yo! sorry for the late update. here we go.


percy was reaching his limit, ther was only so much that he could take. For the past hour his mother has been recalling every single baby memory she had about him. Thats it he thought, if he had to listen to one more story about how cute he looked in a bath, he would jump of this damn train.

annabeth seemed to be enjoying his discomfort, if the smirks she gave him were any thing to go by. "mom! enough" he finally says. his mothers face dropped and for a moment he felt guilty, but he knew she needed to hear it. "how can you be so sure? what if he dosent like me? what if he decided that he never wants to see me again? what if.." "mom" percy says incredulously "are you even listing to your self", he looks at annabeth silently pleading her to help him, she understood.

"sally" she says placing a hand on her shoulder "he will like you, he is your nephew, how could he not? and if he did not want to meet to meet you he would never had sent you his address nor would he have arranged for some one to meet us at the station. relax" mom takes a deep breath "i know..i just" percy takes her hand and says "i know, but you have to relax, you are the best person in the world, he will like you."


an hour later we were pulling up at Ottery St catchpole station. it was a small town, Harry letter told us to look for a red head, percy cranes he neck hoping to catch a glimpse of red head, and he sees one standin near the end. slowly they walk toward the man, he was a middle aged man, with quite a lot of freckles. "hello, you must be Sabrina harrys aunt, i am Arthur, Arthur weasley" he says offering his hand to mom, she shakes it "nice to meet you, please call me sally, this is my son percy and his wife annabeth" mom says gesturing at us. percy sees arthurs eyes widen when he looked at him and his hand immediately went into his pocket, clutching reptide. arthur shakes his head and says "do you know you look a lot like harry" percy raises his eyebrow "really?" and arthur just nods. clasping his hand together "lets move now shall we".

we all make our way to a car and get in. Arthur was surely energitic, he hadnt stopped asking questions since we got in. all about how mortals sorry muggles lived. annabeth i had already decided that we would tell them the truth about our heritage, they were family. as we go through a run down Percy feels it the all two familiar tingles, he looks at annabeth his eyes widening and she nods telling him she felt it too. it was weak not at all as strong as the one one surrounding camp but it was there a mist barrier. "we just crossed the wards around the burrow. since sally is a witch percy should be able to see it, but you annabeth might not see clearly, i will have to put some charms on you", Arthur says as a house comes into view, if you could call it a house, for all intents and purposes it should not be able to stand, annabeth gasps, probably admiring its architecture.

Arthur frowns when he noticed that annabeth could see it clearly "you might have had some witch or wizard in you family some were" he says, and annabeth nods absent mindedly as she continues to admire the burrow. percy sees some people standing outside probably waiting for them to come, as we near them, percy hears his mother gasp, and the next thing he sees is her hugging the life out of a black haired boy, " ohh my boy, you look so much like james, oh i am sorry i wasnt there for you when you needed me the most" she says nearly crying on his shoulder, the boy, harry tentatively reaches up and pats her on the back "its okay, you didnt know, i dont blame you" mom pulls away smilling and pats his hair "and here you go acting like your mother, you have the best of you parents in you, lily was my best friend you know, i would have been your god mother if things havent happened the way it did, i was also asked to be the maid of honour at your parents wedding, but i had to leave before that"

a plump red headed women come forward her eyes glisting "i think we all should go in" she says and we all make our way into the living room of the burrow. "i am molly weasley, i think we should all introduce our selves", another red headed boy say " i am ron, harrys best mate" a bushy brown haired girls sat " i am Hermoine Granger, harry friend" another red headed girl says "i am ginny weasley, harry fiancee" mom shakes her head and looks at harry smiling "what is it with potters and red heads?"

" i am annabeth Jackson, percy wife", every one looked shocked at that "arent you both a bit young to me married, especially in the muggle world" molly says. percy wraps his arms around annabeth pulling her closer to his body" we are young, but the circumstances were a bit special" he says kissing annabeth fore head.

percy looks at harry "hey, finally some sone with hair like mine, does your too never wants to stay down!" , harry looks shocked for a moment and then burst out laughing " i know no matter what i do, it just dosent want to stay down", mom shakes her head " your grand father used to complain about the same thing, this hair has been in the potter line for generation, your both male children will most probably end up with the same hair" and every one laughs. thenn suddenly percy realizes some thing "woah back up, does that mean my last name is actually potter, percy potter!" percy visibly wince at his name, while ever one just laughs, as he glares at them, he looks at annabeth who is also laughing "dont laugh wise girl! if my last name is potter then your would be potter too, annabeth potter" annabeth stops laughing abruptly at that "there is no way you are changing you name seaweed brain!" and every one just laughs harder. harry suddenly stops laughing "hey that my name you guys are laughing about" he says incredulously.

percy laughs slipping his arm around his shoulder, he was shorter then him "get used to it dude, wait till you meet nice and thalia they are the worst out of all our cousins", every one stopes laughing at his words, and looked looked very much shaken " i have more cousins" he ask shakily. percy feels sympathy for him, until yesterday he thought he was an orphan and had no family, and here he is finding out that he had huge one. annabeth seemed to have understood that, she places a hand on his shoulder "not just cousins, nephews, nieces, aunts and uncles, our family is huge no matter how distinctively related, now that we have found you, you are a part of the huge complicated mess we call family". harry looks like he had been struck, even others looked shocked "yeah dude, the adults in our family just cant stop popping children, no matter how old they are, we find out about new cousins and people nearly every other month" percy says. "wow, that a lot to take in, i have a family an actual family" harry breathes out. percy looks at annabeth and they slightly agree to tell them now. "dont get your hopes up, our family is not what we call all lovey duvey, and there is something all of you need to know about us, we are not muggles as you call" every one frowns at that. percy sighs rubbing his face with his hand, leaning back on the couch he is sitting on "what do you people know about greek mythology?"

another chapter gone, so how are you guys liking it till now?

i am open to suggestions, i will try to update as soon as possible, but my school has started, and i have gotten busy, but i will do my best.

untill next time folks.