"Good morning Zootopia, Cameron Cotton here to tell you that the trial for the "Butcher of Zootopia" will be happening today at 5 PM. Nearly 3 weeks after being caught, the police and DA have all the evidence they will need for his trial. From what we have gathered, the police believe this to be a very open/shut case that shouldn't take more than a week, maybe two," the cameramammal panned over to the front of the courthouse where barricades and a mass of mammals stood with signs, calling out for Michael's blood.

"That bastard killed my best friend's brother!" cried one of the bystanders as he tried to push past some of the cops.

"As you can see, this will be a huge hot button topic concerning Michael Yellowtail. Members of the victims' families that wanted to be there during the process have been let inside and are waiting for the trial to start," continued Cameron as he turned back to the courthouse, "Our sources say that Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps of the ZPD will be there as well since they were the ones investigating the scenes. This is all I have at the moment. This is Cameron Cotton, back to you studio."

The Hopps house's main living room was full as the entirety of the family sat around the televisions stationed around the massive room. Bonnie, Stu and Gideon sat at the main one as they watched with anxiety.

"I…I…I…hope the trial goes well. I don't know how Judy will handle it, but she is ah…a strong bunny. Ever since she stood up to me as a kit…" Gideon tensed up a bit as he said this, worried that reminding Mr. and Mrs. H would get them upset from his past actions.

"Judy will be fine. She might not be during the whole trial, but she will bounce back like she always has. She is putting a dangerous psycho behind bars. She will be happy afterwards knowing she would be saving many lives by stopping his rampage," answered Bonnie, looking over at the slightly chunky fox.

"I…I...didn't get to see her when she was here a few days ago… how is she d… doin?" asked Gideon in his nervous lazy drawl, his eyes nervously meeting their eyes.

"Judy was a bit shaken up when she got back from the clinic. She was a little quiet for the rest of the day and the next too. Then she seemed to perk back up rather oddly on the day she left. Nick must have said something that caused her to hug him rather excitedly when the train began to leave," replied Stu as he held his paw to his chin and recalled the past few days.

"Well, all we can do is hope for the best from this nerve racking trial," Bonnie said, shifting in her spot on the couch as a couple little ones climbed into her lap for snuggles.

"Judy, are you ready?" called out the familiar red fox as he put on his best outfit for today's special occasion.

"I… I think?" called back the doe as she entered the room with a very professional dress. Her stomach heavy as it's been quite a few days since Bunnyburrow. "I'm scared, nervous, and strangely excited to see Michael again… To see him brought to justice for all those horrible crimes." Judy was far along that she now had to start arch her back just a bit to balance out herself.

"I bet." Finishing his tie and straightening his jacket, he walked over to Judy and placed a paw on her stomach and kissed her forehead. Looking deep into her eyes he took a deep breath before speaking once more. "I know this isn't the best time to do this, but to show how much I support you and how beautiful you are to me and the fact that I just got this from my mother just last night.," Nick pulls something from his back pocket just as he drops to one knee. "Judy Laverne Hopps," Her eyes widened as he opened a black box to reveal a gold ring with a bright blue diamond on the top, "Will you make me the happiest fox in the world and marry me?"

"Yes! Yes Nick!" Was all she exclaimed as she threw herself onto the fox and hugged him and kissed him over and over. Tears flowing down her face as Nick caught her and returned each kiss with his own and each hug with one just as strong but mindful of her condition. They continued kissing and hugging each other for what seemed like minutes until they finally stood back as Nick gently grasped her paw into his and turned to the door.

"Let's finish this nightmare once and for all, as partners, as lovers, as mates…"

Under the watchful eyes of the ZPD, Michael changed from his prison outfit to a suit and tie provided to him by the ZPD for his trial today. His mind wandered aimlessly while thinking of all the possible ways it would end. Wondering what caused the trial to be postponed. It was supposed to be over a week ago or so as he requested, but it was delayed. "Doesn't really matter though does it," he thought as he was just simply waiting for this day for a long time.

"You got five more minutes Yellowtail!" ordered a rhino as he checked his watch.

Hearing this caused the rabbit to pick up his pace as he finished buttoning up his shirt and straightening his tie and jacket a bit more. With his one good eye he looked down at his paws and saw he was shaking lightly but rapidly. He was excited, excited to see what the world thought of him. What Judy thought of him, what that damned fox thought of him. To see the look on their faces will bring him as much comfort as getting back at those damned predators and their damned prejudices against him, against bunnies and against Judy. His scars itched and tingled with pain from that night so long ago. His memory bringing back those feelings of terror, pain and suffering. But soon, those will no longer fill his body. His body will almost certainly be filled with pride, bravery and most of all, excitement.

"I'm ready," was all he said as he turned to face his watcher. His bandages changed and cleaned for today. His body shivered as a strange feeling crawled its way down his spine as he took a step towards the door. Once there, another officer entered the room and cuffed both his paws and feet so that he was lightly restrained to prevent escape or harm to others. Once he was firmly chained and guarded, he began his walk down the hallway of the ZPD cells. Everyone's eyes were on this rabbit as he passed police, cells and other criminals being brought in.

