Well, it's been a while since I have posted a story but I have a story on my mind that I thought could be fun with Prison Break characters. If you were a fan of UnderCover you may like this story. Lost of Action, Adventure, Family, MiSa. Hope you like it! Also Enjoying the new season of Prison Break.

The sun shined on a bright July day in London, England. Days like this didn't come too often here, as there was hardly a breeze. Londoners went about their day like any other. Shops were open for business, the streets were full of traffic, and nothing looked out of the ordinary to the untrained eye.

A woman with raven coloured hair sat at one of the fountains in Trafalgar Square with a baseball cap on, sunglasses and a daily newspaper in hand. Her eyes would look up from the paper every so often to take in her surroundings as both locals and tourists past. Children could be heard playing around the fountain, but the woman ignored it all.

Looking across the square, she spotted a man across the street, exiting a building in an expensive Italian suit along with two other men and walking over to a black car that was parked. As the three men shook hands, she was able to catch sight of the handguns the men had that were covered by their suit jackets.

"I've got eyes on Abruzzi," she said quietly. "License plate LA66 AFK."

Getting up from her seat, she placed the newspaper down on the edge of the fountain and headed in the direction of the vehicle. She never took her eye of Abruzzi as he got into the back of the car and the two other men took the front.

"Copy that Veronica, Sucre you're up" she heard from her earpiece.

As Veronica made her way over to a motorcycle, she quickly tossed away the hat and put on the helmet that covered her whole face. As the black car started to pull away, Veronica turned on the engine and sped into traffic, making other drivers honk their horns. It was timed to the second as a large truck blocked the road causing a traffic jam and getting the attention of local police officers in the area. Veronica started to ride by the large truck just as the driver in the truck shifted to the passenger side before jumping out and onto the back of Veronica's motorcycle.

The two sped off leaving a traffic jam and police trying to figure out what the hell had just happened as they followed the black car. "You almost left without me" the man yelled to Veronica.

"You just have to be faster Sucre" she responded as he looked back at the scene they had caused. With a smile, he knew that by the time police figured out how to move the truck and get traffic moving; they would be out of the country.

Following the black car, as it turned down a side street both, Veronica and Sucre watched as the car came to a halt as it became clear that the road had been previously blocked off.

Veronica brought the motorcycle to a stop, and both her and Sucre hopped off. Almost in sync, they drew their handguns, and each taking a side of the car, they started to close in. They both watched as the man in the passenger seat opened up his door with his gun drawn and started shooting at them. Never flinching as bullets went flying Sucre took one shot and the bullet hit the guy in the chest.

"Come on out John Abruzzi" Veronica called out as she rounded the side of the car her gun aimed at the back seat but also keeping an eye on the driver.

"GET OUT!" Sucre called as he too had the other side of the car covered.

They got no answer from the passengers in the vehicle until they heard the engine start to roar and begin to speed up.

"He's getting away!" Veronica yelled as she and Sucre started shooting at the car.

About a mile away, hidden in a high-rise building, a sniper rifle had the black car on target. A man stayed quietly watching as Veronica and Sucre weren't able to get Abruzzi to give himself up.


With that, Michael pulled the trigger, and in seconds, the black car speeding down the road blew up.

Both Veronica and Sucre dropped to the ground as the explosion filled the street. Screaming could be heard as locals realized what was happening. Sirens were coming in their direction and as a crowd started to form both Veronica and Sucre got to their feet and took off.

"HOLD UP STOP RIGHT THERE!" a cop yelled as he exited his cop car and started to chase both Sucre and Veronica.

"Time to go" Veronica stated and both her and Sucre started running. Turning left and right to lose the cops, they ditched the motorcycle helmets and jackets and disappeared into the crowd.

Far away from the commotion, Michael packed up his rifle, put on his cap and calmly walked out the front door of the building looking like just another Londoner just leaving work for the day. In fact, this was a typical day at work for Michael and his team of trained killers.

It was less than 2 hours when Michael, Veronica and Sucre boarded a private plane following their mission to take out Abruzzi. Dropping their bags and guns, Michael took a seat next to the window, as the folder on Abruzzi lay open on the table of the high-class plane.

