Disclaimer: I do not own One piece. All rights. belongs to the Owner. I am just making this for fun.

Hello Everyone , I am just making this because of the idea that popped on my head and the idea of Luffy being in the 'center of attention ' if you know what I mean , Well i don't even KNOW WHAT I MEANT so give applause to the ones that knew what i meant (clapping noises) .

This is the first-ever i make this , so if plz do tell if there something you like or don't like so i could try to improve the story. And my language isn't English soooooo do tell if i spelled something wrong Thx. And I don't know if there will be any swearing so just see how it goes teehee~ (kinda weird) -_-


(this is too long) and i already know your faces it's like this -_-; right? Well who cares.


Another same boring day, just a few days after he defeated Moria ( just some other Shichibukai and if you don't KNOW search it on the internet ) , The Strawhat Pirate stopped at an island , hide their boat and decided to stay for a few days to stock up more food and get some rest for a while after all the mess they've been through.

All of them except for Zoro (sleeps) and Brook (will attract a lot of attention because he's a freaking talking skeleton!!) got down from the sunny and decided to check out the place because it's been a while since they got to an island and it's just an excuse to just roam around. So they went different ways, Nami , Chopper and Robin went to see if they can find a book or clothing store. Ussop and Franky went to find some junk store?? idk. And that leaves Luffy and Sanji to stock up more food.

Before they go, Nami called Sanji and said " Keep an eye on Luffy or else he would go somewhere and get lost. "

So Sanji replied "Haaaiiiii!! Namii Swaannn!!" as he was swirling like a tornado .

But they didn't know that today would turn their captain's world upside down. (dramatical music 'bammm.. bammm.. baammmm..!!!').

Sanji and Luffy are walking through lots of different stands. As they were walking, Luffy drooled over those tasty-looking meat. But Luffy still follows Sanji because he ofcourse threatened Luffy if he roam around on his own , he wouldn't give Luffy anything to eat for 3 days. Luffy , as expected , he followed Sanji.

While Sanji was picking the right meat , Luffy saw a weird , dark-purple store just around the corner , he heard some noises but just stand still , he felt shudder down his skin and got goosebumps but he still wants to know what is with this building , it could be anything even a meeting place for an occult club for GOODNESS SAKES but he still wants to know just what is in there. (huh.. i give up)

After half an hour they are done buying groceries. They went back to the Sunny and put the grocery at the dining table. Don't know what to do , he told the captain that he can go to 1 place he wanted to go and buy something.

So after hearing what the cook said , his eyes lit up and grabbing his cook's hand while he was trying to lit his ciggarate before running to the creepy place causing his ciggarate to fall and jumped down from the sunny , not caring about the impact because he IS made out of rubber.

Then judging by how fast he ran , he assume that his captain really wanted to go to someplace so he said in curiosity " Where are we going ?" while still being pulled by his captain waiting for a response because it could be anything.

But he only get " I don't KNOW too! but i saw a place that is weird!!"

Sanji after hearing what his captain said , he somehow got a weird feeling that something is going to happen but ignore it because he thought that the feeling would disappear. (come on Sanji why didn't you trust your own feeling?! )

Then after arriving in front of the dark-purple store that Luffy saw earlier , they opened the door , got in but didn't expect what they saw. (I'm assuming that their faces would be like thiss ?( 0o0;) !!)

Even though its short , I'll do my best to write the story and update as fast as i could !! and i leave the surprising part in the next chapter , hope you enjoy and I'll try my best to write the story as interesting as i possibly can



me:"Soo~oryy" :p

my family:"GEEEZZZZ!"

For some reason i make these literally at the middle of the night :p at my place , idk why but i can think much more easier now than at the day. OH YEAH !! and thx for the review , i think I'd make it a harem (almost all the character likes Luffy) but of course I'm making him/her _ an air head so he/she wouldn't notice and straight forward , making them blush.. OOPS I SPOKE TOO MUCH , see you later in the next Chapter.