Even with only one ear he could hear them. From respect, fear, disgust and everything in between from all those who commented. He didn't quite understand why he would get respect but then again most of these "hardcore killers" barely even managed to keep everyone on edge as they stayed in here. He didn't care at all to be honest as he could see the light of day when they brought him out through a side door where multiple officers in riot gear stood to help get him into an armored truck. The light shined from the end of an underground parking garage and soon it was snuffed out of view as he was shoved into the truck with a few wolves to guard him during the drive.

His ear twitching and moving this way and that way as he listened to what he could through the metal plating of this transport truck.

"Alright, Michael is on the truck, everyone, get in your vehicles and get him to the courthouse as soon as possible. We're three minutes behind schedule so move your asses!" he recognized the voice as Bogo's.

After a few minutes did the truck and presumably an escort of a few cars began to move. The drive was long, bumpy, quiet and worst of all, boring for the rabbit as he stared down at the floor of the truck. After nearly 20 minutes did they stop finally with the back door opening up to reveal a few officers. "Helping" him out of the truck, he was quickly escorted once again from an underground garage to an elevator.

The silence of the elevator ride was only broken by the boring, classical music typical with elevators. His eye shifted from the officers surrounding him as they too watched him carefully. Two wolves, one rhino and a tiger, four mammals for this dangerous bunny. He chuckled as he realized why they would have so many escorting him. He managed to even kill a bear by himself. No simple feat for a murderer, even more so for a rabbit. "That was a very long weekend." he thought as he had to spend an entire night just to move him.

"Keep quiet Yellowtail," snarled a wolf.

"What ever," scoffed Michael as he waited for the elevator to stop.

After a few more seconds did the elevator stop. Michael could hear the commotion before the doors even opened. Once they did, he could see the hallway had a few special reporters and cameras, hand picked by the ZPD for their professionalism and safety reasons. Officers stood nearby as Michael was escorted down the hallway. The side door to the main courtroom was at the other end. He could see it and his heart began to race and pound with each step. His head began to swim as the hall tilted this way and that way.

What seemed like just a few seconds in this strange rotating was soon broken as the doors opened to show a room filled with mammals of all kinds. Officers to maintain order, artists to sketch important parts of the trial, relatives to some of his victims. His eye scanned the room thoroughly until they fell upon a familiar rabbit sitting near the front. He locked eyes with her and smiled before stepping forward. He was guided quickly to his chair and table. Sitting alone and quietly he looked at the bare emptiness of his table. He had nothing but the clothes on his back for this case. His grin grew wider as he absorbed this into him.

A few minutes passed by as the prosecutors and other unimportant mammals came in. Michael's foot was tapping rapidly as he wanted to get a move on with this. It wasn't long before the bailiff introduced the judge.

"Everyone stand for the honorable Judge Watorloo!" said an elephant with a voice that was heard by all but without being rude or demanding. Michael stood up with everyone as an antelope entered the room and made his way over to his seat. He sat down and asked for everyone to be seated.

"Alright, we will now be hearing the case of Zootopia vs Michael Yellowtail on multiple counts of murder, kidnapping and sexual assault. Will the defendant rise?" demanded the judge as he looked over the crowd and his notes for the trial. Michael stood up for "his honor".

"Michael Yellowtail, you are being charged with the murder of 14 mammals, 15 counts of kidnapping and 1 count of sexual assault. How do you plead?" the stern gaze of the crowd, officers, jury, judge and everyone else did nothing to affect the rabbit as he stared down at his paws.

With his eye closed and a big calm smile, he looked up at the judge his head slightly tilted to the right with a look of blissful happiness. With a deep breathe and spoke up so all could hear him. "Guilty!"

The crowd was taken aback by how forward and accepting Michael was of his crimes and his disturbing smile. No one could have seen this happening. Even the judge stuttered a bit as he glanced over his notes real fast before speaking back up.

"Well… alright… ok… Due the severeness of your crimes against the citizens of Zootopia, I have no choice but to dish out the greatest punishment bestowed upon me. Michael Yellowtail, you are hereby sentenced to death by injection!" the antelope stated with authority before using his gavel to tap the wooden anvil on his podium.

"Good, Kolwaski!" said a voice from a small swiveling chair. His attention focused on the live broadcast of the case.

"Yes Mr. Big?" asked a massive polar bear as he came into the room.

"Schedule his execution for next friday, before the dinner reservations at Le Hungry Rodent. I'd like to have a show before my dinner," said the shrew with a voice of undiluted joy as his. "Also send an invitation for the "show" to both Nick and Judy."

(((Author's notes)))

Oh my oh my it's been a while hasn't... . sorry about that, hopefully the next update wont take any where near as long as this one
Cameron Cottontail is a cameo of one of ZNN's rabbits Mordecool1039 who has also made the amazing story Smooth Operator!

Thank you again for those who have stayed with this story for so long, awaiting the conclusion to the madness this long story.

I can't thank you all enough and have a wonderful day.