Hey! Welcome to my first ever fanfiction!

As you may have noticed in the title, this story is a self-insert-y (more on that later) story with the same premise of "Dragon Ball Gaiden: Tensei Shitara Yamcha Datta Ken", which is basically the classical reincarnation in another world type of story, but in this case the main character gets reincarnated in the Dragon Ball world as Yamcha at the end of DB, and it will follow his adventures in DBZ.

My reason for making it is not only can't I find the second chapter of that manga series, but I saw no alike series in the Dragon Ball fanfic section (although I might have missed it)

Anyway, this story is not going to be a full on Self-Insert: I'll definitely take elements from my personality and life maybe, but I'm not looking to remake myself in a DB character's body, this is a story about a DB Fan ending up in the DB world… and unfortunately, he does not reincarnate as Goku.

Either way, on to the story!

Life sure is weird, huh?

My life ended in the most cliché way possible… I was hit by a truck, and that was it, my vision went black. And yet… that was not the end of it.

Suddenly my vision is returned to me, And I watch as a blinding blue light engulfs everything around me.

"What the hell?!" I couldn't help but scream, as I felt a pressure unlike of which I had ever felt before; it felt like something was tugging at me, bringing me down. It had similar effects to gravity and yet I could instinctually fell that it was something completely different. It was not only weighting on me physically, but was also taking its toll on me mentally, As I was feeling unbridled fear.

It felt like a supreme force that I couldn't hope to stand up to.

It was only after the light faded and I saw the figure from which the light was emanating from that I figured out what it was.

That unmistakable face and hair! "Goku… the Kamehameha wave…" I whispered to myself. I realized what I had been feeling: Ki.

Indeed, stronger opponents on the show would usually cause the Z-Fighters to feel pressure due to the difference in strength. I must have been feeling that, yet even more heightened, due to my inexperience in ever sensing Ki, utilizing or even seeing Ki.

The dots weren't too hard to connect, I realized that I was in the Dragon Ball world! I looked around me with my eyes wide open.

I could see the usual crew from the original series; Tien, Krillin, Oolong, Bulma, Launch (Blonde), Kami, Chi-Chi and the announcer for the Worlds Tournament, poking his head from a hole in the ground.

My current predicament hit as fast and hard as lightning, I died and was stuck in another world, these feelings were only heightened due to the facts that: Even though I could feel the Ki due to my body seemingly being used to it, and with me clearly feeling a heightened Ki reserve on my body, my mind was simply untrained to withstand it, worse yet I had no prior experience on ever feeling Ki. Ki to me simply felt like a foreign body, almost like a parasite, flowing in my body. It caused me to feel sick to my stomach.

And yet, that was just the tip of the iceberg. I after all had just discovered that I had entered the Dragon Ball universe.

It was an overload of information and confusion, I couldn't help it and started hyperventilating and as I felt my body getting weaker, I end up fall backwards, and I felt my consciousness drifting. The last thing I saw with my vision before it faded to black are people screaming, while not sure to look at me or in the direction Goku was.

As my vision finally returned to me, a sense of relief came over me.

The final moments before I became unconscious were especially panic-inducing, since I felt my whole body losing strength, I was afraid I could die again. Not something I wanted to retry.

As I looked around me I noticed I was in a round room laying on a bed with white sheets. The room wasn't unpleasant, there were two plants growing on vases around the room, a couch against the wall on my front, and a window to the left of me.

I realize that there was a girl to the right of me, with her eyes closed and her head laying against the side of the bed, while sitting on a chair.

The unmistakable hair gave it away: this was undoubtedly Bulma.

I decided to not wake her up; I had after all, a lot to think about.

I couldn`t help not remembering my friends and family in my real world, they were important pillars in my life. And it finally hit me that I could spend my whole life… my whole existence without them, especially considering how death in this universe did not necessarily mean actual "death".

I decided to push those thoughts away however, I knew they would keep on weighting on me at the back of my mind, yet I couldn't live on bad thoughts; I already had enough on my plate figuring out who I was and in at what point of the DB timeline I was in.

'Given that I am currently in a round room and Bulma is here, I can only assume I'm in either a capsule house, or a capsule corp room. I can also assume I am related to some extent to Bulma'

"That's it! Vegeta!" I couldn't help but speak in a slightly loud voice, I had lucked out for sure. Vegeta was after all, Bulma's husband, so this situation would make sense.

But more importantly, he was a main character in the series, and in the recent episodes of Dragon Ball Super (A series I was pretty fond of) he was the second strongest character in his universe, bar the gods.

I ended up awakening Bulma, and she in turn made me awaken to a truth far scarier than I could have ever possibly expected.

"I'm so glad you're fine, Yamcha!" she said while hugging me.

I couldn't compute that Bulma she was so worried, or that she was hugging me. Other information I had acquired made me rethink.

If Yamcha and Bulma were still together that could only mean that this was very early in DBZ or late DB. It was then that I remembered Goku's Kamehameha wave that was flowing into the ground, and with the original DB Crew watching. That coincided perfectly with his last fight on DB, with Piccolo. I could recall how Goku used a Kamehameha while flying above Piccolo, which made him burrow deeper into the ground.

But what kept echoing on my head was only one thing. Yamcha. She called me Yamcha.

One of Dragon Ball's recurring jokes on the community due to how weak he is.

That's who I am.

That's who I'll have to live as while trying to survive whatever solar system buster comes at us.

'I wish I could go unconscious again.' Was the only thing I could think.

Far away from the Earth, in a distant planet.

Fire eats up the planets forests, which were once green and lush as could b, and massive explosions can be seen throughout the planet.

Hundreds of civilians and even children killed every few seconds, an entire civilization was just bombed right back into the stone age in the matter of a couple of minutes, and extinction would not be in too long.

The ruins scattered around the planet, filled with cremated bodies and the foul stench of burned flesh would remind a citizen of Earth of what they expected Hell to look like.

And in the middle of all the chaos and suffering, one figure with flowing black hair watches over the landscape, various Ki blasts flying away from his hands, destroying the remains of what was previously a city. His maniacal laughter echoes throughout the entire planet, reminding every survivor that their end is near.

5 years remain until the Saiyan Saga.