As I lay in my bed not wanting to get up, i kept telling my bladder which by the way was incredibly full, just a few more minutes sleep please my head was pounding.

I was trying to remember last night, oh boy, it must of been really good or really bad night, I think I drank my weight in alcholol. Last night was Derek's 40th birthday, he had been so down lately. I had got my head together with the rest of the team and we decided to do a little something just for him.

We went to our favourite bar Ted's.

Ted was a great guy his service was always great,food was yummy too so it was definitely going to be a good night but what did happen last night, I wish I knew.

Alright Alright I told my bladder as kicked my legs in order to remove my duvet. I'm going,I'm going.

I rolled over to get out of bed, which was up against the wall as I rolled with my eyes still shut trying to get those few extra seconds of sleep, i rolled into someone...

my eyes shot open I was not used to sharing my bed the last person to sleep in my bed was Kevin and we had been separated for over a year now.

As a lay there staring at the person next to me my bladder now shouting at me.

I jumped up ran to the bathroom as the person next to me said...