A Globetrotter's Guide of the Grand Line

Summary: She doesn't want to be a marine; she doesn't want to be a pirate. All she wants is to travel the world at her own leisure. On the way, she meets some very colorful characters. "Let me guess... 'wrong place, wrong time'?" "Right on the money, sir!" Drabbles with very little romance and a lot of adventure and humor. Rated M.

Unreported Incident
Date Occurred: 16th of May
Location: Canopy Isles

She frowned as her brows knitted.

The town was completely deserted. There were no stales open, no children laughing, no people haggling—there was nothing.

The blonde grew more suspicious of the eyes following her; those intelligent eyes. Walking further into town, the young woman continued to search for any signs of life, but no luck. It was as if everyone disappeared. Houses and stores seemed to be in good condition and from what she could see from the windows everything was still in place. It was obvious that the inhabitants didn't even attempt at packing up anything.

Amethyst eyes sidled over to a porcelain cup still filled with tea.

Her eyes widened as she dodged a swipe at her left, turning and beholding the thing before her.

Was it man or demon? She didn't know. It's limbs were long, it's skin burnt. The smell of smoke was heavy around her throat, burning her insides. It's mouth was sewn but it did not need a mouth, for it's bright yellow eyes spoke of her awaiting demise. Her heart thumped as it smiled, lips cracked, blood dripping from it's lips from the motion. All was quiet before the creature lunged—

—amethyst eyes snapped open, wide with terror as sweat rolled down the side of her face. Her hands were clenching at the bed sheets beneath her, anchoring her to reality. She exhaled, ignoring the tears rolling down her cheeks. Gulping in another puff of air, the woman turned on her side, curling her knees closer to the center of her body, eyes trained on the nightstand. She traced patterns with her eyes on the wood of the table. Before long, her body was begging for her to close her eyes and enter in the realm of sleep once more.

She didn't.