"Welcome back, gentlemen." the man at the tavern was obviously pleased to see them again although Captain James T Kirk of the Starship Enterprise was not pleased to be back. In his gut he knew that this man and Commodore Wayne Tillis' aide, Officer Brent Cullen, were behind Spock going missing the last time they were on this planet. He had no proof but something just did not feel right about the man, men. It was like they had dealt with each other before they met.

"There still have been no reports of your former First Officer, Kirk. I personally thoroughly inspected all the male non-human slaves and none was your officer." there was a look of pleasure on the man's face and Kirk felt sick knowing what he would have meant. "Most of the slave owners I talked with said that Vulcans did not last long as pleasure slaves and were not much use for anything else. There was one male that has been here about three standard years and eight older male Vulcan slaves but they were hardly worth inspecting as they had lost all their will and just submitted to my inspection."

"We are no longer looking for him, we know he is either a part of your society by now or is dead. We left a crew member here to recover after an accident and we need a few items we know you can help us with." Cullen held out a list.

"Go into the bar, I will add anything you drink, or enjoy, to your account. You will find some new attractions."

At the door to the bar Kirk stopped. Three weeks ago he had gone in there while looking for Spock and been repulsed by what they called entertainment. Even this time as they had walked to the tavern he had seen slaves being made to copulate for their masters, other slaves being used by their masters as sex toys. In the bar, on the stage, they were. No, Kirk momentarily closed his eyes. The thought of his friend being treated like that frightened and sickened Kirk. He looked at the Commodore and Cullen looking in the bar and saw how Cullen was smiling while Tillis had the expression of one who had encountered places like this with almost monotonous regularity and was still sickened by it yet knew his role as a representative of the Federation was to accept it.

"I'll go get Officer Winstsone." Kirk was pleased to go to the other area of the city. There were slaves there as well but they were not as openly used and abused as those in and around the tavern. Not naked nor decorated to accentuate their atributes. As he approached the inn the officer was in he felt frustration almost beyond control build up in him. For three weeks he had felt Spock was alive, hurt and deeply confused but alive, and now nothing. Nothing for the past two days. The last time he had felt Spock's mind there had been confusion, an uncertainty about what somebody was doing to him, then there was nothingness. Nothingness and yet Kirk knew he would know if Spock were dead, he just knew he would know that

There was that empty booth in the small café in the hotel Winstsone was at and Kirk ordered one of the rare beers as he waited for Winstone to arrive as had been arranged.. Just three weeks ago he had been in this café, sitting in this booth with Spock and Bones after McCoy had seen to the officer's accommodation and given him strict instructions to rest. They had been discussing having Commodore Tilis and aide aboard and Spock had questioned why there was an aide as there was, to his reasoning, no logical need for the aide and it was highly unlikely the aide would ever captain or even serve on any sort of ship. McCoy had said that he felt the man was looking out for himself and his later years.

"I noted that while the Commodore managed to hide his disapproval of what is done to others Officer Cullen is greatly fascinated by the amount and the forms of gross mistreatment of another sentient species that is allowed in this society. I am sure had we, and in particular Commodore Tillis, not been present he would have been actively taking part in some of the activities. I found it most unsettling."

They had talked on till they were due for beam up and Spock had left to get the Commodore and his aide while Kirk and McCoy had gone to wait at the designated spot for their beam-up. Shortly after he had left Kirk was sure he had sensed Spock was in danger but it passed quickly so he thought it was nothing. It sent a chill down his spine but knew he could not go charging around on a mere feeling.

"You okay there, Jim?" McCoy had noticed how for a moment Kirk had closed his eyes and slightly shook his head, "I know that their beer tastes more of hops than we are used to be it is not that bad."

"It's nothing, Bones. Just a weird feeling that this place is giving me is all." They waited at the beam up site but none of the three turned up. Since it was a hands-off planet Kirk knew they could not get permission for a full search team so he and McCoy went back to the tavern and found the Tillis and Cullen being helped up form the ground by some locals, both in very dishevelled states with Cullen saying they were ambushed by about nine or more and how he tried to protect the Commodore. Spock was nowhere around but there was a small pool of green blood and clear signs of a major fight. They looked around and quickly discovered that thee were no witnesses, or none wanting to talk.

