All trademarks, properties and copyrights associated with the manufacturers, models, trade names, entertainment and brands depicted in this fanfic are the property of their respective owners. No animals were harmed in the making of this fanfiction.

(Geneva - May 8, 1513 hrs.)

The people were proudly looking at the ships flying overhead as the select few from the United Nations Space Alliance began their formation for the annual Fleet Week, an event celebrating the history of the naval service. As Jackal fighters and Raven dropships continue flying overhead, the star attraction for the show was the new class of space warfare carrier, the Nick Reyes-class SWC.

Named after the Special Combat Air Recon operative and commander of the famed Admiral-class SWC Retribution, the only ship of her class sported improvements different from the previous one. Among them include an increase in width from the Admiral's 637 meters to the current 677 meters and a height increase to 82 meters, the addition of improve weaponry and defense systems based on stolen designs and research from the now-defeated Settlement Defense Front of Mars, and increased armor plating on all sides. With these, this made the UNSA Nick Reyes almost as formidable as the SDF's supercarrier Olympus Mons.

"The UNSA Nick Reyes is the newest ship of her namesake class based on the late SCAR operative and Retribution commander of the same name." An announcer explained the details. "Built at Norfolk, Virginia, the ship features an increase in dimensions for additional troops and eqipment. Fitting to her namesake, it also features improved armaments and defensive systems for better close-range engagement and still come home intact with enough crewmembers to strike back."

Below, at a nearby UNSA base, a new Swiss SCAR operative was among the few being briefed by veteran Captain Nora Salter for their assignment. He sports white hair and eyes as green as emerald.

"If there are no questions, I shall continue." The captain began the briefing as the screen revealed the map of Geneva and its surroundings. "We'll be performing a combat air patrol within 10 klicks of the Reyes as precaution." Icons representing the ships appeared shortly after. "Although it has been a few years since the SDF's failed attack on Earth, we still have to be on guard. Your Jackals will have a full payload to respond to any hostilities. Is that understood?"

"Yes ma'am!" The operatives responded dutifully.

"Troyard. Kaizuka."

"Ma'am!" The operatives responded simultaneously.

"You two will be flying under my wing. I've read your reports and you both showed some promising results during your training."

"Thank you so much, ma'am." The young Japanese with the last name Kaizuka uttered with honor. "It's an honor to fly alongside you."

"I will take this opportunity as well." Troyard followed albeit more formally.

"Good. Suit up and head for your crafts. Time to roll out."

At the busy flight apron, the Jackals were under final inspection by technicians while the whinning sound of engines, APUs and generators filled the air. Kaizuka was inspecting his aircraft before Troyard came while holding his helmet at the right side.

"How's your Jackal doing?" The man asked.

"The technicians said that everything is good." Kaizuka responded with a nod. "Well, we shouldn't be letting down the major, should we?"

"Nah. If we impress her with our good performance record, I'm sure she would be assigning us to her unit in little time at all."

"And maybe we could get some drinks after this stint, eh?" The two then chuckled before evolving it into laughter.

"It's Fleet Week. Sailors and people would be talking with drinks about what they did prior to this." Troyard gave out a candid response. "Besides, you have something else to talk about before we fly to Geneva, do you?"

"Oh older sister Yuki is serving onboard the Reyes." Kaizuka admitted.

"Think I'll get to meet her myself? It would be an honor to see her and you together."

"She'll be meeting me for lunch tomorrow. It's the start of her official leave."

"I see." The two then began to focus on their duties. "Well, we better get going."

"Watch your back out there." The Japanese said.

"You too." The other responded before the two exchanged a thumbs-up as a sign of their ironclad alliance.

As Troyard left to pilot his Jackal, Kaizuka pressed a few switches to power-up his aircraft and the canopy closed. One of the ground crew stood well-ahead of his Jackal to help guide him during take-off procedures.

"This is Raider 1-3, all systems are good. Standing by for take-off clearance, over." Kaizuka radioed air traffic control.

"Raider 1-3, roger. Continue to hold position and stand-by for further updates. Traffic is heavy, how copy?" The control tower responded.

