Chapter 1

Right after his fifth year at Hogwarts School Witchcraft and Wizardry Harry had been beaten pretty badly by his uncle and ran into the woods that bordered Surry, he had collapsed in the deep in the woods. He hoped no one would find him there that he would at least be safe, but after about an hour Harry heard rustling in the bushes to his left then seconds later a giant silver wolf came through the bushes. Harry was terrified as he recognized the wolf as a werewolf but was also confused since the full moon was not for two days.

Harry actually hoped he would die there so he would not have to continue either being abused by his relatives or told by those in the wizarding world that it was his job to get rid of a man who they say is a mad man. The only thing that Voldemort had ever done to him was try to get him out of the way he never actively attacked him. But just as he lay back to let the werewolf do whatever it was going to do, the werewolf shifted into a man with shoulder length silver hair and dark blue eyes that had a gold ring around the pupil.

The man stared at Harry for a few minutes before he spoke, "What is Harry Potter doing out here in the woods alone, and why are you so willing to let a werewolf kill you?"

Harry did not even look at the man as he spoke "What's the point of living when, my relatives are abusive to me, one whole faction of the wizarding world wants me to clean up their mess and fight a man who I don't even know if what the goals I heard are his are even true, and the other faction wants me dead because the other faction wants me to kill them. My so called friends are not even my friends because they are spying on me for Dumbledork. So I ask again what is the point of living when that is all I have to live for?" Harry sighed then said "So if you know my name which faction do you fight for? And don't worry about me getting anyone if you're not on the light side because I don't really care I know I will die by one side or the other."

Fenir was shocked at the confessions that the boy who lived wanted to die because the whole wizarding world wanted him for either killing someone or to be killed by someone else. Fenir finally spoke "I side with Tom, his ideals are not what the others in the wizarding world would have everyone think. He wants to help our world. Some people did not like that and started the war and now Tom is just trying to win so that he can help our world."

"Then get it over with, I am ready to die." Harry said closing his eyes and waiting.

"I am not going to kill you. I think I can give you something to live for." And with that Fenir extracted a promise that Harry would come to that clearing every night and Fenir would try to show him how life can be different if you have someone who cares enough to show you how to live.

After about three weeks Harry confided in Fenir that his magic always felt sluggish to him and that it never worked like he thought it should. That is when Fenir got worried and decided that Harry and him would go to Gringotts bank under glamour until he got in with the Potter account manager.

During the meeting Harry had two tests done one to see what kinds of blocks, spells, and potions could be on him, they found out that Harry had almost all of his magic blocked which made it a wonder that Harry had been able to do any of the things he had done at all. He also had a love potion in his system that was weakened because of him meeting his mate sometime in the last four months, which was keyed to Ginny Weasley. There was also repulsion spells keyed to Severus Snape, and all Slytherin's and the last spell was a loyalty spell to Albus Dumbledore.

Harry was infuriated and then he found an illegal marriage contract between him and Ginny that is when Harry blew a fuse. He asked the goblin in charge if he was legally obligated to go through with the marriage contract since Dumbledore was not his true magical guardian, the Goblin told him that he was not and could in fact null and void it and become emancipated by wizarding law as well as become lord of all three of his houses. That is where Harry got confused because he thought that he was only the hair of the Potter house but the Goblin told him he was the Lord of the ancient and noble house of Potter, Black, and Griffindor.

Harry decided to get emancipated and become he lord of his houses and to null and void the contract. He also decided to let everyone think that he was still unaware of everything and let them hang themselves.

Once it was all said and done, and everything removed from his system Harry and Fenir went back to Surry where Harry turned to Fenir and said "Thank you, for everything. No one has ever cared enough to help me before just because they wanted to." Harry was blushing and looking at his feet but Fenir had other plans.

He gripped Harry's chin with his thumb and pointer finger and pulled his eyes to meet his as he said "I would do anything for you because you are my mate. I only found out two days ago and was going to tell you tonight. I will protect and care for you with everything I have till my last breath." With that he pulled Harry into a chaste kiss before pulling away just enough that their lips separated "So should head home you know how to call me if you need me."

Harry just nodded before pecking Fenir on the lips and heading back to the Dursley's thinking "my home is wherever Fenir is."

Harry spent the remainder of his summer before sixth year with Fenir every night. But soon Hogwarts started again and Harry found out about more and more betrayals and also found an interesting feature on the Mouruders map that if you place you wand on the room that you wish to see what is going on in it then say View it will give you a live feed of what is going on in that room. Harry found out much about what Dumbledore wanted of him and what his so called friends were telling him.

But that was almost a year ago now soon Harry would be graduating from Hogwarts and expected to do so many things that he would not be doing. Things were going to get very interesting in the wizarding world indeed.