In Sickbay before he went in to see the two McCoy had stopped him, "Indications are that Tillis was knocked unconscious by at least one blow to the head and Cullen has what I would call minor injuries that produce the illusion of great trauma. If I were to bet on this I would say it would have been Tillis protecting Cullen. Neither remembers what happened to Spock."

Tillis sat across the table from him and looked into a cup of coffee for a moment before looking directly at him and Kirk saw the truth as he said, "Mister Spock came and got us and we left. We were walking to the meeting point when ten to a dozen citizens attacked us. All males and they were too strong. We tried to fight but it was like they were prepared. I do not know what happened to Mister Spock let alone to Cullen."

When he had asked Cullen the man had looked at him, "Commodore Tillis and I were in watching the show when Mister Spock came in and said it was time to return to the Enterprise. Him going into such a place focused a lot of attention on him and many there commented. The three of us left the tavern and got about fifty paces from it when we were attacked by about a dozen men clearly after Mister Spock but at the time all I could think of was protecting the Commodore. There were too many of them. The Commodore was knocked unconscious, I was badly badly stunned, and remember seeing about six men tackle Mister Spock, I do not know what happened to him. I was still confused when you and Doctor McCoy arrived."

Nothing seemed right. For three weeks nothing had felt right. The Commodore was battered and bruised and McCoy said there was some concussion but something was wrong.

They were ordered back to the ship and the Cullen went back down and stayed down for two days saying he was searching for Spock and personally delivering what the Commodore waned delivered. For a moment Kirk had thought it odd but he did know of Tillis's insistence of prompt delivery of whatever he said would be delivered.

A well-dressed woman walked in with a Vulcan male about Spock's age on a leash. Although it was obvious through the near transparent garb slaves had to wear in the cafes the man was lean and muscular, the eyes were dead and clearly his spirit was totally broken. The woman walked over to the booth and asked him if he would like services of her slave while she had lunch in a restaurant that did not allow slaves and she was worried as if she left him tied up outside too many might enjoy him and he would be too tired to be of use to her later.

"No." Kirk had tried to be polite but the thought sickened him.

"But just look at and feel his manhood," she quickly grabbed Kirk's hand and put it on the loincloth covering the slave's penis, "it might look like nothing now but he arouses easily."

"No." Kirk pulled his hand away.

"But everybody finds Vulcans, when they are fresh, the best ones to have. They are no good after about four standard years for much other than toilers." Her voice was raised and a few people were looking and nodding in agreement. "This one is still of use, still gives pleasure, but in about another year he will be no good at pleasing me, or anybody else for that matter but should make a good worker. He could please you while I am gone."

"I said no."

"You are an off-worlder. Odd as many if not most off-worlders, both male and female, are the ones who enjoy them the most. It is said that the one that came in fresh three weeks ago is pleasing all who are enjoying it. It was paraded around which beautifully showed us it magnificent lines and assets and we believed we may enjoy him, perhaps even breed from him as he looked like good stock, you could see the fight was still in him, but it is said that he went back off-world with one of the government officials and his off-world friend for their entertainment. It would have been a real money maker for the owner as it clearly was a strong and alert slave."

"What," Kirk fought to control all the emotions he felt welling up inside him as, when she mentioned three weeks, he realized it was most likely Spock, "what did this off-worlder look like?"

"A tall human, solid, rather like a block, lots of brown hair, and he knew how to control and show slaves. Not many off-worlders know how to control and to show slaves that well. That Vulcan had spirit in him but his master was controlling it like a true handler: perfectly. Its master knew how to show not only its spirit but also how to control it while others admired its assets and the reaction it had to touch. Most of us are awaiting its return and only hope it still has that same spirit." A slight frown touched her lips, "With the new law change coming in four years where owning one will be illegal everybody I know wants it as it will, no doubt, be the last Vulcan. This one was one," she gave the leash a tug,"of the last lot to be brought in. No papers means he cannot as all people native to Achimera must have papers to leave and all visitors are known and approved by government officials before they arrive and told of our ways."

Kirk gripped the coffee mug. Three weeks ago. Spock.

"Oh, here's someone who will watch and maybe enjoy him while I go eat. He was here when that other Vulcan was here and seemed to watch him intently."

