A/N: Harry and Draco sitting in a tree… *cackles insanely*

A/N 2: Cute little random ficlet. Four pages of pure dialogue. *giggles*

A/N 3: I'm on a sugar high. Can you tell?

Sitting in a Tree

"This cannot be good for my hair."

"Your hair is flopping upside-down."

"I knew it couldn't be good."

"You're irritating me. Shut up, Malfoy."

"Why? Irking you is so much fun."

"Not for me."

"That's the point, isn't it?"

"Actually, no."

"So what is?"

"That we're stuck in a bloody tree with no wands!"

"Right. And don't forget the sprained ankle and broken arm."

"Thanks for reminding me."

"No problem, Potter. I'm sure your brain couldn't handle remembering so many things at once."

"How long have we been stuck up here?"

"Two hours."

"Funny, felt like two days. I'm pretty sure I saw the sun go down and come back up while you were talking."



"That wasn't too bad, Potter."

"Gasp. Malfoy. You complimented me."

"Rest assured, I won't make a habit of it."

"I'm sure you won't. I can't believe we're actually talking civilly."

"If this is civil, I'd hate to see what evil is."

"After Voldemort, this is nicer than civil."

"And it's still all your bloody fault."

"Mine? You're the one who crashed your broom into mine!"

"And my Nimbus 2001 is utterly destroyed. Therefore it has to be your fault."

"Not like I'll be flying on that Firebolt again. And what kind of logic is that?"

"Malfoy logic."

"Explains why it didn't make any sense, then."

"I think the blood's rushing to my head."

"That's not all that going to your head."

"No, seriously."

"Malfoy, stop kicking!"

"Potter! I'm serious, my head hurts! I can't hang like this anymore!"

"What do you expect me to do?!"




"All right! Grab my hand."

"Ow! Potter!"

"What? Hey, watch where you're sticking your foot!"

"You watch it!"


"Well, this is certainly a small branch."

"Get your foot off my hand, Malfoy."

"This is just so wrong. I'm practically cuddling up to you."

"Bad mental image."

"You know you want me."

"You know something, Malfoy?"

"Let me guess – I'm full of crap?"

"Yes, you are. But I was actually going to say that I think the branch is breaking."

"You're joking."





"Well, that hurt."

"Get off me, Malfoy."

"Okay, okay. Relax, would you?"

"You're not getting off."

"You have nice eyes."

"… Well, that was totally random."

"Not really. I happen to be all of half an inch away from your face, I can't help but notice your eyes."

"Right. Could you get off me now?"

"Sure, right after -"


"I… thinkI'llleavenow."





"Bloody hell! Malfoy, wait up! Did you just kiss me?!"


A/N: This is why you should never listen to insidious little muses while on a sugar high. Review.