In the Konoha streets

The two walked down the street not saying much. Yueri decided to say something amidst the awkwardness. "So, do you-" Boruto and clones fall onto the two, effectively piling up on them. Sarada, who just got angered by dropping her books and being piled on, screamed, "BORUTO YOU IDIOT!"

Boruto and his clones all sheepishly look at the two they fell on. Boruto speaks up. "Eh... Sorry? Heh?"

"Would you guys get off of us?!" An angry Sarada scoulds the mass of clones on her. The boy hastily jump off of them and dispels his clones, or what's left of them. Boruto looks at the Yueri suspiciously. He glances back and forth between the two. "Hey. Are you two on a date or something?"

"Uh... um, well you see..." Sarada's face turns into a tomato red while Yueri keeps his indifferent face. Boruto questioned them again. "Well?" Sarada opened her mouth to say something but Yueri sighs out loud and makes up a fake story for the both of them before she could say anything. "Boruto, nothing like that would ever happened. I just saw her walking down the street and decided that I should walk her home." He gives Boruto a nonchalant face under his mask. Sarada feels a sudden pain in her chest from what Yueri's statement. Boruto raised one of his eyebrow. "Really?" He looked over to Sarada, who looked like she uncomfortable.

She hesitatenly nods. "Hai, I just went and um, bought myself some books and then here walked me to this point." She played along with Yueri's story. Boruto squints his eyes and sends glares at the two. "Alright whatever." He puts his arms behind his head and walks away.

"THAT'S IT!?" Sarada and Yueri yell in unison. Boruto looks back at the two. "Well yeah. See you guys later, ya know." He jumps out of the street and hops from roof to roof.

"Uh... what just happened?" Sarada stood there dumbfounded by what just happened. Yueri shrugs it off and gestures down the road. "Shall we continue?" Sarada nods, blushing a little bit, and starts walking with Yueri in tow. The two walk down the street with an awkward aura around them. Feeling uncomfortable, Sarada decides to break the silence. "So I was thinking..."

However, unknown to Sarada, Yueri tuned out everything and was deep in thought. 'Okaa-san and Otou-san seem to love each other... But we live in separate villages...'

Sarada looks over at him and blush, "So how does that sound?" She received no answer from Yueri. "Hello? Anyone in there?" She decides to raise her voice. "Hello! Earth to Hatake?!" That snapped Yueri out of his trance. He looked at her with confusion. "Huh? You said something?" He gives her a nonchalant face.

Out of frustration, she throws a punch at him. "Idiot! Did you even hear a single word I said!" He casually takes a step back and easily dodges the flying fist. "Sorry I got lost in my own thoughts. Was it important?" Sarada gets angrily groans and forcefully drags the greyette down the street. "Forget about it!" She dragged him until they reached the front of the Uchiha compound and then let's him go.

"Well thanks for buying my these." Sarada keeps her eyes adverted from Yueri's gaze. "No problem, a favor for a favor." He dusts himself off and forms hand signs. "Well, I'll see you later." Sarada felt something him her chest again like earlier. She try to say something but he wasn't there anymore. She sighs and decides to go inside. "Boys..."

Authors note:


I am so sorry that I haven't continue this.

I have lots of things happening.

Cue sob story out my life recently...

Just kidding, that pretty lame but anyways I'm continuing this and thanks for supporting!

~ Enjoy The Quitness