Kirk saw his officer walk slowly up to the booth, saw him act as though nothing was out of the ordinary when he said he would watch her slave while she ate. As he looked at the man Kirk realized that under the immediate look of a relaxed officer it was clear he had not been resting. To others how he walked possibly seemed very natural and reflected confidence but Kirk saw the telltale signs in his movements that revealed a deep tiredness. A deep tiredness that clearly showed he had not been following medical orders and the stiffness in his movements indicated he was still in pain,

Once the woman was gone Winstone ordered a meal and had totally ignored him and the Vulcan who now sat crouched on the floor beside him. Winstone finally looked at him as it was clear he was aware of how Kirk had been studying him and smiled, "Had a few falls. Too much drinking but I was off the ship, Sir."

Control! Control! Kept screaming in his ears as he watched the officer start to cut the salad. The officer looked sideways at the Vulcan, "If you could end it, would you?"

For a moment the Vulcan just sat stock still then slightly lifted his head, "It would be fast. I could yet live eighty-two point six three years like this. They do not believe in killing slaves which would be more merciful than this life."

Kirk saw the officer nod. "If I give you some raw taktak seeds,"

"Please, oh please, they are painless and it would be over in two point three hours at the most. Please."

For a moment Winstone looked at Kirk, then poured some seeds he had in a small bag onto a piece of salad and, once the Vulcan had nodded, put it in the Vulcan's open mouth as one would a pet. There was almost a look of contentment, of a dream realized, on the Vulcan's face as he ate the seeds. "Thank you." almost furtively the Vulcan gripped Winstone's hand and quickly released it, "You, you are in such extreme deep physical pain."

"It is nothing."

The Vulcan gripped his hand again and looked up at him with such a look of pure gratefulness Kirk almost had to look away, "I have been here three point five eight years and this is the first kindness I have experienced. May you find what you look for in life. If I had the ability to I would take your pain." He released Winstone's hand and looked briefly but steadily at Kirk, "You are Human as well, do not blame him for his actions. Death is preferred. Take care of him. He is in great pain but hiding it from you as," the Vulcan closed his eyes for a moment then looked from Winstone to Kirk in a sort of dawning understanding, "his pain is to do with you, you or something important to you. The deep and extreme pain in him is because of it. He cares so much about others he is hiding so much pain from you and them. He is a most humane Human. Care for him."

The woman came back and patted the Vulcan on the head, "I hope he behaved."

"He did."

"You," the woman looked at Winstone, "saw that other Vulcan slave, the new one about three weeks ago. The one that still had so much inner spirit. You saw him. I saw you watching him, you were almost studying him. Such fine lines. Wasn't he magnificent?"


"Well, we won't keep you from your meal. Come."

As the Vulcan stood to go Kirk saw him give the officer a hand sign Kirk knew only too well and saw him mouth :"Live long and prosper."

Calm, control, calm, control. It was like a chant in his ears as he looked Winstone, "Your room is upstairs?"


Officer Cullen walked in and over to them, "I hope you are now ready to return to the ship, Officer Win,"

Just as Kirk stood his communicator sounded and Kirk noticed it was a secured channel, "Kirk."

"Uhura , Sir."

Cullen was looking at him shaking his head when Winstone moved to stand in a way that moved Cullen slightly further from Kirk and said, "Sir, in reply to your question about,"

Kirk said a silent thanks when Winstone started to explain why he was not ready in a convoluted manner that Kirk knew even Spock would have found difficult to fully understand. Cullen possibly did not even notice how he was being moved by Winstone well out of earshot. .

"What is it, Uhura?"

"I, I ,"

"What Lieutenant?" there was something unsettling in her voice.

"I tapped into a private signal to the Commodore's aide from an unknown on the planet and recorded it. I, I think you should hear it, Sir. I know it is against,"

"Let me hear it."

"Cullen here. The Vulcan, where the hell is the Vulcan? Kirk is here and I don't want it found."

"We lost it."

"You what? I could have made a lot from it and you lost it?"

"We had it secured and so full of drugs that it should not have been able to move."

"Then exactly how did you lose it?" Fury and desperation was clear in the voice. The voice. Kirk closed his eyes as he recognized the voice Cullen's.

"We gave it the drugs as you told us and took it for the long run as you told us to and then gave it some more to make it more docile and cooperative yet also heighten its senses, secured it to one of the poles, secured it good and tight so its feet were just off the ground, and went in for a drink or two and came out to find a few people admiring it and willing to pay to play with it as it hung there. They did not rape it or anything, just liked watching how it reacted to being touched and all. We watched a bit to make sure but they just liked to feel him and watch his flesh move, watch him squirm at their touch. Gave him a bit more Gylonol and Nepol then, check that he was hanging just right, then went in for another beer."

