Play: Dearly Beloved - KH 358/2 Days

This is my first attempt at a Kingdom Hearts fanfic. Feel free to criticize, it would help me out.

Here's everything you should know:

I. This is an AU that takes place during 358/2 Days (Ch. 1-14) and Kingdom Hearts 2 (Ch. 15-28).

II. This story will be revolving mainly around my OC, who's identity will be revealed later, but his interaction with other characters from KH will definitely be what shapes the story as it progresses.

III. For this story, I want to focus on the things I love the most about Kingdom Hearts: Story, Combat, and Music. I'm going to do my best to integrate those elements of the games into this story (you may have seen that already).

IV. Spoilers. Spoilers everywhere. You have been warned!

V. Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the Kingdom Hearts series. Everything belongs to Disney and Square Enix.

That's all for the moment. Anything else I need to explain will be addressed later on.

So, shall we begin?

Kingdom Hearts:
The Soldier of Darkness

End: Dearly Beloved - KH 358/2 Days

Play: Sanctuary

Okay. I'm too lazy to write out the entire scene, so here.

Just imagine the Kingdom Hearts 2 opening scene, but the ending is not the same. Instead of Roxas falling from underneath Sora, imagine someone else falling from underneath Riku.

He looks akin to Riku in Dream Drop Distance, but without the Dream Eater logo on his back. His jeans are darker, and the shirt is gray with a green stripe on the side. Also, his hair and eyes are brown, instead of silver and blue.

That's what our main character looks like, as he falls towards the Station of Awakening. He watches as the doves fly off, revealing the platform.

Scene ends. Now we can get started.

For anybody who's curious, he wakes up in the Tram Common area, to the left if you're heading towards the forest. If I refer to someone as "He" or "Him", that's the main character I'm speaking off.

End: Sanctuary

Play: The Afternoon Streets - KH2

He awoke to a hard, stone surface. His arms were spread out to his sides, his head facing left.

" I?" He said as he rose. He seemed to be in a large alley of some sort, and a trolley passed by in front of him.

"What is this place?" He said, looking around him from side to side.

Entered New World: Twilight Town

"This place looks so...familiar." He brought his hand up towards his head.

His memory was a complete blank. He couldn't think of where he came from, what he was doing before he woke up, not even who he was.

He couldn't remember a thing.

"Well," he said, "I better ask around, find out where I am."


He walked off, heading to the right outside of the alley. He found a woman at a store, who smiled at him as he walked up.

"Hi there! Can I help you?"

"Hi, um," He stuttered, "I'm not from around here. Can you tell me what this place is?"

"New here, huh? Well, this is Twilight Town. You can't find any other place quieter than here. I hope you'll enjoy it."

"Twilight Town, huh?" He whispered to himself. The name sounded familiar, but his memory was still blank.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine. Is there anyone else I could find out more from?"

"Well, Seifer should be able to tell you a thing or two, but he's not the most friendly. You can find him in the Sandlot."

He shook his head, "That won't be a problem. Thanks." He turned and walked away.


As he walked, he began to think more. This town, these people, he felt as if he had seen them before. But like before, he couldn't think of when or how.

Maybe this Seifer guy has the answers.

He did find the Sandlot the woman spoke off, where he found a quartet gathered around a board. He approached them quietly.

"Is any one of you Seifer?" He asked, surprising the four.

"Who's asking?" Seifer said, turning around with a threatening look.

"Seifer doesn't take to losers like you, y'know!" The man on Seifer's left said.

"Scram." A girl said. The fourth stayed silent.

He took a step back, "Relax. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just new around here."

"Well go bother somebody else! Maybe those half-pints in the back-alleys."

He looked at Seifer with confusion, "Geez. Don't take so kindly to strangers, do you?"

"Only ones that get in my way!"

"Well in that case, don't let me get in the way of your ego."

He turned and walked off before Seifer could do anything.

Probably not wise to make enemies already. He thought to himself.


Once he entered the alleys, he noticed one boy run into a hidden spot back in an alley. He, getting curious and all, decided it would be nice to follow.

Once he entered, there were three people in the room, two boys and one girl.

One of the two boys, wearing a gray jacket and camo pants, jumped up with fists clenched.

"Are you with Seifer and his crew?"

He took a step back in shock, "Geez whiz, is everybody in town this hostile towards newcomers?"

The other boy stood up, "Relax, Hayner. He looks harmless. My name's Pence, and that's Olette."

"It's nice to meet you." She said, smiling.


