It was a still, humid summer evening in Jump City. The stars glittered above, infinite, as a spacecraft broke through the atmosphere. It hurtled in a downward spiral, bleeding smoke, before breaching the city limits and crashing into a building. Destruction ensued and the building began to buckle upon impact.

At the Tower, sirens began to blare, and the Titans hastily left their rooms, congregating in the living area to see what had triggered the alert.

Robin reached the computers first, pulling up a map of the city. He cursed as his teammates approached the screens, still in their pajamas.

"No time to get dressed," Robin said, running for the exit. "Looks like we're dealing with a potentially hostile invader; it crashed into a building and we need to save those civilians inside."

"We need to get there now," Raven said, and enveloped her teammates in darknesses, appearing instantly at the location indicated on the map.

She used her powers to brace the building and prevent further damage, and Cyborg, Robin, and Beast Boy went inside to find survivors. Starfire grabbed hold of the spacecraft and ripped it free from the building before assisting Raven in keeping the weakened structure stable.

After hours of tireless work navigating the building, Cyborg scanned the building a final time for human life. "My sensors aren't picking up anyone," he reported. "I think we evacuated everyone."

Beast Boy transformed back from a tracking hound on another floor. "Smells like it," he agreed.

"All right," Robin said, "then let's get out of here and deal with that spaceship."

They met outside and gave the girls the all clear. They rooted it back onto its foundation, then joined the others to investigate the ship.

"It is not like any craft I have ever seen," Starfire informed them.

"Be wary," Robin said as they approached what appeared to be a damaged entrance. "Whoever's inside, they might attack us."

"Agreed," Starfire said, balling her hands into fists that glowed green.

Robin nodded to Cyborg, and the cybernetic teen ripped the door away with ease.

"Looks like we're in the airlock," he told his teammates as they cautiously boarded the medium-sized vessel. "Judging by the suze of this thing, I'd say we're probably dealing with a small crew. All right, I'm going to get these internal airlock doors open."

The internal doors had not been damaged, but the security system had been, and it was no hard task opening the doors by tricking the system. There was a wheesh as the doors parted, and Cyborg waved them in.

They encountered no one, and the ship was eerily silent.

"Maybe one of us should wait outside," Beast Boy suggested. "You know, guard dog." He shifted into a Doberman Pinscher.

"I don't think that'll be necessary, Beast Boy," Robin said brusquely.

Beast Boy whimpered, flattening his ears.

"Dude, you can turn into a Tyrannosaurus freaking Rex and you're telling me you're afraid?" Cyborg sighed.

Beast Boy changed back. "Hellooo! We're dealing with aliens? Starfire can pick up a car with her foot like it's a soccer ball! Who knows what these dudes can do."

"He does have a point," Starfire said, "although there are few in the galaxy as strong and endurant as my people."

"See, BB?" Cyborg responded somewhat distractedly as they walked down the empty hallways, "we should be able to handle anyone with Star on our side." He tapped at the screen built inside his arm. "I'm getting life readings from the deck," he announced.

"Great," Robin said. "Where's the deck?"

Cyborg displayed a holographic map of the ship's interior. "I had my scanners construct a map of this place. It should be just up ahead."

"Great," Beast Boy muttered as they took off for the deck.

The team slowed down when they'd reached the doors. "Cyborg," Robin said, "can you get these doors open?" Cyborg nodded and Robin continued. "All right, Titans, brace yourselves."

The deck doors sprung open and the Titans charged in, weapons drawn and powers at the ready.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Robin immediately demanded.

Control panels were smoking and signs of an explosion were clearly marked on the metallic floor. The area was empty except for a single figure in a chair slumped over the dashboard.

"Looks like they're unconscious," Raven said.

"Unconscious, but alive," Cyborg added.

Robin approached the figure warily, lifting them up and lowering them to the floor, exposing the alien's features to the puzzled teens.

The alien resembled a human female, with ginger hair and green skin. They wore a uniform; a black suit with a red X across the chest, and a short, blue cloak.

Robin turned to Starfire. "You recognize her?" he wondered.

Surprisingly, it was Beast Boy who answered, eyes wide.


Robin raised his eyebrows at him. "You know this girl?"

"Yeah," Beast Boy said, looking up. "She's my sister."

A/N: Hehe yup you read right! I'm taking notes from his backstory on Young Justice. ^^ The art used for the cover is mine. Also, I have TWO OTHER CHAPTERS already written so if you do follow know that I have a small backlog and the next few updates are not far off! :3