Artificial Human Izuku

Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia

Chapter 1: Don't Worry, I Am Here

Darkness, total darkness covered everything, everything but a single light.

A computer screen, the screen changed and so did the light to either brighten the room or make it darker.

Clicks could be heard as fingers dashed over a keyboard and pressing each letter as the screen continued to change.

The figure at the computer had hair framing their face before turning their head to a smaller sleeping figure. He turned back to the computer as he searched and searched, looking for something.

"This." The masculine voice stated deeply. "Is all for your sake."

He didn't stay too long on one page before moving onto the next.

"Too old, too big, too beat up, dead, lost limbs."

Screen after screen, page after page. He searched and searched.

There were too many and the fact it lacked a more defined search feature made it all the more painstaking long.

He didn't even spend more than a second on the pages, pages of people of various ages, genders and more importantly quirks.

A child's words rang through his head as he searched. "Can…I have a little brother?" an innocent voice resounded in his mind.

Hearing it the first time, he was quite surprised. This was the first time he showed any signs of want. More specifically, want for another.

He decided to comply with the wishes of the child. After all, this was all for his sake.

He wanted a younger brother; the first thing he wanted was another person. He'll grant that wish.

His searching however was now limited.

But still, he took all the others into consideration. They might prove to be useful.

…Especially with what his current work.

So he decided to add the two together.

Two birds with one stone.

The screen stopped. This time, he stayed on the page.

It was newly updated to boot.

"Younger than him…quirk status…acceptable." He rose from his chair as the monitor cut to black.

Near silent footsteps walked past the sleeping figure and left through the door. He continued walking by tubes filled to the brim of green liquid.

And then, once he stepped foot outside.

He vanished.

Rain fell heavily as a young child, no older than four curled up in his bed with sheets covering his body.

A tuff of black hair with green highlights, enough to label his has having green hair, stuck out before diving deeper within the sheets.

Sheets that were soon stained with tears as small noises might have been heard if one was close enough.

The crying child could hear clearly through the door that was cracked open just enough for him to hear.

"Quirkless?" his father asked.

He could only picture his mother nodding with tears.

He heard nothing else.

He could only imagine.

It had been about a week since his diagnostic about his quirk status.

Quirkless, a rare phenomenon in today's society which pretty much meant…you were worthless.

Maybe back in the day when quirks were first coming out, maybe quirkless status would have been seen in good light…but now…it was all about quirks.

Even though there were laws about using quirks in public, people still used them.

There were two people who did so.

They were Heroes and their polar opposite, Villains.

Villains, those who would use their quirks to harm others and commit crimes and widely regarded as the scum of society…yet oddly enough, still held higher than those without quirks.

Heroes unlike villains, where those who use their quirks to help the innocent from not only villains, but natural disasters and other threats that could cause harm. However in order to be a hero, you must have a quirk.

It was clear as day to what society has degraded too.

Quirks, superpowers, to kill or to protect!

If you didn't have a quirk, you were practically shunned.

His head shifted so that a single eye could see out of the blankets. His parents had already moved, their conversation kept going despite him not being able to hear them.

He could only imagine what they were talking about.

…Probably about him being worthless.

The mind of a child was a fragile one, one that needed to be taken with care.

If you weren't careful with a child's mind…then who knows what may happen to the child's state of mind.

A child was innocent to the world. They were heavily susceptible to the words of others around them.

They were impressionable.

And to the wrong people…that was clearly a bad thing.

Lightning hit the ground outside of the apartment complex. He saw the flash of light…and on the wall…he could have sworn…he saw a figure.

A second…that all it took.

A second to turn his life from bad to worse!

First finding out that he was quirkless, never being able to be a hero. Then, the bullying due to his quirkless nature, those who once treated him as human stopped when his quirkless status was revealed.

Their teacher didn't seem to care in the slightest.

And finally, the day his father finally got back from a business trip. He lost both his parents, home, and useless possessions.

He was alone…

The storm…was it a storm or a villain? Whatever happened, he lost everything.

He heard footsteps as he leaned against a piece of broken rubble. He couldn't move. It was a miracle he survived.

He tried looking for his parents…only to find them…buried under heavy debris…without any intention of moving ever again.

Where were the heroes?

Weren't they supposed to help in these situations?

This…this was clearly…

…a disaster!

He heard footsteps approaching him as he looked up. He didn't know how long it been, but the rain kept pouring regardless. It was heavier.

The man crisp black suit with short hair from what he could tell…and then, he spoke.

"Nobody…came to save you, huh?" he asked as he approached the child. "It must have hurt…Izuku Midoriya."