"Aren't you going to tell us you're name?" Hayner said a lot more calmer.

He looked down at the ground, "I...can't. You see, I woke up here and my memory is completely blank. I've been going around asking to see if I can find some answers, but so far nothing."

"You don't happen to know a place where I can find something?"

The trio looked at each other, then Pence spoke up. "You can always try the mansion."

"Where's that?"

"In Tram Common, there's a hole in a wall that leads to a forest. Go through there and you'll find it."

"But, nobody has lived there in years." Olette said suddenly.

"I'll take my chances. Thanks." He said, leaving the room.


When he entered the alley, he stopped for a second.

"Nothing so far. How am I ever going to find out what happened if I keep getting sent in circles around town?"

He sighed, "This mansion might be my only chance."

He set off yet again.

Stop: The Afternoon Streets - KH2

After following the way Pence spoke about, finding the mansion easily. Only problem was, there was a massive lock on the gate.

He sighed, "Another dead end."

He started to turn around to walk away.

Play: Tension Rising - KH2

Suddenly, white figures appeared around him in a circle.

"What?!" He said, as they surround him and swayed from side to side.

His right hand started to form a dark glow.

"Huh?" He said, as the dark glow enlarged into the shape of a sword. It was red, with blue areas making the form of a wing. There was a large eye near the handle.

He didn't have time to think before he raised his blade to fight.

Quick note: He has the same battle stances as Dream Drop Distance Riku.

Weapon Obtained: Soul Eater.

Information: Defeat the strange enemies.

He ran forwards towards one, knocking it away with one slash, before taking out another with a quick stab. One moved in from behind, but he turned to smack it away. One by one, they fell.

However, one by one, they would come back. One went down, another would pop right back up.

They kept coming.

He was forced back to the gate, his weapon down at his side from exhaustion. He eventually fell down in defeat, his back against the gate.

One of the creatures was about to attack, so he raised up his weapon to defend himself. His eyes were closed.

Stop: Tension Rising - KH2

The attack never came.

When he reopened his eyes, there was a man in a black coat standing before him. He was considerably taller, with silver hair and a blindfold.

But, he was holding the same weapon.

"Who are you?" He said, raising himself off of the ground.

"I could ask you the same question."

"Well, I don't," He was interrupted by the man grabbing him by the arm and thrown into a dark portal.

He awoke in the same position as before, but this time on a metal floor. There was a massive computer in the corner, a man in red robes at it. The man from in front of the mansion was standing next to him.

"Where are we?" He said, getting the attention of the other two.

"Somewhere secret," Mansion man said, "We've got an important job for you."

"And why should I say yes?"

"Because you're job could very well be the key to saving the world." The man in red spoke.

"How so? I don't even know my own name."

"That's because you don't have one, yet."

"I suppose you both do?"


"You may call me DiZ."

"Okay, Riku and DiZ, what is it that's so important that only I can do?"

DiZ smiled, "You may want to stay seated and listen."

"So, if we don't get Sora's memories back from those two, then he can never wake up?"


"And these 'Nobodies' are the ones that attacked me?"

"Yes, but the Organization will take you in kindly. After all, you are a being of darkness with no heart and no feelings, am I correct?"

He looked down at his his feet, thinking, "How can I not have a heart? Don't you need one just to live? It doesn't seem possible for the darkness in someone's heart to take it's own identity."

"Yeah, I suppose."

"Good, now their leader will return soon. You must hurry to the front of the mansion, or else he will be suspicious."

He hesitated, but he nodded.

"I'll report back as soon as I can."

Then he ran out.

Play: Organization XIII - KH2

He waited for forever, until a dark portal appeared from in front of him.

A man in a dark cloak, the same as Riku's, approached him.

"Would you like to know?" The man said to him.

He nodded.

The man waved his arm in front of him, four gold letter appearing before him.

They spelled out R-I-K-U.

"You feel nothing. Nothing is real."

"I can give you purpose."

He nodded.

The man waved his arm again, and the letters began to spin around him. After a few seconds, he stopped them, a large X appearing between the four letters.

This time, it was spelled differently.












Kirux. His new name.

"Kirux." He said.

"That is right. The new you."

Note: It's pronounced "Kai-rucks". Just clarifying.

Sorry if the ending feels rushed, I wanted to get this out now.

So, leave a review with your thoughts. If you enjoyed, make sure to follow and favorite the story and me if you'd like to check out some of my other works.

Thank you, and have a great day.