"Roger, Raider 1-3 will hold position. Out."

The aircraft that were causing the delay began to slowly clear the operatives' way. Once the last of the assigned Ravens left, the control tower began to radio the Raider Team.

"Raider 1-1, Raider 1-2, Raider 1-3, you have permission for take-off. Winds are zero-four-seven degrees at two knots. How copy?"

"This is Raider 1-1, aknowledged." Salter responded.

"Raider 1-2, roger." Troyard followed.

"Raider 1-3, copy that." Kaizuka finished. "Out."

The ground crew began to guide the Jackals as they lift off from the ground. Once at a sufficient altitude, the landing gears were retracted as the aircraft began to fly off for the city for their combat air patrol.

(1548 hrs.)

Salter, Troyard and Kaizuka were flying in close formation as the three were on approach to Geneva. Within their sights, the ships were slowly flying over the area.

"UNSA airships spotted, 10 klicks away at bearing 271 to 289." Troyard said.

"Rog. Everyone, proceed to waypoint Charlie." Salter ordered. "We'll start our CAP."

"Copy that, One-One." Kaizuka responded.

The three Jackals turned right to their current waypoint. As the flight continued, Kaizuka was curious about his commanding officer.

"So, ma'am... How long have you been serving SCAR?"

"I've been in that unit for a while, Lieutenant." She answered. "During those years, I've seen many shit and chaos before my eyes."

"Like the SDF invasion?"

"Yes. As well, I was with Commander Reyes at that time serving as XO for the Retribution when we began our counterattack on SetDef."

"I'm surprised that you were serving Commander Reyes during that time."

"Indeed. We have each other's back as we fought off those guys until we went to Mars."

"I've heard and read what you and Reyes did back there ma'am." Troyard joined in. "You've stormed through their defenses and managed to destroy their shipyard at the cost of the Captain and many others before him."

"So you knew."

"Correct. Among the 767 surviving crewmembers of the Retribution, only you and three others got home alive."

"Excatly. To Reyes, he knew the job has to be done."

"I know, ma'am."

The Jackals then turned left to the next waypoint while staying together.

(Onboard the UNSA Nick Reyes - 1550 hrs.)

In the bridge of the state-of-the-art warship, the Latino captain of the ship Jose Ackerman of the United States was viewing the scene outside the ship. Seeing action sometime before the SDF invasion, his slightly greyed-out hair and extensive combat experience were testaments to that.

The door at the back opened to reveal a female Japanese officer. She walked forward for a few meters before stopping to salute.

"Sir, Warrant Officer Kaizuka reporting." She uttered.

"Carry on, Kaizuka." Ackerman responded and the officer lowered her right hand. She then walked towards the captains side. "Are there any updates from engineering regarding the Well Deck?"

"Yes sir." Kaizuka then gave Ackerman her tablet to show the captain the update. "Engineering has managed to fix the Well Deck ramp. It should be able to function normally once the parade ends."

"Good news. Thank you for telling me."

"Affirmative, Captain. By the way, requesting permission to stay here to see the festivities."

"Affirmative." Ackerman responded. "Take your time looking at the view. You deserve some rest."

"Thank you, sir."

The men in charge of monitoring air traffic detected three friendly blips on the screen. Due to the current state of events, they promptly proceeded to contact them.

"This is Raider One-One, we are approaching the flight path of the Reyes." Salter radioed them.

"This is the Reyes, we read you." One of the communications team responded. "Maintain current course and speed. How copy, over."

"Aknowledged. Out."

Kaizuka went to the left side of the bridge to see the Jackals flying by in a tight V-formation. Ackerman then took notice of the officer.

"You okay there, Kaizuka?" He asked.

"I'm fine, sir." She replied. "My brother's currently on duty so that's no problem at all."

"Okay then. By the way, what branch does he serve?"

"SCARs. He was just recently assigned."

" know, if he were to be assigned to our ship, you would feel relaxed and calm that your brother is much closer to you than you think."

"Based on experience?" Kaizuka asked.

