ok, ok, maybe I need to let him speak first. But let me get this straight, I'm in love with Joshua, and I know that, it's just that Austin seems more of like a superstar, whom girls who are in a relationship still fall for, because duh.

"No, no. It's not that I don't like you, it's just that I don't really agree to this arrangement. I like you, well, I haven't known you in a long time, but I know you're lovable, but I just can't seem to see a future in this."

I sighed, surprisingly, in relief, "The feeling is mutual, Austin. I like you, okay, so let me just admit it, I think I may have a tiny bit of a crush on you, but, like, I don't think it'll go somewhere from that. To be honest, I don't even like your aunt."

Then it hit me.

Shit. I'm so stupid! I shouldn't have told him that.

"Well, I mean—"

Austin laughed, "I don't like her too! She likes to stick her nose in other people's lives."

I was taken aback for a moment, then I laughed, "Exactly!"

Laughing alongside him, I felt as if everything was so relatable.

With the princes

"They have such a good mood over there, don't they?", Keith muttered.

Joshua, silently, was already on his eighth glass of wine. Now, his ninth.

"Wonder what they're talking about.", Roberto said unconsciously.

Glenn sighed, "They're probably talking about their engagement."

"It seems nice to have a brother-in-law like Austin…", Arcel stated aloud.

The princes stared at him venomously.

"Is that a joke, Miller?", Joshua stated.

Arcel beamed, "But it does seem nice to imagine!"

"It does not!", Roberto exclaimed.

"Are you supporting Austin?!", Joshua queried.

"Are you drunk?", Wilfred questioned Joshua.

Joshua, already on his twelfth, replied, "No, I don't get drunk, Wilfred."

"Whatever, Joshua."

"Someone's drunk jealous.", Glenn teased.

"Shut up, Casiraghi.", Joshua replied, looking over at me who was a few meters away, walking towards them.

I smiled happily, clearly, enjoyed my time. I stood beside my brother and smiled.

"What are you so happy about, chump?", Arcel flicked my forehead.

I slapped his arm lightly and smiled once more.

"The way you're smiling right now is creepy. What? Are you guys gonna make an official statement about your engagement?", Joshua stated bluntly.

I sighed, still smiling, "He doesn't like me."

The princes' jaws dropped. Glenn was the one who recovered first, "Hey, it's okay. Come on, don't cry now."

I dropped the weird smile, and added, still happy, "It doesn't matter. I don't like him as well. We like each other, but we don't wanna get into that relationship thing. It was a great mutual understanding."

The princes sighed.

Arcel grabbed my shoulders, and dramatically, spoke, "So he won't be my brother-in-law?"

"Sorry, brother."

"Eh, that's fine.", Arcel stated, then laughed.

"Arcel has spoken much about him wanting Austin as his brother-in-law and whatnot.", Roberto emphasized.

I took this opportunity to torment my brother, "Is that so? Would you rather me marry him then? I don't really mind, I mean, he is my crush."

"It's not that—what?", Arcel clarified.

"Okay, okay, I might have a teeny weenie bit of a crush on Austin."

Joshua managed to choke hard on his wine.

"Austin knows?", Edward asked.

I nodded.

"I mean, you're a girl and all, and you like someone, but you are still able to crush on someone else, that's fine, I guess, it won't be considered cheating, and it's still fine because—", Arcel declared.

"Stop talking. You knew I like someone?", I threatened, it was a joke, but I still felt my gut twisting.

Arcel's eyes widened a fraction, "You—oh shit—but—"

"Arcel…you idiot! You don't say things like that in front of hi—! Ugh!", I exclaimed, and this signaled my brother to run away as I chased after him, as if we were only children.

You can't put the blame on us, we never experienced this much joy when were only kids. Having to be apart from each other for more than 20 years was crazy. I chased after him, laughing as we struggled to keep up with each other.

"They look like children, really, those two.", Glenn said, smiling.

My mom walked towards the princes, smiling, "You gentlemen seem to be enjoying. I wonder what's keeping you enthusiastic?"

"Well, Your Majesty, you see…", Keith started, nervous.

Roberto smiled, and followed up, "Arcel and Racel are playing around."

Mom's smile vanished when she saw us running around the entire place. She ordered the maids to come and get us. Upon hearing the orders of our mom from the maid, we instantly thought as if we were Hansel and Gretel and our mom was the witch.

"Yeah mom?", Arcel greeted sheepishly.

Mom crossed her arms over her chest, "Don't 'Yeah mom?' me, young man. What did the two of you think you were doing?"

"I thought that Racel was gonna kill me, mom. I just told her that I somewhat knew she likes someone."

"Arcel won't shut the hell up! He just doesn't know when to halt his tongue."

Mom massaged her forehead in frustration, "I can't believe I'm dealing with this bickering only now. I also don't understand why I'm giving lectures to my adult children. Goodness."

Arcel nudged my side, as if trying to say, 'What do we do now?'

I nudged him back, harder, 'I don't know, idiot.'

"Mom?", I whimpered.

"Both of you are grounded. Car keys.", mom stated.

"What?!", Arcel and I argued.

"Car keys. Now."

Arcel handed his hesitantly.

"I don't have my car. It's in Oriens."


"Oka—what?! Mooooom!"

Mom only stood her ground.

"Fine…", I placed my phone on my mom's palm, dejected.

"Racel, this is your goddamn fault."

"What? Me? I wasn't the one who was so noisy."

"For such a small thing, we got grounded big time because you're so overreacting!"

"You're not even blaming, you're just complaining!"

Mom's eyebrow twitched, "Alright, enough. You children need to act accordingly. Have you not been taught some manners?"

Mom called a maid and ordered something for her to bring. When the maid got back, she brought with her a white sash, about a meter and half long. Mom tied one end to Arcel's left, and the other end to my right.


"The two of you need to get along well enough before your sister becomes crowned and before the two of you marry. I don't need my adult children acting like…well…children."

Before she left, she looked over the princes who were trying so hard not to laugh, and smiled sweetly as if nothing ever happened and Arcel and I don't exist in front of her, "Enjoy yourselves, gentlemen."

When my mom was a distance away, the princes laughed. Hard.

"How the fuck are we gonna take a bath?", I complained.

Arcel walked over the nearest punch table. Forgetting that we were tied, we both got tugged hard.

"Hey!", Arcel and I shouted.

"At least do me a favor of walking, will you?", Arcel teased.

"Get lost."

Arcel snorted, "Yeah, good luck with that."

I'm almost on the verge of crying dramatically, "How am I gonna shower? Sleep? Use the restroom? Without you having to be there all the time?!"

"You have no idea how much I feel the same way.", Arcel retorted. "I don't plan on babysitting for who knows how long."

The day ended well either way. We got to forget the fact that Duchess Emilia was now a queen. Nevertheless, my brother and I spent the day tormenting each other, much to mom's annoyance. The ribbon thing was removed at the end of the day, but Arcel and I were still grounded for the next day. I felt like a normal person for once in a hectic week.