There was laughter, "We went out after that and there were a lot more there wanting turns with it so we tied it with his hands further up, you know, stretching it a bit more to make sure that it reacted better to being touched. They seemed to really like how it was reacting although you could tell it sure didn't and would try to get away from their hands. Was making noises too. We thought of lowering it a bit but when we saw it was reacting better and the people were enjoying it better stretched like he was we left it like that. We watched a bit and when it stared to get a bit restless we gave it some more of both to make sure it wouldn't fuss too much but would still react enough to the touch to be entertaining for people to want to pay to feel him. You will like how much he has made for you. We waited a bit to make sure they were still enjoying it and to see that it was giving them their money's worth and then we went in for a meal and beers, using the money it had earned us. When we came out it was gone. Somebody would have had to carry him but nobody saw anything they thought unusual. Some guy just came out of the bar and carried it away like he was one of us. They did not see where he went.. Said he was decidedly a man who knew how to handle slaves. Just came out, right up to him, cut the ropes like they weren't there, let him fall to the ground, then slung him over his shoulder like he were nothing in weight and walked away. The Vulcan has gone."

"Find it."

"We have looked everywhere, even the rooms over at the fancy place, it isn't in the city. We have been out of the area looking for the past forty-six hours days. There is no sign of it and nobody has seen it. Some say the slave owner may be one from another country as many come here for fresh stock."

"Find it or proof that it is dead."

"Captain, communication ended there. I know I broke."

"Nothing, Uhura, you were doing you duty. Thank you."

"Sir," he heard the concern and disgust in her voice,"could, could he still be alive down there?"

"I don't know."

"Jim," it was McCoy and there was pain in his voice, "If he is somehow still alive he will be in serious trouble if they gave him that much Gylonol and Neopol. Dangerous stuff on full Vulcans and more than thirty mils of that combination a day would kill him without immediate medical treatment and with that hybrid biological makeup of his I don't want to think what they would have done to him. Jim,"

"Understood. Kirk out."

For a moment he sat still. So close. He had been so close. Kirk felt sick to the pit of his stomach thinking what had happened to his friend. A fury started to build in him.

He was dimly aware of Cullen's raised voice and he looked to see the Commodore's aide glaring at Winstone, "Well, go finish packing and be ready to beam up. You have had plenty of time."

"I will be ready shortly, Sir. I just have to rearrange some items I have in a crate in my room to be beamed aboard."

"No contraband? You know there are something on various planets not allowed on,"

Winstone pulled out an official receipt showing the crate had been checked. Kirk looked at it after Cullen had been quiet long enough to read it. Such a meticulous list would have pleased the authorities, even the most inexpensive and commonest of items, like twiddle sticks and worry beads, was listed. Kirk wondered if there was anybody aboard the Enterprise he had forgotten.

There was no doubting the surprise on Cullen's face when he looked at him then at Winstone, "You are taking one hundred and ninety-six kilograms of assorted gifts back?"

"I was stuck here by order of Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy and I had a lot of time to fill in. There are a lot of people to remember. Had time to get the right one for each one. I was late meeting the Captain as I needed to figure how to put in the last item." As Winstone reached out to take the authorization back from Kirk he gripped it in a way that made Kirk look at it again and saw the official stamp showing it had been officially checked and did not need to be scanned and gave him a sly smile, "As the Captain knows, not everybody would appreciate twiddle sticks or worry beads, things that are unusual. Special things for special people, you know. I still need to finish."

"The Captain and I will beam up first. How much longer would you need."

This time there was no mistaking that Winstone was looking right at him, "To finish cleaning and packing the last item I would like one standard hour. Could I ask the Captain to check with Doctor McCoy if I could have some plomak soup arranged for my arrival? I have heard of its medicinal properties and would like to try it."

Kirk was not sure, at that moment, who he was most disgusted with but noticed a strange look about Winstone's eyes, a look he could not quite understand as it both reassured him but also caused him a sense of unease.

"If Doctor McCoy thinks it will help in your recovery Captain Kirk will see you get it."

"Will both of you meet me in the Transporter Room?"