"Yes, mostly based on that. I have a couple of friends plus a younger brother who were there in my times of need, even if they weren't related to wars."

"I could be your officer when you need help, Captain."

"Thank you Kaizuka. And at least, he has your back...and you have his."

"Indeed, Captain."

(Above Earth's orbit - June 10, 0821 hrs.)

"Now for today's Economic news: shares of the Coalescence Corporation has reached 8 percent, a seven-year high following the release of the Microhealth nano-shots to the public on June 3..." An IW News newscaster announced as the headline was displayed at the bottom of the Reyes' television screen. Some of the crew, which were permitted their breaks, watched.

"Ya hear that?" One of them asked his colleague. "Coalescence just posted 1 million units sold."

"I know. My dad was looking forward to it ever since he has hemorrhage." The colleague replied.

Outside, the two Jackals of Troyard and Kaizuka were on final approach.

"This Raider 1-2, SCARs are on approach." The former radioed the bridge.

"Roger, SCARs. Drone assistance is ready when you are." The tower gave the go-ahead as the two drones were deployed to assist in their landing.

"1-3, aknowledged." Kaizuka followed.

The drones attached to the Jackals as they slowed down to land. Once they touched down, the drones' thrusters were deployed to act as brakes for the fighters in the vast emptiness of space. When the Jackals came to a complete stop, the drones stopped their thrusters and began to be collected by the ship's arms. The fighters also felt the same way as they are being transferred to the hangar.

When the Jackals reached the hangar, they were attached by the access platforms to allow them to get outside their fighters.

"Welcome to the UNSA Nick Reyes, SCARs." One of the hangar personnel greeted.

"You too, sir." Kaizuka responded. "How's my sister?"

"What's your name, son?"

"Second Lieutenant Inaho Kaizuka. My sister Yuki is assigned here, correct?"

"Yes sir, your sister is present."

"Thank you." He nodded.

During that point, Troyard took a bit longer to disembark from his Jackal. A moment after he got out, he nearly tripped which prompted another hangar crewman to break the momentum. As well, Kaizuka took notice.

"Slaine!" He shouted frantically

"You okay, sir?" He asked.

"Yeah...must have slipped my foot by mistake." Troyard responded after catching his breath. He began to stand up properly again. "Thanks for the assist."

"No problem, sir. Glad you are okay." Kaizuka then came forward to his colleague.

"What happened?" The Japanese asked worriedly.

"I nearly slipped. That's all."

"Alright. C'mon, let's head for the bridge. The Captain's waiting for us." The two proceeded to head for the elevator that will take them to bridge level. Kaizkuka pressed the button and the lift activated. Upon arrival, it stopped and the safety barriers were opened to allow the operatives entry.

A moment after, someone called the Japanese. "Inaho-chan!"

Kaizuka turned to see his older sister on the left. "Yuki! Glad to see you again."

"Yeah. Captain Salter told me about you coming here."

"We meet again, Kaizuka." The Swiss greeted. "Excuse my interruption."

"Still maintaining your formalities, I see?" She slightly blushed. "Anyway, Salter's at the bridge talking to Captain Ackerman. Follow me." The two were guided to the entrance of the bridge. The officer opened it to reveal it to the operatives. "Captain Salter, First Lieutenant Troyard and Second Lieutenant Kaizuka are present.

"Good you made it, gentlemen." Salter uttered and the other operatives saluted in respect.

"Ma'am, we're ready for our objectives." Kaizuka responded.

She then proceeded to inform Captain Ackerman. "Captain, we have our operatives."

He turned around to see the young men and Yuki to introduce himself to the former. "Gentlemen, welcome aboard the Reyes. I'm the captain of the ship, Jose Ackerman."

"Pleasure to meet you as well, sir." Kaizuka responded while he and Troyard saluted. This made the captain respond back with the same gesture. "I'm Warrant Officer Kaizuka's brother, Second Lieutenant Inaho Kaizuka."

"Ooh, you rank is higher than your sister, eh?"

"Coincidence, sir. I was confirmed to have some promising results after my training."

"And I'm First Lieutenant Slaine Troyard." The Swiss followed. "Same with Kaizuka: promising results."