His eyes looked over the papers in the folder as it stated Abruzzi was a highly identified threat to The Company. He had contacts in the US government and also many other foreign governments that The Company saw as a threat.

"Have you heard from General Krantz?" Veronica asked as she took a seat across from Michael as the plane was starting to taxi on the runway.

"Not since he gave the order to take the shot," Michael said calmly as he turned to look out the window. He let out a tired sigh as he realized that the job he and his team had been working on tirelessly for months was finally over. Abruzzi was dead, and while their identity would remain out of the news, Abruzzi had been neutralized, and that was all that mattered. In fact, the whole point of Michael's team was to stay invisible, ghosts even, coming to take out large threats and disappear just as quickly as they arrive. They worked for an organization known as The Company. They were trained assassins that only a handful of outsiders knew about.

"That's got to be some record," Sucre said as he came over to join Michael and Veronica. "Less then six hours of arriving, we're done and out of here. Nice shot by the way. "

"Just another day at the office" Michael stated as he pulled out his Company-issued phone.

"Come on; you're too humble. Only a handful of people could make that shot in a big city and only take out the car," Sucre stated.

As the plane ascended into the air, Michael just remained quiet and sat back in his seat. He thought about Sucre's words, and it was true he was one of the only people who could make that shot. For the last ten years, Michael had been The Company's best asset. After high school, he had gone into military training, but before even being deployed he was approached by a man he knew as General Krantz. He had taken an interest in the young soldier that was top of his class in sniper training, and it had been years since someone like him had caught General Krantz's eye. Krantz made Michael an offer that would allow him to make a difference and took him under his wing. He received even more training then he would have ever gotten in the military as he became The Company's most dangerous weapon going up against terrorist, and other threats The Company had.

It also didn't take Michael long to realize that not every mission was legal and actually, most crossed that line regularly. Yet that is what Michael was trained for. To do what others couldn't, what others were afraid to do.

For the last ten years, Michael had been a trained killer, with over 300 kills. While there was a part of him that hated it, it had become his new normal. A normal that he forced himself to embrace after the troubling childhood he had grown up with.

Michael Burrows wasn't always so lost and emotionless; in fact, he was born into a nice normal family. Two parents and an older brother he had looked up to but that was all slowly taken away from him as his father took off never to be seen again, his mother spending much of his elementary school days in the hospital with cancer before she died and an older brother, Lincoln who also took off after getting into fights and trouble with their foster parents. Now at thirty that seemed like another lifetime ago.

"Whoa!" came Sucre's voice as it pulled Michael out of his thoughts.

"What is it?" Michael asked as he looked over at Sucre as he was looking at something on his phone.

"The car we took out, it wasn't just Abruzzi" he stated as he had a look of horror on his face.

"What are you talking about, other than the driver no one was in that car" Veronica assured him.

"No look," Sucre said as he set his phone down on the table in front of them. "Two kids were in the car."

"No, that's not possible," Michael said in disbelief. "General Krantz had been watching that car the whole time.

"Well London police have listed them as fatalities," Veronica said in horror.

"So in taking out Abruzzi, we also killed two innocent kids," Michael said in anger as he bowed his head in frustration. Killing men was one thing; he had even killed a few women that were seen as threats to America and The Company, but never children.

The rest of the 7.5-hour flight was taken in silence as the reality of what had been the result of their completed mission started to sink in. It was times like these that Michael truly hated what he did for a living. The innocent lives of children getting caught in the middle of politics and power of adults.

When children were involved in the situation, it really was a weak spot for Michael. Over the years he had gone through so much training where General Krantz wanted to practically remove his humanity and making him nothing but a killing machine.

Growing up with the childhood he had, made Michael the perfect candidate for The Company. The abandonment issues were an emotion that Krantz would pray on and make his soldiers his. Unlike many of General Krantz soldiers, Michael knew full well that Krantz was trying to manipulate him, but he allowed it to happen. Allowed Krantz to turn him into a robot that followed orders because in most cases he was killing traitors, terrorists, and enemies of the United States. In many instances, Michael would just go along with whatever orders he was given, but there was one weakness that always got to Michael. It was the children, the innocent children that paid the price for the actions of the adults.