"Captain Kirk will, I have more urgent matters to attend to."

"Captain Kirk," still trying to control himself Kirk turned and looked at the Winstone, noticing for the first time he looked worse than when he had been brought to this hell hole, "please also tell Doctor McCoy I recovered."

"You have recovered."

"No," it was slightly emphatic but the Commodore just looked at the two of them in annoyance. "Please just tell him I recovered."


As they walked away the Cullen shook his head and half-chuckled, "A most unusual officer, Kirk. So considerate, thinking of the crew like that. It will be interesting to find out which of those items was for you."

Kirk hardly acknowledged the officers in the Transporter Room and went straight to his quarters and brought up the file on Vern Winstsone. Recovery specialist. Been on the ship since Pike, reason for extended leave to rest and ensure there was no physical exertion, just medically mandated rest.


McCoy walked in and handed him a Brandy, "Rough day at the office?"

"I feel I am still in a nightmare. You heard the call, thoughts?"

"You know without proof there are endless ways he can deny it and it would ruin Uhura's future."

"That's bad enough and on top of that I am fairly certain Officer Winstsone failed to follow your orders about resting. He was seen watching Spock being paraded as a slave and he looked like he had been active in outdoor pursuits although he claims he drank and fell.."

Kirk finished the coffee and paced, "Dammit Bones, he was alive and there three weeks ago with Officer Cullen . Officer Winstsone saw him."

"Saw him with the Commodore's aide ? Are you sure?"

"No, Officer Winstsone has said nothing about Spock to me but a lady there saw a man matching Officer Cullen showing Spock as his slave three weeks ago."

"Oh my gawd," lightly he touched his friend's sleeve, "If he was shown as a slave he,"

"I know, once a person is declared a slave they are there for life. All cargo leaving has to be checked. And all people leaving have to have proof they are free individuals, even the citizens have to have papers in order to leave and slaves do not have papers."

"Jim, like I said if they gave him that much Gylonol and Neopol he would be dead without immediate and professional medical aid and constant medical care for however long it took to get out of his system. Had to do a special course on treating Vulcans for both of them. An extremely messy initial treatment and during the withdrawal they often can get extremely physically aggressive, often lashing out at those treating them. If Vulcans and those along the same lines with copper-based blood are given small and regular doses of the two drugs then they are usually docile and obedient."

"Oh," Kirk turned and half-smiled, "Are you ready for this, Officer Winstsone wants to try plomak soup. Time down there did nothing for him. Even had to beam up after us as he had not finished packing and you should have seen the list of things he packed."

"Where are you off to?"

"He should be beaming aboard in three standard minutes and I want to be there as he as a lot of questions to answer."

In the turbolift McCoy looked at his friend and Captain, "Odd thing to ask for, how did he seem?"

"He did not look like he had rested and he helped a Vulcan slave to commit suicide."

'What? How? That does not sound like the Vern Winstone I know.


"Raw taktak seeds."

"Did the slave know?"

"Yes, but"

"Now that sounds like Vern, Just think, Jim. What if it had been Spock, Jim? What if somebody had come across Spock and the only things he knew were to obey and that being a slave was going to be his life? All those years ahead as a thing, of being a slave, of being aware of what was being done to him but not wanting to resist or knowing how to resist. All that made him who and what he was the drugs took away and left a body to be used. No, what he did was a kindness."

As they arrived in the Transported Room and walked over to the controls Kirk looked at his friend, "But he still has a lot to answer for and I will get those answers. Oh, he said to tell you he recovered"

"Energizing now."

The form of a man leaning slumped on a crate flickered and solidified.

"Home. Home. Home. Home. Home." Winstone was rambling. Kirk looked at McCoy, his proof that Winstone was mad and yet there was that nagging feeling that Winstone had been trying to tell him something, something important.

Bones started to run forward but Kirk grabbed him. "Scan that crate!"


"Scan that crate."

"Fabric, alcohol, assorted small items," the officer checking the list cleared to be beamed up was nodding as Scotty stated what he saw in the scan, "cosmetics, shoes, some antique tools I'd asked the lad to look for, and, and," there was a surprised excitement in Scotty's voice and Kirk half turned to look at him and saw the man shake his head, "Nay, it canna be,"


A/N Only this and the next chapter are overly graphic and then it is more about relationships/friendships and exposing the truth. Thanks for reading.