"The heroes will or before long the heroes will…everyone said things like that, but they all ignored you, didn't they? Even the heroes themselves…how exactly did the world end up like this? Who made it this way?" he held out his hand, invitingly. "It's okay now, don't worry, I'm here."

And then, little Izuku, held out his hand as the world went black.

"…" he gazed up at the ceiling above him. He had awoken not that long ago…but…the memories barraged his mind like AT guns.

"I see your awake." His saviour said. "We have much to talk about, young Midoriya…"

He lifeless gazed at the man before springing up. "Where's my mum? Where's my dad?" he asked. "Are they okay?"

"…You know the answer to that yourself, young Midoriya." He said. "No matter how much you want to deny it…your parents…passed away last night."

Tears threatened to fall and fall they did.

The man had moved to the side as he threw his arm around the child. "I know what its like to lose people close to you." He brought up. "But that is for another time. Do you wish to learn…how your parents' lives came to an end?"

"Was…was it a villain?" he asked.

"No." he said. "Not just a villain, but a hero!"

The child stared with wide eyes, unable to form words. "A hero was fighting a villain…and he took the chance to take the villain out…by sacrificing the lives of not only you but your parents." He patted the child as he continued. "A hero took your parent's lives away, a hero did this."

The child could only cry as the man stood.

"I will be back shortly…with an offer."

He had been locked away for a day as the man returned.

"Midoriya?" he asked as he entered.

The child's eyes were lifeless, devoid of anything.

"Remember my offer from yesterday?"

The child nodded as he wore clean new clothes, a recently empty bowl set to the side.

In but two days, this man treated him more kindly then his preschool teachers and classmates did in a week after hearing that he was quirkless.

"Before I offer…there is something I need to tell you…"

"W-What's that?"

"You…are labelled dead to the world."

"H-Huh?" the child blinked. He couldn't believe his ears.

"I apologize."

"But, but I'm alive."

"You are." The man confirmed. "But, Izuku Midoriya is dead."

The child looked down as he continued. "However, Izuku Shigaraki is still alive."

Izuku's head snapped back up. Words failing to come out of his mouth, and if they did, he could have been called a rap god.

"I have a…child not that older than you, a few years in age." He started. "His name is Tomura Shigaraki."

"Are…are you?"

"Yes, Midoriya…no, Izuku. I am offering you a new home and family." He held out his hand again. "And a chance…to make this world right again. So…would you join this family of outcasts as the younger brother to Tomura?"

He expected anything from the child, more of an immediate yes. Not tears.

"Why…are you so nice to me?" he asked with tears pouring down his face. "So nice when others were not."

"Because, I understand." He said. "You don't need a reason to be kind to others. So, would you join us?"

"Y-Yes, Mr Shigaraki." He placed his small fragile hand into the bigger one.

"Oh, my name isn't Shigaraki."

"Then what do I call you?"

"Call me…Sensei."

Sensei was watching the events unfold. Shigaraki and Midoriya got along swimmingly.

He could tell from both kids, that they both hated heroes.

At how helpless they could be, at how they put their lives in risk.

"Sensei…who is he?" young Shigaraki asked, his messy grey hair getting in the way of his red eyes. Izuku could see the small scar on the left side of his lip.

"This was Izuku Midoriya but now he is Izuku Shigaraki."

"Shigaraki?" the other young child asked, tilting his head.

"Was I mistaken? I thought you wanted a younger brother?" with those words, Shigaraki's eyes lightened up.

"Brother?" he could hear the tone Tomura's voice was carrying. All he did was nod at the one worded question.

"Yes, brother." He repeated. "I hope you'll get along…he's been through…some trouble with heroes."

He started walking away, back to his 'study'. "Now, I will let you to get along."

With that, Tomura and Izuku had taking a liking to each other.

Shigaraki, the one who was ignored by heroes when he needed them most and Midoriya, the one who's life was destroyed by selfish heroes.

And then, young Izuku brought up the fact he was quirkless…and how that, meant worthless in today's society.

That was when he saw the look in Tomura's eyes. The eyes of not only rage at society and heroes, but also…protectiveness.

This was new.

But…it did fuel young Tomura with the desire to topple society.

And that was all that matters.

Once again, clicking could be heard as Sensei typed at his computer, albeit slower than before.

Honestly, he was searching for people for his…work.

He was looking for someone…specific.

So he decided to kill two birds with one stone.

He stood as he heard crying while walking past the previous tubes filled with green liquid…and more.

Forms, well…more like deforms.

He continued past till he reached the crying of the child.

Kneeling down, he placed a hand on the child who was brought to the land of destruction, death and evil known as reality.

"Don't worry." He comforted the child. "I am here."