Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters from Stranger Things, Logan, Beauty and the Beast, The Flash, Arrow, Doctor Who, Rogue One, and Power Rangers that appear in this fanfic. This is simply a story I want to tell for fun, and not for gain.


The universe was something to be amazed with. It was almost hard to describe sometimes. One could sum it up as an infinite vortex, a giant library with individually unique books. Others could call it a mind-hurting enigma. And yet it had secrets, answers nobody could ever realize. Whether they were in the stars or the immense vacuum of blackness that drained the life instantly of anyone's lungs, they made it all the more interesting.

Somewhere, there was someone who could see it all. He looked at everything – it was all so jumbled in his vision. He perceived multiple mirror images of a man in a hood, watching over his city. A madman in a blue box that kept shuffling into problems left and right. Teenage magicians defining their destinies at a secret school.

The images started to pour, more and more, into his brain. Children looking for their friend in a small town, unaware of the dark forces close. Love blossoming between a captor and his captive. The aged ronin, out for one last ride. And rebels, filled with hope, on a suicide mission to save the galaxy.

But when he looked at himself, at the environment he resided in, he saw nothing. His palace of a place was cold, miserable, and cursed. He had not known any of these worlds in a multiverse.

But he wanted to.

A bubbling desire to unite them started to form in his mind. Then, like a virus, it took complete hold.

"Yes," he said. "I'll do just that."

Blue energy built from his spine to his white fingertips. He felt it pour out and envelop him. The hope he had just gained helped move it along. After a minute or two, he was now covered in it.

And he had the perfect idea of what to do with it.

Far away, in the other worlds, things began to change. White flashes appeared, left and right, quick as a second.

The madman in the box, and a young woman, evaporated into the white flashes.

The tired and aged man, and the little girl who did not talk much, disappeared.

The masked archer, and a woman of considerable digital skill, followed into the white.

The man as fast as lighting ran into the ball of white. The woman he loved, as virtuous as he was, tagged along by fading into the bright glow.

In the midst of a battle, two of the freedom fighters ascended.

Out in the courtyard of ice and longing, the captive woman and her beast of a captor found themselves transported within a second before they could notice.

Two children, one with a love for Eggos, disappeared into white, to the shock of their friends.

Teenagers imbued with powerful abilities panicked as their bodies were moved away into a white blast.

And young wizards, a spark of hidden love between them, were gone before they even knew it.

The being smiled. Soon, everyone would meet. Some would bond. Some would clash. But it didn't matter. He wouldn't be alone anymore. The pure thrill would make up for it all.
