
Hey am back with another story so for the people waiting let's get into a love village with are main characters.

Enjoy heh.

"It has been 4 years since then and I always getting stronger" Naruto said with a fake smile

"Also… um it is something I must tell you Come" Naruto said coldly As she Followed him in to the forest of Death and find a den with a mat as Naruto walked in the den.

"Suki am a Half Demon my mom is the Fox known to you guys be is really is kurama.

'Haaa you got jokes bruh for sec i thought you were a half demon" she said Naruto says something under his breath. What was that could i can't hear Suki said with a giggle. I said am a half demon i'll prove it in a fight" Naruto said He then kick her to the ground "Fuck you"she said then a round kick hit her in the face Fox Demon Power Punch and hit her in the face. Her body all bloody she use sharingan and Chidori then with all her might slams into him. Then out of nowhere smoke appears and she hears Fox Demon Bloodlust in an instant he behind her and on instinct naruto heals due to mating season. She turned to see lust in his eyes and she becomes weak by his power so he jumps on like prey and (no lemon sorry but think of it in your dirty mind).

1 week later she has a twins named Sasuke Uzumaki and Boruto Uzumaki they both had black hair just like their mom but Boruto had blue eyes while Sasuke had black eyes and both had fox ears on their hair and a tail. Both naruto and suki were married but the problem was raise them because since he was half demon he went into mating and would had kids in a week so he was in panic.


"DADDDY" voice 1 said

"MOOM" voice 2 said

"Sharingan"voice 3 said

"Fox Demon Fear"voice 4

"Fox Demon Sharingan"voice 5 said

"Run little sis"voice 6 said

"Why" voice 7 said



Next chapter to know who the voice are
