AN: I was going through my documents last night and came across a story that I wrote in… DRUM ROLL:

AUGUST 2015! (I kinda found a lot of started stories lol)

So instead of trashing them, I'll post them for my lovelies. I PROMISE my life settles after this Friday. I'll get back to updating ASPA. In the meantime. What do you think of this 2015 Polhop story?


"Oh shit!" Derek looked down at his naked body. What the hell did I do last night?

His heart started to race as sweat formed on his brow. With all his might, he tried to recall the events that lead him to where he was right now - laying in his bed, naked with his equally naked best friend.

Fuck! I can't believe I did this!

He looked over at Penelope who was lying on her stomach, with her head under the pillow. Her back was uncovered, his station sheet, just barely covering her rounded ass. Flooded with memories he stared at her. She was marked everywhere. Marks and scratches, marred her body, he could even see a trail of bite marks leading past where the sheet covered her ass.

He'd worshiped her last night. Praising the gods- for creating a creature with an ass like hers.

He felt his body start to awake and he felt instant regret.

No! This was not right!

Best friends don't sleep with each other. Best friends don't kiss so fiercely that the breath is knocked out of you. Best friends don't see each other naked, and taste their hidden pleasures.

Holy fuck what did I do? he thought to himself. Okay, I have a couple of options here, I can turn over and bring her body closer to mine and hope for the best when she wakes up. He looked back down at her body contemplating that option. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. No I can't do that. I'm not ready to admit my feelings to her yet. That could ruin everything we have. But then again so could this. Fuck! Okay, get it together, Morgan. You love her, yes, but there is no way in hell this is going to end well. I can't admit I love her. No, not yet. Not after sleeping with her, not like this.

He started to slowly get out of bed when he heard Penelope stir. Her movement caused the sheet to fall completely from her, leaving her back completely bare.

That's it! He needed to get out of there before he did something stupid.

Like sleep with her again.

But now that he knew he needed to get out of there, that lead him to a bigger dilemma. How was he going to leave his own house?

Quickly but quietly he donned his workout clothes jotted a note and left it on his side of the bed and bolted to the FBI gym.

He'd stay there all day if he had to.


Penelope woke a little groggy and sore. Stretching above her she realized, places in her body that were not normally sore, ached. Opening her eyes, she realized she was not in her bed. Not only that, she became aware she was very naked. Reaching for her glasses she placed donned them, only to be hit with the realization of her whereabouts.

Dread washed through her as she pulled her knees up to her chest and tried to piece together the events of last night.

"I love you and will always love you, Baby Girl."

Derek's voiced echoed in her thoughts.

That's right!

After a few drinks at Joe's Penelope finally started to loosen up and started dancing rather provocative with a stranger. She remembered Derek glaring at her. He ended up pulling her out of the bar explaining to her who she belonged to. And that she knew damn well no man would ever touch her but him.

She remembered he'd slurred his words, but it was spoken with such fire and rage she couldn't help but believe him.

Obviously, she'd been wrong. Derek didn't even stay the morning after in his own home.

Oh, god, Garcia what in the frack did you do? She felt the panic rise inside her. You should have put him in a cab and sent him home. However, the few drinks she had also consumed had made the "better judgment" part of her brain take a vacation.. Looking around again, she did her best to hold back her tears. Clearly, he didn't mean it when he said he loved you last night.

"I love you and I'll always love you, Baby Girl."

The tears she was holding back finally escaped. When she'd told him last night she was in love with him, she'd meant ever word. She foolishly meant she wanted a life with him and only him. He clearly didn't feel the same way.

Mustering up all her courage she turned to the opposite side of the bed. To her surprises there was a piece of paper.

Her heart soared. He left a note, she thought, before picking it up. That's good, right?

Her heart quickly plummeted when she read the two words scribbled in hurried handwriting

I'm sorry.

Before she could process her next step, her phone rang. Maybe it was Derek calling to say he was on his way back. Everything was going to be okay.

Glancing at the phone, her heart fell the to the floor once again.

"Hello, Director. What can I help you with?"

AN: so what do you think of this 2015 Polhop story? LOL. I have a few chapters of this done and ready. I've got some things to work on now but I'll try and get chapter two up tonight or tomorrow morning :) HAHHA 2015 Polhop Story!