"We are making our descent into Washington DC" came the pilot over the intercom.

With that, Michael buckled up his seatbelt and stared out the plane window as the city of Washington, D.C. came into view as they came down of the clouds. Looking over at Veronica and Sucre they too weren't happy with the end result of their mission played out.

Once on the ground the plane doors open, one by one they all exited the plane and onto the tarmac where General Krantz was waiting for them. His stand was one of a military man as his team exited the aircraft after their long flight from London England.

"How was the flight?" General Krantz.

"Flight was fine," Michael told him with an angry tone. "We need to talk," Michael told him, and Michael headed towards the limo waiting for General Krantz while Veronica and Sucre went to the other black sedan.

As they climbed inside, General Krantz offered Michael a glass of bourdon, but Michael declined, wanting to get to the point of this conversation as the limo pulled away from the airport.

"It was a long four months, but it's over now. Abruzzi is dead" General Krantz stated and then took a sip of his bourdon.

"Two children were killed" Michael snapped back in anger.

"Michael try not to dwell on the negative" he responded calmly.

"Is that all you see this as? A negative?" Michael asked as his anger was growing.

"John Abruzzi was a power-hungry sociopath who was going to weasel his way into our government for his own gain," General Krantz told him in frustration.

"I understand that, but we should have been more thorough in this. We should have made sure no one else was in the car," Michael yelled back.

"We did!" Krantz yelled back without thinking.

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked, trying to understand what Krantz meant when he said that they had thoroughly looked into Abruzzi. Unlike Michael and his team who were in the air for 7.5 hours before arriving in London, they had to rely on General Krantz and others to keep an eye on Abruzzi and not lose sight of him. "Did you know?" Michael asked, not sure he wanted to hear the answer.

"It's over Burrows, now drop it" Krantz insisted with a firm voice.

"You knew? Didn't you?" Michael pushed as he felt his blood boiling at the thought that his boss had intentionally ordered the kill full well knowing two children were in the vehicle.

"The decision was made," Krantz told him, but he could tell that Michael was anything but satisfied with the answer.

"We had time we could have waited, trailed him" Michael insisted.

"You don't know that" Krantz replied.

"I DO!" Michael yelled.

"That is enough Burrows, may I remind who is in charge here," he snapped at his number one killer.

"What was it that made Abruzzi such a threat that you needed him gone? I haven't seen him on any terrorist watch list domestic or international," Michael asked, starting to second guess this mission altogether.

"Your job was to execute my orders not question them" he yelled back at Michael.

"WHO WAS HE?" Michael yelled.

"THAT'S ENOUGH, BURROWS!" Krantz yelled as he smashed his glass against the wall of the limo.

"I took a shot on your orders that took the lives of two children so what the hell was so important that their lives didn't matter," Michael asked again.

"It's politics Burrows and not any of your concern. You are to follow out my orders whether you like it or not. Abruzzi was a threat to The Company, and the lives of a few had to be sacrificed for the good of The Company and our place in the government"

Hearing this made Michael's chest tense up as he realized that this mission had nothing to do with terrorism or threat to American lives. No the whole point of this mission was to take out General Krantz competition and power.

"The reasons I want things done are not your concern Michael, and I suggest you understand that and stop trying to look too much into things. You work for me" he stated as the limo came to a stop at a red light.

Michael shook his head as it was starting to become clear that what he had initially signed up to do with The Company was becoming more about keeping power than protecting. "Not anymore," Michael told him.

"Excuse me?" Krantz asked.

"I'm out, " Michael told him.

General Krantz let out a haunting chuckle as he stared at Michael shaking his head. "You don't just get to walk away."

Michael gave a smirk and ushered open the door of the limo and slid towards the opening. "Watch me," he said and without another word slipped out for the limo and walked right into oncoming traffic to get to the other side of the street. Horns started honking in anger, and General Krantz loud voice could be heard yelling that leaving The Company was not an option. Yet without looking back, Michael kept on walking, throwing away his Company phone and leaving behind the only life he knew and leaving behind the killer he had been trained to be.