"Two gifted operatives ready to fight, I see."

"Indeed. I've read their records and they confirmed it." Salter said. "They're top of the class on most fields."

"Major, looks like we better keep those two safe. Who knows what would happen next if they aren't available? Maybe some SetDef remnants might launch another attack on mining operations in the Asteroid Belt." Ackerman thought of a scenario.

"Likely, sir." Troyard chuckled slightly.

Suddenly, the door opened again to reveal a middle-aged officer of Japanese origin. He then walked towards the group in front of the console.

"Well, well, are they the new operatives?" The man greeted.

"Yes Lieutenant Marito, and they are very promising." Salter introduced her subordinates to him.

"Good to meet ya." He began greeting. "The name's Lieutenant Koichiro Marito, good to have your acquaintances."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Kaizuka responded with a salute before shaking hands. "I'm Second Lieutenant Inaho Kaizuka."

"The brother of WO Kaizuka?"

"Indeed, Marito."

The Japanese chuckled "It's also quite ironic considering that you are ranked higher than her." The man teased at his fellow officer's rank.

"Cut it out, Marito." Yuki quietly rebuked. "As long as he is here, he's gonna keep an eye on your ass."

"A'ight, no more teasing." Marito turned his attention to Troyard. "And you are..."

"...First Lieutenant Slaine Troyard." The Swiss operative followed. "I'm honored to meet you."

"Anyway..." Ackerman began to head for the ship's navigator, Lieutenant Mateo "Marlin" Torres. "Marlin, set for drop to Jupiter."

"Aye sir." Marlin responded as Ackerman got hold of his card that will permit the ship to do faster-than-light travel. The latter inserted it and began to brace for the proceedure.

"Collision alarms up." Marito confirmed.

"All personnel, stand-by for drop." Marlin warned the remaining crewmembers within the ship via speaker before starting the sequence. At the same time, the panels ahead of the Reyes' bridge were being lifted for the activation of the jump systems. Once deployed, Marlin started the countdown as the ship was being engulfed with energy. "Away in three, two, one..."

The ship instantly moved fast as it entered the jump, leaving behind a trail of blue aura as a result. The occupants were slightly pushed back and the console then switched the current hologram of the route-to-destination to the ship's general schematics.

"Evaluation?" Ackerman asked.

"Accuraccy .90. We're in good shape." Marito confirmed confidently.

"Rog. Stand by for-" Suddenly, an alarm was sounded. "What the hell's that?"

"I'll check." Marlin responded and began to inspect the problem. What he found shocked him. "Crap! We have a problem, sir!"

"Is there something wrong?" Salter asked.

"Jump systems has gone haywire! We need to stop it!"

"I'll monitor our trajectory! You go try stopping that damn thing!" Marito uttered.

Alarms were sounded as the crew began to try safely stopping the jump mid-way.

"...recaculating flux and trajectory!" Marlin shouted frantically.

"How's the jump doing?" Salter requested its status.

"We're workin' on it!" A few moments later, he managed to bypass a few wires and protocols. "All personnel, stand by for emergency exit...3, 2, 1!" The ship exited from their jump and the ship was floating in what many would say as the middle of nowhere.

"That's one problem solved...good work everyone." Ackerman praised the actions of the crew. "Flash, get STRATCOM on the line, tell them that we have a faulty FTL drive on hand."

"Yes sir!" The communications officer, a man in his 30s with black, bob cut hair, responded.

"Marito, Marlin, see if you can run a diagnostics check."

"Aye, Cap." Marito followed.

Kaizuka and Troyard felt relieved that they are still alive.

"You okay?" Yuki asked them for any injuries.

"We're fine." Her brother assured him.

"If those crewmembers weren't able to fix it, we would all be dead." Troyard followed. "I'm fine as well."

"Good. You two wait outside with WO Kaizuka. I'll handle things from here with the bridge." Salter requested.

"Yes ma'am." Yuki responded. "Come, let's wait outside." The operatives followed her into the door to await further updates.

"What do you have on the FTL?" Salter asked.

