Can't Get You Out Of My Head

by Arsenic Kiss

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling

Author's Note: My second poem! Hannah gave me the inspiration, and I just kind of...wrote away! Ron is wonderful to write about....I hope I got him right. Give me some feedback, I think I'm starting to get into this fanfiction thing!


I just kinda sit here.

With a blank look on my face, my eyes all glazed over, drool slopping down my chin...

Well, I can't see my face.

But I reckon that's what it looks like.

And then...


she's THERE.

Poofy hair and that huge grin on her face as if she'd just slept with Dumbledore and found out that she didn't have to take any exams for the rest of her life....

No wait. That's my fantasy.


She's just there, ya know?

And Trelawney is just kinda giving me this evil look.

So I gotta think about something else,


So I kinda think about what to think about.

Which doesn't really work, because in my case

I can't think about thinking about something...

or they just cancel each other out.

And when they cancel each other out,

you're not THINKING anymore.

I bet Hermione never has that problem...


Damn, she's there again!

Hermione, I like you and all...

But Trelawney is getting on my case.

So I just kinda push her out of the way.

She resists.

I SHOVE her out of the way.

Okay, that worked.

I've decided to think about


I don't think about monkeys too often, but when I do, it reminds me of

This one time when George decided he wanted a pet monkey.

To be all exotic and everything.

But when he bought it, it went into heat like two days later.

And kept trying to shag his leg. It was bloody funny, but then when Hermione came for the weekend...

HELL, she's here again!

I just can't get that girl out of my mind.

So now I'm drooling again.

And Trelawney gives me the evil eye.

So I really try and focus.

C'mon, Ron, you can do this....




(I shudder)




.....Celestina Warbeck...

Mmm, mmm, mm.

Come to papa, baby..


That doesn't help! Now I'm just drooling again!


Ever since I made the House Team, Hermione's been to all of my games...

She digs me.


There's no use.

Luckily, the bell just rang.

I get my stuff.

Walk out the door.

I see her down the corridor, just getting out of Arithmancy.

Yes, Hermione.

MY Hermione.

She smiles.

I grin, wave sheepishly.

I think I love that girl.