"I don't know." Marlin responded with bewilderment. "We tested that thing many times and we never had any issues until now. It's even well-maintained."

"What about the conditions outside? Magnetic interference?"

"They're all normal before we even did the jump." Marito confirmed.

"Could be a bug." Ackerman thought. "We need technicians on the line immediately."

"Copy that."

As the assessment continued, Flash went to see the ship's captain.

"Sir...we have no communications with STRATCOM." He reported.

"What do you mean?" Ackerman responded with surprise. "You tried laser?"

"Negative...even laser communications, we still don't have contact but..." He began to present to him the screen that showed an unusual anomaly. "We are picking up some unidentified communications. We are running interception to see what they are talking about."

"Affirmative. Keep doing that, I want to make sure we don't run into hostile territory."

"Yes sir."

Outside, Yuki and the operatives waited paitiently for any updates.

"Does an FTL malfunction happen before?" Kaizuka asked curiously. "I mean, a jump like that is quite dangerous."

"A malfunction like that never happened. Besides, scientists are still trying to figure out the effects of such."

"Any probable idea?" Troyard inquired. "There must be something."

"I do have one." She nodded her head. "Ever heard of Star Wars?"

"No, why?"

"It's a classic pop culture icon and if I can recall, there is one scene in which a character by the name of Han Solo mentioned that if the hyperdrive proceedures are messed up or the coordinates are improperly imputted, you might end up close to a star. Hyperdrives work similarly to our FTL drives and, hey, many of our stuff right now are based on pop culture. Dangers, sometimes real."

"I see."

"That reminds me." Kaizuka thought of something. "Recommend we perform CAP around the ship."

"Good idea."

"Yuki, I'll go inside to make a request for CAP."

"Right. Be careful out there, you two." His sister encouraged and the operatives left to see Satler.

The two operatives entered the brigde again to see the captain. "Ma'am, requesting permission to perform CAP within two klicks." Troyard requested.

"Good call, Troyard." Salter agreed. "I'll let the Boss know about this."


"That will be appreciated." Marito uttered which caused the SCAR team to look at him. "Marlin and I managed to find the problem."

"What did you find?" Kaizuka asked.

"A bug, as what the Captain thought." Marlin responded. "We'll have it fixed and we should be on our way back to Earth for you guys to transfer to another ship. This girl might need to rest for now."

"Rog." Salter nodded before attending to her subortdinates. "Let's hit the flight deck, gentlemen."

"Affirmative, ma'am."

(June 11, 0631 hrs.)

After overnight repairs were done to allow her to safely return home, the Reyes made the jump back to Earth.

"Influx in 3, 2, 1!" The ship then exited the jump.

"Whew! Thought we would be goners." Marito sighed.

"Yeah." Marlin responded while doing the same thing. "Hey Cap-" His sentence stopped midway when he found something ahead of the window and Marito did the same. "What the hell!?"

The two went beside the captain.

"Marito, Marlin...were the coordinates properly inputted?" Ackerman asked.


"Then how can you explain that?!" The three continued looking at their familiar home. Instead of what they were expecting, the Moon was shown to be reduced to an appearance that looks like a child ate an apple and debris were found circling the Earth in a ring.

Then, Flash came forward with information. "Sir, we are picking up unidentified transmission! Patching it through!"

The transmission was received. "Attention, unidentified ship. This is the Deucalion of the United Forces of Earth, you are approaching restricted space. State your intentions or we will fire upon you!"

The statement shocked everyone within the bridge. "Shit!" Salter uttered. "United Forces of Earth?!"

"Get me SCARs here now! This is not a drill!" Ackerman ordered and began to turn on all speakers to inform his crew. "All hands, this is not a drill! I repeat, this is NOT a drill! Man your battle stations!"

The alarms were sounded as the Reyes was put on high alert. This caused everyone onboard to prepare for the worst.

"What's going on?" Yuki asked while she, Inaho and Troyard stood up.

"Trouble...I don't like this." Her brother uttered.

A/N: I admit; I can't help but write this fanfiction with an anime series I instantly though of after watching.